33 research outputs found

    Melioration despite more information: The role of feedback frequency in stable suboptimal performance

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    Facilitating Keyboard Use While Wearing a Head-Mounted Display

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    Virtual reality (VR) headsets are becoming more common and will require evolving input mechanisms to support a growing range of applications. Because VR devices require users to wear head-mounted displays, there are accomodations that must be made in order to support specific input devices. One such device, a keyboard, serves as a useful tool for text entry. Many users will require assistance towards using a keyboard when wearing a head-mounted display. Developers have explored new mechanisms to overcome the challenges of text-entry for virtual reality. Several games have toyed with the idea of using motion controllers to provide a text entry mechanism, however few investigations have made on how to assist users in using a physical keyboard while wearing a head-mounted display. As an alternative to controller based text input, I propose that a software tool could facilitate the use of a physical keyboard in virtual reality. Using computer vision, a user€ℱs hands could be projected into the virtual world. With the ability to see the location of their hands relative to the keyboard, users will be able to type despite the obstruction caused by the head-mounted display (HMD). The viability of this approach was tested and the tool released as a plugin for the Unity development platform. The potential uses for the plugin go beyond text entry, and the project can be expanded to include many physical input devices

    Path dependence, its critics and the quest for ‘historical economics’

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    The concept of path dependence refers to a property of contingent, non- reversible dynamical processes, including a wide array of biological and social processes that can properly be described as 'evolutionary.' To dispell existing confusions in the literature, and clarify the meaning and significance of path dependence for economists, the paper formulates definitions that relate the phenomenon to the property of non-ergodicity in stochastic processes; it examines the nature of the relationship between between path dependence and 'market failure,' and discusses the meaning of 'lock-in.' Unlike tests for the presence of non-ergodicity, assessments of the economic significance of path dependence are shown to involve difficult issues of counterfactual specification, and the welfare evaluation of alternative dynamic paths rather than terminal states. The policy implications of the existence of path dependence are shown to be more subtle and, as a rule, quite different from those which have been presumed by critics of the concept. A concluding section applies the notion of 'lock-in' reflexively to the evolution of economic analysis, suggesting that resistence to historical economics is a manifestation of 'sunk cost hysteresis' in the sphere of human cognitive development.path dependence, non-ergodicity, irreversibility, lock-in, counterfactual analysis

    The matching law and melioration learning: From individual decision-making to social interactions

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    Das Thema dieser Dissertation ist die Anwendung des „Matching Law” als Verhaltensannahme bei der ErklĂ€rung sozialer PhĂ€nomene. Das „Matching Law” ist ein Modell der behavioristischen Lerntheorie und sagt aus, dass die relative HĂ€ufigkeit der Wahl einer Handlung mit der relativen HĂ€ufigkeit der Belohnung dieser Handlung ĂŒbereinstimmt. In der Dissertation werden verschiedene Probleme in Bezug auf die soziologische Anwendung des „Matching Law” erörtert. Aufbauend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wird das Entsprechungsgesetz in die ökonomische Entscheidungstheorie integriert und mit bestehenden Verhaltensprognosen theoretisch verglichen. Anschließend wird das Entsprechungsgesetz auf mehrere soziale Situationen angewandt. Dabei kommt ein Lernmodell zum Einsatz, welches als „Melioration Learning” bezeichnet wird und unter bestimmten Bedingungen zum Entsprechungsgesetz fĂŒhrt. Mit Hilfe dieses Lernmodells und agentenbasierter Simulationen werden Hypothesen zu sozialem Verhalten hergeleitet. ZunĂ€chst werden einfache Situationen mit nur zwei interagierenden Akteuren betrachtet. Dabei lassen sich durch das Entsprechungsgesetz einige Lösungskonzepte der Spieltheorie replizieren, obwohl weniger Annahmen bezĂŒglich der kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten der Akteure und der verfĂŒgbaren Informationen gesetzt werden. Außerdem werden Interaktionen zwischen beliebig vielen Akteuren untersucht. Erstens lĂ€sst sich die Entstehung sozialer Konventionen ĂŒber das Entsprechungsgesetz erklĂ€ren. Zweitens wird dargestellt, dass die Akteure lernen, in einem Freiwilligendilemma oder einem Mehrpersonen-Gefangenendilemma zu kooperieren

    Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Long-term Motor Learning and Retention

