10,945 research outputs found

    High definition systems in Japan

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    The successful implementation of a strategy to produce high-definition systems within the Japanese economy will favorably affect the fundamental competitiveness of Japan relative to the rest of the world. The development of an infrastructure necessary to support high-definition products and systems in that country involves major commitments of engineering resources, plants and equipment, educational programs and funding. The results of these efforts appear to affect virtually every aspect of the Japanese industrial complex. The results of assessments of the current progress of Japan toward the development of high-definition products and systems are presented. The assessments are based on the findings of a panel of U.S. experts made up of individuals from U.S. academia and industry, and derived from a study of the Japanese literature combined with visits to the primary relevant industrial laboratories and development agencies in Japan. Specific coverage includes an evaluation of progress in R&D for high-definition television (HDTV) displays that are evolving in Japan; high-definition standards and equipment development; Japanese intentions for the use of HDTV; economic evaluation of Japan's public policy initiatives in support of high-definition systems; management analysis of Japan's strategy of leverage with respect to high-definition products and systems


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    The increasing demand on mass production of high precision parts, has pushed the precision manufacturing industry to develop reliable precision finishing processes such as Bonnet polishing to address market requirements. Indeed, the nature of the surface to be polished plays an important role in the design of a possible polishing machine. A gap within the research in polishing for precision industry needs has been identified. Small parts with <50mm x 50mm and possible freeform curvature containing small slopes cannot be polished with available bonnet polishing (BP) processes on market. This is caused by the tool head size and the tool holder being bigger than part curvature or the part itself. Although, the BP process has a huge potential for surface roughness improvement and form accuracy, it is generally seen in industry as an expensive solution for a non-deterministic finishing process. Therefore, this project has sought to develop a BP machine to cover the gap with an innovative and inexpensive design. In order to develop a machine which responded to the market expectations all possible requirements were listed from a customer point of view. Based on the requirement, a machine concept was produced. Market analysis helped to identify sub-systems of the machine. FEA analysis of the design was performed to check for stress distribution and displacement due to its own mass. Additional assembly parts are designed and a prototype of the machine was produced. The designed machine is tested for its ability as precision polishing machine. Flat surfaces of P20 tool steel were targets for polishing to nanometric surface finishes. Empirical experiments helped to identify parameters which influenced the surface roughness. Taguchi method were then used to optimise the parameters for better surface roughness. Optimum parameters conditions helped to reach less than 10 nm Ra systematically and repeatedly. The samples were also polished using re-circulating slurry techniques, and the obtained results were discussed. Further, pre polishing, Grolishing processes capable of improving surface roughness from ground finish to mirror like finish were developed for cost effective manufacturing procedures. The material removal was analysed to identify parameters capable of improving surface roughness over a step grolishing process. Two grolishing procedures were developed. Both processes produced nanometric range surface finishes. Other variations in results were compared and discussed. Although, machine axis has the ability to produce freeform movement, tool holders need to be improved to facilitate the identification of the distance between tool origin and workpiece origin. Therefore, a new spindle holder assembly is produced to hold the tool and an optical measurement device DRI used to evaluate accurately the distance separating the tool-workpiece origin and further align the workpiece inclination with respect to the machine axis. A CAD-CAM package is also developed to generate programme capable of performing freeform curvature

    Aberraciones cromáticas, monocromáticas y diseños multifocales: interacción e impacto en la visión

