18 research outputs found

    Deep neural networks in acoustic model

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    L'estudiant m'ha contactat amb el requeriment d'una oferta per matricular-se i aquesta oferta respon a la seva petició. Després de confirmar amb Secretaria Acadèmica que està acceptat a destinació, deixem títol, descripció, objectius, i tutor extern per determinar quan arribi a destí.Do implementation of a training of a deep neural network acoustic model for speech recognitio

    Neighborhood analysis methods in acoustic modeling for automatic speech recognition

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-134).This thesis investigates the problem of using nearest-neighbor based non-parametric methods for performing multi-class class-conditional probability estimation. The methods developed are applied to the problem of acoustic modeling for speech recognition. Neighborhood components analysis (NCA) (Goldberger et al. [2005]) serves as the departure point for this study. NCA is a non-parametric method that can be seen as providing two things: (1) low-dimensional linear projections of the feature space that allow nearest-neighbor algorithms to perform well, and (2) nearest-neighbor based class-conditional probability estimates. First, NCA is used to perform dimensionality reduction on acoustic vectors, a commonly addressed problem in speech recognition. NCA is shown to perform competitively with another commonly employed dimensionality reduction technique in speech known as heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis (HLDA) (Kumar [1997]). Second, a nearest neighbor-based model related to NCA is created to provide a class-conditional estimate that is sensitive to the possible underlying relationship between the acoustic-phonetic labels. An embedding of the labels is learned that can be used to estimate the similarity or confusability between labels. This embedding is related to the concept of error-correcting output codes (ECOC) and therefore the proposed model is referred to as NCA-ECOC. The estimates provided by this method along with nearest neighbor information is shown to provide improvements in speech recognition performance (2.5% relative reduction in word error rate). Third, a model for calculating class-conditional probability estimates is proposed that generalizes GMM, NCA, and kernel density approaches. This model, called locally-adaptive neighborhood components analysis, LA-NCA, learns different low-dimensional projections for different parts of the space. The models exploits the fact that in different parts of the space different directions may be important for discrimination between the classes. This model is computationally intensive and prone to over-fitting, so methods for sub-selecting neighbors used for providing the classconditional estimates are explored. The estimates provided by LA-NCA are shown to give significant gains in speech recognition performance (7-8% relative reduction in word error rate) as well as phonetic classification.by Natasha Singh-Miller.Ph.D

    A survey on opinion summarization technique s for social media

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    The volume of data on the social media is huge and even keeps increasing. The need for efficient processing of this extensive information resulted in increasing research interest in knowledge engineering tasks such as Opinion Summarization. This survey shows the current opinion summarization challenges for social media, then the necessary pre-summarization steps like preprocessing, features extraction, noise elimination, and handling of synonym features. Next, it covers the various approaches used in opinion summarization like Visualization, Abstractive, Aspect based, Query-focused, Real Time, Update Summarization, and highlight other Opinion Summarization approaches such as Contrastive, Concept-based, Community Detection, Domain Specific, Bilingual, Social Bookmarking, and Social Media Sampling. It covers the different datasets used in opinion summarization and future work suggested in each technique. Finally, it provides different ways for evaluating opinion summarization

    Temporally Varying Weight Regression for Speech Recognition

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    Research on the automatic construction of the resource space model for scientific literature

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    The resource space model is a semantic data model to organize Web resources based on a classification of resources. The scientific resource space is an application of the resource space model on massive scientific literature resources. The construction of a scientific resource space needs to build a category (or concept) hierarchy and classify resources. Manual design suffers from heavy workload and low efficiency. In this thesis, we propose novel methods to solve the following two problems in the construction of a scientific resource space: 1. Automatic maintenance of a category hierarchy. A category hierarchy needs to evolve dynamically with new resources continually arriving so as to satisfy the dynamic re-quirements of the organization and management of resources. We propose an automatic maintenance approach to modifying the category hierarchy according to the hierarchical clustering of resources and show the effectiveness of this method by a series of comparison experiments on multiple datasets. 2. Automatic construction of a concept hierarchy. We propose a joint extraction model based on a deep neural network to extract entities and relations from scientific articles and build a concept hierarchy. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the joint model on the Semeval 2017 Task 10 dataset. We also implement a prototype system of the scientific resource space. The prototype system enables the comparative summarization on scientific articles. A set of novel comparative summarization methods based on the differential topic models (dTM) are proposed in this thesis. The effectiveness of the dTM-based methods is shown by a series of experimental results

    Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining Part II

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    19th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, May 19-22, 2015, Proceedings, Part II</p

    Distant Speech Recognition of Natural Spontaneous Multi-party Conversations

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    Distant speech recognition (DSR) has gained wide interest recently. While deep networks keep improving ASR overall, the performance gap remains between using close-talking recordings and distant recordings. Therefore the work in this thesis aims at providing some insights for further improvement of DSR performance. The investigation starts with collecting the first multi-microphone and multi-media corpus of natural spontaneous multi-party conversations in native English with the speaker location tracked, i.e. the Sheffield Wargame Corpus (SWC). The state-of-the-art recognition systems with the acoustic models trained standalone and adapted both show word error rates (WERs) above 40% on headset recordings and above 70% on distant recordings. A comparison between SWC and AMI corpus suggests a few unique properties in the real natural spontaneous conversations, e.g. the very short utterances and the emotional speech. Further experimental analysis based on simulated data and real data quantifies the impact of such influence factors on DSR performance, and illustrates the complex interaction among multiple factors which makes the treatment of each influence factor much more difficult. The reverberation factor is studied further. It is shown that the reverberation effect on speech features could be accurately modelled with a temporal convolution in the complex spectrogram domain. Based on that a polynomial reverberation score is proposed to measure the distortion level of short utterances. Compared to existing reverberation metrics like C50, it avoids a rigid early-late-reverberation partition without compromising the performance on ranking the reverberation level of recording environments and channels. Furthermore, the existing reverberation measurement is signal independent thus unable to accurately estimate the reverberation distortion level in short recordings. Inspired by the phonetic analysis on the reverberation distortion via self-masking and overlap-masking, a novel partition of reverberation distortion into the intra-phone smearing and the inter-phone smearing is proposed, so that the reverberation distortion level is first estimated on each part and then combined

