1,109 research outputs found

    An acoustic navigation system

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    This report describes a system for underwater acoustic navigation developed, and in use, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It includes a brief discussion of the electronic components, operation, mathematical analysis, and available computer programs. There is a series of supplementary Technical Memoranda containing more information on various aspects of the system. We believe that this kind of documentation is more flexible and better meets the needs of potential users than including all technical details in one large volume. These are not final or definitive reports; acoustic navigation capabilities will continue to evolve at W.H.O.I. for some time. Acoustic navigation provides a method of tracking a ship, and an underwater vehicle or instrument package (‘fish’), in the deep ocean. Acoustic devices attached to the ship and fish measure the length of time it takes a sound pulse to travel to acoustic transponders moored on the ocean floor. If the transponder positions and the average speed of sound are known, the ship or fish position can be found.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under Contracts N00014-71-C0284; NR 293-008 N00014-70-C0205; NR 263-103 and the National Science Foundation/International Decade of Ocean Exploration Grant GX-36024 and the Applied Physics Laboratory of The Johns Hopkins University Contract 372111

    Ultrasonic sensor platforms for non-destructive evaluation

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    Robotic vehicles are receiving increasing attention for use in Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), due to their attractiveness in terms of cost, safety and their accessibility to areas where manual inspection is not practical. A reconfigurable Lamb wave scanner, using autonomous robotic platforms is presented. The scanner is built from a fleet of wireless miniature robotic vehicles, each with a non-contact ultrasonic payload capable of generating the A0 Lamb wave mode in plate specimens. An embedded Kalman filter gives the robots a positional accuracy of 10mm. A computer simulator, to facilitate the design and assessment of the reconfigurable scanner, is also presented. Transducer behaviour has been simulated using a Linear Systems approximation (LS), with wave propagation in the structure modelled using the Local Interaction Simulation Approach (LISA). Integration of the LS and LISA approaches were validated for use in Lamb wave scanning by comparison with both analytical techniques and more computationally intensive commercial finite element/diference codes. Starting with fundamental dispersion data, the work goes on to describe the simulation of wave propagation and the subsequent interaction with artificial defects and plate boundaries. The computer simulator was used to evaluate several imaging techniques, including local inspection of the area under the robot and an extended method that emits an ultrasonic wave and listens for echos (B-Scan). These algorithms were implemented in the robotic platform and experimental results are presented. The Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) was evaluated as a means of improving the fidelity of B-Scan data. It was found that a SAFT is only effective for transducers with reasonably wide beam divergence, necessitating small transducers with a width of approximately 5mm. Finally, an algorithm for robot localisation relative to plate sections was proposed and experimentally validated

    A survey on acoustic positioning systems for location-based services

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    Positioning systems have become increasingly popular in the last decade for location-based services, such as navigation, and asset tracking and management. As opposed to outdoor positioning, where the global navigation satellite system became the standard technology, there is no consensus yet for indoor environments despite the availability of different technologies, such as radio frequency, magnetic field, visual light communications, or acoustics. Within these options, acoustics emerged as a promising alternative to obtain high-accuracy low-cost systems. Nevertheless, acoustic signals have to face very demanding propagation conditions, particularly in terms of multipath and Doppler effect. Therefore, even if many acoustic positioning systems have been proposed in the last decades, it remains an active and challenging topic. This article surveys the developed prototypes and commercial systems that have been presented since they first appeared around the 1980s to 2022. We classify these systems into different groups depending on the observable that they use to calculate the user position, such as the time-of-flight, the received signal strength, or the acoustic spectrum. Furthermore, we summarize the main properties of these systems in terms of accuracy, coverage area, and update rate, among others. Finally, we evaluate the limitations of these groups based on the link budget approach, which gives an overview of the system's coverage from parameters such as source and noise level, detection threshold, attenuation, and processing gain.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónResearch Council of Norwa

