228 research outputs found

    Effects of Episodic Turbulence on Diatoms: with Comments on the use of Evans Blue Stain for Live-Dead Determinations

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    Episodic turbulence is a short-lived, high-intensity phenomenon in marine environments produced by both anthropogenic and natural causes, such as boat propellers, strong winds, and breaking waves. Episodic turbulence has been shown to cause mortality in zooplankton, but its effects on marine phytoplankton have rarely been investigated. This study focused on two diatoms: Thalassiosira weissflogii and Skeletonema costatum. I found that exposure for 45 s to turbulence intensities above 2.5 cm2 s-3 caused 24-32% reduction in diatom abundance and increased the amount of intact dead cells to 22%. Turbulence also caused extracellular release of optically reactive DOM. At a turbulence level of 4.0 cm2 s-3, photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) decreased from 0.51 to 0.38 and 0.55 to 0.50 in T. weissflogii and S. costatum respectively. These turbulence levels are comparable to those under breaking surface waves and are much smaller than those generated by boat propellers. Despite its relatively short duration, episodic turbulence has the potential to affect phytoplankton via lethal and sublethal effects. An improved technique using the Evans Blue stain was developed to enable visual live/dead plankton cell determinations. When used in conjunction with preservation and flow cytometry, this staining method allows the study of phytoplankton mortality due to turbulence and other environmental stresses

    Thin film strain transducer

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    Previous attempts to develop an appropriate sensor for measuring the stress or strain of high altitude balloons during flight are reviewed as well as the various conditions that must be met by such a device. The design, development and calibration of a transducer which promises to satisfy the necessary design constraints are described. The thin film strain transducer has a low effective modulus so as not to interfere with the strain that would naturally occur in the balloon. In addition, the transducer has a high sensitivity to longitudinal strain (7.216 mV/V/unit strain) which is constant for all temperature from room temperature to -80 C and all strains from 5 percent compression to 10 percent tensile strain. At the same time, the sensor is relatively insensitive (0.27 percent) to transverse forces. The device has a standard 350 ohm impedance which is compatible with available bridge balance, amplification and telemetry instrumentation now available for balloon flight. Recommendations are included for improved coatings to provide passive thermal control as well as model, tethered and full scale flight testing

    The Effect of Intrauterine Growth Restriction on Long-Term Outcome in Very or Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants

