2,248 research outputs found

    The music for Rameau's memorial services : a study and critical edition of the Messe des morts by Jean Gilles, as performed in 1764

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    This thesis focuses on alterations made in 1764 to the Messe des morts by Jean Gilles for performances at memorial services held in Paris to honour Jean-Philippe Rameau. For this commemoration two extracts from Rameau’s opera Castor et Pollux were set to sacred texts and included in the Messe, and a third addition was made, the source of which has been traced to an aria by the Italian composer Domenico Alberti. The suitability of these contrafacta is discussed both from a musical and a liturgical viewpoint.New parts for muffled drums and for orchestral horns were added to the Messe, and the role of the bassoons was expanded. These and other alterations, such as cuts, rhythmic changes and strengthening of parts, are examined by comparing the 1764 version of the Messe with the published critical edition of an earlier version.A review of extant manuscripts reveals that ideas for some of the alterations in 1764 may have originated in an arrangement of the Introit of the Messe, made by Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer, which was first performed in Paris in November 1750. On this occasion only the Introit was performed, and not the complete work, as previously reported. Discovered with two sets of performing parts for the Messe des morts were parts for a setting of the Dies irae by Louis Homet, suggesting that this piece was performed with Gilles’ composition when required.In an attempt to show how widely the Messe was used in France, an appendix containing details of performances has been compiled from various sources.Part II of the thesis contains the first critical edition of the 1764 version of the Messe des morts, together with a section on aspects of performance

    Unités d'indexation et taille des requêtes pour la recherche d'information en français

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    International audienceThis paper analyses different indexing method for French (lemmas, stems and truncated terms) as well as their fusing. We also examine the influence of the different section of a topic on precision. Our study uses the collections from CLEF – French monolingual from 2000 to 2005. We show that the best method is the one based on lemmas and that fuse the results obtained with the different sections of a topic.MOTS-CLÉS :recherche d'information, fusion, indexation, influence de l'indexation, recherche d'information en français.Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la recherche d'information en Français. Nous analysons différentes techniques d'indexation (basées sur des lemmes, des radicaux ou des termes) et leur fusion. Nous analysons également l'influence de la prise en compte des différentes parties d'une requête. Notre étude porte sur 6 campagnes d'évaluation de CLEF Français. Nous montrons que l'utilisation des lemmes et la combinaison des différentes variantes d'une requête sont les plus efficaces pour améliorer la précision moyenne et la haute précisio

    Atys : Six sonates en duo œuvre IV, 1760 : clef facile et méthodique œuvre V, 1763

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    Apollinaire et l'esthétique de la perte

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    Does aesthetics of loss exist? What can we lose when we give vent to our poetic creative activity? These questions are posed by Apollinaire in the three verses of the Calligrammes collection, used to interpret the Alcools collection: "To lose/But to lose truly/ In order to make room for revelation." Accordingly, what does the experience of creative loss consist in? It is about emphasizing all this that can be lost in a poetic text in order to see that loss can become a creative process once it turns out to be impossible, and that poetic revelation can only take place in a situation when we lose something. Apollinaire was distrustful of all explicit poetic manifestos; therefore, the answers full of nuances should be sought in the dim light of Alcools and its interpretations

    La pomme de terre au Québec de 1908 à 2008 : un siècle de protection contre les maladies

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    Les faits saillants survenus par rapport à la pomme de terre au cours de ce siècle sont traités selon un ordre chronologique relatif et présentés sur trois tableaux, chacun couvrant environ 33 ans. Sur le premier, on voit que les grandes superficies, les rendements pitoyables et la destruction quasi annuelle du feuillage par les maladies et les insectes ont placé les arrosages au premier rang des activités de protection jusque vers 1942. La connaissance des virus est rudimentaire et la production de semences saines pointe à l’horizon. Le deuxième tableau s’étend jusque vers 1975. On assiste au déplacement de la production des semences de base sur la Côte-Nord du Québec. Avec les nouvelles variétés apparaissent de nouvelles maladies. Pendant que plane partout le spectre du flétrissement bactérien, l’importance accordée aux virus fait oublier les organismes telluriques qui s’attaquent aux tubercules fragilisés par l’immaturité et les blessures. Plusieurs esquisses constituent le troisième tableau qui conduit à 2008. Virus S, filosité et flétrissement bactérien ont secoué les systèmes. La lutte aux maladies fongiques fait de grands pas grâce à la prévention des blessures. La protection de la pomme de terre devient étroitement liée aux bases physiologiques du plant et du tubercule, nouvelle forme de lutte intégrée contre l’underground : rhizoctonie, gale commune et verticilliose. Le nématode doré apparaît au Québec en 2006. En contrepartie, la toute première variété jamais crée au Québec, ‘Aquilon ‘, est résistante à ce redoutable parasite.Highlights relative to the potato over the past century are presented in chronological order and divided into three sections, each covering about 33 years. In the first section, we see that due to large areas, poor yields and the quasi annual destruction of foliage by diseases and insects, spraying became the most important protection method until about 1942. Knowledge of viruses was still rudimentary, and the production of healthy seeds was just beginning. The second section covers the period between the early 1940s and 1975. At that time, we saw basic seed production shift to the North Shore region of Quebec. Along with new varieties came new diseases. As all eyes were focused on bacterial wilt and viruses, we forgot about telluric organisms that were attacking tubers weakened by immaturity and wounds. Several events occurred in the period covered in the third section, which ends in 2008. The potato virus S, the potato spindle tuber and bacterial wilt wreaked havoc. Fungal disease control improved greatly thanks to injury prevention. Potato protection became strongly related to the physiological basis of plants and tubers through a new integrated control method against rhizoctonia, common scab and verticillium wilt. The golden nematode appeared in Quebec in 2006. However, ‘Aquilon‘, the first variety ever created in Quebec, is resistant to this terrible pest

    La déraison en images

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