393 research outputs found

    Detection of dirt impairments from archived film sequences : survey and evaluations

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    Film dirt is the most commonly encountered artifact in archive restoration applications. Since dirt usually appears as a temporally impulsive event, motion-compensated interframe processing is widely applied for its detection. However, motion-compensated prediction requires a high degree of complexity and can be unreliable when motion estimation fails. Consequently, many techniques using spatial or spatiotemporal filtering without motion were also been proposed as alternatives. A comprehensive survey and evaluation of existing methods is presented, in which both qualitative and quantitative performances are compared in terms of accuracy, robustness, and complexity. After analyzing these algorithms and identifying their limitations, we conclude with guidance in choosing from these algorithms and promising directions for future research

    Aproximación virtual y didáctica al patrimonio defensivo de la fortaleza del siglo XVI de la Trinitat (Rosas, Girona)

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    [EN] The Trinitat Fort, built in the mid-16th century, is an extraordinary example of European military architecture from the mid-16th century, conceived as an artillery machine, whose mission was to protect the natural port of Roses (Girona, Spain). The fortification had a long history of warfare that ended with the Peninsular War (1808–1814), which turned it into ruins. In 2002, the Roses city council planned an ambitious architectural intervention to recover the fortification. The works restored the overall exterior volumetry, with current construction materials. The large interior spaces resulting from the intervention had little in common with the original structures. Starting in 2016, the museum projected to open the fort to the public. The strategy focused on 3D works, which were used to plan museographic proposals and to make an interior space understandable, with an aspect very distant from that of the original construction. It entailed extensive fieldwork analyzing the sources and structural remains that were preserved and surmising the possible architectural solutions the fortress originally contained. Based on evidence and hypotheses, the group carried out a reconstruction from virtual archeology, and it developed a didactic iconography to explain the artifact to a broad spectrum of visitors and students. This iconography was applied on the panels, in the scenography and audiovisuals of the museum, and in the dissemination materials. The museography was implemented between 2019 and 2021. Considering the variables and comprehensive needs for a wide range of users and visitors, we completed the virtual archeology proposal based on realistic criteria, giving importance in 3D to textures and colors. It incorporated the anthropic and movable factors through matte painting techniques and images obtained with the support of re-enactment groups.Highlights: - The Fort of the Trinitat, built in the middle of the 16th century, is an extraordinary poliorcetic piece, conceived as an artillery machine, whose mission was to protect the natural port of Roses (Girona, Spain). - Between 2019 and 2021, an ambitious reconstruction of virtual archaeology has been carried out, developing a didactic iconography aimed at broad-spectrum visitors and formal education students. - The didactic iconography proposal developed in the Fort of the Trinitat does not try to compete with the large market productions, but it does try to explore sustainable intervention models to make the past and its heritage known.[ES] El Fuerte de la Trinitat, construido a mediados del siglo XVI, es un extraordinario ejemplo de arquitectura militar europea de mediados del siglo XVI, concebido como una máquina de artillería, y con la misión de proteger el puerto natural de Roses (Girona, España). La fortificación tuvo dilatado historial bélico que terminó durante la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814), convirtiéndose en un montón de ruinas. En 2002, el ayuntamiento de Roses planificó una ambiciosa intervención arquitectónica para recuperar la fortificación. Las obras restauraron la volumetría exterior en su conjunto, con materiales de construcción actuales. Los grandes espacios interiores resultantes de la intervención tenían poco en común con las estructuras originales. A partir de 2016, se inició el proyecto de museografía con el objetivo de abrir el fuerte al público. La estrategia se centró en la realización de un 3D, utilizado para planificar propuestas las museográficas y hacer comprensible un espacio interior, que presentaba un aspecto muy distante al de la construcción original. Se procedió a la realización de un laborioso trabajo de campo, analizando las fuentes y los restos estructurales que se conservaban, y aventurando las posibles soluciones arquitectónicas que en su día tuvo la fortaleza. A partir de las evidencias y las hipótesis se procedió a realizar una reconstrucción de arqueología virtual y se desarrolló una iconografía didáctica para explicar el fuerte a un público visitante de amplio espectro, y a estudiantes de enseñanza reglada. La museografía comenzó a implementarse entre los años 2019 y 2021. Teniendo en cuenta variables y necesidades comprensivas de los usuarios y visitantes la propuesta de arqueología virtual se planteó a partir de criterios realistas, basándose en el 3D, en las texturas y en los colores. El factor humano y mueble se incorpora a partir de técnicas matte painting con el apoyo de grupos de recreación histórica.This work was supported by the Bosch Gimpera Foundation Project no. 309824 (2018): Advice and coordination of the museography works of the permanent exhibition of the castle of the Trinity of Roses. Barcelona: Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (University of Barcelona); Roses City Council.Hernàndez-Cardona, FX.; Sospedra-Roca, R.; Casals-Ausió, JR. (2022). Virtual and didactic approach to the defensive heritage of the 16th century Fort of the Trinitat (Roses, Girona). Virtual Archaeology Review. 13(26):103-115. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2022.15733OJS1031151326Aguiló, M. (2006). Los ingenieros en la construcción del Mediterráneo. In C. de Seta (Coord.), España en el Mediterráneo. La construcción del espacio (pp.18-41). Madrid, Spain: Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Publicas.Ainaud, J. (1965). La plaza fuerte de Rosas. 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    ABSTRACT This paper presents an automatic technique to remove semitransparent blotches (due to moisture) from archived photographs and documents. Blotches are processed in the HSV space. While chroma components are processed using a simple texture synthesis method, the intensity component is split into an over-complete wavelet representation. In the approximation band, the blotch is modelled as an alpha matte which reduces the intensity of the image in a non-uniform yet smooth manner. The alpha matte is estimated using a Bayesian approach and its effect reversed. Wavelet details are left unchanged in the case of perfect semi-transparency or attenuated using visibility laws whenever dirt and dust cause spurious edges. Experimental results achieved on many historical photographs show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    The Journal of Diving History, Volume 24, Issue 3 (Number 88), 2016

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    Aviation Archaeology: History, Theory, Practice and Direction

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    Aviation archaeology as a field of study has struggled with competing academic, professional, and public definitions and priorities since its establishment. In some ways, this sub-discipline of historical or underwater archaeology mirrors the development of nautical archaeology. Like nautical archaeologists who overcame the barrier of the oceans and pioneered methodology to suit, the proponents of aviation archaeology have also used the discipline to overcome a barrier of historical perception and tradition. The practice of aviation archaeology, however, has been characterized by opposing viewpoints and stakeholders often exhibit a non-collaborative attitude towards other groups and sometimes their own colleagues. These stakeholder groups are each focused on their own priorities, be they theory, methodology, conservation, exhibition, or re-use, and each group is arguably attempting to shape the future of aviation archaeology through their projects or publications. This dissertation is a critical evaluation of the current state of aviation archaeology, including its history, stakeholders, literature, and defining projects. This leads to the identification of a series of best practices in aviation archaeology and a theory of interpretation and display of recovered aircraft

    The Brave New Virtual Art World The Evolution of Digital Art: NFTs and their Effects on the Art Market in 2021

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    The first half of 2021, NFT crypto art captured both the public’s attention and the art market due to the escalation of sales prices and the auction houses acceptance of cryptocurrencies. As an artform, digital art is not new. It began in the 1960s and 1970s with roots as early as the 1940s. During this evolution the lines between technology and art have intersected, often become blurred and in many cases have merged into new artforms. Even when scholars trace the origins of digital art to present day it is difficult to tell if scientists are influencing artists or artists shape technology. Crypto art comes with a unique set of benefits to both collectors and artists alike, but it also poses several new threats to the environment and the art economy. While museums, collectors and galleries are experimenting with best ways to store and display the crypto digital art, collectors and artists have the challenge to define how they would like to preserve and maintain the work whose technology is sure to be obsolete in the future

    Town of Harrisville, NH annual report for the year ended December 31, 2020.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    November 1993

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    Vol. III, no. 6 featured Batesville, Arkansas, band Mutha\u27s Day Out.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/shake-rattle-roll/1029/thumbnail.jp