117,311 research outputs found

    Оценка смачивающей способности глинистых пород, обработанных комплексным соединением алюминия

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    Проведені вимірювання кута змочування і відпрацьована методика вимірювань з використанням веб-камери і ПК. Встановлена залежність тривалості обробки глинистих порід від їх фільтраційних характеристик.Conducted measuring of corner of moistening and developed method of measuring with the use of web-chamber and the personal computer. Detected dependence of duration of treatment of clay rocks with properties of filtrations

    A comparison of recently introduced instruments for measuring rice flour viscosity

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    The Rapid Visco-Analyser (RVA) and the Micro Visco-Amylograph (MVA) were compared in measuring the viscosity properties of rice flours. A total of 72 rice samples were procured from three cultivars harvested at two locations and three moisture contents and separated into thin, medium, and thick kernel-thickness fractions. A fast and a slow heating rate was used in the procedure for both instruments. Cultivar, kernel thickness, and harvest location affected rice viscosity. The RVA viscosity profiles using a fast heating rate were best correlated with those of the MVA using a slow heating rate. The RVA slow heating rate resulted in lower final viscosities than those using the MVA because of the spindle structure of the RVA. For both the RVA and the MVA, greater rice flour peak viscosities and less trough and final viscosities were obtained with a slow rather than a fast heating rat

    Fabrication of auxetic foam sheets for sports applications

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    Auxetic materials have a negative Poisson's ratio, which can enhance other properties. Greater indentation resistance and energy absorption, as well as synclastic curvature, could lend auxetic materials well to protective sports equipment and clothing. Sheets of foam often form padding within protective equipment, but producing large homogenous auxetic foam samples is challenging. The aim of this work was to investigate techniques to fabricate large thin sheets of auxetic foam, to facilitate future production and testing of prototype sports equipment utilizing this material. A mold was developed to fabricate sheets of auxetic foam − with planar dimensions measuring 350 × 350 mm − using the thermo-mechanical process. The mold utilized through-thickness rods to control lateral compression of foam. Sheets of auxetic foam measuring 10 × 350 × 350 mmd were fabricated and characterized. Each sheet was cut into nine segments, with density measurements used to determine how evenly the foam had been compressed during fabrication. Specimens cut from corner and centre segments were subject to quasi-static extension up to 30% to obtain stress versus strain relationships, with Digital Image Correlation used to determine Poisson's ratio. Specimens cut from the corner tended to have a marginally higher density, lower stiffness and more consistent negative Poisson's ratio compared to those from the centre, indicating some inconsistency in the conversion process. Future work could look to improve fabrication techniques for large thin homogenous sheets of auxetic foam

    An investigation of the Eigenvalue Calibration Method (ECM) using GASP for non-imaging and imaging detectors

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    Polarised light from astronomical targets can yield a wealth of information about their source radiation mechanisms, and about the geometry of the scattered light regions. Optical observations, of both the linear and circular polarisation components, have been impeded due to non-optimised instrumentation. The need for suitable observing conditions and the availability of luminous targets are also limiting factors. GASP uses division of amplitude polarimeter (DOAP) (Compain and Drevillon) to measure the four components of the Stokes vector simultaneously, which eliminates the constraints placed upon the need for moving parts during observation, and offers a real-time complete measurement of polarisation. Results from the GASP calibration are presented in this work for both a 1D detector system, and a pixel-by-pixel analysis on a 2D detector system. Following Compain et al. we use the Eigenvalue Calibration Method (ECM) to measure the polarimetric limitations of the instrument for each of the two systems. Consequently, the ECM is able to compensate for systematic errors introduced by the calibration optics, and it also accounts for all optical elements of the polarimeter in the output. Initial laboratory results of the ECM are presented, using APD detectors, where errors of 0.2% and 0.1{\deg} were measured for the degree of linear polarisation and polarisation angle respectively. Channel-to-channel image registration is an important aspect of 2-D polarimetry. We present our calibration results of the measured Mueller matrix of each sample, used by the ECM. A set of Zenith flat-field images were recorded during an observing campaign at the Palomar 200 inch telescope in November 2012. From these we show the polarimetric errors from the spatial polarimetry indicating both the stability and absolute accuracy of GASP.Comment: Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronom