44 research outputs found

    Economic indicators used for EU projects, in other criteria of aggregation than national / regional

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    Economical and social indicators are created and published for national and regional dimensions. Nowadays, both local and territorial indicators are really able to define more adequate the stage of social and economical development and to illustrate the impact of European programs and projects in fields like: long lasting development, entrepreneurial development, scientific research development and strategies, education and learning resources, IT resources, dissemination of European culture etc. If in the first part, there is only quantitative information, offered by our National Institute of Statistics (NIS), in the following few examples of some useful economical and social indicators provide a dynamic vision in defining objectives, methods and implementation Thus the need for a quantitative framework of local and territorial indicators demands for an original statistical methodology

    Economic indicators used for EU projects, in other criteria of aggregation than national / regional

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    Economical and social indicators are created and published for national and regional dimensions. Nowadays, both local and territorial indicators are really able to define more adequate the stage of social and economical development and to illustrate the impact of European programs and projects in fields like: long lasting development, entrepreneurial development, scientific research development and strategies, education and learning resources, IT resources, dissemination of European culture etc. If in the first part, there is only quantitative information, offered by our National Institute of Statistics (NIS), in the following few examples of some useful economical and social indicators provide a dynamic vision in defining objectives, methods and implementation Thus the need for a quantitative framework of local and territorial indicators demands for an original statistical methodology

    Assimilation of Tracking Technology in the Supply Chain

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    While tracking technology has become increasingly accessible, firms still struggle with deploying these technologies into the supply chain. Using the complementary perspectives of transaction cost and institutional theory, we develop an understanding of how supply network, product, and environmental characteristics jointly impact tracking technology assimilation. We empirically test our model on a global dataset of 535 supply chain executives and decision makers. The results suggest that assimilation is frequently initiated by an external stakeholder in a firm\u27s supply chain and that firms must develop strong collaborative ties with their partners in order to take full advantage of this technology

    Business Plan to reconfigure Mediseen INC early strategy

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    El modelo comercial actual de MediSeen se centra en tener doctores en su plataforma virtual para que realicen visitas a domicilio. Sin embargo, esta estrategia no tiene una propuesta de valor direccionable para los doctores o para la compa??a que pueda conducir a un ?xito financiero sostenible. Adem?s, existe un grave riesgo de desintermediaci?n, es decir, los clientes recurren directamente a los proveedores de servicios despu?s de la primera transacci?n a trav?s de la plataforma de Mediseen. Para agravar a?n m?s el problema, MediSeen tiene efectivo limitado y solo puede sobrevivir hasta fines de 2019 sin recaudar capital adicional. MediSeen tiene dos posibles alternativas para abordar estos problemas estrat?gicos clave. Primero, MediSeen podr?a desviar su atenci?n de los doctores y limitarla solo al segmento de atenci?n m?dica aliada, que incluye servicios como masajes, fisioterapia, terapia de yoga, nutricionistas y entrenamiento personal. Al hacer este cambio, la estructura de la comisi?n tambi?n necesitar?a ser revisada para reducir el riesgo de desintermediaci?n y mantener a los proveedores de servicios motivados. Al final del a?o 2019, se deber?an lograr un total de 42,000 descargas de aplicaciones, 1,800 consultas y obtener 1,260 usuarios activos, que se traducir?n en 59,400deingresosparahacerviableestaalternativa,ylograrunEBITDArentableenela?o2020.Ensegundolugar,MediSeenpodr?asalirdelnegociocerrandosusoperaciones.Comolacompa??anotieneacreedores,noeselegibleparadeclararseenbancarrota(deacuerdoalaLeyCanadiense).Seg?nlosvaloresdeliquidaci?nt?picosdelosactivos,estimamosqueelvalordeliquidaci?ndeMediSeenactualmenteesde 59,400 de ingresos para hacer viable esta alternativa, y lograr un EBITDA rentable en el a?o 2020. En segundo lugar, MediSeen podr?a salir del negocio cerrando sus operaciones. Como la compa??a no tiene acreedores, no es elegible para declararse en bancarrota (de acuerdo a la Ley Canadiense). Seg?n los valores de liquidaci?n t?picos de los activos, estimamos que el valor de liquidaci?n de MediSeen actualmente es de 550,000, lo que representa un retorno de 5.5 ? / $ para los inversionistas originales