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    The project consisted of two long-term follow-up studies of preterm children addressing the question whether intrauterine growth restriction affects the outcome. Assessment at 5 years of age of 203 children with a birth weight less than 1000 g born in Finland in 1996-1997 showed that 9% of the children had cognitive impairment, 14% cerebral palsy, and 4% needed a hearing aid. The intelligence quotient was lower (p<0.05) than the reference value. Thus, 20% exhibited major, 19% minor disabilities, and 61% had no functional abnormalities. Being small for gestational age (SGA) was associated with sub-optimal growth later. In children born before 27 gestational weeks, the SGA had more neuropsychological disabilities than those appropriate for gestational age (AGA). In another cohort with birth weight less than 1500 g assessed at 5 years of age, echocardiography showed a thickened interventricular septum and a decreased left ventricular end-diastolic diameter in both SGA and AGA born children. They also had a higher systolic blood pressure than the reference. Laser-Doppler flowmetry showed different endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilation responses in the AGA children compared to those of the controls. SGA was not associated with cardio-vascular abnormalities. Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs) were recorded using an oddball paradigm with frequency deviants (standard tone 500 Hz and deviant 750-Hz with 10% probability). At term, the P350 was smaller in SGA and AGA infants than in controls. At 12 months, the automatic change detection peak (mismatch negativity, MMN) was observed in the controls. However, the pre-term infants had a difference positivity that correlated with their neurodevelopment scores. At 5 years of age, the P1-deflection, which reflects primary auditory processing, was smaller, and the MMN larger in the preterm than in the control children. Even with a challenging paradigm or a distraction paradigm, P1 was smaller in the preterm than in the control children. The SGA and AGA children showed similar AERP responses. Prematurity is a major risk factor for abnormal brain development. Preterm children showed signs of cardiovascular abnormality suggesting that prematurity per se may carry a risk for later morbidity. The small positive amplitudes in AERPs suggest persisting altered auditory processing in the preterm in-fants.Hyvin ennenaikainen syntymä ja sikiön kasvuhäiriö ovat riskitekijöitä lapsen kehitykselle. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin viisivuotiaitten pienipainoisten keskosten neurologista suoriutumista, sydän-ja verenkiertoelimistön toimintaa sekä kuuloaivokuoren erottelukyvyn kehitystä. Suomessa 1996 1997 syntyneistä, alle 1000g painaneista keskosista 9 %:lla todettiin kehitysvammaisuus, 14 %:lla aivohalvaus, 4 %:lla oli kuulokoje. Vaikka keskosten älykkyys- ja neuropsykologisten testien tulosten keskiarvot asettuivat normaalialueelle, ne olivat merkittävästi viitearvoja pienempiä. Merkittävä toiminnallinen haitta todettiin 20 %:lla, lievä haitta 19 %:lla, ja 61 % lapsista oli toiminnallisesti normaaleja. Sikiökautinen kasvuhäiriö jatkui myöhemmin hitaana kasvuna. Toisessa, alle 1500 g painaneiden keskosten seurantatutkimuksessa sydämen ultraäänitutkimus 5 vuoden iässä osoitti kammioväliseinän paksuuntuneen, vasemman kammion diastolisen läpimitan pienentyneen ja systolisen verenpaineen nousseen verrattuna viitearvoihin. Ihon pintaverenkierron laser-Doppler tutkimuksessa raskauden kestoon nähden normaalipainoisina syntyneillä keskosilla todettiin erilainen vaste lääkeaineilla provosoituun endoteeliriippuvaiseen tai sileälihasriippuvaiseen verisuonten laajenemiseen kuin täysiaikaisina syntyneillä verrokeilla. Vastasyntyneisyyskaudella näillä keskosilla todettiin kuuloaivokuoren erottelukokeessa positiivinen jännitevaste 350 ms ärsykkeen alusta. Vuoden iässä äänisarjan poikkeama aiheutti keskosilla positiivisen erotusjännitevasteen, kun taas täysiaikaisina syntyneillä kontrollilapsilla vaste oli muuttunut odotetusti negatiiviseksi. Viiden vuoden iässä varhaiset positiiviset jännitevasteet, jotka kuvastavat primaarikuuloaivokuoren toimintaa, olivat vaimeammat kuin verrokeilla. Nämä varhaiset vasteet sekä äänisarjan poikkeaman erottaminen korreloivat kielelliseen suoriutumiseen. Kuuloerottelun aktiivista tarkkaavaisuutta vaativassa kokeessa tarkkaavuuden perusmekanismit olivat keskosilla samanlaisia kuin kontrolleilla, mutta kontrolleja vaimeammat jännitepotentiaalit voivat viitata kuuloärsykkeen poikkeavaan prosessointiin. Ennenaikaisuus on merkittävä riski keskushermoston kehitykselle. Ennenaikaisuus voi lisätä sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistön poikkeavaa toimintaa. Keskosten kuuloaivokuoren erottelukokeen poikkeavuudet voivat assosioitua poikkeavaan kielelliseen kehitykseen

    Impact of glacier loss and vegetation succession on annual basin runoff

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    Evan Carnahan is a UAS B.S. Math graduateWe use a simplified glacier-landscape model to investigate the degree to which basin topography, climate regime, and vegetation succession impact centennial variations in basin runoff during glacier retreat. In all simulations, annual basin runoff initially increases as water is released from glacier storage but ultimately decreases to below preretreat levels due to increases in evapotranspiration and decreases in orographic precipitation. We characterize the long-term ( > 200 years) annual basin runoff curves with four metrics: the magnitude and timing of peak basin runoff, the time to preretreat basin runoff, and the magnitude of end basin runoff. We find that basin slope and climate regime have strong impacts on the magnitude and timing of peak basin runoff. Shallow sloping basins exhibit a later and larger peak basin runoff than steep basins and, similarly, continental glaciers produce later and larger peak basin runoff compared to maritime glaciers. Vegetation succession following glacier loss has little impact on the peak basin runoff but becomes increasingly important as time progresses, with more rapid and extensive vegetation leading to shorter times to preretreat basin runoff and lower levels of end basin runoff. We suggest that differences in the magnitude and timing of peak basin runoff in our simulations can largely be attributed to glacier dynamics: glaciers with long response times (i.e., those that respond slowly to climate change) are pushed farther out of equilibrium for a given climate forcing and produce larger variations in basin runoff than glaciers with short response times. Overall, our results demonstrate that glacier dynamics and vegetation succession should receive roughly equal attention when assessing the impacts of glacier mass loss on water resources.Ye