    Acoustic System Development for Neutrino Underwater Detectors

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    The main objective of this research is the design and development of two different underwater acoustic emitters aimed to the deep-sea KM3NeT neutrino telescope, more specifically for the Acoustic Positioning System (APS) and for the calibration of the acoustic neutrino detection technique. The KM3NeT project is a new optical-based deep-sea neutrino telescope, currently under construction. The main objectives of the KM3NeT telescope are the discovery and observation of high-energy neutrino sources in the Universe and the determination of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. The KM3NeT detectors consist of three-dimensional arrays of light sensor modules distributed over large volumes of the transparent water in the deep Mediterranean Sea. The sensor modules register the time of arrival of the light and the brightness of the light to reconstruct the direction and energy of the neutrino. In order to achieve an accurate deployment of the mechanical structures and a precise reconstruction of neutrino induced events, the telescope includes an APS as mandatory sub-system that provides an accurate position of the mechanical structures in real time. Additionally, the APS could also be an excellent tool to study the feasibility of an acoustic neutrino detector and a possible correlation between acoustic and optical signals. The new detector KM3NeT is an excellent opportunity to continue with the study of the acoustic neutrino detection. The acoustic detection would allow the combination of the two neutrino detection techniques for a hybrid underwater neutrino telescope, especially considering that the optical based telescope needs acoustic sensors to monitor the position of the sensors. An Acoustic Beacon (AB) as part of the APS of KM3NeT has been developed in this thesis. Previously, the first emitter prototype was developed and it was installed in previous neutrino telescopes, such as ANTARES and NEMO, in order to be tested in situ. The analyses of the in situ test with the prototypes were performed as part of this thesis. The results obtained from the tests showed that the requirements for the positioning system are accomplished, just needing few improvements for the final version. The final version of the AB is composed by a piezo-ceramic transducer and an electronic board integrated in a single piece in a cylindrical hard-anodized aluminium vessel. The design and the work done for a precise laboratory test was performed achieving optimal results in all aspects As second main work performed in this thesis, a parametric transducer array able to mimic the acoustic signal generated by Ultra-High Energy (UHE) neutrino interaction in water was designed and developed. The first part was designing a single transducer able to emit parametrically the acoustic neutrino signal. Afterwards, the design of the complete array system composed of few units was performed in order to achieve a more energetic and directional bipolar pulse.El objetivo principal de esta investigación es el diseño y desarrollo de dos tipos de emisores acústicos diferentes para ser utilizados en el telescopio submarino de neutrinos KM3NeT, en concreto, uno como emisor en el sistema de posicionamiento acústico (APS) y otro para la calibración de la detección acústica de neutrinos. El proyecto KM3NeT es un telescopio óptico de neutrinos, que actualmente está en fase de construcción, y está ubicado en las profundidades del mar. Los objetivos principales del telescopio son el descubrimiento y la observación de las fuentes que originan los neutrinos de alta energía en el universo y la determinación de la jerarquía de masas de los neutrinos. Los detectores de KM3NeT consisten en conjuntos tridimensionales de módulos de sensores de luz distribuidos en grandes volúmenes de agua en las profundidades del mar Mediterráneo. Los módulos de sensores ópticos registran el tiempo de llegada de la luz y el brillo de la luz para reconstruir la dirección y la energía del neutrino. Con objeto de lograr una implementación correcta de las estructuras mecánicas y una reconstrucción precisa de los eventos del neutrino, el telescopio incluye el APS como subsistema necesario para proporcionar la posición exacta de las estructuras mecánicas en tiempo real. Además, el APS puede ser una herramienta excelente para estudiar la viabilidad de un detector de neutrinos acústico y de una posible correlación entre la señal acústica y óptica. El nuevo detector KM3NeT es una oportunidad para continuar con el estudio de detección acústica de neutrinos. La detección acústica permitiría la combinación de las dos técnicas de detección de neutrinos para un telescopio submarino de neutrinos híbrido, y más aún, teniendo en cuenta que el telescopio óptico necesita de sensores acústicos para monitorizar la posición de los sensores. En esta tesis, por un lado, se ha desarrollado un emisor acústico (AB) como parte del APS de KM3NeT. Previamente, se desarrolló el primer prototipo del emisor acústico, el cual se instaló en anteriores telescopios de neutrinos, concretamente en ANTARES y NEMO, con el fin de comprobar su funcionamiento in situ. Como parte de la tesis, se realizaron los análisis de las pruebas in situ y los resultados obtenidos mostraron que cumplía los requisitos del sistema de posicionamiento, únicamente se necesitaron algunas mejoras para la versión final. La versión final del AB está compuesta por un transductor piezo-cerámico y una placa electrónica integrado en una sola pieza en un recipiente cilíndrico de aluminio anodizado. El diseño y el trabajo realizado para una calibración precisa de laboratorio se llevó a cabo, logrando resultados óptimos en todos los aspectos requeridos. El segundo trabajo principal desarrollado en esta tesis consistió en el diseño de un array paramétrico de transductores capaz de imitar la señal acústica generada por la interacción del neutrino de ultra-alta energía (UHE) en el agua. La primera parte de su diseño se centró en el desarrollo de un transductor individual capaz de emitir paramétricamente la señal acústica del neutrino. Posteriormente, se realizó el diseño del array completo compuesto por varias unidades del transductor diseñado, con el objeto de lograr un pulso bipolar más enérgico y directivo.L'objectiu principal d'esta investigació és el disseny i desenvolupament de dos tipus d'emissors acústics diferents per a ser utilitzats en el telescopi submarí de neutrins KM3NET, en concret, ú com emissor en el sistema de posicionament acústic (APS) i altre per a la calibració de la detecció acústica de neutrins. El projecte KM3NET és un telescopi òptic de neutrins, que actualment està en fase de construcció, i està ubicat en les profunditats del mar. Els objectius principals del telescopi són el descobriment i l'observació de les fonts que originen els neutrins d'alta energia en l'univers i la determinació de la jerarquia de masses dels neutrins. Els detectors de KM3NET consisteixen en conjunts tridimensionals de mòduls de sensors de llum distribuïts en gran volums d'aigua en el Mediterrani. Els mòduls de sensors òptics registren el temps d'aplegada de la llum i la intensitat de la llum per a reconstruir la direcció i l'energia del neutrí. Com objectiu d'aconseguir una implementació correcta de les estructures mecàniques i una reconstrucció precisa dels events del neutrí, el telescopi inclou l'APS com subsistema necessari per a proporcionar la posició exacta de les estructures mecàniques en temps real. A mes, l'APS pot ser una ferramenta excel¿lent per a estudiar la viabilitat d'un detector de neutrins acústic i d'una possible correlació entre el senyal acústic i òptic. El nou detector KM3NET és una oportunitat per a continuar en l'estudi de detecció acústica del neutrí. La detecció acústica permetria la combinació de les dos tècniques de detecció de neutrins per a un telescopi submarí de neutrins híbrid, i més encara, tenint en compte que el telescopi òptic necessita de sensors acústics per a monitoritzar la posició dels sensors. En aquesta tesis, per un costat, s'ha dissenyat un emissor acústic (AB) com part de l'APS de KM3NET. Prèviament, se desenvolupà el primer prototip de l'emissor acústic, el qual s'instal¿là en anteriors telescopis de neutrins, concretament en ANTARES i NEMO, amb el fi de comprovar-se el seu funcionament in situ. Com part de la tesis, es realitzaren els anàlisis de les proves in situ i els resultats obtinguts mostraren que complia els requisits del sistema de posicionament, únicament necessitant-se d'algunes millores per a la versió final. La versió final de l'AB està composta per un transductor piezo-ceràmic i una placa electrònica integrats en una sola peça en un recipient cilíndric d'alumini anoditzat. El disseny i el treball realitzat per a una calibració precisa de laboratori es va dur a terme, aconseguint resultats òptims en tots els aspectes requerits. Com segon treball principal desenvolupat en esta tesis, s'ha dissenyat un array paramètric de transductors capaç d'imitar el senyal acústic generat per l'interacció del neutrí d'ultra-alta energia (UHE) en l'aigua. La primera part de disseny es centrà en el desenvolupament d'un transductor individual capaç d'emetre paramètricament el senyal acústic del neutrí. Posteriorment, es va realitzar el disseny de l'array complet compost per varies unitats del transductor dissenyat, amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir un pols bipolar més energètic i directiu.Saldaña Coscollar, M. (2017). Acoustic System Development for Neutrino Underwater Detectors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85981TESI