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Óptica y Optometría, leída el 21/01/2021An important part of the information that we receive from the world is through the sense of vision: the eye projects images on the retina, which transforms them into nerve impulses that reach the neuronal cortex, where these impulses are interpreted. However, the images projected onto the retina are not perfect, as they are affected by diffraction, scattering, and aberrations, which degrade contrast and decrease the resolution limit of the eye. To understand the effect of aberrations on vision, it is necessary to develop technologies and experiments that allow objectively and subjectively assess their interaction. In this sense, Adaptive Optics (AO) has played an important role in increasing our knowledge about the neural processes of vision, since AO can be used to measure, correct and induce aberrations. Understanding what role aberrations play and what their impact is on vision will help to develop better correction designs for the eye. The manipulation of the wavefront using AO also allows to induce a certain visual correction, so it can be used as a basis for visual simulators. As AO allows studying a new lens design or comparing across different lens designs even before they are manufactured, this is an excellent tool to test and improve optical corrections before they are implanted in the eye of a patient. Different technologies including deformable mirrors (DM), spatial light modulators (SLM), or temporal multiplexing by an optotunable lens (SimVis), are currently being validated and launched into the clinical practice. In this thesis, AO technologies have been implemented and used both to study the effect of aberrations and to cross-validate different simulator modalities...Una importante parte de la información que recibimos del mundo lo hacemos a través del sentido de la visión: el ojo proyecta las imágenes en la retina, la cual las transforma en impulsos nerviosos que llegan hasta el córtex neuronal, donde se interpretan estos impulsos. Sin embargo, las imágenes proyectadas en la retina no son perfectas, ya que están afectadas por la difracción, la dispersión y las aberraciones, que degradan el contraste y reducen el límite de resolución del ojo. Para entender el efecto de las aberraciones en la visión es necesario desarrollar tecnologías y experimentos que permitan valorar objetiva y subjetivamente su interacción. En este sentido, la Óptica Adaptativa (AO) ha jugado un papel importante en el incremento de nuestro conocimiento acerca de los procesos neuronales de la visión, ya que la AO se puede utilizar para medir, corregir e inducir aberraciones. Comprender qué papel juegan las aberraciones y cuál es su impacto en la visión, ayudará a desarrollar mejores diseños de corrección para el ojo, sin embargo, aún no se entiendo completamente. La manipulación del frente de onda mediante AO permite, además, inducir una cierta corrección visual, por lo que se puede utilizar como base de simuladores visuales. Estudiar un nuevo diseño o comparar varios diseños entre ellos antes incluso de que sean fabricados, plantea la AO como una excelente herramienta para probar y mejorar una corrección antes de que sea implantada. Para ello, diferentes tecnologías como los espejos deformables, los Moduladores Espaciales de Luz (SLM), la multiplexación temporal inducida por una lente optoajustable (SimVis), están siendo en la actualidad validados y lanzados a la práctica clínica. En esta tesis se ha utilizado la AO tanto para estudiar el efecto de las aberraciones como comparar diferentes simuladores visuales...Fac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEunpu

    An autostereoscopic device for mobile applications based on a liquid crystal microlens array and an OLED display

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    In recent years, many experimental and theoretical research groups worldwide have actively worked on demonstrating the use of liquid crystals (LCs) as adaptive lenses for image generation, waveform shaping, and non-mechanical focusing applications. In particular, important achievements have concerned the development of alternative solutions for 3D vision. This work focuses on the design and evaluation of the electro-optic response of a LC-based 2D/3D autostereoscopic display prototype. A strategy for achieving 2D/3D vision has been implemented with a cylindrical LC lens array placed in front of a display; this array acts as a lenticular sheet with a tunable focal length by electrically controlling the birefringence. The performance of the 2D/3D device was evaluated in terms of the angular luminance, image deflection, crosstalk, and 3D contrast within a simulated environment. These measurements were performed with characterization equipment for autostereoscopic 3D displays (angular resolution of 0.03 )

    Low cost fabrication processing for microwave and millimetre-wave passive components

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    Microwave and millimetre-wave technology has enabled many commercial applications to play a key role in the development of wireless communication. When dissipative attenuation is a critical factor, metal-pipe waveguides are essential in the development of microwave and millimetre-wave systems. However, their cost and weight may represent a limitation for their application. In the first part of this work two 3D printing technologies and electroless plating were employed to fabricate metal pipe rectangular waveguides in X and W-band. The performance for the fabricated waveguides was comparable to the one of commercially available equivalents, showing good impedance matching and low attenuation losses. Using these technologies, a high-performance inductive iris filter in W-band and a dielectric flap phase shifter in X-band were fabricated. Eventually the design and fabrication of a phased antenna array is reported. For microwave and millimetre-wave applications, system-on-substrate technology can be considered a very valuable alternative, where bulky coax and waveguide interconnects are replaced by low-loss transmission lines embedded into a multilayer substrate, which can include a wide range of components and subsystems. In the second part of this work the integration of RF MEMS with LTCC fabrication process is investigated. Three approaches to the manufacture of suspended structures were considered, based on laser micromachining, laser bending of aluminium foil and hybrid thick/thin film technology. Although the fabrication process posed many challenges, resulting in very poor yield, two of the solution investigated showed potential for the fabrication of low-cost RF MEMS fully integrated in LTCC technology. With the experience gained with laser machining, the rapid prototyping of high aspect ratio beams for silicon MEMS was also investigated. In the third part of this work, a statistical study based on the Taguchi design of experiment and analysis of variance was undertaken. The results show a performance comparable with standard cleanroom processing, but at a fraction of the processing costs and greater design flexibility, due to the lack of need for masks.Open Acces

