65 research outputs found

    Physical Selection in Ubiquitous Computing

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    Jokapaikan tietotekniikassa (ubiquitous computing) tietotekniset laitteet sulautuvat fyysiseen ympäristöön siten että niiden käyttäjät voivat olla yhtä aikaa vuorovaikutuksessa näiden laitteiden kanssa ja toimia fyysisessä ympäristössään. Laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa, ne ovat eri kokoisia ja niillä on erilaisia syöttö- ja tulostusmahdollisuuksia tarkoituksestaan riippuen. Nämä jokapaikan tietotekniikan ominaisuudet luovat tarpeen vuorovaikutustavoille, jotka eroavat huomattavasti tavanomaisten työpöytätietokoneiden vuorovaikutustavoista. Fyysinen valinta (physical selection) on jokapaikan tietotekniikan vuorovaikutustehtävä, jota käytetään kertomaan käyttäjän kannettavalle päätelaitteelle minkä fyysisen esineen kanssa käyttäjä haluaa olla vuorovaikutuksessa. Fyysinen valinta perustuu tunnisteisiin (tag), jotka yksilöivät fyysiset esineet tai sisältävät fyysisen hyperlinkin digitaalisessa muodossa olevaan tietoon, joka liittyy esineeseen, johon kyseinen tunniste on liitetty. Käyttäjä valitsee fyysisen hyperlinkin koskettamalla, osoittamalla tai skannaamalla tunnistetta sopivalla lukulaitteella varustetulla päätelaitteellaan. Fyysinen valinta voidaan toteuttaa erilaisilla teknologioilla, kuten sähköisesti luettavilla tunnisteilla ja niiden lukijoilla, infrapunalähettimillä sekä optisesti luettavilla tunnisteilla ja matkapuhelinten kameroilla. Tässä väitöskirjassa analysoidaan fyysistä valintaa vuorovaikutustehtävänä ja toteutusteknisestä näkökulmasta sekä esitellään eri valintatavat ­ kosketus, osoitus ja skannaus. Koskeusta ja osoitusta on tutkittu toteuttamalla prototyyppi ja tutkimalla sen avulla valintatapoja kokeellisesti. Tämän väitöskirjan tuloksiin kuuluu fyysisen valinnan analysointi jokapaikan tietotekniikan kontekstissa, ehdotuksia fyysisten hyperlinkkien visualisoinnista sekä fyysisessä ympäristössä että päätelaitteessa, ja käyttäjävaatimuksia fyysiselle valinnalle osana jokapaikan tietotekniikan arkkitehtuuria.In ubiquitous computing, the computing devices are embedded into the physical environment so that the users can interact with the devices at the same time as they interact with the physical environment. The various devices are connected to each other, and have various sizes and input and output capabilities depending on their purpose. These features of ubiquitous computing create a need for interaction methods that are radically different from the desktop computer interactions. Physical selection is an interaction task for ubiquitous computing and it is used to tell the user s mobile terminal which physical object the user wants to interact with. It is based on tags that identify physical objects or store a physical hyperlink to digital information related to the object the tag is attached to. The user selects the physical hyperlink by touching, pointing or scanning the tag with the mobile terminal that is equipped with an appropriate reader. Physical selection has been implemented with various technologies, such as radio-frequency tags and readers, infrared transceivers, and optically readable tags and mobile phone cameras. In this dissertation, physical selection is analysed as a user interaction task, and from the implementation viewpoint. Different selection methods ­ touching, pointing and scanning ­ are presented. Touching and pointing have been studied by implementing a prototype and conducting user experiments with it. The contributions of this dissertation include an analysis of physical selection in the ubiquitous computing context, suggestions for visualising the physical hyperlinks in both the physical environment and in the mobile terminal, and user requirements for physical selection as a part of an ambient intelligence architecture

