58 research outputs found

    Classification of mangrove species using combined WordView-3 and LiDAR data in Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hong Kong

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    Mangroves have significant social, economic, environmental, and ecological values but they are under threat due to human activities. An accurate map of mangrove species distribution is required to effectively conserve mangrove ecosystem. This study evaluates the synergy of WorldView-3 (WV-3) spectral bands and high return density LiDAR-derived elevation metrics for classifying seven species in mangrove habitat in Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong, China. A recursive feature elimination algorithm was carried out to identify important spectral bands and LiDAR (Airborne Light Detection and Ranging) metrics whilst appropriate spatial resolution for pixel-based classification was investigated for discriminating different mangrove species. Two classifiers, support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) were compared. The results indicated that the combination of 2 m resolution WV-3 and LiDAR data yielded the best overall accuracy of 0.88 by SVM classifier comparing with WV-3 (0.72) and LiDAR (0.79). Important features were identified as green (510–581 nm), red edge (705–745 nm), red (630–690 nm), yellow (585–625 nm), NIR (770–895 nm) bands of WV-3, and LiDAR metrics relevant to canopy height (e.g., canopy height model), canopy shape (e.g., canopy relief ratio), and the variation of height (e.g., variation and standard deviation of height). LiDAR features contributed more information than spectral features. The significance of this study is that a mangrove species distribution map with satisfactory accuracy can be acquired by the proposed classification scheme. Meanwhile, with LiDAR data, vertical stratification of mangrove forests in Mai Po was firstly mapped, which is significant to bio-parameter estimation and ecosystem service evaluation in future studies

    Développement d’une méthode de télédétection pour l’identification d’espèces exotiques envahissantes dans l’agglomération de Québec

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    Les espèces exotiques envahissantes végétales (EEEv) sont actuellement considérées comme étant à l’origine de plusieurs types d’impacts négatifs dont la perte de la biodiversité et l’altération du fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Dans l’agglomération de Québec, la présence de plusieurs EEEv et les informations partielles sur leur distribution territoriale limitent la mise en place de stratégies efficaces de contrôle et d’éradication. Ces données sur la distribution territoriale peuvent être acquises à partir des inventaires in situ. Cependant, ces derniers nécessitent beaucoup de temps surtout dans les milieux envahis par plusieurs EEEv en même temps tels que les milieux urbains. Ces inventaires ne sont également pas adaptés financièrement et techniquement, lorsqu’il s’agit de grandes étendues ou lorsque les conditions topographiques ne sont pas favorables. La télédétection pourrait être utilisée pour contrer ces limites afin de cartographier les EEEv, suivre leur prolifération et intervenir rapidement. Le but de cette étude consistait donc à élaborer une méthode de cartographie multi-espèces par télédétection de cinq EEEv terrestres présentes dans l’agglomération de Québec, à savoir la renouée du Japon (Fallopia japonica), le phragmite (Phragmites australis), la berce du Caucase (Heracleum mantegazzianum), le nerprun bourdaine (Frangula alnus) et le nerprun cathartique (Rhamnus cathartica). L’approche méthodologique consistait à réaliser une cartographie mono-date et multi-date à l’aide d’images satellitaires WorldView-3 acquises en été, SPOT-7 et GeoEye-1 acquises en automne. Une classification orientée-objet combinée à des méthodes d’apprentissage automatique non paramétriques, à savoir Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) et Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) a été utilisée afin de produire des probabilités de présence de ces EEEv. La cartographie des nerpruns a été réalisée à part car leur faible présence sur la zone d’étude et leur distribution sous-couvert à faible densité a nécessité un ajout de l’image GeoEye-1 et un paramétrage des méthodes différent de celui utilisé pour les trois premières EEEv. La combinaison des images WorldView-3 et SPOT-7 a permis d’atteindre d’excellentes performances pour les trois premières EEEv, avec un coefficient Kappa de 0,85 et une précision globale de 91 % en utilisant RF. Les performances individuelles des classes basées sur l’indicateur F1-score ont montré que la renouée du Japon est mieux détectée (F1-score maximal = 0,95), que la berce du Caucase (F1-score maximal = 0,91) et le phragmite (F1-score maximal = 0,87). La classification multi-date des nerpruns est, par contre, moins performante par rapport à celle des autres espèces avec un coefficient Kappa égal à 0,72, une précision globale de 83 % et F1-score maximal égal 0,62. Cette étude montre la possibilité de cartographie et suivi des principales EEEv selon une approche multi-date. Les limites de cette étude, à savoir la faible quantité de données de référence d’EEEv, les coûts élevés d’acquisition et la faible disponibilité des images satellitaires à très haute résolution spatiale ainsi que la distribution des nerpruns en sous-couvert (dans notre zone d’étude) pourraient être réduites en utilisant des images plus accessibles en combinaison avec les techniques de super-résolution. Les données LiDAR à haute densité pourraient également être intégrées à l’imagerie optique afin d’améliorer les performances de cartographie des nerpruns

    Applications of Remote Sensing Data in Mapping of Forest Growing Stock and Biomass

