74 research outputs found

    A survey of communication protocols for internet of things and related challenges of fog and cloud computing integration

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    The fast increment in the number of IoT (Internet of Things) devices is accelerating the research on new solutions to make cloud services scalable. In this context, the novel concept of fog computing as well as the combined fog-to-cloud computing paradigm is becoming essential to decentralize the cloud, while bringing the services closer to the end-system. This article surveys e application layer communication protocols to fulfill the IoT communication requirements, and their potential for implementation in fog- and cloud-based IoT systems. To this end, the article first briefly presents potential protocol candidates, including request-reply and publish-subscribe protocols. After that, the article surveys these protocols based on their main characteristics, as well as the main performance issues, including latency, energy consumption, and network throughput. These findings are thereafter used to place the protocols in each segment of the system (IoT, fog, cloud), and thus opens up the discussion on their choice, interoperability, and wider system integration. The survey is expected to be useful to system architects and protocol designers when choosing the communication protocols in an integrated IoT-to-fog-to-cloud system architecture.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Anturidatan lähettäminen fyysiseltä kaksoselta digitaaliselle kaksoselle

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    A digital twin is a digital counterpart of a physical thing such as a machine. The term digital twin was first introduced in 2010. Thereafter, it has received an extensive amount of interest because of the numerous benefits it is expected to offer throughout the product life cycle. Currently, the concept is developed by the world’s largest companies such as Siemens. The purpose of this thesis is to examine which application layer protocols and communication technologies are the most suitable for the sensor data transmission from a physical twin to a digital twin. In addition, a platform enabling this data transmission is developed. As the concept of a digital twin is relatively new, a comprehensive literature view on the definition of a digital twin in scientific literature is presented. It has been found that the vision of a digital twin has evolved from the concepts of ‘intelligent products’ presented at the beginning of the 2000s. The most widely adopted definition states that a digital twin accurately mirrors the current state of its corresponding twin. However, the definition of a digital twin is not yet standardized and varies in different fields. Based on the literature review, the communication needs of a digital twin are derived. Thereafter, the suitability of HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, AMQP, DDS, and OPC UA for sensor data transmission are examined through a literature review. In addition, a review of 4G, 5G, NB-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, ZigBee, and WirelessHART is presented. A platform for the management of the sensors is developed. The platform narrows the gap between the concept and realization of a digital twin by enabling sensor data transmission. The platform allows easy addition of sensors to a physical twin and provides an interface for their configuration remotely over the Internet. It supports multiple sensor types and application protocols and offers both web user iterface and REST API.Digitaalinen kaksonen on fyysisen tuotteen digitaalinen vastinkappale, joka sisältää tiedon sen nykyisestä tilasta. Digitaalisen kaksosen käsite otettiin ensimmäisen kerran käyttöön vuonna 2010. Sen jälkeen digitaalinen kaksonen on saanut paljon huomiota, ja sitä ovat lähteneet kehittämään maailman suurimmat yritykset, kuten Siemens. Tämän työn tarkoituksena tutkia, mitkä sovelluskerroksen protokollat ja langattomat verkot soveltuvat parhaiten anturien keräämän datan lähettämiseen fyysiseltä kaksoselta digitaaliselle kaksoselle. Sen lisäksi työssä esitellään alusta, joka mahdollistaa tämän tiedonsiirron. Digitaalisen kaksosesta esitetään laaja kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka luo pohjan työn myöhemmille osioille. Digitaalisen kaksosen konsepti pohjautuu 2000-luvun alussa esiteltyihin ajatuksiin ”älykkäistä tuotteista”. Yleisimmän käytössä olevan määritelmän mukaan digitaalinen kaksonen heijastaa sen fyysisen vastinparin tämän hetkistä tilaa. Määritelmä kuitenkin vaihtelee eri alojen välillä eikä se ole vielä vakiintunut tieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla johdetaan digitaalisen kaksosen kommunikaatiotarpeet. Sen jälkeen arvioidaan seuraavien sovelluskerroksen protokollien soveltuvuutta anturidatan lähettämiseen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla: HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, AMQP, DDS ja OPC UA. Myös seuraavien langattomien verkkojen soveltuvuutta tiedonsiirtoon tutkitaan: 4G, 5G, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, Sigfox, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, ZigBee ja WirelessHART. Osana työtä kehitettiin myös ohjelmistoalusta, joka mahdollistaa anturien hallinnan etänä Internetin välityksellä. Alusta on pieni askel kohti digitaalisen kaksosen käytän-nön toteutusta, sillä se mahdollistaa tiedon keräämisen fyysisestä vastinkappaleesta. Sen avulla sensorien lisääminen fyysiseen kaksoseen on helppoa, ja se tukee sekä useita sensorityyppejä että sovelluskerroksen protokollia. Alusta tukee REST API –rajapintaa ja sisältää web-käyttöliittymän

