15 research outputs found

    An Approach to Construct Dynamic Service Mashups using Lightweight Semantics

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    Thousands of Web services have been available online, and mashups built upon them have been creating added value. However, mashups are mostly developed with a predefined set of services and components. The extensions to them always involve programming work. Furthermore, when a service is unavailable, it is challenging for mashups to smoothly switch to an alternative that others similar functionalities. To address these problems, this paper presents a novel approach to enable mashups to select and invoke semantic Web services on they. To extend a mashup with new semantic services, developers are only required to register and publish them as Linked Data. By refining the strategies of service selection, mashups can behave more adaptively and other higher fault-tolerance

    From mashups to telco mashups: A survey

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    Given their increasing popularity and novel requirements and characteristics, telco mashups deserve an analysis that goes beyond what's available for mashups in general. Here, the authors cluster telco services into different types, analyze their features, derive a telco mashup reference architecture, and survey how well existing mashup tools can respond to these mashups' novel needs. © 2012 IEEE

    Role-Based Enterprise Mashups with State Sharing, Preservation and Restoration Support for Multi-Instance Executions

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    Veebimaastikul suurt populaarsust kogunud tavatarbijatele suunatud vidinapõhised veebi-rakendused on loonud soodsa pinnase üldotstarbeliste mashup’ite loomise raamistike ning tööriistade tekkeks. Need tööriistad on eelkõige suunatud tava-Interneti kasutajatele, et luua lihtsaid mashup-tüüpi rakendusi. Samal ajal oleks vidinapõhistest veebirakendustest kasu ka ärirakendustena. Peamiseks takistuseks ärirakenduste loomisel veebipõhiste raken-dustena on keerulisest äriloogikast tulenevad keerukad nõuded ning protsessid. Antud magistritöö uurib, kuidas teostada veebividinatel põhinevate mashup-tüüpi ärirakenduste arendamist nii, et säiluks mashup’ite loomisega seotud peamised eelised, lihtsus ja kiirus. Käesolev magistritöö pakub välja laienduse olemasolevale mashup-tüüpi raamistikule, et toetada mashup’i dekompositsiooni rollipõhisteks vaadeteks. Selleks jagatakse mashup väiksemateks vidinate komplektideks, tagades igale kasutajarollile komplekt just temale vajaminevatest vidinatest. Kuigi igal kasutajarollil võib olla erinev vaade kogu ärirakendusest, tagab käesolevas magistritöös pakutud lahendus suhtluse nende erinevate vaadete vahel. See on vajalik tagamaks mashup’i eksemplari ühtsust kõikide mashup’i vaadete vahel, olenemata sellest, millistest vidinatest antud kasutaja vaade koosneb. Lisaks pakub käesolev magistritöö välja lahenduse toetamaks mitut eksemplari samast vidinapõhisest ärirakendusest ning toetamaks ärirakenduse oleku salvestamist ning taastamist. Kuna ärirakendused on suunatud lahendamaks kasutajate igapäevaseid ülesandeid, on vajalik, et kasutaja saaks valida olemasolevate mashup’i eksemplaride hulgast või alustada uut eksemplari. Lisaks on vajalik, et kasutaja saaks igal ajahetkel rakenduse kasutamise lõpetada selliselt, et hiljem rakenduse kasutamist jätkates oleks tagatud sama rakenduse olek, millest kasutamine katkestati. Väljapakutud lahenduse toimimist testitakse näidisrakendusega, mis realiseerib krediidihalduse protsessi.Recent hype on consumer web mashups has resulted in many general-purpose mashup frameworks and tools. These tools aim at simplifying the creation of mashups targeted to mainstream Internet users. At the same time, mashups are also used for solving specific business-related tasks. Such mashups are called enterprise mashups and more sophisticated frameworks and tools have been developed to support their creation. However, similarly to traditional web application development tools, the complexity of these frameworks is hindering the main benefits associated with mashup development – agility and simplicity. This thesis aims at extending a general-purpose mashup framework to support develop-ment of enterprise mashups while still preserving the simplicity and agility of develop-ment. More specifically, this thesis describes a solution for role-based decomposition of mashups for multi-instance executions with state sharing, preservation and restoration. In this thesis, a general-purpose mashup framework is extended with the concept of roles to support multi-user interaction and decomposing complex enterprise mashups with rich interactions into role-based views. In the context of this thesis, a view is defined as a subset of widgets a mashup is made of. Hence, through views an effective mechanism is provided for decomposing enterprise mashups to mashups as simple as general-purpose mashups. Additionally, this thesis proposes a generic solution for multi-instance mashup executions. In this thesis, each workflow instance is associated with an instance of a mashup. Since situational applications target at solving users day-to-day tasks, it is necessary to support multiple instances of a mashup. Furthermore, support for multiple mashup instances leverages users’ ability to participate in multiple workflow instances and to initialize new ones. Such mashup instances are in this thesis also referred to as mashup sessions. Finally, a solution is proposed for supporting mashup state sharing, preservation and restoration. Sharing states with other users is the key mechanism for facilitating interaction and collaboration between multiple users. State preservation and restoration are needed to allow a user to stop using the mashup and to resume to the same state at a later time. The proposed solution is also validated through a proof of concept application

