2,014 research outputs found

    Basic Aspects of the Digital Economy

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    The digital economy is characterized by the digitations of many product and services and the user of the Internet and other networks to support economic activities. The traditional marketplace shifts to a virtual marketspace. Competition in such an environment is very intense and major changes occur. The impact of digital economy on business can be identified at three basic levels: improving direct marketing, transforming organizations, and redefining organizations.Ekonomia cyfrowa charakteryzuje się cyfryzacją wielu produktów i usług oraz wykorzystaniem Internetu i innych sieci do kreowania działalności gospodarczej. Wyraźnie występuje zjawisko transformacji tradycyjnego, fizycznego rynku w stronę wirtualnej przestrzeni rynkowej. Konkurencja w tak określonym środowisku ulega znaczącym zmianom i zasadniczo wzmaga się. Wpływ ekonomii cyfrowej na sposób prowadzenia biznesu uwidacznia się na trzech zasadniczych poziomach: doskonalenie marketingu bezpośredniego, transformacja organizacji oraz przedefiniowanie podstawowej działalności organizacji.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Ranking with social cues: Integrating online review scores and popularity information

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    Online marketplaces, search engines, and databases employ aggregated social information to rank their content for users. Two ranking heuristics commonly implemented to order the available options are the average review score and item popularity-that is, the number of users who have experienced an item. These rules, although easy to implement, only partly reflect actual user preferences, as people may assign values to both average scores and popularity and trade off between the two. How do people integrate these two pieces of social information when making choices? We present two experiments in which we asked participants to choose 200 times among options drawn directly from two widely used online venues: Amazon and IMDb. The only information presented to participants was the average score and the number of reviews, which served as a proxy for popularity. We found that most people are willing to settle for items with somewhat lower average scores if they are more popular. Yet, our study uncovered substantial diversity of preferences among participants, which indicates a sizable potential for personalizing ranking schemes that rely on social information.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, ICWS

    Models for Bundle Trading in Financial Markets

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    Bundle trading is a new trend in financial markets that allows traders to submit consolidated orders to sell and buy packages of assets. We propose a new formulation for portfolio bundle trading that extends the previous models of the literature through a more detailed representation of portfolios and the formulation of new bidding requirements. We also present post-optimality tie-breaking procedures intended to discriminate equivalent orders on the basis of their submission times. Numerical results evaluate the "bundle" effect as well as the bidding flexibility and the computational complexity of our formulation. Une nouvelle tendance dans les marchés financiers consiste à transiger des valeurs financières sous forme d'ordres composites d'achat et de vente. Nous proposons une nouvelle formulation basée sur les ordres composites du problème d'allocation de valeurs financières. Notre modèle, comparativement à ceux de la littérature, permet une représentation plus détaillée des portefeuilles financiers et la formulation de nouvelles contraintes transactionnelles. Nous présentons en outre une procédure de discrimination d'ordres équivalents sur la base de leur temps de soumission. Les résultats numériques de notre étude permettent d'évaluer empiriquement l'effet « ordres composites », ainsi que la flexibilité et la complexité numérique de notre formulation.Auction Design, Financial Markets, Bundle Trading, Discrimination Procedures, Mécanisme d'enchères, marchés financiers, ordres composites, procédures de discrimination

    Endogenous Market Institutions: Experimental Evidence

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    A wide variety of market institutions exist in the field and on the Internet. Examples are English auctions and two-sided marketplaces like the double auction where both buyers and sellers initiate prices. This paper investigates how the emergence of (different) market institutions is shaped by buyers’ and sellers’ institutional preferences. The experimental evidence reveals that both buyers and sellers in the main prefer market institutions that restrict the ability to make price offers to their side of the market. However, when buyers and sellers are allowed to express both first and second choices, the double auction emerges as the most viable market institution.Market institutions, institutional preferences, voting rules, experimental economics

    Twenty years of electronic markets research: looking backwards towards the future

