130 research outputs found

    An Assessment of the Quality of the Romanian Urban Web Sites

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    The local authorities are giving increasing prominence to provision of information online through websites. Seen in a wider perspective, the urban web sites play a key role in allowing every citizen to achieve their full potential and to participate fully in society. Conversely, citizens' awareness and expectations of Internet based online public services have also increased. Although the numbers of the different urban web portals have increased rapidly in the last years, the success of these sites will largely depend on their accessibility and quality. The purpose of this report is to present the results from a comprehensive assessment of the urban web sites across Romania. An instrument has been developed for evaluating the quality of the websites. It is based upon approaches to evaluation that have been documented in the published literature, interviews of people responsible for websites, and testing of websites at different levels of local government. Results show that not only are there wide variations in the spectrum of information and services provided by these urban web sites, but that significant work still needs to be undertaken in order to make these sites examples of "best practice" e-Government services. The overall picture shows that there is still much work to be done, but the study identifies key areas of concern which, if dealt with, would lead to the situation improving significantly.urban web sites, e-government, quality

    Introduction of the Methods and Models of University Website Evaluation

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    Among different tools, university website is one of the cost-effective and convenient methods for communicating with users; it is also a platform for institutions or organizations to achieve their goals. Universities should work on their websites to keep positive images in their public minds. This study aimed to introduce overlapping various types of university website evaluation methods and models. Therefore, content analysis was adopted as the research methodology. Then, scientific databases were searched using the related keywords and extracting the published articles in the context of the university website evaluation. The results of this study showed that university website evaluation models and methods included Quality Web Model Development, Webqem, WAI, Webometrics, E-Qual, University Websites Evaluation and Credibility (UWEAC), University Website Evaluation Framework (UWEF), Development and Validation of the University Website Evaluation Scale (UWES), a Web Usability Evaluation Model for Higher Education (WUEM), University Websites Quality Web Model Development, University Portals Data Quality assessment Framework (UPDQAF), and the University Website Usability Evaluation checklist (UWUE): An exploratory study. In fact, webometrics is the only method that is distinct from other assessment methods. Moreover, UWEAC model with the highest average (0.194) has the most overlap with others. Since the University Websites Evaluation and Credibility (UWEAC) are the comprehensive model, university website designers and evaluators could consider this approach as a preferable model in the university website evaluation but they should ensure that most of the evaluation criteria are considered

    Konseptual Framework Untuk Pengukuran Kualitas Website Pada Sistem Informasi Akademik Dengan Metode Gqm

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    Konseptual framework yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini berupa model konseptual yang merupakan gambaran proses pengukuran kualitas beserta tahapan yang dilakukan dalam pengukuran kualitas website sistem informasi akademik. Model konseptual yang sudah ada selama ini masih bersifat luas dan tidak spesifik pada domain tertentu. Terdapat banyak website yang dibangun oleh web developer, namun masih sedikit yang dibangun sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Salah satu website online dibidang pendidikan adalah sistem informasi akademik. Sistem informasi akademik merupakan layanan website oleh universitas dalam menyediakan informasi dan pengelolaan data-data akademik. Karakteristik dari sistem informasi akademik adalah academic content, periodic acccessibility, level of user authority, precission dan accurateness. Beberapa dari karakteristik tersebut kemudian dipetakan kedalam faktor-faktor kualitas yang diadopsi dari berbagai model, seperti ISO-9126, Website quality Model, dan academic website quality model. akademik. Hasil pemetaan tersebut memperoleh 5 faktor kualitas yang diusulkan untuk melakukan pengukuran kualitas, yaitu USAbility, functionality, content, efficiency dan reliability. Kelima faktor kualitas ini dijadikan sebagai tujuan pengukuran. Metode GQM digunakan untuk memperoleh metric internal agar menghasilkan pengukuran yang objektif dan kuantitatif. Metric-metric yang dihasilkan dari metode GQM divalidasi dengan menggunakan validasi empiris. Metric internal produk diterapkan dalam studi kasus sistem informasi akademik berbasis web universitas di Pekanbaru. Hasil validasi dari framework pengukuran yang dibangun adalah memiliki nilai baik pada faktor kualitas functionality, content dan reliability, dan nilai cukup pada faktor kualitas USAbility dan efficiency

    Measuring Information System-Based Village Administration Service Performance Using Boundary Value Analysis Techniques

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    Application development often does not have a significant impact on users, especially various application functions that make it difficult for users to take advantage of the system optimally. System testing plays an important role in an application development. Tests are carried out to ensure that all programs run properly before an application is released. This study discusses the measurement of performance on the administration service website application with the Black Box Testing method. Functional testing is carried out using the Boundary Value Analysis technique. Boundary Value Analysis technique is one of the techniques of Black Box testing that identifies errors from the outside or inside of a system. With this technique, the success of an input data value is tested based on the upper and lower limit values. The result of the measurement of the administrative service application is the optimal system functionality and in accordance with the user's business process needs. The percentage of success rate for fields on the Register Account menu is 91.67% and Login is 75%. Meanwhile, on the Daftar Surat Izin Keramaian menu, it has a success rate of 80%


