323 research outputs found

    When is it Beneficial to Reject Improvements?

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    We investigate two popular trajectory-based algorithms from biology and physics to answer a question of general significance: when is it beneficial to reject improvements? A distinguishing factor of SSWM (Strong Selection Weak Mutation), a popular model from population genetics, compared to the Metropolis algorithm (MA), is that the former can reject improvements, while the latter always accepts them. We investigate when one strategy outperforms the other. Since we prove that both algorithms converge to the same stationary distribution, we concentrate on identifying a class of functions inducing large mixing times, where the algorithms will outperform each other over a long period of time. The outcome of the analysis is the definition of a function where SSWM is efficient, while Metropolis requires at least exponential time

    How to Escape Local Optima in Black Box Optimisation: When Non-elitism Outperforms Elitism

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    Escaping local optima is one of the major obstacles to function optimisation. Using the metaphor of a fitness landscape, local optima correspond to hills separated by fitness valleys that have to be overcome. We define a class of fitness valleys of tunable difficulty by considering their length, representing the Hamming path between the two optima and their depth, the drop in fitness. For this function class we present a runtime comparison between stochastic search algorithms using different search strategies. The ((Formula presented.)) EA is a simple and well-studied evolutionary algorithm that has to jump across the valley to a point of higher fitness because it does not accept worsening moves (elitism). In contrast, the Metropolis algorithm and the Strong Selection Weak Mutation (SSWM) algorithm, a famous process in population genetics, are both able to cross the fitness valley by accepting worsening moves. We show that the runtime of the ((Formula presented.)) EA depends critically on the length of the valley while the runtimes of the non-elitist algorithms depend crucially on the depth of the valley. Moreover, we show that both SSWM and Metropolis can also efficiently optimise a rugged function consisting of consecutive valleys

    A Genetic Programming Based Heuristic to Simplify Rugged Landscapes Exploration

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    Some optimization problems are difficult to solve due to a considerable number of local optima, which may result in premature convergence of the optimization process. To address this problem, we propose a novel heuristic method for constructing a smooth surrogate model of the original function. The surrogate function is easier to optimize but maintains a fundamental property of the original rugged fitness landscape: the location of the global optimum. To create such a surrogate model, we consider a linear genetic programming approach coupled with a self-tuning fitness function. More specifically, to evaluate the fitness of the produced surrogate functions, we employ Fuzzy Self-Tuning Particle Swarm Optimization, a setting-free version of particle swarm optimization. To assess the performance of the proposed method, we considered a set of benchmark functions characterized by high noise and ruggedness. Moreover, the method is evaluated over different problems’ dimensionalities. The proposed approach reveals its suitability for performing the proposed task. In particular, experimental results confirm its capability to find the global argminimum for all the considered benchmark problems and all the domain dimensions taken into account, thus providing an innovative and promising strategy for dealing with challenging optimization problems. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-01 Full Text: PD
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