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    Solder joints on printed circuit boards provide electrical and mechanical connections between electronic devices and metallized patterns on boards. These solder joints are often the cause of failure in electronic packages. Solders age under storage and operational life conditions, which can include temperature, mechanical loads, and electrical current. Aging occurring at a constant temperature is called isothermal aging. Isothermal aging leads to coarsening of the bulk microstructure and increased interfacial intermetallic compounds at the solder-pad interface. The coarsening of the solder bulk degrades the creep properties of solders, whereas the voiding and brittleness of interfacial intermetallic compounds leads to mechanical weakness of the solder joint. Industry guidelines on solder interconnect reliability test methods recommend preconditioning the solder assemblies by isothermal aging before conducting reliability tests. The guidelines assume that isothermal aging simulates a "reasonable use period," but do not relate the isothermal aging levels with specific use conditions. Studies on the effect of isothermal aging on the thermal cycling reliability of tin-lead and tin-silver-copper solders are limited in scope, and results have been contradictory. The effect of electrical current on solder joints has been has mostly focused on current densities above 104A/cm2 with high ambient temperature (&#8805;100oC), where electromigration, thermomigration, and Joule heating are the dominant failure mechanisms. The effect of current density below 104A/cm2 on temperature cycling fatigue of solders has not been established. This research provides the relation between isothermal aging and the thermal cycling reliability of select Sn-based solders. The Sn-based solders with 3%, 1%, and 0% silver content that have replaced tin-lead are studied and compared against tin-lead solder. The activation energy and growth exponents of the Arrhenius model for the intermetallic growth in the solders are provided. An aging metric to quantify the aging of solder joints, in terms of phase size in the solder bulk and interfacial intermetallic compound thickness at the solder-pad interface, is established. Based on the findings of thermal cycling tests on aged solder assemblies, recommendations are made for isothermal aging of solders before thermal cycling tests. Additionally, the effect of active electrical current at 103 A/cm2 on thermal cycling reliability is reported

    Quality of a powdered grapefruit product formulated with biopolymers obtained by freeze-drying and spray-drying

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    [EN] Freeze-drying and spray-drying are two techniques used to produce dehydrated food products. Both techniques are easy to use and offer high sensory, nutritive value, and functional quality to foods. However, both processes become difficult for foods with high sugar and acid content, such as fruits. This is because these products, once dehydrated, moisten quickly, causing a change in their physical properties, mainly in the mechanical aspects related to the start of a caking phenomenon. Therefore, incorporating high molecular weight biopolymers that act as facilitators or processors, prevent the structural collapse of the product. The aim of this study was to select the best process, between freeze-drying or spray-drying, to obtain a powdered grapefruit product with the higher quality. The impact of the biopolymers used to stabilize the powdered product was also tested. The properties analyzed were the solubility, wettability, hygroscopicity, porosity, and color of the powder together with the flow behavior, both in air and water. The results of this study show that using the freeze-drying technique, products have a better flow behavior, greater porosity, and a color more like fresh grapefruit. Biopolymers, especially when in combination, have a positive effect on the quality parameters studied. Practical Application The results of this study allow freeze-drying to be proposed as a process to obtain a grapefruit product with better properties, both powdered and rehydrated, than that obtained by spray-drying. On the other hand, although the incorporation of biopolymers is necessary to facilitate the process and stabilize the product, no significant differences have been found between the different formulations tested, although it seems that their combination favours some of the properties of the powder, such as solubility, hygroscopicity, wetting time and dispersibility.The authors thank the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad for the financial support given through the Projects AGL 2012-39103 and AGL 2017-89251-R (AEI/FEDER-UE), respectively. Luis A. Egas-Astudillo thanks the Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENECYT) of the Republic of Ecuador for the contribution to this research.Egas-Astudillo, LA.; Martínez Navarrete, N.; Camacho Vidal, MM. (2021). Quality of a powdered grapefruit product formulated with biopolymers obtained by freeze-drying and spray-drying. Journal of Food Science. 86(6):2255-2263. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.157502255226386