44 research outputs found

    Reasoning & Querying – State of the Art

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    Various query languages for Web and Semantic Web data, both for practical use and as an area of research in the scientific community, have emerged in recent years. At the same time, the broad adoption of the internet where keyword search is used in many applications, e.g. search engines, has familiarized casual users with using keyword queries to retrieve information on the internet. Unlike this easy-to-use querying, traditional query languages require knowledge of the language itself as well as of the data to be queried. Keyword-based query languages for XML and RDF bridge the gap between the two, aiming at enabling simple querying of semi-structured data, which is relevant e.g. in the context of the emerging Semantic Web. This article presents an overview of the field of keyword querying for XML and RDF

    Teak: A Novel Computational And Gui Software Pipeline For Reconstructing Biological Networks, Detecting Activated Biological Subnetworks, And Querying Biological Networks.

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    As high-throughput gene expression data becomes cheaper and cheaper, researchers are faced with a deluge of data from which biological insights need to be extracted and mined since the rate of data accumulation far exceeds the rate of data analysis. There is a need for computational frameworks to bridge the gap and assist researchers in their tasks. The Topology Enrichment Analysis frameworK (TEAK) is an open source GUI and software pipeline that seeks to be one of many tools that fills in this gap and consists of three major modules. The first module, the Gene Set Cultural Algorithm, de novo infers biological networks from gene sets using the KEGG pathways as prior knowledge. The second and third modules query against the KEGG pathways using molecular profiling data and query graphs, respectively. In particular, the second module, also called TEAK, is a network partitioning module that partitions the KEGG pathways into both linear and nonlinear subpathways. In conjunction with molecular profiling data, the subpathways are ranked and displayed to the user within the TEAK GUI. Using a public microarray yeast data set, previously unreported fitness defects for dpl1 delta and lag1 delta mutants under conditions of nitrogen limitation were found using TEAK. Finally, the third module, the Query Structure Enrichment Analysis framework, is a network query module that allows researchers to query their biological hypotheses in the form of Directed Acyclic Graphs against the KEGG pathways

    Child Prime Label Approaches to Evaluate XML Structured Queries

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    The adoption of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as the standard format to store and exchange semi-structure data has been gaining momentum. The growing number of XML documents leads to the need for appropriate XML querying algorithms which are able to retrieve XML data efficiently. Due to the importance of twig pattern matching in XML retrieval systems, finding all matching occurrences of a tree pattern query in an XML document is often considered as a specific task for XML databases as well as a core operation in XML query processing. This thesis presents a design and implementation of a new indexing technique, called the Child Prime Label (CPL) which exploits the property of prime numbers to identify Parent-Child (P-C) edges in twig pattern queries (TPQs) during query evaluation. The CPL approach can be incorporated efficiently within the existing labelling schemes. The major contributions of this thesis can be seen as a set of novel twig matching algorithms which apply the CPL approach and focus on reducing the overhead of storing useless elements and performing unnecessary computations during the output enumeration. The research presented here is the first to provide an efficient and general solution for TPQs containing ordering constraints and positional predicates specified by the XML query languages. To evaluate the CPL approaches, the holistic model was implemented as an experimental prototype in which the approaches proposed are compared against state-of-the-art holistic twig algorithms. Extensive performance studies on various real-world and artificial datasets were conducted to demonstrate the significant improvement of the CPL approaches over the previous indexing and querying methods. The experimental results demonstrate the validity and improvements of the new algorithms over other related methods on common various subclasses of TPQs. Moreover, the scalability tests reveal that the new algorithms are more suitable for processing large XML datasets

    TopX : efficient and versatile top-k query processing for text, structured, and semistructured data

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    TopX is a top-k retrieval engine for text and XML data. Unlike Boolean engines, it stops query processing as soon as it can safely determine the k top-ranked result objects according to a monotonous score aggregation function with respect to a multidimensional query. The main contributions of the thesis unfold into four main points, confirmed by previous publications at international conferences or workshops: • Top-k query processing with probabilistic guarantees. • Index-access optimized top-k query processing. • Dynamic and self-tuning, incremental query expansion for top-k query processing. • Efficient support for ranked XML retrieval and full-text search. Our experiments demonstrate the viability and improved efficiency of our approach compared to existing related work for a broad variety of retrieval scenarios.TopX ist eine Top-k Suchmaschine für Text und XML Daten. Im Gegensatz zu Boole\u27; schen Suchmaschinen terminiert TopX die Anfragebearbeitung, sobald die k besten Ergebnisobjekte im Hinblick auf eine mehrdimensionale Anfrage gefunden wurden. Die Hauptbeiträge dieser Arbeit teilen sich in vier Schwerpunkte basierend auf vorherigen Veröffentlichungen bei internationalen Konferenzen oder Workshops: • Top-k Anfragebearbeitung mit probabilistischen Garantien. • Zugriffsoptimierte Top-k Anfragebearbeitung. • Dynamische und selbstoptimierende, inkrementelle Anfrageexpansion für Top-k Anfragebearbeitung. • Effiziente Unterstützung für XML-Anfragen und Volltextsuche. Unsere Experimente bestätigen die Vielseitigkeit und gesteigerte Effizienz unserer Verfahren gegenüber existierenden, führenden Ansätzen für eine weite Bandbreite von Anwendungen in der Informationssuche

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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