7,161 research outputs found

    A multisensor SLAM for dense maps of large scale environments under poor lighting conditions

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    This thesis describes the development and implementation of a multisensor large scale autonomous mapping system for surveying tasks in underground mines. The hazardous nature of the underground mining industry has resulted in a push towards autonomous solutions to the most dangerous operations, including surveying tasks. Many existing autonomous mapping techniques rely on approaches to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem which are not suited to the extreme characteristics of active underground mining environments. Our proposed multisensor system has been designed from the outset to address the unique challenges associated with underground SLAM. The robustness, self-containment and portability of the system maximize the potential applications.The multisensor mapping solution proposed as a result of this work is based on a fusion of omnidirectional bearing-only vision-based localization and 3D laser point cloud registration. By combining these two SLAM techniques it is possible to achieve some of the advantages of both approaches – the real-time attributes of vision-based SLAM and the dense, high precision maps obtained through 3D lasers. The result is a viable autonomous mapping solution suitable for application in challenging underground mining environments.A further improvement to the robustness of the proposed multisensor SLAM system is a consequence of incorporating colour information into vision-based localization. Underground mining environments are often dominated by dynamic sources of illumination which can cause inconsistent feature motion during localization. Colour information is utilized to identify and remove features resulting from illumination artefacts and to improve the monochrome based feature matching between frames.Finally, the proposed multisensor mapping system is implemented and evaluated in both above ground and underground scenarios. The resulting large scale maps contained a maximum offset error of ±30mm for mapping tasks with lengths over 100m

    SqueezeSeg: Convolutional Neural Nets with Recurrent CRF for Real-Time Road-Object Segmentation from 3D LiDAR Point Cloud

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    In this paper, we address semantic segmentation of road-objects from 3D LiDAR point clouds. In particular, we wish to detect and categorize instances of interest, such as cars, pedestrians and cyclists. We formulate this problem as a point- wise classification problem, and propose an end-to-end pipeline called SqueezeSeg based on convolutional neural networks (CNN): the CNN takes a transformed LiDAR point cloud as input and directly outputs a point-wise label map, which is then refined by a conditional random field (CRF) implemented as a recurrent layer. Instance-level labels are then obtained by conventional clustering algorithms. Our CNN model is trained on LiDAR point clouds from the KITTI dataset, and our point-wise segmentation labels are derived from 3D bounding boxes from KITTI. To obtain extra training data, we built a LiDAR simulator into Grand Theft Auto V (GTA-V), a popular video game, to synthesize large amounts of realistic training data. Our experiments show that SqueezeSeg achieves high accuracy with astonishingly fast and stable runtime (8.7 ms per frame), highly desirable for autonomous driving applications. Furthermore, additionally training on synthesized data boosts validation accuracy on real-world data. Our source code and synthesized data will be open-sourced

    A hybrid approach to simultaneous localization and mapping in indoors environment

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    This thesis will present SLAM in the current literature to benefit from then it will present the investigation results for a hybrid approach used where different algorithms using laser, sonar, and camera sensors were tested and compared. The contribution of this thesis is the development of a hybrid approach for SLAM that uses different sensors and where different factors are taken into consideration such as dynamic objects, and the development of a scalable grid map model with new sensors models for real time update of the map.The thesis will show the success found, difficulties faced and limitations of the algorithms developed which were simulated and experimentally tested in an indoors environment

    Integrasjon av et minimalistisk sett av sensorer for kartlegging og lokalisering av landbruksroboter

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    Robots have recently become ubiquitous in many aspects of daily life. For in-house applications there is vacuuming, mopping and lawn-mowing robots. Swarms of robots have been used in Amazon warehouses for several years. Autonomous driving cars, despite being set back by several safety issues, are undeniably becoming the standard of the automobile industry. Not just being useful for commercial applications, robots can perform various tasks, such as inspecting hazardous sites, taking part in search-and-rescue missions. Regardless of end-user applications, autonomy plays a crucial role in modern robots. The essential capabilities required for autonomous operations are mapping, localization and navigation. The goal of this thesis is to develop a new approach to solve the problems of mapping, localization, and navigation for autonomous robots in agriculture. This type of environment poses some unique challenges such as repetitive patterns, large-scale sparse features environments, in comparison to other scenarios such as urban/cities, where the abundance of good features such as pavements, buildings, road lanes, traffic signs, etc., exists. In outdoor agricultural environments, a robot can rely on a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to determine its whereabouts. It is often limited to the robot's activities to accessible GNSS signal areas. It would fail for indoor environments. In this case, different types of exteroceptive sensors such as (RGB, Depth, Thermal) cameras, laser scanner, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and proprioceptive sensors such as Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), wheel-encoders can be fused to better estimate the robot's states. Generic approaches of combining several different sensors often yield superior estimation results but they are not always optimal in terms of cost-effectiveness, high modularity, reusability, and interchangeability. For agricultural robots, it is equally important for being robust for long term operations as well as being cost-effective for mass production. We tackle this challenge by exploring and selectively using a handful of sensors such as RGB-D cameras, LiDAR and IMU for representative agricultural environments. The sensor fusion algorithms provide high precision and robustness for mapping and localization while at the same time assuring cost-effectiveness by employing only the necessary sensors for a task at hand. In this thesis, we extend the LiDAR mapping and localization methods for normal urban/city scenarios to cope with the agricultural environments where the presence of slopes, vegetation, trees render the traditional approaches to fail. Our mapping method substantially reduces the memory footprint for map storing, which is important for large-scale farms. We show how to handle the localization problem in dynamic growing strawberry polytunnels by using only a stereo visual-inertial (VI) and depth sensor to extract and track only invariant features. This eliminates the need for remapping to deal with dynamic scenes. Also, for a demonstration of the minimalistic requirement for autonomous agricultural robots, we show the ability to autonomously traverse between rows in a difficult environment of zigzag-liked polytunnel using only a laser scanner. Furthermore, we present an autonomous navigation capability by using only a camera without explicitly performing mapping or localization. Finally, our mapping and localization methods are generic and platform-agnostic, which can be applied to different types of agricultural robots. All contributions presented in this thesis have been tested and validated on real robots in real agricultural environments. All approaches have been published or submitted in peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles.Roboter har nylig blitt standard i mange deler av hverdagen. I hjemmet har vi støvsuger-, vaske- og gressklippende roboter. Svermer med roboter har blitt brukt av Amazons varehus i mange år. Autonome selvkjørende biler, til tross for å ha vært satt tilbake av sikkerhetshensyn, er udiskutabelt på vei til å bli standarden innen bilbransjen. Roboter har mer nytte enn rent kommersielt bruk. Roboter kan utføre forskjellige oppgaver, som å inspisere farlige områder og delta i leteoppdrag. Uansett hva sluttbrukeren velger å gjøre, spiller autonomi en viktig rolle i moderne roboter. De essensielle egenskapene for autonome operasjoner i landbruket er kartlegging, lokalisering og navigering. Denne type miljø gir spesielle utfordringer som repetitive mønstre og storskala miljø med få landskapsdetaljer, sammenlignet med andre steder, som urbane-/bymiljø, hvor det finnes mange landskapsdetaljer som fortau, bygninger, trafikkfelt, trafikkskilt, etc. I utendørs jordbruksmiljø kan en robot bruke Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) til å navigere sine omgivelser. Dette begrenser robotens aktiviteter til områder med tilgjengelig GNSS signaler. Dette vil ikke fungere i miljøer innendørs. I ett slikt tilfelle vil reseptorer mot det eksterne miljø som (RGB-, dybde-, temperatur-) kameraer, laserskannere, «Light detection and Ranging» (LiDAR) og propriopsjonære detektorer som treghetssensorer (IMU) og hjulenkodere kunne brukes sammen for å bedre kunne estimere robotens tilstand. Generisk kombinering av forskjellige sensorer fører til overlegne estimeringsresultater, men er ofte suboptimale med hensyn på kostnadseffektivitet, moduleringingsgrad og utbyttbarhet. For landbruksroboter så er det like viktig med robusthet for lang tids bruk som kostnadseffektivitet for masseproduksjon. Vi taklet denne utfordringen med å utforske og selektivt velge en håndfull sensorer som RGB-D kameraer, LiDAR og IMU for representative landbruksmiljø. Algoritmen som kombinerer sensorsignalene gir en høy presisjonsgrad og robusthet for kartlegging og lokalisering, og gir samtidig kostnadseffektivitet med å bare bruke de nødvendige sensorene for oppgaven som skal utføres. I denne avhandlingen utvider vi en LiDAR kartlegging og lokaliseringsmetode normalt brukt i urbane/bymiljø til å takle landbruksmiljø, hvor hellinger, vegetasjon og trær gjør at tradisjonelle metoder mislykkes. Vår metode reduserer signifikant lagringsbehovet for kartlagring, noe som er viktig for storskala gårder. Vi viser hvordan lokaliseringsproblemet i dynamisk voksende jordbær-polytuneller kan løses ved å bruke en stereo visuel inertiel (VI) og en dybdesensor for å ekstrahere statiske objekter. Dette eliminerer behovet å kartlegge på nytt for å klare dynamiske scener. I tillegg demonstrerer vi de minimalistiske kravene for autonome jordbruksroboter. Vi viser robotens evne til å bevege seg autonomt mellom rader i ett vanskelig miljø med polytuneller i sikksakk-mønstre ved bruk av kun en laserskanner. Videre presenterer vi en autonom navigeringsevne ved bruk av kun ett kamera uten å eksplisitt kartlegge eller lokalisere. Til slutt viser vi at kartleggings- og lokaliseringsmetodene er generiske og platform-agnostiske, noe som kan brukes med flere typer jordbruksroboter. Alle bidrag presentert i denne avhandlingen har blitt testet og validert med ekte roboter i ekte landbruksmiljø. Alle forsøk har blitt publisert eller sendt til fagfellevurderte konferansepapirer og journalartikler

