333 research outputs found


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    Electronic reading is a process of digitalizing not only the content and reading devices but also the publication and distribution of books. With the development of e-books, more attention has been paid to use of e-books in education. Through online communities and innovative learning models, digital content providers can offer plenty of resources to help learners at all levels and promote the effectiveness of their self-regulated learning. The objective of this study is to build a cloud-based learning platform that integrates designs of electronic picture books and the social functions of Facebook. Students of multimedia design can upload their works to this platform and learn from each other through idea sharing and discussion. This platform is expected to help students create works with better quality and more creativity. Besides, this study also investigates the learning behavior and use intentions of students on this platform based on “Social Interaction Theory” and “Uses and Gratifications Theory”. This study attempts to capture students’ needs and how they are related to their learning outcomes. Results of this study contribute to the development of cloud-based learning and can be a reference for design of learning materials and improvement of teaching models

    How ICTs can influence psychological wellbeing: an analysis of uses and addiction potential

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    Les Tecnologies de la InformaciĂł i les Comunicacions (TIC) com Internet i els telĂšfons intel·ligents van entrar a la nostra vida fa nomĂ©s uns 20 anys, perĂČ, en aquest curt perĂ­ode de temps, han reconvertit profundament el funcionament de la societat i dels individus de tot el mĂłn. AixĂČ ha portat a preguntes i investigacions sobre com l’Ășs freqĂŒent de la tecnologia influeix en la nostra salut social i psicolĂČgica. Aquest treball de tesi vol aportar informaciĂł sobre aquest tema a travĂ©s de quatre estudis sobre tres de les TIC mĂ©s populars - telĂšfons intel·ligents, xarxes socials en lĂ­nia i Internet- i mitjançant la lent de tres preguntes d’investigaciĂł - 1) La addicciĂł Ă©s el marc adequat per utilitzar a l’hora de investigar. Ășs problemĂ tic de les TIC?; 2) Quins sĂłn els efectes de la cultura en un Ășs problemĂ tic de les TIC?; i 3. Quins usos concrets s’associen a problemes relacionats amb les TIC? Les conclusions a quĂš arribem sĂłn les segĂŒents. En aquest moment, l’addicciĂł no Ă©s un terme adequat per utilitzar-se en la investigaciĂł sobre problemes relacionats amb les TIC. En segon lloc, certs usos especĂ­fics s’associen a conseqĂŒĂšncies problemĂ tiques de l’Ășs de les TIC, mentre que altres usos no ho sĂłn, per tant no Ă©s prudent patologitzar totes les TIC. En tercer lloc, els usos associats a un Ășs problemĂ tic sĂłn diferents segons la cultura de l’usuari. En una cultura, un Ășs particular de les TIC pot ser problemĂ tic, mentre que en un altre paĂ­s pot ser adaptatiu. En quart lloc, alguns aspectes de l’Ășs de les TIC semblen ser mĂ©s o menys constants en cultures com ara els usos mĂ©s populars dels telĂšfons intel·ligents i els factors subjacents de l’Ășs problemĂ tic de les TIC.Las TecnologĂ­as de InformaciĂłn y ComunicaciĂłn (TIC) como Internet y los telĂ©fonos inteligentes entraron en nuestras vidas hace solo 20 años, pero en este corto periodo de tiempo han rediseñado profundamente la forma en que funcionan la sociedad y las personas en todo el mundo. Esto ha llevado a preguntas y investigaciones sobre cĂłmo el uso frecuente de las tecnologĂ­as influye en nuestra salud social y psicolĂłgica. El objetivo de este trabajo de tesis es aportar informaciĂłn sobre este tema a travĂ©s de cuatro estudios sobre tres de las TIC mĂĄs populares: telĂ©fonos inteligentes, redes sociales en lĂ­nea y Internet y a travĂ©s de la lente de tres preguntas de investigaciĂłn: 1) ÂżEs la adicciĂłn el marco correcto para usar en las investigaciones del uso problemĂĄtico de las TIC?; 2) ÂżCuĂĄles son los efectos de la cultura en el uso problemĂĄtico de las TIC?; y 3) ÂżQuĂ© usos especĂ­ficos estĂĄn asociados con los problemas relacionados con las TIC? Las conclusiones a las que llegamos son las siguientes. En este momento, la adicciĂłn no es un tĂ©rmino adecuado para usar en la investigaciĂłn sobre problemas relacionados con las TIC. En segundo lugar, ciertos usos especĂ­ficos estĂĄn asociados con consecuencias problemĂĄticas del uso de las TIC, mientras que otros usos no lo son, por lo tanto, no es prudente patologizar la totalidad de las TIC. En tercer lugar, los usos asociados con el uso problemĂĄtico de las TIC son diferentes segĂșn la cultura del usuario. En una cultura, un uso particular de las TIC puede ser problemĂĄtico, mientras que en otro paĂ­s puede ser adaptativo. En cuarto lugar, ciertos aspectos del uso de las TIC parecen ser mĂĄs o menos constantes en todas las culturas, como los usos mĂĄs populares de los smartphones y los factores subyacentes del uso problemĂĄtico de las TIC.Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet and smartphones entered our lives only about 20 years ago, yet in that short time they have deeply rewired the way society and individuals all around the world function. This has led to questions and investigations regarding how the frequent use of technology influences our societal and psychological health. This thesis work aims to contribute some insight on this subject through four research papers about three of the most popular ICTs - smartphones, social media and the Internet and through the lens of three research questions - 1) Is addiction the correct framework to use when researching problematic ICT use?; 2) What are the effects of culture on problematic ICT use?; and 3) What specific uses are associated with ICT-related problems? The conclusions we arrive at are the following. At this time, addiction is not a suitable term to use in the research on ICT related problems. Secondly, certain specific uses are associated with problematic consequences of ICT use whereas other uses are not, therefore it is unwise to pathologize the entire ICT. Thirdly, the uses that are associated with problematic ICT use are different depending on the culture of the user. In one culture a particular ICT use can be problematic, whereas in another country it may be adaptive. Fourthly, certain aspects of ICT use appear to be more or less constant across cultures such as the most popular smartphone uses and the underlying factors of problematic ICT use

