1,259 research outputs found

    Measurement of IEC Groups and Subgroups Using Advanced Spectrum Estimation Methods

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    The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards characterize the waveform distortions in power systems with the amplitudes of harmonic and interharmonic groups and subgroups. These groups/subgroups utilize the waveform spectral components obtained from a fixed frequency resolution discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Using the IEC standards allows for a compromise among the different goals, such as the needs for accuracy, simplification, and unification. In some cases, however, the power-system waveforms are characterized by spectral components that the DFT cannot capture with enough accuracy due to the fixed frequency resolution and/or the spectral leakage phenomenon. This paper investigates the possibility of a group/subgroup evaluation using the following advanced spectrum estimation methods: adaptive Prony, estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques, and root MUltiple-SIgnal Classification (MUSIC). These adaptive methods use variable lengths of time windows of analysis to ensure the best fit of the waveforms; they are not characterized by the fixed frequency resolution and do not suffer from the spectral leakage phenomenon. This paper also presents the results of the applications of these methods to three test waveforms, to current and voltage waveforms obtained from simulations of a real dc arc-furnace plant, and to waveforms measured at the point of common coupling of the low-voltage network supplying a high-performance laser printer

    Analysis of the use of the Hanning Window for the measurement of interharmonic distortion caused by close tones in IEC standard framework

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    Producción CientíficaThe widespread use of devices based on power electronics and other nonlinear loads has led to an increase in harmonic distortion that affects the quality of power systems. Therefore, the correct measurement of harmonic and interharmonic content is necessary. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards define the concepts of spectral and time grouping required for such measurements. This paper demonstrates that the procedures defined in the IEC standards are not sufficiently accurate when several close interharmonic tones interact due to the lack of stability of the values that the Discrete Fourier Transform obtains in each sampling window, and to the inaccuracy in the measurement of interharmonic groups and rates when using the Hanning window. This paper proposes novel solutions based on time aggregation and the use of other groupings and alternative windows. The results obtained are compared with the results produced by applying the rectangular window indicated in the standards, using sensitivity analysis varying one of the tones and using experimental results measuring the output signals of frequency inverters driving induction motors. The proposed method achieves greater accuracy and stability in the measurement of spectral groupings and their related distortion rates in signals with abundant and dispersed interharmonic content

    A study of the effects of time aggregation and overlapping within the framework of IEC standards for the measurement of harmonics and interharmonics

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    Producción CientíficaThe increasing incorporation of power electronics and other non-linear loads, in addition to their energy advantages, also implies a poor power quality, especially as regards harmonic pollution. Different solutions have been proposed to measure harmonic content, taking the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards as a reference. However, there are still some issues related to the measurement of the harmonic, and especially, interharmonic content. Some of those questions are addressed in this work, such as the problem derived from the instability of the values obtained by applying the discrete Fourier transform to each sampling window, or the appearance of local peaks when there are tones separated by multiples of the resolution. Solutions were proposed based on time aggregation and the overlapping of windows. The results demonstrate that aggregation time, window type, and overlapping can improve the accuracy in harmonic measurement using Fourier transform-based methods, as defined in the standards. The paper shows the need to consider spectral and time groupings together, improving results by using an appropriate percentage of overlap and an adaptation of the aggregation time to the harmonic content

