513 research outputs found

    Ant Colony Optimization for Image Segmentation

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    Current Studies and Applications of Krill Herd and Gravitational Search Algorithms in Healthcare

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    Nature-Inspired Computing or NIC for short is a relatively young field that tries to discover fresh methods of computing by researching how natural phenomena function to find solutions to complicated issues in many contexts. As a consequence of this, ground-breaking research has been conducted in a variety of domains, including synthetic immune functions, neural networks, the intelligence of swarm, as well as computing of evolutionary. In the domains of biology, physics, engineering, economics, and management, NIC techniques are used. In real-world classification, optimization, forecasting, and clustering, as well as engineering and science issues, meta-heuristics algorithms are successful, efficient, and resilient. There are two active NIC patterns: the gravitational search algorithm and the Krill herd algorithm. The study on using the Krill Herd Algorithm (KH) and the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) in medicine and healthcare is given a worldwide and historical review in this publication. Comprehensive surveys have been conducted on some other nature-inspired algorithms, including KH and GSA. The various versions of the KH and GSA algorithms and their applications in healthcare are thoroughly reviewed in the present article. Nonetheless, no survey research on KH and GSA in the healthcare field has been undertaken. As a result, this work conducts a thorough review of KH and GSA to assist researchers in using them in diverse domains or hybridizing them with other popular algorithms. It also provides an in-depth examination of the KH and GSA in terms of application, modification, and hybridization. It is important to note that the goal of the study is to offer a viewpoint on GSA with KH, particularly for academics interested in investigating the capabilities and performance of the algorithm in the healthcare and medical domains.Comment: 35 page

    Exploitation of Geographic Information Systems for Vehicular Destination Prediction

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    Much of the recent successes in the Iraqi theater have been achieved with the aid of technology so advanced that celebrated journalist Bob Woodward recently compared it to the Manhattan Project of WWII. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) platforms have emerged as the rising star of Air Force operational capabilities as they are enablers in the quest to track and disrupt terrorist and insurgent forces. This thesis argues that ISR systems have been severely under-exploited. The proposals herein seek to improve the machine-human interface of current ISR systems such that a predictive battle-space awareness may be achieved, leading to shorter kill-chains and better utilization of high demand assets. This thesis shows that, if a vehicle is being tracked by an ISR platform, it is possible to predict where it might go within a Time Horizon. This predictive knowledge is represented graphically to enable quick decisioning. This is accomplished by using Geo-Spatial Information Systems (GIS) obtained from municipal, commercial, or other ISR sources (e.g., hyperspectral) to model an urban grid. It then employs graph-theoretic search algorithms that prune the future state-space of that vehicle\u27s environment, resulting in an envelope that constricts around all possible destinations. This thesis demonstrates an 81 % success rate for predictions carried out during experimentation. It further demonstrates a 97 % improvement over predictions made solely with models based on vehicular motion. This thesis reveals that the predictive envelopes show immense promise in improving ISR asset management, offering more intelligent interdiction of targets, and enabling ground sensor-cueing. Moreover, these predictive capabilities allow an operator to assign assets to make precise perturbations on the battle-space for true event-shaping. Finally, this thesis shows that the proposed methodologies are easily and cost-effectively deployed over existing Air Force architectures using the Software as a Service business model

    On the development of a stochastic optimisation algorithm with capabilities for distributed computing

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    In this thesis, we devise a new stochastic optimisation method (cascade optimisation algorithm) by incorporating the concepts from Markov process whilst eliminating the inherent sequential nature that is the major deficit preventing the exploitation of advances in distributed computing infrastructures. This method introduces partitions and pools to store intermediate solution and corresponding objectives. A Markov process increases the population of partitions and pools. The population is distributed periodically following an external certain. With the use of partitions and pools, multiple Markov processes can be launched simultaneously for different partitions and pools. The cascade optimisation algorithm is suitable for parallel and distributed computing environments. In addition, this method has the potential to integrate knowledge acquisition techniques (e. g. data mining and ontology) to achieve effective knowledge-based decision making. Several features are extracted and studied in this thesis. The application problems involve both the small-scale and the large-scale optimisation problems. Comparisons with the stochastic optimisation methods are made and results show that the cascade optimisation algorithm can converge to the optimal solutions in agreement with other methods more quickly. The cascade optimisation algorithm is also studied on parallel and distributed computing environments in terms of the reduction in computation time.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Soft computing and non-parametric techniques for effective video surveillance systems

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    Esta tesis propone varios objetivos interconectados para el diseño de un sistema de vídeovigilancia cuyo funcionamiento es pensado para un amplio rango de condiciones. Primeramente se propone una métrica de evaluación del detector y sistema de seguimiento basada en una mínima referencia. Dicha técnica es una respuesta a la demanda de ajuste de forma rápida y fácil del sistema adecuándose a distintos entornos. También se propone una técnica de optimización basada en Estrategias Evolutivas y la combinación de funciones de idoneidad en varios pasos. El objetivo es obtener los parámetros de ajuste del detector y el sistema de seguimiento adecuados para el mejor funcionamiento en una amplia gama de situaciones posibles Finalmente, se propone la construcción de un clasificador basado en técnicas no paramétricas que pudieran modelar la distribución de datos de entrada independientemente de la fuente de generación de dichos datos. Se escogen actividades detectables a corto plazo que siguen un patrón de tiempo que puede ser fácilmente modelado mediante HMMs. La propuesta consiste en una modificación del algoritmo de Baum-Welch con el fin de modelar las probabilidades de emisión del HMM mediante una técnica no paramétrica basada en estimación de densidad con kernels (KDE). _____________________________________This thesis proposes several interconnected objectives for the design of a video-monitoring system whose operation is thought for a wide rank of conditions. Firstly an evaluation technique of the detector and tracking system is proposed and it is based on a minimum reference or ground-truth. This technique is an answer to the demand of fast and easy adjustment of the system adapting itself to different contexts. Also, this thesis proposes a technique of optimization based on Evolutionary Strategies and the combination of fitness functions. The objective is to obtain the parameters of adjustment of the detector and tracking system for the best operation in an ample range of possible situations. Finally, it is proposed the generation of a classifier in which a non-parametric statistic technique models the distribution of data regardless the source generation of such data. Short term detectable activities are chosen that follow a time pattern that can easily be modeled by Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). The proposal consists in a modification of the Baum-Welch algorithm with the purpose of modeling the emission probabilities of the HMM by means of a nonparametric technique based on the density estimation with kernels (KDE)
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