    Factors affecting social interaction on Social Network Sites: The Facebook Case

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    Purpose - Our paper focuses on understanding which factors affect the social interaction in the case of Facebook. Many authors point out the great potential of these networks for social interaction and as conduits of information. However, studies show that the topology of the network is disconnected, consisting of small sub-networks that make Facebook unsuitable for disseminating information. This situation has created the need to introduce exogenous factors, aimed at boosting and providing cohesion to the network structure. In this context, we test the following question: how exogenous and endogenous factors contribute to encouraging social interaction on Facebook. Design/methodology/approach - For the analysis of social interaction on Facebook, a population consisting of all the followers of the walls of 10 corporate social networks was used. From the total 269,424 users analysed, a stratified sample of 132 followers was obtained and networks were built for each of them. We then proceeded to search for each follower's friends and friends of friends to build the social network up to the fourth level, obtaining a total of 132 subnets with 1,628,074 links between them. To determine the impact of both exogenous and endogenous factors in the interaction of the network we performed a causal analysis. Findings - The results obtained from this study provide empirical evidence on the adequacy of companies? dynamization measures used and how exogenous and endogenous factors influence the social interaction on Facebook. Thus, our results show that exogenous factors, such as the activity of the community manager and the digital marketing investment in the network, do not have a significant effect on the interaction. On the other hand, endogenous factors, such as network density and clustering, have a positive effect on the trigger of social interaction between the followers. Therefore, companies must consider the importance of the structural factors that characterize network followers, such as density or clustering coefficient, to be able to interpret and optimize them to obtain higher levels of social interaction. Originality/value - This is one of a few papers that examine interactions in social network sites, particularly in corporate network sites in Facebook. The results expose the importance for organizations to have reliable information on the patterns of interaction to properly manage the resources allocated for this purpose in SNS

