2,601 research outputs found

    Barehand Mode Switching in Touch and Mid-Air Interfaces

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    Raskin defines a mode as a distinct setting within an interface where the same user input will produce results different to those it would produce in other settings. Most interfaces have multiple modes in which input is mapped to different actions, and, mode-switching is simply the transition from one mode to another. In touch interfaces, the current mode can change how a single touch is interpreted: for example, it could draw a line, pan the canvas, select a shape, or enter a command. In Virtual Reality (VR), a hand gesture-based 3D modelling application may have different modes for object creation, selection, and transformation. Depending on the mode, the movement of the hand is interpreted differently. However, one of the crucial factors determining the effectiveness of an interface is user productivity. Mode-switching time of different input techniques, either in a touch interface or in a mid-air interface, affects user productivity. Moreover, when touch and mid-air interfaces like VR are combined, making informed decisions pertaining to the mode assignment gets even more complicated. This thesis provides an empirical investigation to characterize the mode switching phenomenon in barehand touch-based and mid-air interfaces. It explores the potential of using these input spaces together for a productivity application in VR. And, it concludes with a step towards defining and evaluating the multi-faceted mode concept, its characteristics and its utility, when designing user interfaces more generally

    Exploring the Multi-touch Interaction Design Space for 3D Virtual Objects to Support Procedural Training Tasks

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    Multi-touch interaction has the potential to be an important input method for realistic training in 3D environments. However, multi-touch interaction has not been explored much in 3D tasks, especially when trying to leverage realistic, real-world interaction paradigms. A systematic inquiry into what realistic gestures look like for 3D environments is required to understand how users translate real-world motions to multi-touch motions. Once those gestures are defined, it is important to see how we can leverage those gestures to enhance training tasks. In order to explore the interaction design space for 3D virtual objects, we began by conducting our first study exploring user-defined gestures. From this work we identified a taxonomy and design guidelines for 3D multi-touch gestures and how perspective view plays a role in the chosen gesture. We also identified a desire to use pressure on capacitive touch screens. Since the best way to implement pressure still required some investigation, our second study evaluated two different pressure estimation techniques in two different scenarios. Once we had a taxonomy of gestures we wanted to examine whether implementing these realistic multi-touch interactions in a training environment provided training benefits. Our third study compared multi-touch interaction to standard 2D mouse interaction and to actual physical training and found that multi-touch interaction performed better than 2D mouse and as well as physical training. This study showed us that multi-touch training using a realistic gesture set can perform as well as training on the actual apparatus. One limitation of the first training study was that the user had constrained perspective to allow for us to focus on isolating the gestures. Since users can change their perspective in a real life training scenario and therefore gain spatial knowledge of components, we wanted to see if allowing users to alter their perspective helped or hindered training. Our final study compared training with Unconstrained multi-touch interaction, Constrained multi-touch interaction, or training on the actual physical apparatus. Results show that the Unconstrained multi-touch interaction and the Physical groups had significantly better performance scores than the Constrained multi-touch interaction group, with no significant difference between the Unconstrained multi-touch and Physical groups. Our results demonstrate that allowing users more freedom to manipulate objects as they would in the real world benefits training. In addition to the research already performed, we propose several avenues for future research into the interaction design space for 3D virtual objects that we believe will be of value to researchers and designers of 3D multi-touch training environments

    Side Pressure for Bidirectional Navigation on Small Devices

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    International audienceVirtual navigation on a mobile touchscreen is usually performed using finger gestures: drag and flick to scroll or pan, pinch to zoom. While easy to learn and perform, these gestures cause significant occlusion of the display. They also require users to explicitly switch between navigation mode and edit mode to either change the viewport's position in the document, or manipulate the actual content displayed in that viewport, respectively. SidePress augments mobile devices with two continuous pressure sensors co-located on one of their sides. It provides users with generic bidirectional navigation capabilities at different levels of granularity, all seamlessly integrated to act as an alternative to traditional navigation techniques, including scrollbars, drag-and-flick, or pinch-to-zoom. We describe the hardware prototype, detail the associated interaction vocabulary for different applications, and report on two laboratory studies. The first shows that users can precisely and efficiently control SidePress; the second, that SidePress can be more efficient than drag-and-flick touch gestures when scrolling large documents