    Underwater Localization System Combining iUSBL with Dynamic SBL in ¡VAMOS! Trials

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    Emerging opportunities in the exploration of inland water bodies, such as underwater mining of flooded open pit mines, require accurate real-time positioning of multiple underwater assets. In the mining operation scenarios, operational requirements deny the application of standard acoustic positioning techniques, posing additional challenges to the localization problem. This paper presents a novel underwater localization solution, implemented for the ¡VAMOS! project, based on the combination of raw measurements from a short baseline (SBL) array and an inverted ultrashort baseline (iUSBL). An extended Kalman filter (EKF), fusing IMU raw measurements, pressure observations, SBL ranges, and USBL directional angles, estimates the localization of an underwater mining vehicle in 6DOF. Sensor bias and the speed of sound in the water are estimated indirectly by the filter. Moreover, in order to discard acoustic outliers, due to multipath reflections in such a confined and cluttered space, a data association layer and a dynamic SBL master selection heuristic were implemented. To demonstrate the advantage of this new technique, results obtained in the field, during the ¡VAMOS! underwater mining field trials, are presented and discussed.This work was funded by the ¡VAMOS! project funded by the European Commission under the H2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), within project UIDB/50014/2020 and TEC4SEA - Modular Platform for Research, Test and Validation of Technologies supporting a Sustainable Blue Economy from National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-022097- PINFRA/22097/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bearing Based Low Cost Underwater Acoustic Positioning System