    Pathological Internet use and psychopathology among European adolescents

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    Background: Internet use and accessibility has grown exponentially across the globe. The highest rates are noted in adolescents and youth. The swift development of technological improvements combined with interactive and enticing online activities has demonstrated to be unprecedented. As a result, the endless possibilities of the Internet become exceptionally appealing, whereby the risk of excessive use becomes elevated. Excessive use of the Internet is a strong precursor for subsequent pathological Internet use (PIU). Considered to be a subtype of a behavioural addiction, the construct of PIU is closely related to the biopsychosocial model of addiction. This suggests that there are genetic, biological, psychological and social components involved in the complex pathways of PIU development. Thus, initiatives that adopt such a multifaceted approach are critically needed in order to attain a better understanding of PIU and related factors. Objectives: The primary aim of this thesis is to improve our knowledge of adolescent PIU by utilising a multifactorial approach. The objective of Study I is to estimate the prevalence of PIU and assess its potential link with demographic and social factors. The objectives in Studies II and III are to ascertain the correlations between PIU, psychopathology and suicidality, while Study IV investigates the association between PIU and health risk-behaviours. The objective of Study V is to evaluate the preventive effect of mental health action in schools on PIU and related psychosocial impairments. Methods and materials: The studies in this thesis were conducted within the framework of the FP7 European Union project: Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE). SEYLE is a randomised controlled trial (RCT) assessing the efficacy of mental health interventions based on different strategies and approaches. Adolescents were recruited from randomly-selected schools across study sites in eleven countries, including Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, with Sweden serving as the coordinating centre. PIU was measured using Young’s Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ). Social factors, health risk-behaviours, psychopathology and suicidality were measured using validated psychometric instruments. Apposite statistical models were applied in each study in order to assess the respective outcomes of interests. Results: Findings for each study are described accordingly: Study I comprised a sample of 11,956 adolescents (female/male: 6731/5225; mean age: 14.9 ±0.89). The overall prevalence of PIU was 4.4%. Prevalence rates of PIU were significantly higher in males than females (5.2% versus 3.8%). Adolescents in Israel had the highest prevalence of PIU, whereas Italy had the lowest. A significant correlation between mean hours online per day and male gender were observed. In terms of online activities, Internet gaming was significantly associated with males, while social networking was significantly correlated with females. Students not living with a biological parent, low parental involvement and parental unemployment showed the strongest association with PIU. Study II was a systematic review and meta-analysis. An electronic literature search was conducted using the following databases: MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, PsychINFO, Global Health, and Web of Science. PIU and known synonyms were included in the search as well as psychopathology (i.e. depression, anxiety, symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive symptoms, social phobia and hostility/aggression). Effect sizes for the correlations observed were identified from either the respective publication or calculated using Cohen’s d or R2. The potential effect of publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot model and evaluated by Egger’s test based on a linear regression. Twenty articles met the pre-set inclusion and exclusion criteria: 75% reported significant correlations of PIU with depression, 57% with anxiety, 100% with symptoms of ADHD, 60% with obsessivecompulsive symptoms, and 66% with hostility/aggression. The majority of studies reported a higher rate of PIU among males than females. Depression and symptoms of ADHD appeared to have the most significant and consistent correlation with PIU. Study III comprised a sample of 11,356 school-based adolescents (M/F: 4,856/6,500; mean age: 14.9). Results showed that suicidal behaviours (suicidal ideation and suicide attempts), depression, anxiety, conduct problems and hyperactivity/inattention were significant and independent predictors of PIU. The correlation between PIU, conduct problems and hyperactivity/inattention was stronger among females, while the link between PIU and symptoms of depression, anxiety and peer relationship problems was stronger among males. The association between PIU, psychopathology and self-destructive behaviours was stronger in countries with a higher prevalence of PIU and suicide rates. These findings ascertain that psychopathology and suicidal behaviours are strongly related to PIU. This association is significantly influenced by gender and country suggesting socio-cultural influences. Study IV involved a sample of 11,931 adolescents who were included in the analyses: 43.4% male and 56.6% female (M/F: 5179/6752), with a mean age of 14.89±0.87 years. Adolescents reporting poor sleeping habits and risk-taking actions showed the strongest associations with PIU, followed by tobacco use, poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Among adolescents in the PIU group, 89.9% were characterized as having multiple risk-behaviours. The significant association observed between PIU and risk-behaviours, combined with a high rate of cooccurrence, underline the importance of considering PIU when screening, treating or preventing high-risk behaviours among adolescents. Study V included a sample of n=2,831 school-based adolescents. The sample comprised 47.1% male and 52.9% female adolescents (M/F: 1333/1498), with a mean age of 14.83±0.90 years. In order to avoid contamination from the SEYLE interventions, only those who were in the control group were included in this study. Mental health action in schools (MHAS) was defined as adolescents reporting to have received mental health education at their school and was approached by a teacher to discuss psychosocial issues prior to baseline assessment. Outcomes showed that adolescents exposed to MHAS had a 50 percent lower risk for the onset of PIU compared to the unexposed group. When analysing psychosocial impairments, results showed that adolescents in the MHAS group also exhibited a significantly lower incidence of ≄30 percent for emotional distress, depression and coping problems. Conclusion: Significant correlations between PIU and health risk-behaviours, psychopathology and suicidality were observed among European adolescents. Given the momentous proclivity of evidence-based research, it is clear that PIU is a condition that merits international recognition as a potential disorder. Implementing evidence-based mental health action in schools appear to be effective in the overall risk-reduction of PIU. Of course, the level of efficacy, in terms of prevention efforts, is dependent on the structure of the respective intervention. It is, therefore, critical that an international accord is reached in order to develop a standardized approach to ascertain the nomenclature, taxonomy and diagnostic criteria of PIU. The future direction of PIU research must focus on this fundamental issue in order to legitimize and advance our knowledge and understanding of this condition

