4,017 research outputs found

    Maximising the benefit of distributed wind generation through intertemporal Active Network Management

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    The role of distribution networks is changing. There is a significant drive, influenced by climate change and security of supply issues, to move electricity generation towards renewable technologies. This is leading to an increase in demand for renewable generation connections at the distribution network level and putting pressure on distribution network operators to change the 'fit-and-forget' philosophy of network operation to include more active approaches. In the UK this is seen through the development of Active Network Management schemes which manage distributed generation in real-time, applying constraints when required to maintain network limits. In parallel, technologies have been developed that are capable of providing intertemporal flexibility, of which two particular examples are energy storage and flexible demand. The objective of the thesis is to answer the questions: How can energy storage and flexible demand be scheduled in a second-generation Active Network Management scheme? And how should they be operated to gain most benefit from distributed wind generation? To answer these questions, the thesis develops and uses tools to study the optimisation of second-generation Active Network Management schemes including intertemporal technologies. The tools developed include a Dynamic Optimal Power Flow algorithm for management of energy storage and flexible demand. The thesis provides the first fully flexible model of energy storage in this context, the first implementation of principles-of-access in an optimal power flow, and the first detailed study of the role of energy storage and flexible demand in managing thermal limits and reducing curtailment of distributed wind generation. The thesis also develops the theory of Dynamic Locational Marginal Pricing based on the economic information contained in an optimal solution to a Dynamic Optimal Power Flow. The thesis shows this to be a useful way of understanding the economic impact of intertemporal flexibility and monetary flows in markets which contain them. The thesis goes on to provide a detailed report of the application of Dynamic Optimal Power Flow and Dynamic Locational Marginal Pricing to an islanded Active Network Management scheme currently in deployment in the UK. This highlights the ability of the tools developed to contribute to future projects. A conclusions of the thesis is that DOPF provides a useful method of scheduling flexible devices such as energy storage and power systems. It takes full account of network constraints and limitations, and as applied in this thesis, the most complete models of the intertemporal effects of energy storage and flexible demand to date. The studies contained in the thesis show that energy storage and flexible demand can increase the benefit of distributed wind generation in Active Network Management by minimising curtailment and transferring generated electricity to periods during which the energy has greatest value in offsetting expensive, fossil fuel based generation. The thesis notes the importance of a useful definition of the 'benefit' of wind generation in terms of global objectives such as minimising emissions rather than interim objectives such as maximising generation from renewables. The thesis discusses the importance of losses in energy storage, and the relationship of storage and network losses with curtailment of wind and the lost opportunity of generating electricity. In terms of losses, the extension of existing economic analysis methods leads to the result that flexibility will only operate between time-steps where the ratio of prices is greater than the round-trip losses of the store. Within this constraint, effective use of energy storage is shown to result from regular charging and discharging. The comparison between energy storage and flexible demand shows that where there are few losses associated with flexibility in demand it is significantly more successful than energy storage at mitigating the effects of variability in wind. The final study of an islanded distribution network with wind curtailment, concludes that energy storage is less effective that flexible demand at reducing wind curtailment, but can provide benefit through management of peak demand. Flexible demand, in the form of flexible domestic electric heating, is shown to have the ability to provide a significant benefit in terms of reduced wind curtailment. This ability is further enhanced for island situations if demand has a frequency-responsive component.The role of distribution networks is changing. There is a significant drive, influenced by climate change and security of supply issues, to move electricity generation towards renewable technologies. This is leading to an increase in demand for renewable generation connections at the distribution network level and putting pressure on distribution network operators to change the 'fit-and-forget' philosophy of network operation to include more active approaches. In the UK this is seen through the development of Active Network Management schemes which manage distributed generation in real-time, applying constraints when required to maintain network limits. In parallel, technologies have been developed that are capable of providing intertemporal flexibility, of which two particular examples are energy storage and flexible demand. The objective of the thesis is to answer the questions: How can energy storage and flexible demand be scheduled in a second-generation Active Network Management scheme? And how should they be operated to gain most benefit from distributed wind generation? To answer these questions, the thesis develops and uses tools to study the optimisation of second-generation Active Network Management schemes including intertemporal technologies. The tools developed include a Dynamic Optimal Power Flow algorithm for management of energy storage and flexible demand. The thesis provides the first fully flexible model of energy storage in this context, the first implementation of principles-of-access in an optimal power flow, and the first detailed study of the role of energy storage and flexible demand in managing thermal limits and reducing curtailment of distributed wind generation. The thesis also develops the theory of Dynamic Locational Marginal Pricing based on the economic information contained in an optimal solution to a Dynamic Optimal Power Flow. The thesis shows this to be a useful way of understanding the economic impact of intertemporal flexibility and monetary flows in markets which contain them. The thesis goes on to provide a detailed report of the application of Dynamic Optimal Power Flow and Dynamic Locational Marginal Pricing to an islanded Active Network Management scheme currently in deployment in the UK. This highlights the ability of the tools developed to contribute to future projects. A conclusions of the thesis is that DOPF provides a useful method of scheduling flexible devices such as energy storage and power systems. It takes full account of network constraints and limitations, and as applied in this thesis, the most complete models of the intertemporal effects of energy storage and flexible demand to date. The studies contained in the thesis show that energy storage and flexible demand can increase the benefit of distributed wind generation in Active Network Management by minimising curtailment and transferring generated electricity to periods during which the energy has greatest value in offsetting expensive, fossil fuel based generation. The thesis notes the importance of a useful definition of the 'benefit' of wind generation in terms of global objectives such as minimising emissions rather than interim objectives such as maximising generation from renewables. The thesis discusses the importance of losses in energy storage, and the relationship of storage and network losses with curtailment of wind and the lost opportunity of generating electricity. In terms of losses, the extension of existing economic analysis methods leads to the result that flexibility will only operate between time-steps where the ratio of prices is greater than the round-trip losses of the store. Within this constraint, effective use of energy storage is shown to result from regular charging and discharging. The comparison between energy storage and flexible demand shows that where there are few losses associated with flexibility in demand it is significantly more successful than energy storage at mitigating the effects of variability in wind. The final study of an islanded distribution network with wind curtailment, concludes that energy storage is less effective that flexible demand at reducing wind curtailment, but can provide benefit through management of peak demand. Flexible demand, in the form of flexible domestic electric heating, is shown to have the ability to provide a significant benefit in terms of reduced wind curtailment. This ability is further enhanced for island situations if demand has a frequency-responsive component