    Design and recognition of microgestures for always-available input

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    Gestural user interfaces for computing devices most commonly require the user to have at least one hand free to interact with the device, for example, moving a mouse, touching a screen, or performing mid-air gestures. Consequently, users find it difficult to operate computing devices while holding or manipulating everyday objects. This limits the users from interacting with the digital world during a significant portion of their everyday activities, such as, using tools in the kitchen or workshop, carrying items, or workout with sports equipment. This thesis pushes the boundaries towards the bigger goal of enabling always-available input. Microgestures have been recognized for their potential to facilitate direct and subtle interactions. However, it remains an open question how to interact using gestures with computing devices when both of the user’s hands are occupied holding everyday objects. We take a holistic approach and focus on three core contributions: i) To understand end-users preferences, we present an empirical analysis of users’ choice of microgestures when holding objects of diverse geometries. Instead of designing a gesture set for a specific object or geometry and to identify gestures that generalize, this thesis leverages the taxonomy of grasp types established from prior research. ii) We tackle the critical problem of avoiding false activation by introducing a novel gestural input concept that leverages a single-finger movement, which stands out from everyday finger motions during holding and manipulating objects. Through a data-driven approach, we also systematically validate the concept’s robustness with different everyday actions. iii) While full sensor coverage on the user’s hand would allow detailed hand-object interaction, minimal instrumentation is desirable for real-world use. This thesis addresses the problem of identifying sparse sensor layouts. We present the first rapid computational method, along with a GUI-based design tool that enables iterative design based on the designer’s high-level requirements. Furthermore, we demonstrate that minimal form-factor devices, like smart rings, can be used to effectively detect microgestures in hands-free and busy scenarios. Overall, the presented findings will serve as both conceptual and technical foundations for enabling interaction with computing devices wherever and whenever users need them.Benutzerschnittstellen fĂŒr ComputergerĂ€te auf Basis von Gesten erfordern fĂŒr eine Interaktion meist mindestens eine freie Hand, z.B. um eine Maus zu bewegen, einen Bildschirm zu berĂŒhren oder Gesten in der Luft auszufĂŒhren. Daher ist es fĂŒr Nutzer schwierig, GerĂ€te zu bedienen, wĂ€hrend sie GegenstĂ€nde halten oder manipulieren. Dies schrĂ€nkt die Interaktion mit der digitalen Welt wĂ€hrend eines Großteils ihrer alltĂ€glichen AktivitĂ€ten ein, etwa wenn sie KĂŒchengerĂ€te oder Werkzeug verwenden, GegenstĂ€nde tragen oder mit SportgerĂ€ten trainieren. Diese Arbeit erforscht neue Wege in Richtung des grĂ¶ĂŸeren Ziels, immer verfĂŒgbare Eingaben zu ermöglichen. Das Potential von Mikrogesten fĂŒr die Erleichterung von direkten und feinen Interaktionen wurde bereits erkannt. Die Frage, wie der Nutzer mit GerĂ€ten interagiert, wenn beide HĂ€nde mit dem Halten von GegenstĂ€nden belegt sind, bleibt jedoch offen. Wir verfolgen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz und konzentrieren uns auf drei KernbeitrĂ€ge: i) Um die PrĂ€ferenzen der Endnutzer zu verstehen, prĂ€sentieren wir eine empirische Analyse der Wahl von Mikrogesten beim Halten von Objekte mit diversen Geometrien. Anstatt einen Satz an Gesten fĂŒr ein bestimmtes Objekt oder eine bestimmte Geometrie zu entwerfen, nutzt diese Arbeit die aus frĂŒheren Forschungen stammenden Taxonomien an Griff-Typen. ii) Wir adressieren das Problem falscher Aktivierungen durch ein neuartiges Eingabekonzept, das die sich von alltĂ€glichen Fingerbewegungen abhebende Bewegung eines einzelnen Fingers nutzt. Durch einen datengesteuerten Ansatz validieren wir zudem systematisch die Robustheit des Konzepts bei diversen alltĂ€glichen Aktionen. iii) Auch wenn eine vollstĂ€ndige Sensorabdeckung an der Hand des Nutzers eine detaillierte Hand-Objekt-Interaktion ermöglichen wĂŒrde, ist eine minimale Ausstattung fĂŒr den Einsatz in der realen Welt wĂŒnschenswert. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Identifizierung reduzierter Sensoranordnungen. Wir prĂ€sentieren die erste, schnelle Berechnungsmethode in einem GUI-basierten Designtool, das iteratives Design basierend auf den Anforderungen des Designers ermöglicht. Wir zeigen zudem, dass GerĂ€te mit minimalem Formfaktor wie smarte Ringe fĂŒr die Erkennung von Mikrogesten verwendet werden können. Insgesamt dienen die vorgestellten Ergebnisse sowohl als konzeptionelle als auch als technische Grundlage fĂŒr die Realisierung von Interaktion mit ComputergerĂ€ten wo und wann immer Nutzer sie benötigen.Bosch Researc