    New Waves of IoT Technologies Research – Transcending Intelligence and Senses at the Edge to Create Multi Experience Environments

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    The next wave of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) brings new technological developments that incorporate radical advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), edge computing processing, new sensing capabilities, more security protection and autonomous functions accelerating progress towards the ability for IoT systems to self-develop, self-maintain and self-optimise. The emergence of hyper autonomous IoT applications with enhanced sensing, distributed intelligence, edge processing and connectivity, combined with human augmentation, has the potential to power the transformation and optimisation of industrial sectors and to change the innovation landscape. This chapter is reviewing the most recent advances in the next wave of the IoT by looking not only at the technology enabling the IoT but also at the platforms and smart data aspects that will bring intelligence, sustainability, dependability, autonomy, and will support human-centric solutions.acceptedVersio

    Development of a wireless sensor network for agricultural monitoring for Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Monitoring of the agricultural environment has become an important area of control and protection which provides real-time system and control communication with the physical world. This thesis focuses on Development ofa wireless Sensor Network for agricultural monitoring for Internet of things (IoT) to monitor environmental condition. Among the various technologies for Agriculture monitoring, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are perceived as an amazing one to gather and process information in the agricultural area with low-cost and low-energy consumption. WSN is capable of providing processed field data in real time from sensors which are physically distributed in the field. Agriculture and farming are one of the industries which have a late occupied their regards for WSNs, looking for this financially acute innovation to improve its production and upgrade agribusiness yield standard. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have pulled in a lot consideration in recent years.The proposed system uses WSN sensors to capture and track information pertaining to crop growth condition outside and inside greenhouses. 6LowPAN network protocol is used for low power consumption and for transmitting and receiving of data packets.This thesis introduces the agricultural monitoring system's hardware design, system architecture, and software process control. Agriculture monitoring system set-up is based on Contiki OS while device testing is carried out using real-time farm information and historical dat