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    The Ocean Robotics turned into one of the major fields of research since the exploration of oceans brings many benefits to the human condition. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) are the common instruments used in this medium, since they prevent human losses and enable more and reliable data for the projects they are inserted in. Most scenarios include support vehicles such as ASVs for monitoring purposes since they are able to use specialized positioning systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS), which are ineffective in underwater environments. This is due to electromagnetic signals used by GPS being attenuated by the medium. As an alternative, acoustic solutions are used. Underwater Acoustic Positioning Systems (UAPSs) have always been an important field of study being used in multiple marine applications. Acoustic fish tracking allows for behavioural and in-situ fish population studies. This process usually involves tagging fishes with acoustic emitters (i.e. tags) and the usage of acoustic receivers. Robotic autonomous vehicles can then be used to carry the acoustic receivers in order to dynamically cover a greater mission area, improving the efficiency of the localization of acoustic sources. An acoustic tag detector was developed to have real-time detection and identification of acoustic signals. A Direction of Arrival (DoA) algorithm was developed from ground up to enable tracking applications. This dissertation presents the improved results of this new system as well as the tests that were made to the DoA algorithm in a simulated environment. Additionally, the position estimation is improved using a Kalman Filter. This work was developed in the context of the MYTAG Portuguese R&D project, addressing the study and characterization of European flounder migrations and to be applied to any target that has a known acoustic signals. One of the objectives of this project is to eventually use an ASV to track a set of flounders, namely with the ROAZ ASV. The use of an unmanned surface vehicle allows for a non-static baseline. In the proposed solution the acoustic signals are tracked with a system composed of three acoustic receivers that are linked to the same computer using a synchronized time source. Not only that but this solution provides two possible methods for the main objective which is to track targets. These methods enable the possibility to estimate the target’s position in the world, while developing a low-cost solution with a newly developed DoA algorithm

    A Novel Localization System for Experimental Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Localization is a classic and complex problem in the field of mobile robotics. It becomes particularly challenging in an aqueous environment because currents within the water can move the robot. A novel localization module and corresponding localization algorithm for experimental autonomous underwater vehicles is presented. Unlike other available positioning systems which require fixed hardware beacons, this custom built module relies only on information available from sensors on-board the vehicle and knowledge of its bounded domain. This allows the user to save valuable time which would otherwise be devoted to the setup and calibration of a beacon or sensor network. The module uses three orthogonal ultrasonic transducers to measure distances to the tank boundaries. Using the measured tri-axial orientation of the vehicle, the algorithm analytically determines the robot\u27s position within the domain in absolute coordinates. Certain vehicle states do not allow the position to be completely resolved by the algorithm alone. In this case, state estimation is used to estimate the robot position until its state is no longer indeterminate. The modular design of this system makes it ideal for application on underwater vehicles which operate in a bounded environment for research purposes. An experimental version of the module was constructed and tested in the WPI swimming pool and showed successful localization under normal conditions

    Synchronous-clock range-angle relative acoustic navigation: a unified approach to multi-AUV localization, command, control, and coordination

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Rypkema, N., Schmidt, H., & Fischell, E. Synchronous-clock range-angle relative acoustic navigation: a unified approach to multi-AUV localization, command, control, and coordination. Journal of Field Robotics, 2(1), (2022): 774–806, https://doi.org/10.55417/fr.2022026.This paper presents a scalable acoustic navigation approach for the unified command, control, and coordination of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Existing multi-AUV operations typically achieve coordination manually by programming individual vehicles on the surface via radio communications, which becomes impractical with large vehicle numbers; or they require bi-directional intervehicle acoustic communications to achieve limited coordination when submerged, with limited scalability due to the physical properties of the acoustic channel. Our approach utilizes a single, periodically broadcasting beacon acting as a navigation reference for the group of AUVs, each of which carries a chip-scale atomic clock and fixed ultrashort baseline array of acoustic receivers. One-way travel-time from synchronized clocks and time-delays between signals received by each array element allow any number of vehicles within receive distance to determine range, angle, and thus determine their relative position to the beacon. The operator can command different vehicle behaviors by selecting between broadcast signals from a predetermined set, while coordination between AUVs is achieved without intervehicle communication by defining individual vehicle behaviors within the context of the group. Vehicle behaviors are designed within a beacon-centric moving frame of reference, allowing the operator to control the absolute position of the AUV group by repositioning the navigation beacon to survey the area of interest. Multiple deployments with a fleet of three miniature, low-cost SandShark AUVs performing closed-loop acoustic navigation in real-time provide experimental results validated against a secondary long-baseline positioning system, demonstrating the capabilities and robustness of our approach with real-world data.This work was partially supported by the Office of Naval Research, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Lincoln Laboratory, and the Reuben F. and Elizabeth B. Richards Endowed Funds at WHOI