    Power quality studies in distribution systems involving spectral decomposition

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    Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde eine Methode der Spannungsqualitätsanalyse vorgestellt, die zur Untersuchung von Oberschwingungen und Zwischenharmonischen in Verteilungsnetzen besonders geeignet ist. Der zunehmende Einsatz von elektronisch gesteuerten Geräten führt zur Beeinträchtigung der Energiequalität in elektrischen Netzen. Die resultierende Spannungs- und Stromverzerrung kann für empfindliche Einrichtungen gefährlich sein, besonders dann, wenn der Oberschwingungspegel nahe an den Störfestigkeitspegeln der angeschlossenen Betriebsmittel liegt oder diese überschreitet. Die in der Arbeit vorgestellte Methode findet die bezüglich Oberschwingungen und Zwischenharmonischen gefährdetsten Stellen in einem Verteilungssystem heraus. Somit wird eine Vorab-Analyse zur Ergreifung der notwendigen Maßnahmen ermöglicht. Zunächst wurde das Thema Spannungsqualität und ihr Zusammenhang mit der elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit aus Sicht der Normen und Vorschriften erläutert. Darauf aufbauend wurde eine grundlegende Klassifikation der Spannungsqualitätsereignisse vorgestellt und analysiert. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Spannungsqualität aus verschiedenen Gründen zunehmend überwacht werden muss - einerseits aufgrund verstärkter Resonanzgefahr durch wachsenden Anteil nichtlinearer Verbraucher bei gleichzeitig sinkenden Anteil ohmscher Lasten und andererseits, da der durch den veränderten Energiemarkt verstärkte Kostendruck die Evaluierung auch unter wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten notwendig macht. Das Konzept eines entsprechend entwickelten Messsystems zur Beurteilung der Spannungsqualität in Verteilungsnetzen wurde vorgestellt. Der Einsatz der verwendeten Beurteilungsalgorithmen stand hierbei im Zentrum des Messsystems, deren flexibler Aufbau sowohl langzeitige Spannungsqualitätsmessungen aber auch Emissionsmessungen an einzelnen Geräten normgerecht ermöglicht. Im Weiteren wurden Modellierungsansätze für elektrische Betriebsmittel sowie sowohl lineare- als auch nicht-lineare Lasten für die Modellierung im FrequenzBereich vorgestellt. Dabei wurde verdeutlicht, dass das Zusammenwirken zwischen der Störquelle - nichtlinearer Last - und der Störsenke - dem Versorgungsnetz - sehr wesentlich für die Genauigkeit der Simulationen ist. Darauf aufbauend wurde eine messungsbasierte Methode vorgeschlagen, um die zu berücksichtigenden Nichtlinearitäten mit Hilfe einer Crossed-Frequency-Admittance-Matrix im Harmonischen-Bereich zu modellieren. Ein Beispiel illustriert detailliert dieses Verfahren, so dass alle Abhängigkeiten und Wechselwirkungen deutlich werden.  Um die in der Arbeit entwickelte Methode sinnvoll durchführen zu können, müssen im Voraus die sensitivsten Knoten in einem Verteilungsnetz gefunden werden. Deshalb wurde als Kern der entwickelten Methode ein Verfahren vorgeschlagen, das auf der internen Struktur des zu analysierenden Netzes basiert. Nachdem die mathematischen Grundlagen dieses spektralen Ansatzes vorgestellt wurden, wurde eine Beispielanalyse am realen Netz durchgeführt um die Eigenschaften dieser qualitativen Methode zu veranschaulichen. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die Methode zur Beurteilung von Spannungsqualität in Verteilungsnetzen wirkungsvoll anwendbar ist und zu besserer Genauigkeit bei Simulationen führt. Durch die Filterungseigenschaft der Spektralanalyse wurde eine bessere Selektivität der Analyse erreicht als bei herkömmlichen Methoden der Spannungsqualitätsanalyse. Das ist besonders bei Verteilungsnetzen von Vorteil, bei denen ungünstige Verhältnisse bezüglich Spannungs– und Stromqualität, hervorgerufen durch niedrige Kurzschlussleistungen und eine Vielzahl von Störquellen in den Verteilungsnetzen, entstehen. &nbsp

    Machine Learning and Data Mining Applications in Power Systems

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    This Special Issue was intended as a forum to advance research and apply machine-learning and data-mining methods to facilitate the development of modern electric power systems, grids and devices, and smart grids and protection devices, as well as to develop tools for more accurate and efficient power system analysis. Conventional signal processing is no longer adequate to extract all the relevant information from distorted signals through filtering, estimation, and detection to facilitate decision-making and control actions. Machine learning algorithms, optimization techniques and efficient numerical algorithms, distributed signal processing, machine learning, data-mining statistical signal detection, and estimation may help to solve contemporary challenges in modern power systems. The increased use of digital information and control technology can improve the grid’s reliability, security, and efficiency; the dynamic optimization of grid operations; demand response; the incorporation of demand-side resources and integration of energy-efficient resources; distribution automation; and the integration of smart appliances and consumer devices. Signal processing offers the tools needed to convert measurement data to information, and to transform information into actionable intelligence. This Special Issue includes fifteen articles, authored by international research teams from several countries

    Comparative analysis of the results from two different frequency grouping methods on the currents and temperatures of an induction motor submitted to harmonics and interharmonics : laboratory tests