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    This Special Issue (SI), entitled "Applications of Remote Sensing Data in Mapping of Forest Growing Stock and Biomass”, resulted from 13 peer-reviewed papers dedicated to Forestry and Biomass mapping, characterization and accounting. The papers' authors presented improvements in Remote Sensing processing techniques on satellite images, drone-acquired images and LiDAR images, both aerial and terrestrial. Regarding the images’ classification models, all authors presented supervised methods, such as Random Forest, complemented by GIS routines and biophysical variables measured on the field, which were properly georeferenced. The achieved results enable the statement that remote imagery could be successfully used as a data source for regression analysis and formulation and, in this way, used in forestry actions such as canopy structure analysis and mapping, or to estimate biomass. This collection of papers, presented in the form of a book, brings together 13 articles covering various forest issues and issues in forest biomass calculation, constituting an important work manual for those who use mixed GIS and RS techniques

    A review on coastal urban ecology: research gaps, challenges, and needs

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    Coastal urban areas have dramatically increased during the last decades, however, coastal research integrating the impacts and challenges facing urban areas is still scarce. To examine research advances and critical gaps, a review of the literature on coastal urban ecology was performed. Articles were selected following a structured decision tree and data were classified into study disciplines, approaches, type of analysis, main research objectives, and Pickett's paradigms in-, of-, and for- the city, among other categories. From a total of 237 publications, results show that most of the research comes from the USA, China, and Australia, and has been carried out mostly in large cities with populations between 1 and 5 million people. Focus has been placed on ecological studies, spatial and quantitative analysis and pollution in coastal urban areas. Most of the studies on urban ecology in coastal zones were developed at nearshore terrestrial environments and only 22.36% included the marine ecosystem. Urban ecological studies in coastal areas have mainly been carried out under the paradigm in the city with a focus on the disciplines of biology and ecology. Results suggest a series of disciplinary, geographical, and approach biases which can present a number of risks. Foremost among these is a lack of knowledge on social dimensions which can impact on sustainability. A key risk relates to the fact that lessons and recommendations of research are mainly from developed countries and large cities which might have different institutional, planning and cultural settings compared to developing and mid-income countries. Scientific research on coastal urban areas needs to diversify toward an ecology of and for the cities, in order to support coastal development in a diversity of countries and settings

    Semantic location extraction from crowdsourced data

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    Crowdsourced Data (CSD) has recently received increased attention in many application areas including disaster management. Convenience of production and use, data currency and abundancy are some of the key reasons for attracting this high interest. Conversely, quality issues like incompleteness, credibility and relevancy prevent the direct use of such data in important applications like disaster management. Moreover, location information availability of CSD is problematic as it remains very low in many crowd sourced platforms such as Twitter. Also, this recorded location is mostly related to the mobile device or user location and often does not represent the event location. In CSD, event location is discussed descriptively in the comments in addition to the recorded location (which is generated by means of mobile device's GPS or mobile communication network). This study attempts to semantically extract the CSD location information with the help of an ontological Gazetteer and other available resources. 2011 Queensland flood tweets and Ushahidi Crowd Map data were semantically analysed to extract the location information with the support of Queensland Gazetteer which is converted to an ontological gazetteer and a global gazetteer. Some preliminary results show that the use of ontologies and semantics can improve the accuracy of place name identification of CSD and the process of location information extraction

    Comparing Novel and Traditional Sampling Methodologies to Analyze the Population Status of the Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)

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    The Rio Grande Cooter, Pseudemys gorzugi, is an understudied aquatic turtle species of conservation concern in the Rio Grande, Pecos, and Devils river systems. Traditional sampling methodologies for aquatic turtle species face numerous challenges, but novel sampling methodologies, such as drone-based surveys and environmental DNA analysis, may address these issues. This study compared novel sampling methodologies to traditional sampling methodologies in mean detections and identifications of aquatic turtle species, developed and implemented an environmental DNA assay to detect P. gorzugi, and characterized P. gorzugi habitat. Following an introductory chapter, each task is addressed by chapter and formatted to meet Biological Conservation guidelines. Novel sampling technologies were successful in detecting and identifying aquatic turtle species and we recommend implementation of these methodologies as a survey tool for aquatic turtle species. Additional studies should be undertaken to further evaluate P. gorzugi populations to better inform conservation and management decisions

    YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future

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    This open access book summarizes peer-reviewed articles and the abstracts of oral and poster presentations given during the YOUMARES 9 conference which took place in Oldenburg, Germany, in September 2018. The aims of this book are to summarize state-of-the-art knowledge in marine sciences and to inspire scientists of all career stages in the development of further research. These conferences are organized by and for young marine researchers. Qualified early-career researchers, who moderated topical sessions during the conference, contributed literature reviews on specific topics within their research field

    YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future

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    This open access book summarizes peer-reviewed articles and the abstracts of oral and poster presentations given during the YOUMARES 9 conference which took place in Oldenburg, Germany, in September 2018. The aims of this book are to summarize state-of-the-art knowledge in marine sciences and to inspire scientists of all career stages in the development of further research. These conferences are organized by and for young marine researchers. Qualified early-career researchers, who moderated topical sessions during the conference, contributed literature reviews on specific topics within their research field
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