    Beyond Power over Ethernet : the development of Digital Energy Networks for buildings

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    Alternating current power distribution using analogue control and safety devices has been the dominant process of power distribution within our buildings since the electricity industry began in the late 19th century. However, with advances in digital technology, the seeds of change have been growing over the last decade. Now, with the simultaneous dramatic fall in power requirements of digital devices and corresponding rise in capability of Power over Ethernet, an entire desktop environment can be powered by a single direct current (dc) Ethernet cable. Going beyond this, it will soon be possible to power entire office buildings using dc networks. This means the logic of “one-size fits all” from the existing ac system is no longer relevant and instead there is an opportunity to redesign the power topology to be appropriate for different applications, devices and end-users throughout the building. This paper proposes a 3-tier classification system for the topology of direct current microgrids in commercial buildings – called a Digital Energy Network or DEN. The first tier is power distribution at a full building level (otherwise known as the microgrid); the second tier is power distribution at a room level (the nanogrid); and the third tier is power distribution at a desktop or appliance level (the picogrid). An important aspect of this classification system is how the design focus changes for each grid. For example; a key driver of the picogrid is the usability of the network – high data rates, and low power requirements; however, in the microgrid, the main driver is high power and efficiency at low cost

    Multicriteria methodologies for the appraisal of smart grid projects when flexibility competes with grid expansion