    Experience on Mashup Development with End User Programming Environment

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    Mashups, Web applications integrating data and functionality from other Web sources to provide a new service, have quickly become ubiquitous. Because of their role as a focal point in three important trends (Web 2.0, situational software applications, and end user development), mashups are a crucial emerging technology for information systems education. This paper describes the result of a pilot experiment of an open-ended mashup assignment using an end user Web-based visual development environment: Yahoo’s Pipes. Surveys, qualitative analysis, peer evaluations, and comparative analysis were used to assess the assignment. Initial results indicated that the assignment was effective, well received, and cost efficient. Students found it to be useful, interesting, appropriate, and of the right level of difficulty. They gained the needed expertise in mashups and Yahoo’s Pipes within a short period of time. They developed mashup applications with the expected degree of complexity, maturity, and innovativeness. There were no logistical bottlenecks and grading the open-ended assignment appeared to be consistent among the instructor and peers. The peer evaluations were perceived by students as very useful, even more so than the actual mashup development. Although Yahoo’s Pipes were in general well received, its limitations, such as the lack of programming capability, created some minor issues and changed the designs of some mashups slightly. IS educators interesting in integrating open-ended mashup assignments into their courses may consider including a robust peer evaluation component and selecting a mashup development environment that matches the assignment goals

    Introducing a Mashup-Based Approach for Design-Time Compliance Checking in Business Processes

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    Business process compliance tries to ensure the business processes used in an organization are designed and executed according to the rules that govern the company. However, the nature of rules (expressed in natural language) and the large amount of elements that can be involved in them make their materialization and automated checking quite difficult. That is why the existing support for compliance checking is generally restricted to specific kinds of rules (e.g. rules affecting the control flow of the process). in this paper, we introduce compliance mashups, and show how a mashup-based approach can help solve the problem of rule specification and checking at design time. Some advantages of such an approach are that: (i) any kind of rule can be specified, which implies that each user can specify a rule according to his/her interpretation of the rule; (ii) building the compliance mashup is transparent to the formalism(s) used to implement it, so different techniques can be used together; and (iv) mashup components or parts of them can be re-used. As an example we use this approach to build mashups to specify and check rules related to human resource management in business processes at design time

    Conceptual development of custom, domain-specific mashup platforms

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    Despite the common claim by mashup platforms that they enable end-users to develop their own software, in practice end-users still don't develop their own mashups, as the highly technical or inexistent user bases of today's mashup platforms testify. The key shortcoming of current platforms is their general-purpose nature, that privileges expressive power over intuitiveness. In our prior work, we have demonstrated that a domainspecific mashup approach, which privileges intuitiveness over expressive power, has much more potential to enable end-user development (EUD). The problem is that developing mashup platforms - domain-specific or not - is complex and time consuming. In addition, domain-specific mashup platforms by their very nature target only a small user basis, that is, the experts of the target domain, which makes their development not sustainable if it is not adequately supported and automated. With this article, we aim to make the development of custom, domain-specific mashup platforms costeffective. We describe a mashup tool development kit (MDK) that is able to automatically generate a mashup platform (comprising custom mashup and component description languages and design-time and runtime environments) from a conceptual design and to provision it as a service. We equip the kit with a dedicated development methodology and demonstrate the applicability and viability of the approach with the help of two case studies. © 2014 ACM

    A framework with tools for designing web-based geographic applications

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    Implementation of an automatic deployment mechanism of convergent services on JSLEE environment

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    En la actualidad los operadores de telecomunicaciones han incrementado el uso de recursos provenientes de diferentes fuentes, tales como facilidades de la web, contenidos generados por diversos proveedores, aplicaciones y servicios de terceros. Esta convergencia de servicios, aplicaciones y dispositivos ha propiciado en el operador telco la necesidad de contar con entornos para la entrega de servicios y de estrategias que faciliten el rápido despliegue de servicios convergentes [CS]. En este sentido, el presente artículo propone un mecanismo de despliegue de CS en entornos JSLEE, el cual, de manera automática, ejecuta los procesos de activación, configuración, selección e instalación del servicio. Con el fin de evaluar experimentalmente esta aproximación –y presentar sus aportes–, se realizó una prueba de desempeño del algoritmo propuesto.Nowadays, telecom operators are drawing on resources from web, content provider and third party applications. This convergence on services, applications and devices has carried to Telco operator to consider convergent service [CS] provision platforms that making deployment process faster and easier. Hence, this paper proposes a CS deployment mechanism in JSLEE environments which executes in an automatic way the activation, configuration, selection and installation process on the service. In order to experimentally assess our mechanism, we made a performance test with intent to illustrate ours contributions


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    The open government paradigm relies on the provision and reuse of open government data (OGD) to improve transparency and create new sources of valu. This study aims to progress understanding of OGD beyond a theoretical commentary by exploring the perceived sources of valu of mashups (online services that combine diverse OGD), and to examine issus that impact on, and facilitate, the delivery of this valu from an ˜insider´ perspective. Based on open-ended interviews with 17 individuals actively involved in OGD application design, use, and advocacy in New Zealand (ranked fourth in the 2013 Global Open Data Barometer) nine key sources of valu were identified: Ease of discovery, improved data quality, bringing knowledge into relevant contexts, economic benefits, social benefits, cost reduction and efficiencies, predictive valu, transparency, and ability to explore and play. Twelve barriers to delivering this valu were found, ranging from change-related issus to problems relating to sustainability. Six facilitators were identified as helping to overcome these barriers and realise the valu of OGD