    Trajectory generation for lane-change maneuver of autonomous vehicles

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    Lane-change maneuver is one of the most thoroughly investigated automatic driving operations that can be used by an autonomous self-driving vehicle as a primitive for performing more complex operations like merging, entering/exiting highways or overtaking another vehicle. This thesis focuses on two coherent problems that are associated with the trajectory generation for lane-change maneuvers of autonomous vehicles in a highway scenario: (i) an effective velocity estimation of neighboring vehicles under different road scenarios involving linear and curvilinear motion of the vehicles, and (ii) trajectory generation based on the estimated velocities of neighboring vehicles for safe operation of self-driving cars during lane-change maneuvers. ^ We first propose a two-stage, interactive-multiple-model-based estimator to perform multi-target tracking of neighboring vehicles in a lane-changing scenario. The first stage deals with an adaptive window based turn-rate estimation for tracking maneuvering target vehicles using Kalman filter. In the second stage, variable-structure models with updated estimated turn-rate are utilized to perform data association followed by velocity estimation. Based on the estimated velocities of neighboring vehicles, piecewise Bezier-curve-based methods that minimize the safety/collision risk involved and maximize the comfort ride have been developed for the generation of desired trajectory for lane-change maneuvers. The proposed velocity-estimation and trajectory-generation algorithms have been validated experimentally using Pioneer3- DX mobile robots in a simulated lane-change environment as well as validated by computer simulations

    Geometric accuracy evaluation of mobile terrestrial LIDAR surveys with supporting algorithms

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    Mobile Mapping System (MMS) technology is widely used for many applications, hence quantifying its accuracy is a very important and essential task and is a primary focus of this research. In general, to perfrom geometric accuracy evaluation of MMS data, validation points/features are needed. A method is needed to capture a point feature off the roadway in a position where a target on the ground surface would not be visible to the scanner. In this study, eight sphere targets with 14 diameter were placed on the shoulder of the roadway over validation points on the ground. The sphere targets were constructed from injection molded spherical light fixtures. Through a calibration process, they were verified as consistent in size and shape at the 1 mm level. The targets were scanned by four different MMSs (two of design grade and two of asset grade) on two established Test Sites representing different roadway environments (highway and urban settings). Two different selectable data rates (250 KHz and 500 KHz) were also exercised in the data collection as well as two different vehicle driving techniques for data collection (with and without acceleration while the vehicle is turning). Absolute and relative accuracy of the dataset obtained from MMS are of interest. All of these characteristics and factors have been geometrically evaluated through the developed procedures. An automatic sphere target detection/estimation algorithm was developed to detect and extract the scanned sphere target points by eliminating most of the adjacent non-sphere points via a 3D Hough transform process. Following this, the sphere center is robustly located through estimation via L1-norm minimization which allows outliers (ex. tribrach points) to be detected and automatically eliminated. Subsequently the final sphere target center is estimated through least squares. This procedure is robust to several sources of non-random noise. Through error propagation, the precision of the center point estimation is SE90 = 0.20 cm (radius for spherical error, 90%). The case of disturbed targets was able to be detected with the results from this algorithm as well. Although such geometric targets have been widely used in static laser scanning, their use in Mobile Mapping has not been thoroughly studied. Another contribution from this research is that L1-estimation has been applied to all methods of forming condition equations. Those are indirect observations (line fitting), observations only (level network), and mixed model (dependent relative orientation of stereo pair images) problems. Existing published work has exclusively been applied to the indirect observations form of condition equation representation. In this test, outliers which were intentionally added to observations of all the problems were correctly detected. Additionally, L1-estimation was implemented to each of the problems by two different approaches: 1) by using a linear programming approach solved by the simplex method, 2) by a brute force method (exhaustive search for all possible sets of solutions). Results from both approaches are identical. This has verified the idea that the linear programming approach can be used as a convenient tool for implementing L1-estimation for all methods of forming the condition equations