    TechNews digests: Jan - Mar 2010

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    TechNews is a technology, news and analysis service aimed at anyone in the education sector keen to stay informed about technology developments, trends and issues. TechNews focuses on emerging technologies and other technology news. TechNews service : digests september 2004 till May 2010 Analysis pieces and News combined publish every 2 to 3 month

    New techniques for the aesthetic and functional marking on polymers using laser technology

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    El uso de la tecnología láser está ampliamente extendido en sectores tan diferentes como el aeroespacial, la automoción, la industria maderera o la electrónica de precisión. Sus aplicaciones cubren un rango muy diverso de materiales, desde la soldadura o el corte de metales, al tratamiento superficial de plásticos o el curado de pinturas y tintas. Los procesos mediante radiación láser presentan ventajas tales como una alta coherencia y una elevada monocromaticidad. La alta densidad de energía y direccionalidad alcanzada con el láser permiten focalizar el tratamiento sobre el material con una resolución espacial mejor que 100 mm. Así mismo, se trata de una tecnología sin contacto por lo que permite evitar vibraciones además de que mediante el control numérico remoto se obtiene una gran flexibilidad durante el procesado. Sin embargo, presenta algunas desventajas a tener en cuenta, como el alto coste del equipo y el posible daño no deseado en el material.Tradicionalmente, la decoración estética de los polímeros, en concreto de aquellos usados en la gama blanca de los electrodomésticos, se ha realizado empleado técnicas como la tampografía o la estampación. Estas técnicas presentan ventajas tales como la posibilidad de usar múltiples colores o la durabilidad de la impresión. Sin embargo, adolecen de flexibilidad tanto en el proceso de impresión, donde cambiar de diseño conlleva cambiar el patrón de impresión, como en el proceso productivo, ya que es necesario un tiempo de curado de la tinta. Ambos inconvenientes dificultan notablemente la integración total del proceso de decoración en la línea de montaje.Así pues, en esta tesis se propone el estudio del marcado láser como alternativa a las técnicas tradicionales de decoración estética. En particular, se aborda un caso específico como es la decoración de las piezas plásticas estéticas de loselectrodomésticos fabricados por la compañía BSH electrodomésticos. Estos componentes se fabrican principalmente empleando el termoplástico ABS (Acrilonitrilo-Butadieno-Estireno).Así pues, se propone como primer objetivo de esta tesis:- Estudiar el tratamiento laser del ABS produciendo marcas estéticas de alta calidad. Durante este estudio se realizará la caracterización física y química de las marcas con el objetivo de optimizar el proceso de marcado. Del mismo modo, empleando las posibilidades que ofrece el láser como herramienta en el procesado de materiales, se plantea el siguiente objetivo:- Producir marcas funcionales de tal modo que se afecte a la mojabilidad del material tratando de conseguir comportamientos superhidrófobos y superhidrófilos. El control de esta propiedad es interesante para futuras aplicaciones como serían por ejemplo la limpieza de superficies o favorecer la actividad biocida. Mediante la alteración controlada de la topografía superficial del material a partir de micro-estructuración láser se busca conseguir estas propiedades. Finalmente y como parte de un estudio preliminar, se amplía el marcado estético láser con el objetivo de conseguir marcas más allá de la escala de grises, tratando de obtener una gama amplia de colores. Para ello se emplearán tres técnicas diferentes: aditivos químicos especialmente preparados para interaccionar con el láser produciendo cambio de color, procesos interferométricos de dos haces láser y reestructuración láser de superficies que presenten resonancias plasmónicas centradas en el espectro óptico visible.<br /