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    It was noted that, over the time, in the field of economic informatics and economy, most people have become dependent on software applications. Do economic applications reach a high threshold of quality such as to satisfy the customers who are dependent on them? This study proposes to present a model that analyzes the quality of economic applications. By applying this model, we could tell if an economic application which is submitted to the analysis reach a certain quality threshold or not. Thus, by analyzing the factors and sub-factors that characterize any economic application, we can analyze the software quality

    Peningkatan Kualitas Aplikasi Pemantau Media Sosial dan Media Daring Menggunakan Metode WebQEM

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    Along with the rapid growing world of technology nowadays, application becomes an important requirement for every human in person. Human becomes dependent on variety of applications, ranging from small scale application for entertaining user to large scale web application for one or multiple businesses work. In this research the application that used is social and online media monitoring at PT. XYZ in Indonesia. Based on this case, a software quality testing is needed so a software can be said worthy and qualified to use, not just limited to mere testing, but also for optimizing the software to create a well maintained application in accordance with software development life cycle. In this paper, WebQEM is used in optimization for web application. There are two kinds of evaluations: basic evaluation and global evaluation. First global evaluation of monitoring social media and online media application gives a score of 70,44%. After evaluation, an improvement is applied to the application according to the criteria from the result of first global evaluation. Second global evaluation gives a value of 77,41%, from the improvement in first global evaluation. This proves that WebQEM method for optimization of monitoring social media and online media application can improve the software quality

    Évaluation multicritères du site WEB du Ministère des Ressources Humaines et Développement Social du Canada

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    Le développement d'applications s'appuyant sur le Web a connu ces dernières années une très forte croissance. Dans le secteur public, les sites Web sont devenus l'épine dorsale du système informatique du gouvernement car leur importance est vitale à cause des services essentiels qu'ils offrent aux citoyens et aux entreprises. Le besoin de mettre au point des principes et méthodes spécifiques au développement de ce type d'applications d'une manière générale, et à l'évaluation de leur qualité se fait de plus en plus ressentir dans l'industrie du génie logiciel. En effet, l'évaluation quantitative de la qualité des applications Web (critères et métriques) est très récente. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons d'abord les deux principales méthodes traditionnelles d'évaluation de la qualité des sites Web du gouvernement du Canada, à savoir l'analyse de la conformité à des normes et directives gouvernementales du Canada et la méthode de calcul de l'indice de maturité des services publics en ligne puis par la suite les principales composantes d'une méthode nouvelle, WebQEM (Web Quality Evaluation Method), à savoir l'arbre de qualité basé sur la norme ISO 9126 et la structure mathématique du modèle WebQEM. Finalement, nous proposons une adaptation de la méthode WebQEM pour son application à l'environnement spécifique du ministère RHDSC, ce qui conduira à une évaluation du niveau de satisfactions de 10 facteurs de qualité du site Web de ce ministère. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Évaluation quantitative, Qualité, Arbre de qualité, WebQEM, ISO 9126

    Implementasi Website Pendidikan Berbasis ISO/IEC 9126-4 Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Penggunaan

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    Website FIK UBL merupakan website pendidikan dari Fakultas Ilmu Komputer di Universitas Bandar Lampung.Nama domain dari website FIK UBL adalah www.fik.ubl.ac.id. Website FIK UBL merupakan subdomain dari website www.ubl.ac.id. Website tersebut mengunakan ac.id sebagai Country Code Top level domain, domain utamanya adalah UBL, dan Third level domainnya adalah FIK.ISO/IEC 9126-4 Metrik Kualitas Penggunaan digunakan untuk mengukur sejauh mana suatu produk memenuhi kebutuhan yang ditentukan pengguna untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Metriks adalah satuan untuk mengukur suatu perangkat lunak. Didalam ISO/IEC 9126-4 terdapat Metriks efektivitas, keamanan, produktivitas, dan kepuasan yang ditentukan dalam konteks metriks kualitas penggunaan. Penulisan Ilmiah ini secara spesifik akan terpusat pada implementasi website FIK UBL berbasis ISO/IEC 9126-4 Kualitas Penggunaan pada Metrik Efektivitas. Metrik Efektivitas mengukur ketepatan dan kelengkapan dengan tujuan yang dapat dicapai. Metrik Efektivitas merupakan salah satu dari empat metrik ISO/IEC 9126-4 Kualitas Penggunaan yang dipilih untuk dilakukan implementasi pada penelitian ini

    Multi-level website benchmarking: typological collation of recent approaches

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    Website benchmarking approaches can be classified by type and collated as a framework. A combined customer website perspective (satisfaction, loyalty, design, quality) and business website perspective(usability, effectiveness, strategy, performance) delivers a multi-level website benchmarking approach. This offers a broad-scale analysis pathway capable of delivering universal, detailed, at-level website benchmarking. A weighted sum-score approach builds an overall website benchmark score, enabling website competitor comparisons across multiple levels. This approach offers a detailed guide to business managers, web designers and web analytics interpreters seeking to implement competitive website changes
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