7 research outputs found


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    Industri pembangunan kapal merupakan industri yang sangat tua dan sama dengan industri lain mengalami perubahan teknik-teknik manufaktur seiring dengan perkembangan jaman. Perubahan itu meliputi jenis material, desain dan ukuran kapal, kebutuhan pasar serta teknologi manufaktur. Saat ini industri pembangunan kapal umumnya menerapkan metode blok/modul dalam membangun kapal. Penerapan metode ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor termasuk penggunaan model CAD dalam perancangan dan peletakan blok kapal. Penelitian ini, mengambarkan aplikasi model CAD tiga dimensi (3D) pada perancangan blok Kapal Tunda 600 hp terutama dalam merumuskan jumlah, berat maupun dimensi blok kapal serta melakukan perencanaan peletakan/penataan susunan perakitan blok dengan mempertimbangkan area pembangunan dan kapasitas alat angkat galangan PT. Kukar Mandiri Kutai Kartenegara Kalimantan Timur. Hasil penelitian memperoleh jumlah blok kapal terdiri dari 8 blok, 32 sub blok dan 1941 komponen, dimensi blok terbesar adalah blok HFS 03 yaitu panjang 6.000 mm, lebar 7.314 mm dan tinggi 5.207 mm dan berat blok kapal yang terbesar adalah blok HFS 03 dengan berat 182.893,240 kg. Area yang dibutuhkan berdasarkan dimensi blok rancangan adalah untuk luas perakitan blok di area pembangunan sebesar 528,75 m??, sedangkan luas yang dibutuhkan pada landasan pembangunan (building Berth) sebesar 10.967,08 m??

    Interoperability between Cooperative Design Modeller and a CAD System: Software Integration versus Data Exchange

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    International audienceThe data exchange between Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems is a crucial issue in concurrent engineering and collaborative design. The paper presents research works and techniques dealing with the interoperability of a Cooperative Design Modeller (CoDeMo), aiming at the integration of product lifecycle knowledge, and a commercial CAD system (CATIA V5). Two kinds of approaches are implemented in the considered case of CAD interoperability for exchanging geometric data, respectively: one is based on a traditional static interface, in which STEP AP203 standard is used; the other is based on a dynamic interface, in which Application Programming Interfaces (API) of the targeted CAD system is adopted. Both approaches should enhance the communication, exchange and sharing of product data between CAD systems for improving concurrent engineering. A comparison between these two approaches is made to show their particular advantages and disadvantages. The development of a translator between the both CAD systems based on each approach has been carried out and evaluated on an assembly case

    Interoperability between Cooperative Design Modeller and a CAD System: Software Integration versus Data Exchange

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    The data exchange between Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems is a crucial issue in concurrent engineering and collaborative design. The paper presents research works and techniques dealing with the interoperability of a Cooperative Design Modeller (CoDeMo), aiming at the integration of product lifecycle knowledge, and a commercial CAD system (CATIA V5). Two kinds of approaches are implemented in the considered case of CAD interoperability for exchanging geometric data, respectively: one is based on a traditional static interface, in which STEP AP203 standard is used; the other is based on a dynamic interface, in which Application Programming Interfaces (API) of the targeted CAD system is adopted. Both approaches should enhance the communication, exchange and sharing of product data between CAD systems for improving concurrent engineering. A comparison between these two approaches is made to show their particular advantages and disadvantages. The development of a translator between the both CAD systems based on each approach has been carried out and evaluated on an assembly case

    Interoperability between Cooperative Design Modeller and a CAD System: Software Integration versus Data Exchange

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    The data exchange between Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems is a crucial issue in concurrent engineering and collaborative design. The paper presents research works and techniques dealing with the interoperability of a Cooperative Design Modeller (CoDeMo), aiming at the integration of product lifecycle knowledge, and a commercial CAD system (CATIA V5). Two kinds of approaches are implemented in the considered case of CAD interoperability for exchanging geometric data, respectively: one is based on a traditional static interface, in which STEP AP203 standard is used; the other is based on a dynamic interface, in which Application Programming Interfaces (API) of the targeted CAD system is adopted. Both approaches should enhance the communication, exchange and sharing of product data between CAD systems for improving concurrent engineering. A comparison between these two approaches is made to show their particular advantages and disadvantages. The development of a translator between the both CAD systems based on each approach has been carried out and evaluated on an assembly case

    Ein Ansatz zur Geschäftsmodellierung in der frühen Schiffsentwurfsphase

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    This dissertation presents an enterprise modeling approach to support the efficiency and dynamic nature of the ship early design phase. The modeling approach is based on the principle concept of the integration between data and process. This concept is applied by taking into consideration the specifications of the early design stage. Therefore, an information model as well as a process model for the ship in the early design stage are developed. Thereby, predefined activity as well as configuration concepts are applied to represent the early design process and support its integrated nature