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Os avanços contínuos na eletrônica de potência resultaram na instalação de cargas de potência não lineares, tais como sistemas de acionamento de motor e conversores de potência, que podem levar a perturbações como harmônicas e inter-harmônicas. Apesar do crescimento significativo da aplicação de inversores em fontes renováveis, como eólica e fotovoltaica (PV), a análise de inter-harmônicas em sistemas de potência ainda é caracterizada como um desafio. De fato, a medição de harmônicos tem sido amplamente discutida e investigada na literatura. No entanto, na questão das inter-harmônicas, pode-se observar a falta de estudos visando investigar o agrupamento de inter-harmônicas e seus efeitos nos equipamentos do sistema de energia elétrica, como o motor de indução trifásico (MIT). Para poder associar os componentes harmônicos e inter-harmônicos aos seus efeitos no MIT, é necessário adotar o método de agrupamento de frequências. Em vista disso, o norma internacional IEC 61000-4-7 sugere o conceito de agrupamento para medir inter-harmônicas. A abordagem se refere ao cálculo usado para agrupar vários valores de um parâmetro em um único valor representativo em intervalos de tempo específicos. Este método tem sido empregado em alguns estudos da literatura que visam sobre este tema. No entanto, tem sido relatado na matéria escrita que os grupos harmônicos e/ou inter-harmônicos do grupo resultante perdem algumas características do componente de freqüência harmônica ou inter-harmônica usual. Esse problema instigou um estudo na literatura que propunha a ideia de frequência de grupo (GF). O GF representa um componente de frequência única de um sinal de corrente ou tensão colocado em uma determinada banda, de forma que os componentes individuais tenham o mesmo índice de potência que o de todos os componentes de frequência na banda. Este estudo compara os resultados dos métodos de agrupamento acima mencionados com o objetivo de identificar, qual, baseado em ensaios laboratorial, melhor representa a influência de harmônicas e inter-harmônicas nas correntes e temperaturas do MIT. A utilização de um método de agrupamento preciso constitui um passo importante em estudos que visam identificar os efeitos das inter-harmônicas em equipamentos como o MIT.The continue advances in power electronics have resulted in the installation of non-linear power loads such as motor drive systems and power converters which can lead to disturbances like the harmonics and interharmonics. Despite the significant growth of the application of inverters in renewable sources such as wind and photovoltaic (PV), the analysis of interharmonics in power systems is still, characterized as a challenge. In fact, the measurement of harmonics have been broadly discussed and investigated in the literature. However, on the issue of interharmonics, one can observe the lack of studies aimed at investigating the grouping of interharmonics and their effects on equipment of the electric power system such as the three-phase induction motor (TIM). In order to be able to associate harmonic and interharmonic components with their effects on the TIM, it is necessary to adopt the frequency grouping method. In view of this, the IEC 61000-4-7 international standard suggests the concept of grouping for measuring interharmonics. The approach refers to the calculation used to group various values of a parameter in a single representative value at specific time intervals. This method has been employed in some studies in the literature regarding this topic. Nevertheless, it has been reported in written matter that the resulting group harmonics and/or interharmonic group lose some characteristics of the usual harmonic or interharmonic frequency component. This problem instigated a study in the literature that proposed the idea of group frequency (GF). The GF represents a single frequency component of a current or voltage signal placed on a given band so that the individual components have the same power index as that of all the frequency components in the band. The present study compares the results from the aforementioned grouping methods with the aim of identifying, which, based on laboratory tests, best represents the influence of harmonics and interharmonics on the currents and temperatures of the TIM. The use of a precise grouping method constitutes an important step in studies aimed at identifying the effects of interharmonics on equipment such as the TIM

    New advanced methods for the spectral analysis of time-varying waveforms in power systems

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    This thesis presents new advanced methods for the spectral analysis of time-varying waveforms in power systems. First, the main non-parametric, parametric and hybrid methods are presented in details under an analytical review of the state of the art, stressing both their advantages and their weaknesses. Then, a new advanced modified parametric method and three new advanced hybrid methods are presented in this thesis. All of the proposed methods guarantee an accuracy typical of the parametric methods, though with a significantly lower computational efforts

    Novel proposal for prediction of CO2 course and occupancy recognition in Intelligent Buildings within IoT

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    Many direct and indirect methods, processes, and sensors available on the market today are used to monitor the occupancy of selected Intelligent Building (IB) premises and the living activities of IB residents. By recognizing the occupancy of individual spaces in IB, IB can be optimally automated in conjunction with energy savings. This article proposes a novel method of indirect occupancy monitoring using CO2, temperature, and relative humidity measured by means of standard operating measurements using the KNX (Konnex (standard EN 50090, ISO/IEC 14543)) technology to monitor laboratory room occupancy in an intelligent building within the Internet of Things (IoT). The article further describes the design and creation of a Software (SW) tool for ensuring connectivity of the KNX technology and the IoT IBM Watson platform in real-time for storing and visualization of the values measured using a Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol and data storage into a CouchDB type database. As part of the proposed occupancy determination method, the prediction of the course of CO2 concentration from the measured temperature and relative humidity values were performed using mathematical methods of Linear Regression, Neural Networks, and Random Tree (using IBM SPSS Modeler) with an accuracy higher than 90%. To increase the accuracy of the prediction, the application of suppression of additive noise from the CO2 signal predicted by CO2 using the Least mean squares (LMS) algorithm in adaptive filtering (AF) method was used within the newly designed method. In selected experiments, the prediction accuracy with LMS adaptive filtration was better than 95%.Web of Science1223art. no. 454


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    The book "Echocardiography - New Techniques" brings worldwide contributions from highly acclaimed clinical and imaging science investigators, and representatives from academic medical centers. Each chapter is designed and written to be accessible to those with a basic knowledge of echocardiography. Additionally, the chapters are meant to be stimulating and educational to the experts and investigators in the field of echocardiography. This book is aimed primarily at cardiology fellows on their basic echocardiography rotation, fellows in general internal medicine, radiology and emergency medicine, and experts in the arena of echocardiography. Over the last few decades, the rate of technological advancements has developed dramatically, resulting in new techniques and improved echocardiographic imaging. The authors of this book focused on presenting the most advanced techniques useful in today's research and in daily clinical practice. These advanced techniques are utilized in the detection of different cardiac pathologies in patients, in contributing to their clinical decision, as well as follow-up and outcome predictions. In addition to the advanced techniques covered, this book expounds upon several special pathologies with respect to the functions of echocardiography