    Designing Data Spaces

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    This open access book provides a comprehensive view on data ecosystems and platform economics from methodical and technological foundations up to reports from practical implementations and applications in various industries. To this end, the book is structured in four parts: Part I “Foundations and Contexts” provides a general overview about building, running, and governing data spaces and an introduction to the IDS and GAIA-X projects. Part II “Data Space Technologies” subsequently details various implementation aspects of IDS and GAIA-X, including eg data usage control, the usage of blockchain technologies, or semantic data integration and interoperability. Next, Part III describes various “Use Cases and Data Ecosystems” from various application areas such as agriculture, healthcare, industry, energy, and mobility. Part IV eventually offers an overview of several “Solutions and Applications”, eg including products and experiences from companies like Google, SAP, Huawei, T-Systems, Innopay and many more. Overall, the book provides professionals in industry with an encompassing overview of the technological and economic aspects of data spaces, based on the International Data Spaces and Gaia-X initiatives. It presents implementations and business cases and gives an outlook to future developments. In doing so, it aims at proliferating the vision of a social data market economy based on data spaces which embrace trust and data sovereignty

    Modeling and Analysis of Complex Technology Adoption Decisions: An Investigation in the Domain of Mobile ICT

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    Mobile information and communication technologies (ICT) promise to significantly transform enterprises, their business processes and services, improve employee productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency, and create new competitive advantages and business agility. Despite the plethora of potential benefits, however, widespread enterprise adoption of mobile ICT has not been as extensive as initially anticipated. Drawing on the extant information systems, technology management, and organizational innovation literature, this dissertation investigates the salient drivers and inhibitors of emerging ICT adoption, in general, and mobile ICT in particular, and develops an integrative ICT adoption decision framework. From this synthesis we identify four broad elements that influence an enterprise s decision to adopt mobile ICT: (1) business value, (2) costs and economics, (3) strategic alignment, and (4) enterprise readiness. The latter decision element has received only little theoretical and practical attention. In order to fill this gap, this dissertation explored the concept of enterprise readiness in further detail and identified eight key dimensions and their associated assessment indicators. Using a two-stage expert study and experimental design approach, we empirically validated these dimensions and determined their relative importance. Results indicated that leadership readiness followed by technology, data and information, and resource readiness, contributed the most to enterprise readiness for mobile ICT. The results are implemented into a web-based readiness diagnostic tool (RDT) that enables decision makers to assess an enterprise s readiness for mobile ICT. The benefits of the RDT are multifold: first, it navigates the decision maker through the complex readiness assessment space; second, it identifies potential organizational deficiencies and provides a means to assess potential sources of risks associated with the adoption and implementation of mobile ICT; and third, it enables decision makers to benchmark their level of readiness against other organizations. The dissertation concludes by highlighting both theoretical and practical implications for emerging and mobile ICT adoption management and suggesting directions for future research.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Rouse, William; Committee Member: Cross, Steve; Committee Member: Cummins, Michael; Committee Member: DeMillo, Richard; Committee Member: Vengazhiyil, Rosha

    Value Creation in a Virtual World

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    Smart Services and Service Science: Proceedings of the 4th Internaional Symposium on Services Science, Leipzig (Germany), September 25, 2012

