6 research outputs found

    A spatiotemporal information management framework for product design and assembly process planning reconciliation

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    This paper introduces an innovative framework for product design and assembly process planning reconciliation. Nowadays, both product lifecycle phases are quasi concurrently performed in industry and this configuration has led to competitive gains in efficiency and flexibility by improving designers’ awareness and product quality. Despite these efforts, some limitations/barriers are still encountered regarding the lack of dynamical representation, information consistency and information flow continuity. It is due to the inherent nature of the information created and managed in both phases and the lack of interoperability between the related information systems. Product design and assembly process planning phases actually generate heterogeneous information, since the first one describes all information related to ‘‘what to be delivered’’ and the latter rationalises all information with regards to ‘‘how to be assembled’’. In other words, the integration of assembly planning issue in product design requires reconciliation means with appropriate relationships of the architectural product definition in space with its assembly sequence in terms of time. Therefore, the main objective is to provide a spatiotemporal information management framework based on a strong semantic and logical foundation in product lifecycle management (PLM) systems, increasing therefore actors’ awareness, flexibility and efficiency with a better abstraction of the physical reality and appropriate information management procedures. A case study is presented to illustrate the relevance of the proposed framework and its hub-based implementation within PLM systems

    Implementación de un sistema PDM/PLM en el diseño y fabricación de una motocicleta

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    [EN] In this work introduce a PDM/PLM system based in current design and development methodologies for industrial products consisting of five essential phases; strategic planning, concept design, preliminary design, detailed design, and prototyping. In each phases, knowledge is added and produced of new product design, and It is proposed a system to manage it properly, being accessible and keeping updated for all members of work group and all phases in the project of design and prototyping a race motorbike in MotoStudent competition. At the project development it’s mandatory to achieve several milestones fixed by competition organization, and they run into the gates of each design and development phases. These milestones are result of development and creation of new design information like documents and CAD files, that including the information inherently.[ES] En este trabajo se implementa un sistema PDM/PLM basado en la metodología actual de diseño y desarrollo de productos industriales compuesta por cinco fases esenciales; planteamiento estratégico, diseño conceptual, diseño preliminar, diseño detallado y fabricación del prototipo. En cada una de las fases se incorpora y genera información referente al diseño del nuevo producto, y se plantea un sistema para la gestión adecuada de la misma, siendo accesible a los integrantes del equipo y se encuentre actualizada para todas las fases del proyecto del diseño y fabricación de una prototipo de motocicleta en la competición MotoStudent. En el desarrollo del proyecto se ha de cumplir una serie de hitos marcados por la organización de la competición, y se hacen coincidir con los hitos de cada una de las fases de diseño y desarrollo planteadas. Estos hitos son consecuencia de la evolución y creación de la información en el proyecto, y se materializa como una serie de documentos y archivos CAD que contienen intrínsecamente esta información.[CA] En aquest treball se implementa un sistema PDM/PLM basat enla metodología actual de disseny i desenvolupament de productes industrials composta per cinc fases esencials: plantejament estratégic, disseny conceptual, disseny preliminar, disseny detallat, i fabricació del prototip. En cada una de les fases se incorpora i genera informació referent al disseny del nou producte, i se planteja un sistema per a la gestio adecuada d’aquesta, siguent accesible a tots el integrants del equip i es trobe actualitzada per a totes les fases del proyecte de disseny i fabricació de un prototip de motocicleta en la competició MotoStudent. En el desenvolupament del projecte se ha de cumplir una sèrie de fites fixades per la organització de la competició, i es fan coincidir amb les fites de cada una de les fases de diseny i desenvolupamente plantejades. Aquestes fites son consecuencia de la evolució i creació de la información en el projecte i es materialitza com una serie de documents i arxius CAD que conté intrinsicament aquesta informació.López Esteve, FM. (2016). Implementación de un sistema PDM/PLM en el diseño y fabricación de una motocicleta. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/76189Archivo delegad

    Small and Medium Smart Cities. Congress

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    Alcoy se convirtió en epicentro de las 'Smart City' españolas durante los días 14 y 15 de febrero. Más de 200 asistentes acudieron al Small & Medium Smart Cities Congress organizado por el Ayuntamiento de Alcoy y el Campus de Alcoy de la UPV, bajo el amparo de las cátedras 'Alcoy Ciudad el Conocimiento' y 'Smart City Alcoy', suscritas entre ambas instituciones.(2018). Small and Medium Smart Cities. Congress. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10467