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en EnxeñarĂ­a Civil . 5011V01[Abstract] Optimizing the teaching-learning process is essential throughout life. Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) seem to be an option for optimizing the motor learning curve. This thesis aims to study the effects of tDCS on motor learning, including the retention of a motor. The first randomized controlled study explored the effects of applying tDCS before, during, or after motor practice on retention of the practiced skill in 100 participants. After a single session, similar performance changes were observed in all groups, with no significant differences in the choice reaction time task. In the second randomized controlled study, we examined the effects of tDCS on typing performance in 63 participants. Participants performed a structured program of 23 intervention sessions across 3.5-month: 20, 15-min typing practice and 3 evaluations (pre, middle, post). tDCS group performed better motor performance in the rapid learning phase compared to the sham and control groups. However, these differences dissipated from session 11th. In conclusion, tDCS appears to be a safe stimulation method when administered over multiple sessions in healthy young adults but failed to enhance motor skill acquisition and retention compared with a sham control group.Resumen] Optimizar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es fundamental durante la vida. La estimulaciĂłn transcraneal por corriente directa (tDCS) podrĂ­a optimizar la curva de aprendizaje motor. El objetivo de la tesis fue estudiar los efectos de la tDCS sobre el aprendizaje, incluyendo la fase de retenciĂłn. El primer estudio controlado aleatorio explorĂł los efectos de la aplicaciĂłn de la tDCS antes, durante, o despuĂ©s, de la prĂĄctica sobre la retenciĂłn en 100 participantes. DespuĂ©s de una sesiĂłn, se observaron cambios de rendimiento similares en todos los grupos en una tarea de tiempos de reacciĂłn aleatorios. En el segundo estudio controlado aleatorio, examinamos los efectos de la tDCS sobre el rendimiento mecanogrĂĄfico. Los 63 participantes realizaron un programa estructurado durante 3.5-meses que incluĂ­a 20 prĂĄcticas y 3 evaluaciones (pre-, media- y post-intervenciĂłn). El grupo tDCS obtuvo un mejor rendimiento en la fase rĂĄpida del aprendizaje en comparaciĂłn con el grupo placebo y el grupo control, aunque estas diferencias se disiparon desde la sesiĂłn 11 en adelante. En conclusiĂłn, la tDCS parece ser segura aplicada en sesiones mĂșltiples en adultos jĂłvenes y sanos, pero no eficaz para mejorar el aprendizaje de habilidades motoras en comparaciĂłn con los grupos control y placebo.[Resumo] Optimizar o proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe Ă© fundamental durante a vida. A estimulaciĂłn transcraneal de corrente continua (tDCS) poderĂ­a optimizar a curva de aprendizaxe motora. O obxectivo da tese foi estudar os efectos do tDCS na aprendizaxe, incluĂ­da a fase de retenciĂłn. O primeiro estudo controlado aleatorizado explorou os efectos da aplicaciĂłn de tDCS antes, durante ou despois da prĂĄctica sobre a retenciĂłn en 100 participantes. Despois dunha sesiĂłn, observĂĄronse cambios de rendemento similares en todos os grupos nunha tarefa aleatoria de tempos de reacciĂłn. No segundo estudo controlado aleatorizado, examinamos os efectos do tDCS no rendemento da dixitaciĂłn. Os 63 participantes completaron un programa estruturado de 3.5-meses que incluĂ­a 20 prĂĄcticas e 3 avaliaciĂłns (pre-, media- e post-intervenciĂłn). O grupo tDCS funcionou mellor na fase rĂĄpida de aprendizaxe en comparaciĂłn co grupo placebo e o grupo control, aĂ­nda que estas diferenzas disipĂĄronse a partir da sesiĂłn 11. En conclusiĂłn, o tDCS parece ser seguro cando se aplica en varias sesiĂłns en adultos novos sans, pero non Ă© efectivo para mellorar a aprendizaxe das habilidades motoras en comparaciĂłn cos grupos control e placeb

    ReflectOns : mental prostheses for self-reflection

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, February 2013."September 2012." Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-118).Since the time of the first philosophers, logic and observed human behavior have stood somewhat in contradiction. More recently, scientist have started to delve into decision making to understand why the way we act differs from rational choice, and indeed from our own desires. We believe that it is possible to use just-in-time feedback drawn from machine-observable behavior to help align behavior with personal goals. This dissertation presents mental prosthetics, a model for distributed, embodied, design-embedded, just-in-time interfaces that augment the human judgment process. Drawing information from the activity of the user around them, mental prostheses analyze behavioral patterns in a way orthogonal to human cognition. Unlike persuasive interfaces, mental prostheses attempt to align choices with personal goals by cueing the user with just-in-time information. Lastly, these devices provide calm yet understandable feedback to draw the user's attention at the correct time to the information available to them. This dissertation provides several prototypes and design explorations as a means of sampling the various approaches to data collection, synthesis, and feedback. Focusing on self-reflection, these sample designs form a subclass of mental prostheses that we term reflectOns. We show through the studies carried out in the course of this dissertation that these systems are effective in changing behavior to be better aligned with user goals. Lastly, this dissertation provides a set of design guidelines that assist in the creation of new mental prostheses. While we discuss a variety of scenarios in this work, it is only the beginning of the exploration. The design guidelines provide insight into both the critical aspects of the design of such systems, as well as possible input and feedback methodologies. These guidelines, together with the reflectOns themselves, provide a basis for future work in this area.by Sajid Sadi.Ph.D