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    Services Science is a new research discipline that has received, over the last years, a growing attention from academia and practice. It combines research from various fields which have evolved more or less independently and is concerned with the development and management of service products. Whereas theories from organizational and marketing science usually capture the nature of these products, engineering disciplines focus on shaping and developing these information goods, and the information systems field on integrating services as encapsulated application functionalities by using standardized (XML) interfaces. All these research streams converge in the new interdisciplinary area of Services Science which integrates the principles, design, and management of economic and technical services. For the fourth time, the \\\\\\\'International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS)\\\\\\\' offered an outstanding platform for the advancement and discussion of research in Service Science. In 2012, the ISSS focused on knowledge-intensive business services, also known as Smart Services, and their application in theory and practice. The ISSS was part of the Multi-Conference SABRE (Software, Agents and Services for Business, Research and E-Sciences, 24th-25th September 2012) and was held in Leipzig, Germany as a one-day event on the 25th September, 2012. The symposium was organized by the Information Systems Institute and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI), Fraunhofer MOEZ and the Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (LIV). As reflected in the conference proceedings, the sessions included in the agenda dealt with Smart Services from different perspectives: Smart Services in Theory and Practice, Smart Services in Management and Application, and Smart Services in High-Tech-Sectors. Although the official language of the conference is English, the authors had the opportunity to write their research contributions in English or German

    Actual issues of modern development of socio-economic systems in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The entire world community, since 2019, affected by the global pandemic COVID-19. The pandemic caused by this virus, led not only to significant human losses worldwide, but also imposed significant restrictions on the socio-cultural life of the population and radically changed the trends of the global economy and the further functioning of socio-economic systems. Now, huge economic losses have been recorded, which affected almost all sectors of the national economy and the state in the short, medium and long term. However, it is important to consider individual economic development forecasts and measures developed by the governments of the world’s leading countries to overcome the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This will allow to form a real vision of the possible course of economic processes that will directly affect the living standards of the population and the restoration of socio-economic systems. To further restore the socio-economic system it is necessary to developing modern strategies and forecasts to ensure the effective functioning of economic entities through innovation, digitalization, marketing and use of competitive advantages in the consumer markets in conditions of limited resources, development promising sectors of the national economy, etc. The purpose of writing this scientific monograph is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations, the formation new strategies for restoring socio-economic systems and overcoming the negative consequences of the caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account changes and challenges in the modern world. The object of the authors’ research is the process of forming new approaches, strategies and mechanisms for managing socio-economic systems in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, eliminating the negative consequences in the activities of economic entities. The subject of research is socio-economic, organizational and institutional processes of formation and effective implementation of approaches, strategies and mechanisms for managing socio-economic systems; stabilization of the functioning of economic entities; introduction of innovative processes and digital technologies; implementation of best practices in the managing of socio-economic systems using world experience in various sectors of the economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

    Trust-Based Service Selection

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    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that builds enterprise solutions based on services. In SOA, the lack of trust between different parties affects the adoption of such architecture. Trust is as significant a factor for successful online interactions as it is in real life communities, and consequently, it is an important factor that is used as a criterion for service selection. In the context of online services and SOA, the literature shows that the field of trust is not mature. Trust definition and the consideration of the essentials of trust aspects do not reflect the true nature of trust online. This thesis proposes a trust-based service selection solution, which requires establishing trust for services and supporting service selection based on trust. This work considers building trust for service providers besides rating services, an area that is neglected in the literature. This work follows progressive steps to arrive at a solution. First, this work develops a trust definition and identifies trust principles, which cover different aspects of trust. Next, SOA is extended to build a trust-based SOA that supports trust-based service selection. In particular, a new component, the trust mediator, which is responsible for trust establishment is added to the architecture. Accordingly, a trust mediator framework is built according to the trust definition and principles to identify its main components. Subsequently, this work identifies the trust information, or metrics, for services and service providers. Accordingly, trust models are built to evaluate trust rates for the applicable metrics, services, and service providers. Moreover, this work addresses the trust bootstrapping challenge. The proposed trust bootstrapping approach addresses different challenges in the literature such as whitewashing and cold start. This approach is implemented through experiments, evaluations, and scenarios