    Supporting Multi-Domain Model Management

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    Model-driven engineering has been used in different domains such as software engineering, robotics, and automotive. This approach has models as the primary artifacts, and it is expected to improve quality of system specification and design, as well as the communication among the development team. Managing models that belong to the same domain might not be a complex task because of the features provided by the available development tools. However, managing interrelated models of different domains is challenging. A robot is an example of such a multi-domain system. To develop it one might need to combine models created by experts from mechanics, electronics and software domains. These models might be created using domain specific tools of each domain, and a change in one model of one domain might impact a model from a different domain causing inconsistency in the entire system. This thesis therefore aims to facilitate the evolution of the models in this multi-domain setting. It starts with a systematic literature review in order to identify the open issues, and strategies used to manage models from different domains. We identified that making explicit the relationship between models from different domains can support the models maintenance, making it easy to recognize affected models because of a change. The following step was to investigate ways of extracting information from different engineering models that were created using different modeling notations. For this goal, we required a uniform approach that would be independent from the peculiarities of the notations. This uniform approach can only be based on elements typically present in various modeling notations, i.e., text, boxes, and lines. Thus, we investigated the suitability of optical character recognition (OCR) for extracting textual elements from models from different domains. We also identified the common errors made by the off-the-shelf OCR services, and we proposed two approaches to correct one of these errors. After that, we used name matching techniques on the textual elements extracted by OCR to identify relationships between models from different domains. To conclude, we created an infrastructure that combines all the previous elements into one single tool that can also store the relationships in a structured manner making it easier to maintain the consistency of an entire system. We evaluated it by means of an observational study with a multidisciplinary team that builds autonomous robots designed to play football

    Manager l'interface. Approche par la complexité du processus collaboratif de conception, d'intégration et de réalisation (modèle transactionnel de l'acteur d'interface et dynamique des espaces d'échanges)

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    Dans de grands projets tels qu accélérateurs ou détecteurs de particules, les interfaces et les frontières se révèlent à la fois critiques et sous-estimées. Le manageur technique, acteur parmi les autres, se trouve placé à des nœuds de réseau où il doit mettre en œuvre des espaces d'échanges afin de susciter des conduites collaboratives. À partir d études de cas issus du terrain du CERN, la thèse adopte trois principes issus de la littérature de la complexité, les principes dialogique,hologrammique et d auto-éco-organisation. Elle propose une construction méthodologique matricielleoriginale menant à l'élaboration d'un modèle transactionnel de l acteur d interface.L espace d échanges collaboratif devient le lieu où se déploie la dynamique de transformation del acteur d interface en acteur-frontière. Les objets intermédiaires élaborés lors du processus deconception / intégration y sont simultanément transformés en objets frontières, qui sont mobiliséspour la réalisation du produit dans le cadre récursivement déterminé du projet. L intérêt d uneapproche globale et couplée de cette dynamique des espaces d'échanges conduit à proposer un hypercompas afin d'orienter l agir penser du manageur technique.An approach through the complexity of the collaborative process of design, integration and realization:a transactional model of the interface actor and dynamics of exchange spacesAbstractIn large projects such as particle accelerators or detectors, interfaces and boundaries revealthemselves to be both critical and underestimated. The technical manager, an actor among others,finds himself placed at network nodes where he must set up exchanges spaces in order to generatecollaborative behaviours. Starting with case studies from the field of CERN, the thesis follows threeprinciples based on the dialogical, the hologramic and the self-eco-organization principles, asexpanded in the writings on complexity. It puts forward an original methodological matrix constructionleading to a transactional model of the interface actor.The collaborative exchanges spaces builds itself as a place for the dynamic transformation of theinterface actor into a boundary actor. Intermediate objects, created during the design / integrationprocess, are simultaneously transformed into boundary objects. They are instrumental in therealization of the product: this takes place in the framework of the project which has been determinedthrough a recursive process. The interest generated by such a global and combined approach of thisdynamic process leads to the proposal of a hypercompass , with the aim of providing the means forthe technical manager to orient his acting thinking .SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF