586 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) In Predicting New Students (Case Study : UBP Karawang)

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    The process of admitting new students is an annual routine activity that occurs in a university. This activity is the starting point of the process of searching for prospective new students who meet the criteria expected by the college. One of the colleges that holds new student admissions every year is Buana Perjuangan University, Karawang. There have been several studies that have been conducted on predictions of new students by other researchers, but the results have not been very satisfying, especially problems with the level of accuracy and error. Research on ANFIS studies to predict new students as a solution to the problem of accuracy. This study uses two ANFIS models, namely Backpropagation and Hybrid techniques. The application of the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model in the predictions of new students at Buana Perjuangan University, Karawang was successful. Based on the results of training, the Backpropagation technique has an error rate of 0.0394 and the Hybrid technique has an error rate of 0.0662. Based on the predictive accuracy value that has been done, the Backpropagation technique has an accuracy of 4.8 for the value of Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and 0.156364623 for the value of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Meanwhile, based on the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) value, the Backpropagation technique has a value of 0.5 and 0.09516671 for the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) value. So it can be concluded that the Hybrid technique has a better level of accuracy than the Backpropation technique in predicting the number of new students at the University of Buana Perjuangan Karawan

    IP Based Module for Building Automation System

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    Embedded systems technology has a lot of applications in the various fields of life to bring ease and comfort for humans. One kind of applications is in the development of modern buildings, where embedded systems are applied to the control system. Building Automation Systems (BAS) are often encountered in modern buildings today. They are responsible to automatically control the building appliances such as electrical equipments, fire alarms, security systems, and others. Conventionally, a smart home that can be controlled by an embedded system is connected to a central monitoring unit such as a computer. The system commonly employs RS232 or RS485 serial communication, so that the control activities cannot be carried out from a long distance. With the rapid technology development in the field of communication, many recent communication devices are practical and have a good performance. One of them is a device with the Android operating system that can access the internet, thus it has a significant role in simplifying the management of smart homes. This research proposes the design of a smart home that can conserve energy by turning off unneeded electrical appliances, detect disorders such as flood, fire, and theft, and also serve as an early warning system through SMS Gateway. It can be monitored and controlled remotely over the Internet by an Android device

    The impact of sensory stimuli on the stress response of children with autism spectrum disorders

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    This is a multiple subject research study looking at children with ASD (N=8) and a control group (N=6). We looked at cortisol samples along with behavioral observations on a sensory probe and short sensory profile scores to determine differences among the groups. All children showed a change in cortisol over the course of the day however, there was no difference seen in patterns by group. There was a high likelihood based on statistical analysis that children with ASD respond negatively to at least five out of the eight sensory probe items. Short sensory profile scores also showed that there was a significantly higher chance of having an atypical score on the Short Sensory profile for children with ASD

    Optimation economic order quantity method for a support system reorder point stock

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    The success of a company is measured by the ability to provide goods and services at the right time and place. Besides, one of the factors of the company's progress is also supported by inventory management which functions to control the company's inventory by neither hoarding lots of products nor running out of products. The development of technology requires a company's inventory management that is fast, precise and accurate to support its’ performance. In fact, some companies have difficulty in determining the stock of their goods production so that it impedes the fulfillment of consumer needs in the event of high market demand. This study is to determine the reorder point stock of a company that determines the number of purchases and sales of the company's products, therefore the amount of expenses and income can be presented to the board of directors to be followed up quickly and accurately. The method used is a statistical approach to the economic quantity model where safety stock analysis is first performed. This method is used to put the company's products to the inventory so that there are no excess or even shortages of products. System development method used is a user centered design, which is the most suitable to the study. The output of the activity is information in the form of advice to the company leaders in making decisions about production planning, controlling stock inventory, detailing market demand quickly, precisely and accurately and developing a decision support system that is made by taking into account the details of user needs

    Development of dynamic model and control techniques for microelectromechanical gyroscopes

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    In this thesis we investigate the effects of stiffness, damping and temperature on the performance of a MEMS vibratory gyroscope. The stiffness and damping parameters are chosen because they can be appropriately designed to synchronize the drive and sense mode resonance to enhance the sensitivity and stability of MEMS gyroscope. Our results show that increasing the drive axis stiffness from its tuned value by 50%, reduces the sense mode magnitude by ~27% and augments the resonance frequency by ~21%. The stiffness and damping are mildly sensitive to typical variations in operating temperature. The stiffness decreases by 0.30%, while the damping increases by 3.81% from their initial values, when the temperature is raised from -40 to 60C. Doubling the drive mode damping from its tuned value reduces the oscillation magnitude by 10%, but ~0.20% change in the resonance frequency. The predicted effects of stiffness, damping and temperature can be utilized to design a gyroscope for the desired operating condition

    Transportation of concentration and leaching tailings in underground mining of metal deposits

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    Purpose. The article aims to substantiate efficient parameters of resource-saving technological processes ensuring optimal environmental and economic indices of concrete mixtures transportation under the force mode and changes of the transported mass parameters depending on transportation conditions. Methods. The complex method of investigation includes generalization and analysis of the theory and practice of mixtures transportation, theoretical and industrial research into the processes associated with long-haul delivery of mixtures, engineering forecasting, mathematical simulation with alternative calculation variants for the purpose of developing recommendations. Findings. Parameters of concentration and leaching tailings transportation under the force mode of a vibration wire were calculated in detail for the case of the haul length exceeding potential of the gravity flow. Calculation schemes for determining head losses and the flow critical velocity are created by alternative methods and ranked according to the reliability degree. Originality. Basic points of the new method for controlling indices of mixture preparation and transportation by changing the head and the feed rate of mixtures are defined for combined mineral mining. Practical implications. Solving the problem of hydromixture transportation under the force mode by joint application of accumulated industrial experience and simulation of delivery processes for combined mineral mining in order to achieve a complex environmental and economic effect.Мета. Обґрунтування раціональних параметрів ресурсозберігаючих технологічних процесів, що забезпечують оптимальні за еколого-економічними критеріями показники транспортування бетонних сумішей у режимі примусу і динаміки змінення параметрів переміщуваної маси у залежності від умов транспортування. Методика. Комплексний метод досліджень включає узагальнення й аналіз теорії та практики транспортування сумішей, теоретичні й виробничі дослідження процесів доставки сумішей на далеку відстань, інженерне прогнозування, математичне моделювання процесів із використанням альтернативних варіантів розрахунків для розробки рекомендацій. Результати. Деталізовано розрахунок параметрів транспортування хвостів збагачення і вилуговування у примусовому режимі роботи вібропроводу в умовах довжини доставки, що перевищує можливості самопливу. Дано розрахункові схеми визначення втрат напору та критичної швидкості потоку гідросуміші альтернативними методами з ранжируванням за ступенем надійності. Наукова новизна. Сформульована основа нового методу управління показниками приготування та транспортування сумішей при комбінованій розробці родовищ шляхом зміни напору і швидкості подачі сумішей. Практична значимість. Результати вирішення проблеми транспортування гідросумішей у режимі примусу шляхом спільного використання накопиченого виробничого досвіду та моделюванням процесів доставки для умов комбінованої розробки родовищ дозволяють одержати комплексний еколого-економічний ефект.Цель. Обоснование рациональных параметров ресурсосберегающих технологических процессов, обеспечивающих оптимальные по эколого-экономическим критериям показатели транспортирования бетонных смесей в режиме принуждения и динамики изменения параметров перемещаемой массы в зависимости от условий транспортирования. Методика. Комплексный метод исследований включает обобщение и анализ теории и практики транспортирования смесей, теоретические и производственные исследования процессов доставки смесей на дальнее расстояние, инженерное прогнозирование, математическое моделирование процессов с использованием альтернативных вариантов расчетов для разработки рекомендаций. Результаты. Детализирован расчет параметров транспортирования хвостов обогащения и выщелачивания в принудительном режиме работы вибропровода в условиях длины доставки, превышающей возможности самотека. Даны расчетные схемы определения потерь напора и критической скорости потока гидросмеси альтернативными методами с ранжированием по степени надежности. Научная новизна. Сформулирована основа нового метода управления показателями приготовления и транспортирования смесей при комбинированной разработке месторождений путем изменения напора и скорости подачи смесей. Практическая значимость. Результаты решения проблемы транспортирования гидросмесей в режиме принуждения путем совместного использования накопленного производственного опыта и моделированием процессов доставки для условий комбинированной разработки месторождений позволяют получить комплексный эколого-экономический эффект.The authors express their sincere gratitude to North Caucasian Mining and Metallurgical Institute and Kryvyi Rih National University for support in conducting research

    Image Based Leaf Area Measurement Method Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Leaf area is an important parameter in plant monitoring. An automatic method for measuring leaf area is needed to obtain accurate result. In this paper, a method for automatic leaf area measurement from image is proposed. The method captured the image of leaf without object reference. Four features were extracted from the image and used as input to artificial neural network for estimating leaf area. The experiment results show that the proposed method can measure leaf area with mean absolute relative error less than 1% and less computational time