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe study of haptic interfaces focuses on the use of the sense of touch in human-machine interaction. This document presents a detailed investigation of lateral skin stretch at the fingertip as a means of direction communication. Such tactile communication has applications in a variety of situations where traditional audio and visual channels are inconvenient, unsafe, or already saturated. Examples include handheld consumer electronics, where tactile communication would allow a user to control a device without having to look at it, or in-car navigation systems, where the audio and visual directions provided by existing GPS devices can distract the driver's attention away from the road. Lateral skin stretch, the displacement of the skin of the fingerpad in a plane tangent to the fingerpad, is a highly effective means of communicating directional information. Users are able to correctly identify the direction of skin stretch stimuli with skin displacements as small as 0.1 mm at rates as slow as 2 mm/s. Such stimuli can be rendered by a small, portable device suitable for integration into handheld devices. The design of the device-finger interface affects the ability of the user to perceive the stimuli accurately. A properly designed conical aperture effectively constrains the motion of the finger and provides an interface that is practical for use in handheld devices. When a handheld device renders directional tactile cues on the fingerpad, the user must often mentally rotate those cues from the reference frame of the finger to the world-centered reference frame where those cues are to be applied. Such mental rotation incurs a cognitive cost, requiring additional time to mentally process the stimuli. The magnitude of these cognitive costs is a function of the angle of rotation, and of the specific orientations of the arm, wrist and finger. Even with the difficulties imposed by required mental rotations, lateral skin stretch is a promising means of communicating information using the sense of touch with potential to substantially improve certain types of human-machine interaction

    Predictive text-entry in immersive environments

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has progressed significantly since its conception, enabling previously impossible applications such as virtual prototyping, telepresence, and augmented reality However, text-entry remains a difficult problem for immersive environments (Bowman et al, 2001b, Mine et al , 1997). Wearing a head-mounted display (HMD) and datagloves affords a wealth of new interaction techniques. However, users no longer have access to traditional input devices such as a keyboard. Although VR allows for more natural interfaces, there is still a need for simple, yet effective, data-entry techniques. Examples include communicating in a collaborative environment, accessing system commands, or leaving an annotation for a designer m an architectural walkthrough (Bowman et al, 2001b). This thesis presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of a predictive text-entry technique for immersive environments which combines 5DT datagloves, a graphically represented keyboard, and a predictive spelling paradigm. It evaluates the fundamental factors affecting the use of such a technique. These include keyboard layout, prediction accuracy, gesture recognition, and interaction techniques. Finally, it details the results of user experiments, and provides a set of recommendations for the future use of such a technique in immersive environments

    The effects of encumbrance and mobility on interactions with touchscreen mobile devices

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    Mobile handheld devices such as smartphones are now convenient as they allow users to make calls, reply to emails, find nearby services and many more. The increase in functionality and availability of mobile applications also allow mobile devices to be used in many different everyday situations (for example, while on the move and carrying items). While previous work has investigated the interaction difficulties in walking situations, there is a lack of empirical work in the literature on mobile input when users are physically constrained by other activities. As a result, how users input on touchscreen handheld devices in encumbered and mobile contexts is less well known and deserves more attention to examine the usability issues that are often ignored. This thesis investigates targeting performance on touchscreen mobile phones in one common encumbered situation - when users are carrying everyday objects while on the move. To identify the typical objects held during mobile interactions and define a set of common encumbrance scenarios to evaluate in subsequent user studies, Chapter 3 describes an observational study that examined users in different public locations. The results showed that people carried different types of bags and boxes the most frequently. To measure how much tapping performance on touchscreen mobile phones is affected, Chapter 4 examines a range of encumbrance scenarios, which includes holding a bag in-hand or a box underarm, either on the dominant or non-dominant side, during target selections on a mobile phone. Users are likely to switch to a more effective input posture when encumbered and on the move, so Chapter 5 investigates one- and two- handed encumbered interactions and evaluates situations where both hands are occupied with multiple objects. Touchscreen devices afford various multi-touch input types, so Chapter 6 compares the performance of four main one- and two- finger gesture inputs: tapping, dragging, spreading & pinching and rotating, while walking and encumbered. Several main evaluation approaches have been used in previous walking studies, but more attention is required when the effects of encumbrance is also being examined. Chapter 7 examines the appropriateness of two methods (ground and treadmill walking) for encumbered and walking studies, justifies the need to control walking speed and examines the effects of varying walking speed (i.e. walking slower or faster than normal) on encumbered targeting performance. The studies all showed a reduction in targeting performance when users were walking and encumbered, so Chapter 8 explores two ways to improve target selections. The first approach defines a target size, based on the results collected from earlier studies, to increase tapping accuracy and subsequently, a novel interface arrangement was designed which optimises screen space more effectively. The second approach evaluates a benchmark pointing technique, which has shown to improve the selection of small targets, to see if it is useful in walking and encumbered contexts