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    The severe consequences expected due to the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events call for improving the environmental sustainability of our society. The electricity sector is pivotal in the path toward a climate-neutral society. Nowadays, the massive use of renewable energy sources requires that electricity demand follows energy production. Demand has to be flexible, as well as the renewable generation and the grid infrastructures. The power system has to assume a decentralised structure and integrate the transportation and cooling and heating sectors. All customers connected to the electrical grid have to contribute to the power system management and participate in the related markets. The power system has to become smart; all technical and market processes have to be digitalised to enable new functionalities and services. The power system transformation requires rethinking planning and operation practices to accommodate the changes and take advantage of the related opportunities. The novel features and services available in the active and flexible power system will influence the customers' daily habits; therefore, the impacts generated by planning initiatives will cross the power system borders by impacting society as a whole. Since the power system will be operated closer to its technical limits, it is crucial to enhance the management of uncertainties by the increased accuracy of load and generation forecast. This thesis addresses the ongoing power system transformation by focusing on the distribution system, which will face unprecedented changes. This thesis concerns novel approaches for appraising the project initiatives based on the use of the users' flexibility connected to the grid. Traditional appraisal tools are no longer effective; therefore, decision-makers have to be supported with tools capable of capturing the complexity of the future power system in which flexibility measures compete with grid expansion. In this thesis, an assessment framework for smart grid initiatives which combines the cost-benefit analysis and the multi-criteria analysis proposed. Based on international guidelines, this framework allows for a systematic and simultaneous assessment of tangible and the intangible impacts considering conflicting criteria. To complete the assessment framework, a novel methodology which combines Regret Theory and multi-criteria analysis is proposed. The proposed methodology represents one of the main contributions of this dissertation. It supports the decision-maker to identify the most valuable option by decomposing the complex decision-making problem of smart grid planning and rejecting personal biases by avoiding the need for defining the evaluation criteria relevance. However, the stakeholders’ perspective can be included in terms of constraints for the minimax optimisation problem. In conclusion, the contribution of the thesis is to provide decision-making support tools for strategical power system planning. The research activities described in this document have been aimed at supporting system operators and regulatory bodies by providing tools for smart grid project appraisal and improving the accuracy of power system studies considering the novel context features

    Strategic decision-making support for distribution system planning with flexibility alternatives

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    The ongoing power system transformation requires rethinking the planning and operation practices of the different segments to accommodate the necessary changes and take advantage of the forthcoming opportunities. This paper concerns novel approaches for appraising initiatives involving the use of flexibility from grid-connected users. This paper proposes a Decision Theory based Multi-Criteria Cost-Benefit Analysis (DT-MCA-CBA) methodology for smart grid initiatives that capture the complexity of the distribution system planning activities in which flexibility competes with grid expansion. Based on international guidelines, the proposed DT-MCA-CBA methodology systematically assesses tangible and intangible impacts, considering multiple conflicting criteria. The DT-MCA-CBA methodology relies on a novel approach that combines MCA and Decision Theory to identify the most valuable option in a complex decision-making problem by modelling the stakeholder perspective with the MiniMax regret decision rule. The proposed DT-MCA-CBA methodology is applied to a comparative case study concerning four different approaches for distribution system planning. A web-based software which implements the proposed decision-making framework and the DT-MCA-CBA methodology is developed to provide a novel decision-making support tool for strategical smart distribution system planning

    Dynamic optimal power flow for active distribution networks

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    Active Network Management is a philosophy for the operation of distribution networks with high penetrations of renewable distributed generation.Technologies such as energy storage and flexible demand are now beginning to be included in Active Network Management (ANM) schemes. Optimizing the operation of these schemes requires consideration of inter-temporal linkages as well as network power flow effects. Network effects are included in Optimal Power Flow (OPF) solutions but this only optimizes for a single point in time. Dynamic Optimal Power Flow (DOPF) is an extension of OPF to cover multiple time periods. This paper reviews the generic formulation of Dynamic Optimal Power Flow before developing a framework for modeling energy technologies with inter-temporal characteristics in an ANM context. The framework includes the optimization of non-firm connected generation, Principles of Access for non-firm generators, energy storage and flexible demand. Two objectives based on maximizing export and revenue are developed and a case study is used to illustrate the technique. Results show that DOPF is able to successfully schedule these energy technologies. DOPF schedules energy storage and flexible demand to reduce generator curtailment significantly in the case study. Finally the role of DOPF in analyzing ANM schemes is discussed with reference to extending the optimization framework to include other technologies and objectives

    Better safe than sorry? Reliability policy in network industries

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    This report develops a roadmap for reliability policy in network industries. Based on economic theory, we analyse the relationship between reliability and various types of government policy: privatisation, liberalisation, regulation, unbundling, and 'commitment policy'. We let government policy depend on (1) the feasibility of competition between networks, (2) contractibility of reliability, and (3) the relation between profit maximisation and public interests. We test this roadmap on the basis of the empirical literature and case studies on electricity, natural gas, drinking water, wastewater, and railways.