    Physical Selection in Ubiquitous Computing

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    Jokapaikan tietotekniikassa (ubiquitous computing) tietotekniset laitteet sulautuvat fyysiseen ympäristöön siten että niiden käyttäjät voivat olla yhtä aikaa vuorovaikutuksessa näiden laitteiden kanssa ja toimia fyysisessä ympäristössään. Laitteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa, ne ovat eri kokoisia ja niillä on erilaisia syöttö- ja tulostusmahdollisuuksia tarkoituksestaan riippuen. Nämä jokapaikan tietotekniikan ominaisuudet luovat tarpeen vuorovaikutustavoille, jotka eroavat huomattavasti tavanomaisten työpöytätietokoneiden vuorovaikutustavoista. Fyysinen valinta (physical selection) on jokapaikan tietotekniikan vuorovaikutustehtävä, jota käytetään kertomaan käyttäjän kannettavalle päätelaitteelle minkä fyysisen esineen kanssa käyttäjä haluaa olla vuorovaikutuksessa. Fyysinen valinta perustuu tunnisteisiin (tag), jotka yksilöivät fyysiset esineet tai sisältävät fyysisen hyperlinkin digitaalisessa muodossa olevaan tietoon, joka liittyy esineeseen, johon kyseinen tunniste on liitetty. Käyttäjä valitsee fyysisen hyperlinkin koskettamalla, osoittamalla tai skannaamalla tunnistetta sopivalla lukulaitteella varustetulla päätelaitteellaan. Fyysinen valinta voidaan toteuttaa erilaisilla teknologioilla, kuten sähköisesti luettavilla tunnisteilla ja niiden lukijoilla, infrapunalähettimillä sekä optisesti luettavilla tunnisteilla ja matkapuhelinten kameroilla. Tässä väitöskirjassa analysoidaan fyysistä valintaa vuorovaikutustehtävänä ja toteutusteknisestä näkökulmasta sekä esitellään eri valintatavat ­ kosketus, osoitus ja skannaus. Koskeusta ja osoitusta on tutkittu toteuttamalla prototyyppi ja tutkimalla sen avulla valintatapoja kokeellisesti. Tämän väitöskirjan tuloksiin kuuluu fyysisen valinnan analysointi jokapaikan tietotekniikan kontekstissa, ehdotuksia fyysisten hyperlinkkien visualisoinnista sekä fyysisessä ympäristössä että päätelaitteessa, ja käyttäjävaatimuksia fyysiselle valinnalle osana jokapaikan tietotekniikan arkkitehtuuria.In ubiquitous computing, the computing devices are embedded into the physical environment so that the users can interact with the devices at the same time as they interact with the physical environment. The various devices are connected to each other, and have various sizes and input and output capabilities depending on their purpose. These features of ubiquitous computing create a need for interaction methods that are radically different from the desktop computer interactions. Physical selection is an interaction task for ubiquitous computing and it is used to tell the user s mobile terminal which physical object the user wants to interact with. It is based on tags that identify physical objects or store a physical hyperlink to digital information related to the object the tag is attached to. The user selects the physical hyperlink by touching, pointing or scanning the tag with the mobile terminal that is equipped with an appropriate reader. Physical selection has been implemented with various technologies, such as radio-frequency tags and readers, infrared transceivers, and optically readable tags and mobile phone cameras. In this dissertation, physical selection is analysed as a user interaction task, and from the implementation viewpoint. Different selection methods ­ touching, pointing and scanning ­ are presented. Touching and pointing have been studied by implementing a prototype and conducting user experiments with it. The contributions of this dissertation include an analysis of physical selection in the ubiquitous computing context, suggestions for visualising the physical hyperlinks in both the physical environment and in the mobile terminal, and user requirements for physical selection as a part of an ambient intelligence architecture

    Special Libraries, March 1979

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    Volume 70, Issue 3https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1979/1002/thumbnail.jp