    Increasing overall customer value in mobile games: what implications can be drawn from the customer value chain in mobile games?

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    Objectives The main objectives of this study were to draw strategic implications for companies from the customer process of wanting to play, searching for a game, and assessing the game after downloading it, and suggest how these implications could be used to increase customer value. The research will attempt to construct a customer value chain model and analyze it. Summary The exploratory research studied only female respondents. A set of interviews was conducted to study the behavior of mobile gamers to draw implications from the customer process within the customer value chain. The data were manually analyzed, and the findings were presented with visualizing tables. The findings were then discussed and related to the company process of the customer value chain. Conclusions A number of implications were found regarding the customer process of wanting to play, searching for games, assessing the game quality and experience, and continuing to play for an extended period of time. The implications can be used by companies to increase overall customer value in mobile games

    The Path between Personality, Self-Efficacy, and Shopping Regarding Games Apps

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaThe smartphone has made gaming more accessible and desirable for a wider market than ever before. Game apps are one of the most consumed and fastest growing products in the world today. Yet, few studies have thus far explored the implications of games apps consumption from a consumer perspective, addressing the transfer of abilities from one technological field to another. The main purpose of this paper is threefold: to ascertain the role of personality as a determinant of self-efficacy, to establish whether there is a transfer process from self-efficacy in video gaming with apps to online shopping and to analyze the impact of self-efficacy on the online purchase of game-related products. Results show that neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness determine the gaming self-efficacy that is transferred to online shopping self-efficacy and finally to the online purchase of game-related products. These insights provide interesting managerial implications that could affect video game marketing.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (proyecto ECO2017-82107-R)Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (proyecto VA112P17)Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn (proyecto VA112P17