    Active network management for electrical distribution systems: problem formulation, benchmark, and approximate solution

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    With the increasing share of renewable and distributed generation in electrical distribution systems, Active Network Management (ANM) becomes a valuable option for a distribution system operator to operate his system in a secure and cost-effective way without relying solely on network reinforcement. ANM strategies are short-term policies that control the power injected by generators and/or taken off by loads in order to avoid congestion or voltage issues. Advanced ANM strategies imply that the system operator has to solve large-scale optimal sequential decision-making problems under uncertainty. For example, decisions taken at a given moment constrain the future decisions that can be taken and uncertainty must be explicitly accounted for because neither demand nor generation can be accurately forecasted. We first formulate the ANM problem, which in addition to be sequential and uncertain, has a nonlinear nature stemming from the power flow equations and a discrete nature arising from the activation of power modulation signals. This ANM problem is then cast as a stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear program, as well as second-order cone and linear counterparts, for which we provide quantitative results using state of the art solvers and perform a sensitivity analysis over the size of the system, the amount of available flexibility, and the number of scenarios considered in the deterministic equivalent of the stochastic program. To foster further research on this problem, we make available at http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~anm/ three test beds based on distribution networks of 5, 33, and 77 buses. These test beds contain a simulator of the distribution system, with stochastic models for the generation and consumption devices, and callbacks to implement and test various ANM strategies

    Foreseeing New Control Challenges in Electricity Prosumer Communities

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    peer reviewedThis paper is dedicated to electricity prosumer communities, which are groups of people producing, sharing and consuming electricity locally. This paper focuses on building a rigorous mathematical framework in order to formalise sequen- tial decision making problems that may soon be encountered within electricity prosumer communities. After introducing our formalism, we propose a set of optimisation problems reflecting several types of theoretically optimal behaviours for energy exchanges between prosumers. We then discuss the advantages and disadvantages of centralised and decentralised schemes and provide illustrations of decision making strategies, allowing a prosumer community to generate more distributed electricity (compared to commonly applied strategies) by mitigating over- voltages over a low-voltage feeder. We finally investigate how to design distributed control schemes that may contribute reaching (at least partially) the objectives of the community, by resort in to machine learning techniques to extract, from centralised solution(s), decision making patterns to be applied locally. First empirical results show that, even after a post-processing phase so that it satisfies physical constraints, the learning approach still performs better than predetermined strategies targeting safety first, then cost minimisation

    Distribution network optimisation for an active network management system

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    The connection of Distributed Generators (DGs) to a distribution network causes technical concerns for Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) which include power flow management, loss increase and voltage management problems. An Active Network Management System can provide monitoring and control of the distribution network as well as providing the infrastructure and technology for full integration of DGs into the distribution network. The Optimal Power Flow (OPF) method is a valuable tool in providing optimal control solutions for active network management system applications. The research presented here has concentrated on the development of a multi-objective OPF to provide power flow management, voltage control solutions and network optimisation strategies. The OPF has been shown to provide accurate solutions for variety of network topologies. It is possible to apply time-series of load and generation data to the OPF in a loop, generating optimal network solutions to maintain the network within thermal and voltage limits. The OPF incorporates not only the DG real power output maximisation, but also network loss minimisation as well as minimising the dispatch of DG reactive power. This investigation uses a direct Interior Point (IP) method as the solution methodology which is speed efficient and converges in polynomial time. Each objective function has been assigned a weighting factor, making it possible to favour one objective function and ignore the others. Contributions to enhance the performance of the IP OPF algorithm include a new generic barrier parameter formulation and a new swing bus formulation to model energy export/import in the main optimisation routine. A Terminal Voltage Regulator Mode (TVRM) and Power Factor Regulation Mode (PFRM) for DG were incorporated in the main optimisation routine. The main motivation is to compare these two decentralised DG control methods in terms of the achieving the maximum DG real power generation. The DG operation methods of TVRM and PFRM are compared with the optimisation results obtained from centralised dispatch in terms of the DG capacity achieved as it produces the optimum overall network solution. A suitable value of the droop and local voltage regulator dead-bands were determined for particular DGs. Furthermore, the effect of these decentralised DG control methods on distribution network losses are considered in a measure to assess the financial implications from a DNO's perspective

    An overview of grid-edge control with the digital transformation

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    Distribution networks are evolving to become more responsive with increasing integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and digital transformation at the grid edges. This evolution imposes many challenges to the operation of the network, which then calls for new control and operation paradigms. Among others, a so-called grid-edge control is emerging to harmonise the coexistence of the grid control system and DER’s autonomous control. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the grid-edge control with various control architectures, layers, and strategies. The challenges and opportunities for such an approach at the grid edge with the integration of DERs and digital transformation are summarised. The potential solutions to support the network operation by using the inherent controllability of DER and the availability of the digital transformation at the grid edges are discussed