    2020 - The Twenty-fourth Annual Symposium of Student Scholars

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    The full program book from the Twenty-fourth Annual Symposium of Student Scholars, held on April 16, 2020. Includes abstracts from the presentations and posters.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/sssprograms/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Managing multiple interdependencies in large scale software development projects

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-283).by Nancy A. Staudenmayer.Ph.D

    Security Applications for Converging Technologies - Impact on the Constitutional State and the Legal order

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    In this study we investigate the impact of converging technologies on legal practice and criminology in a forward looking study intended for practitioners and policy makers in the field of legislation, crime prevention, and law enforcement. We look at a 15 years timeframe and discuss the scientific and technical progress in various domains as well as the ethical, legal, and policy dilemmas involved.

    Exploring Music Beyond the Canon: Radio Orchestras, the CBC and Contemporary Music in the Mid-Twentieth Century

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    The emergence of broadcast technology in the twentieth century fundamentally changed how people could experience music. Networks across the world assembled orchestras to serve a variety of functions—background music for dramatic presentations, light entertainment and symphonic concerts. Radio emancipated the orchestral concert from the confines of the concert hall, bringing to the masses a cultural experience which was formerly the domain of the privileged classes. As early as the 1930s, the notion of a radio symphony orchestra—that is, a permanent concert orchestra based in the broadcasting studio—began to emerge. Through unconventional programming philosophies, as well as distinct social and political roles, many of these orchestras gradually acquired identities distinct from traditional symphony orchestras. However, radio symphonies have not received a large amount of scholarly attention. The purpose of this dissertation is to establish the historical context from which radio symphony orchestras emerged, with a specific focus on Canada. My primary focus is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and its relationship with twentieth-century music, as seen through the lens of the CBC Symphony Orchestra (1952–1964). The study proceeds in three stages. First, I provide a broad historical overview of the origins of radio symphony orchestras before World War Two, exemplified by the NBC Symphony Orchestra, the Frankfurter Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchestra and the BBC Symphony. Second, I look at the emergence of radio orchestras in Canada, and the CBC’s patronage of twentieth-century music in Canada following World War Two. These concepts are brought together in the final section, which focuses on the work of the CBC Symphony. Born as an intended symbol of Canada’s musical achievement, the CBC Symphony regularly featured music from outside the traditional orchestral canon. Not only did this policy introduce modern composition to Canadian listeners, it provided Canadian composers with regular opportunities to write for large orchestras—opportunities which had previously been few and far between, if present at all

    Protocol and Training of Educators for the Use of Technology to Enhance Learning in Tennessee Certified Schools

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    The purposes of this study were (a) to determine the Tennessee protocol and standards for the initial certification of teachers and re-certification of experienced teachers, (b) to determine the technology skills necessary and competency level of these skills needed to meet and/or exceed the levels that are mandated by the individual curriculum frameworks and standards of Tennessee, and (c) how this technology use is evaluated in the classroom. This was based on published information on the State of Tennessee Department of Education website. Additionally, information was secured from other reliable sources with pertinent data required to fully examine and answer the questions of this research regarding course and/or technology curriculum standards for all grade levels and the use of technology to enhance learning. Interviews with county school district personnel in a representative group of the twelve counties in an extended East Tennessee area were used in this study to establish the details of “what is really being done” in the local school districts. Analyzation of the personal interviews and a review of County Technology Plans and other significant information from the county websites provided interesting and pertinent information. This information could be considered a reliable representative sampling of what is being done across all of Tennessee since the counties selected for this study were chosen for their significance of the array of variables that might influence technology use and their demographic representation of all areas of the state. While findings of this study did indicate positive results in the use of technology to enhance instruction techniques or for the enhancement of student learning in the classroom, there is still one area that must receive considerable attention before meaningful results can ever become a reality. Infrastructure and the computer to student ratio (less than 5:1) in most school districts investigated in this study are in place, indicating, at the very least, the ability for significant inroads into the use of technology to enhance learning, but with one monumental holdup… the inability of a large percentage of teachers to use the available equipment