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    Over the past 20 years the field of electronic markets has seen a considerable proliferation and differentiation. This position paper takes the opportunity of the 21st volume of “Electronic Markets” to look back at important developments and insights, suggesting a framework that captures the multiple facets and indeed empirical breadth and depths of this concept. It comprises three perspectives which include the market environment, governance choices by economic actors as well as the entrepreneurial dynamics of firms who initiate and operate market platforms as their business. In addition, we propose to study the interplay of technological, market, and institutional drivers in order to understand the phenomenon of electronic markets, which is also a precondition for designing electronic markets. Both activities involve more than an economically motivated choice between the discrete alternatives of markets and hierarchies. Rather, electronic markets are configurations across multiple, interdependent dimensions: Technology is an important force in shaping the field, but needs to be complemented by considerations of the competitive environment and the setting of rules in order to ensure efficient and effective plays of the game. Based on this framework, this position paper develops six propositions for the future of electronic markets. Overall, the advantages of intermediated structures, an ongoing technological sophistication, as well as further innovation in market mechanisms and services make electronic markets an ena-bler for many interorganizational value chains. While we are confident that the ingenuity of inventors will yield a flow of innovations, recent economic crises have shed a dark shadow over the sustainability of electronic markets. They call for suitable rules and regulation amenable to economic prosperity and stability to be agreed upon on a broad level

    ACCESS: An Inception Report

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    Imagine a world in which all groups of citizens coming together to realize some public benefit measure and communicate the character and consequences of their work. Imagine further that all those groups have adopted a common reporting system that enables their individual reports to be compared, thus creating powerful descriptions of the relative and collective performance of citizen association for public benefit. Imagine, too, that this common measuring and reporting carries across to all forms of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility. This is the world envisioned by ACCESS.For the past 18 months a growing number of concerned actors have been meeting, studying, and testing opinion around one of the great structural weaknesses in the world's institutional infrastructure -- inefficient and weak social investment markets. This inception report sets out the results of this enquiry in the form of a proposal to establish a reporting standard for nonprofit organizations seeking to produce social, environmental and, increasingly, financial returns. The ACCESS Reporting standard is one important contribution to redressing a major global system weakness, but it is certainly not the only one. Nor is it one that can operate in isolation from other initiatives. Accordingly, the ACCESS proposed plan of work involves convening a global dialogue on NGO transparency, accountability and performance with the objective of promoting ACCESS and other practical solutions to the challenges of social investment and civil society accountability.This report sets out the background and rationale for these proposals. You will meet the ACCESS sponsors and pilot project partners. Parts of the report are descriptive and analytical but other parts are necessarily theoretical and technical in nature. We make no apology for this. Part of the reason that in 2003 the world does not yet have a reporting standard for social actors is that the theory and technique have not been mastered. For those with a strong orientation toward strategy and action, however, these aspects are presented as well

    An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Success of Food and Agribusiness E-Commerce Firms

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    E-commerce's value creation in agricultural and food markets will only occur to the extent that e-commerce firms exist throughout the supply chain. The problem is that e-commerce firms throughout the agricultural and food supply chain have faced a serious challenge in staying in business. Many have been forced to exit the market, and only a few have survived to develop into functional web-based businesses. The objective of this research study is to identify characteristics that are associated with successful e-commerce firms throughout the agricultural and food supply chain. Relevant e-commerce and agricultural e-commerce literature suggests several characteristics that influence the success for agricultural and food e-commerce firms. A limited-dependent variable technique, logistic regression, is used to relate websites' characteristics to their probability of survival.e-commerce, food chains, survival probability, logistical regression, Agribusiness,

    Is the ebay feedback system really efficient ? an experimental study

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    The eBay Feedback Forum is claimed to be a crucial component of the success of eBay. Many empirical studies have found that this feedback system exerts a deterrent effect on the opportunistic behavior the Internet's anonymity may incite buyers and sellers to adopt. The feedback system in place on eBay is however far from being perfect and may be especially vulnerable to strategic ratings (or nonratings) that might reduce the informational content of feedback profiles. This article aims to examine the efficiency of the eBay feedback system, through a set of experiments based on the trust game. Our experimental design consists of four different treatments. The baseline treatment corresponds to a finite repeated simultaneous trust game. The second treatment, called “eBay rating” is identical to the baseline treatment except that we added a second stage in which the players have the opportunity of rating their partner. In this treatment, each participant is given the choice to either evaluate immediately or wait, knowing that only one rating will be accepted. The third treatment, called "Sequential rating" is identical to the “eBay rating” treatment, except that the order in which players evaluate one another is randomly determined by the computer. Finally in the fourth treatment, called “Simultaneous rating”, both players are required to make their rating decisions simultaneously. Our experimental results indicate that the eBay feedback system could be improved by either constraining partners to leave ratings simultaneously or by predetermining the rating sequence.