    Raamistik mobiilsete asjade veebile

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    Internet on oma arengus läbi aastate jõudnud järgmisse evolutsioonietappi - asjade internetti (ingl Internet of Things, lüh IoT). IoT ei tähista ühtainsat tehnoloogiat, see võimaldab eri seadmeil - arvutid, mobiiltelefonid, autod, kodumasinad, loomad, virtuaalsensorid, jne - omavahel üle Interneti suhelda, vajamata seejuures pidevat inimesepoolset seadistamist ja juhtimist. Mobiilseadmetest nagu näiteks nutitelefon ja tahvelarvuti on saanud meie igapäevased kaaslased ning oma mitmekülgse võimekusega on nad motiveerinud teadustegevust mobiilse IoT vallas. Nutitelefonid kätkevad endas võimekaid protsessoreid ja 3G/4G tehnoloogiatel põhinevaid internetiühendusi. Kuid kui kasutada seadmeid järjepanu täisvõimekusel, tühjeneb mobiili aku kiirelt. Doktoritöö esitleb energiasäästlikku, kergekaalulist mobiilsete veebiteenuste raamistikku anduriandmete kogumiseks, kasutades kergemaid, energiasäästlikumaid suhtlustprotokolle, mis on IoT keskkonnale sobilikumad. Doktoritöö käsitleb põhjalikult energia kokkuhoidu mobiilteenuste majutamisel. Töö käigus loodud raamistikud on kontseptsiooni tõestamiseks katsetatud mitmetes juhtumiuuringutes päris seadmetega.The Internet has evolved, over the years, from just being the Internet to become the Internet of Things (IoT), the next step in its evolution. IoT is not a single technology and it enables about everything from computers, mobile phones, cars, appliances, animals, virtual sensors, etc. that connect and interact with each other over the Internet to function free from human interaction. Mobile devices like the Smartphone and tablet PC have now become essential to everyday life and with extended capabilities have motivated research related to the mobile Internet of Things. Although, the recently developed Smartphones enjoy the high performance and high speed 3G/4G mobile Internet data transmission services, such high speed performances quickly drain the battery power of the mobile device. This thesis presents an energy efficient lightweight mobile Web service provisioning framework for mobile sensing utilizing the protocols that were designed for the constrained IoT environment. Lightweight protocols provide an energy efficient way of communication. Finally, this thesis highlights the energy conservation of the mobile Web service provisioning, the developed framework, extensively. Several case studies with the use of the proposed framework were implemented on real devices and has been thoroughly tested as a proof-of-concept.https://www.ester.ee/record=b522498

    The 6G Architecture Landscape:European Perspective

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    Decentralized Identity and Access Management Framework for Internet of Things Devices

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    The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) domain is about connecting people and devices and systems together via sensors and actuators, to collect meaningful information from the devices surrounding environment and take actions to enhance productivity and efficiency. The proliferation of IoT devices from around few billion devices today to over 25 billion in the next few years spanning over heterogeneous networks defines a new paradigm shift for many industrial and smart connectivity applications. The existing IoT networks faces a number of operational challenges linked to devices management and the capability of devices’ mutual authentication and authorization. While significant progress has been made in adopting existing connectivity and management frameworks, most of these frameworks are designed to work for unconstrained devices connected in centralized networks. On the other hand, IoT devices are constrained devices with tendency to work and operate in decentralized and peer-to-peer arrangement. This tendency towards peer-to-peer service exchange resulted that many of the existing frameworks fails to address the main challenges faced by the need to offer ownership of devices and the generated data to the actual users. Moreover, the diversified list of devices and offered services impose that more granular access control mechanisms are required to limit the exposure of the devices to external threats and provide finer access control policies under control of the device owner without the need for a middleman. This work addresses these challenges by utilizing the concepts of decentralization introduced in Distributed Ledger (DLT) technologies and capability of automating business flows through smart contracts. The proposed work utilizes the concepts of decentralized identifiers (DIDs) for establishing a decentralized devices identity management framework and exploits Blockchain tokenization through both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to build a self-controlled and self-contained access control policy based on capability-based access control model (CapBAC). The defined framework provides a layered approach that builds on identity management as the foundation to enable authentication and authorization processes and establish a mechanism for accounting through the adoption of standardized DLT tokenization structure. The proposed framework is demonstrated through implementing a number of use cases that addresses issues related identity management in industries that suffer losses in billions of dollars due to counterfeiting and lack of global and immutable identity records. The framework extension to support applications for building verifiable data paths in the application layer were addressed through two simple examples. The system has been analyzed in the case of issuing authorization tokens where it is expected that DLT consensus mechanisms will introduce major performance hurdles. A proof of concept emulating establishing concurrent connections to a single device presented no timed-out requests at 200 concurrent connections and a rise in the timed-out requests ratio to 5% at 600 connections. The analysis showed also that a considerable overhead in the data link budget of 10.4% is recorded due to the use of self-contained policy token which is a trade-off between building self-contained access tokens with no middleman and link cost