    The perceived trustworthiness of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on attitude towards dietary supplements, purchase intention and behaviour for dietary supplements amongst female adolescents in Saudi Arabia

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    Social networking sites (SNS) such as MySpace, Twitter and Facebook provide effective communication platforms that influence the purchase behaviour of brands for many age groups particularly adolescents. These platforms offer boards of online engagement by user-generated content to share, like and exchange their experience and opinions through electronic word of mouth (eWOM). The aim of this study is to investigate perceived trustworthiness of eWOM dimensions; volume, valence and perceived source expertise of eWOM influence on attitude, purchase intention and purchase behaviour towards dietary supplements amongst Saudi female adolescents. Due to rapid socio-economic changes in Saudi Arabia (SA), healthy food intake was replaced by high-calorie diet and sedentary behaviour. The proposed model for this study investigates purchase behaviour in social media by using the three dimensions of perceived trustworthiness of eWOM. The sample size was 1,027, and a non-probability sampling technique was adopted. The targeted population ranged from 11-19 years old. The covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) were performed by using AMOS software. The findings reveal that the perceived trustworthiness of eWOM dimensions show a significant influence on attitude, purchase intention and actual purchase behaviour towards dietary supplements. Interestingly, the perceived body image and time spent on social media do not moderate the relationship between the perceived trustworthiness of eWOM and attitude towards dietary supplements. This study contributes to marketers’ strategy implementation through cooperation with social influencers. In food marketing, labelling should be provided including nutritional facts and re-branding healthy food. Moreover, Policy makers should seriously consider banning fast food from schools and initiating social marketing campaigns. In order to control use of dietary supplements, it should be by prescription only and risk assessments should be introduced as well

    Taiwanese girls’ self-portraiture on a social networking site

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    An increasing number of young girls produce contents in social media on a everyday basis for the opportunities to express, explore and connect. Public misunderstanding and concern are about whether girls are being narcissistic and vain. Academic works address how girls exercise agency while negotiating structure in the construction of their gendered adolescent identities. This thesis is situated in relation to our hopes and fears about girls’ self-representation through digital media production, and examines the role that photographic self-portraiture plays in girls’ social relations, personal and gender identity work. The theoretical framework combines the perspectives of gender performativity and symbolic interactionism, supplemented by analyses of personal photography. This thesis chose as its case study the popular Taiwanese social networking site Wretch, and employed a mixed method of quantitative content analysis of 2000 self-portraits of teenagers to understand how they represent themselves, and qualitative online interviews with 42 girls aged 13-20 to learn about their relationships with self-portraiture. The content analysis shows that most teenagers represent themselves in a gender stereotypical manner, while some adopt non gender-specific styles to represent themselves as friendly, suggesting that teenagers may use ideals about femininity, masculinity and sociality as shortcuts to present themselves in a positive light. Interview findings reveal how girls use camera technologies and the affordance of SNS for visual self-disclosure, which isimportant for the development of theirinterpersonal relationships. The findings also suggest that self-portraiture is not simply an act of photographing a ‘reality’ of the self, but of formulating self-image(s) and identity in the process of making self-portraits. In self-portraiture, girls are constantly confronted with the ‘who am I’ question, and construct and revise their biographies as they manage an array of audiences from different contexts all collapsing in one space. Furthermore, selfportraiture creates a distance between the ‘I’ and the ‘me’, allowing one to ‘play’ with self-image(s) and identity. It creates a space for the negotiation of ideals and anxieties, for experiments with different subject positions that may be socially or individually rewarding, and it is through these seemingly casual endeavoursthat one gradually works out their position in the social world. The thesis contributes to the scholarship on girls’ media culture, and suggests current theoretical perspective be expanded in order to better understand different ways of ‘doing girlhood’