    Exploring variabilities through factor analysis in automatic acoustic language recognition

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    La problématique traitée par la Reconnaissance de la Langue (LR) porte sur la définition découverte de la langue contenue dans un segment de parole. Cette thèse se base sur des paramètres acoustiques de courte durée, utilisés dans une approche d adaptation de mélanges de Gaussiennes (GMM-UBM). Le problème majeur de nombreuses applications du vaste domaine de la re- problème connaissance de formes consiste en la variabilité des données observées. Dans le contexte de la Reconnaissance de la Langue (LR), cette variabilité nuisible est due à des causes diverses, notamment les caractéristiques du locuteur, l évolution de la parole et de la voix, ainsi que les canaux d acquisition et de transmission. Dans le contexte de la reconnaissance du locuteur, l impact de la variabilité solution peut sensiblement être réduit par la technique d Analyse Factorielle (Joint Factor Analysis, JFA). Dans ce travail, nous introduisons ce paradigme à la Reconnaissance de la Langue. Le succès de la JFA repose sur plusieurs hypothèses. La première est que l information observée est décomposable en une partie universelle, une partie dépendante de la langue et une partie de variabilité, qui elle est indépendante de la langue. La deuxième hypothèse, plus technique, est que la variabilité nuisible se situe dans un sous-espace de faible dimension, qui est défini de manière globale.Dans ce travail, nous analysons le comportement de la JFA dans le contexte d un dispositif de LR du type GMM-UBM. Nous introduisons et analysons également sa combinaison avec des Machines à Vecteurs Support (SVM). Les premières publications sur la JFA regroupaient toute information qui est amélioration nuisible à la tâche (donc ladite variabilité) dans un seul composant. Celui-ci est supposé suivre une distribution Gaussienne. Cette approche permet de traiter les différentes sortes de variabilités d une manière unique. En pratique, nous observons que cette hypothèse n est pas toujours vérifiée. Nous avons, par exemple, le cas où les données peuvent être groupées de manière logique en deux sous-parties clairement distinctes, notamment en données de sources téléphoniques et d émissions radio. Dans ce cas-ci, nos recherches détaillées montrent un certain avantage à traiter les deux types de données par deux systèmes spécifiques et d élire comme score de sortie celui du système qui correspond à la catégorie source du segment testé. Afin de sélectionner le score de l un des systèmes, nous avons besoin d un analyses détecteur de canal source. Nous proposons ici différents nouveaux designs pour engendrées de tels détecteurs automatiques. Dans ce cadre, nous montrons que les facteurs de variabilité (du sous-espace) de la JFA peuvent être utilisés avec succès pour la détection de la source. Ceci ouvre la perspective intéressante de subdiviser les5données en catégories de canal source qui sont établies de manière automatique. En plus de pouvoir s adapter à des nouvelles conditions de source, cette propriété permettrait de pouvoir travailler avec des données d entraînement qui ne sont pas accompagnées d étiquettes sur le canal de source. L approche JFA permet une réduction de la mesure de coûts allant jusqu à généraux 72% relatives, comparé au système GMM-UBM de base. En utilisant des systèmes spécifiques à la source, suivis d un sélecteur de scores, nous obtenons une amélioration relative de 81%.Language Recognition is the problem of discovering the language of a spoken definitionutterance. This thesis achieves this goal by using short term acoustic information within a GMM-UBM approach.The main problem of many pattern recognition applications is the variability of problemthe observed data. In the context of Language Recognition (LR), this troublesomevariability is due to the speaker characteristics, speech evolution, acquisition and transmission channels.In the context of Speaker Recognition, the variability problem is solved by solutionthe Joint Factor Analysis (JFA) technique. Here, we introduce this paradigm toLanguage Recognition. The success of JFA relies on several assumptions: The globalJFA assumption is that the observed information can be decomposed into a universalglobal part, a language-dependent part and the language-independent variabilitypart. The second, more technical assumption consists in the unwanted variability part to be thought to live in a low-dimensional, globally defined subspace. In this work, we analyze how JFA behaves in the context of a GMM-UBM LR framework. We also introduce and analyze its combination with Support Vector Machines(SVMs).The first JFA publications put all unwanted information (hence the variability) improvemen tinto one and the same component, which is thought to follow a Gaussian distribution.This handles diverse kinds of variability in a unique manner. But in practice,we observe that this hypothesis is not always verified. We have for example thecase, where the data can be divided into two clearly separate subsets, namely datafrom telephony and from broadcast sources. In this case, our detailed investigations show that there is some benefit of handling the two kinds of data with two separatesystems and then to elect the output score of the system, which corresponds to the source of the testing utterance.For selecting the score of one or the other system, we need a channel source related analyses detector. We propose here different novel designs for such automatic detectors.In this framework, we show that JFA s variability factors (of the subspace) can beused with success for detecting the source. This opens the interesting perspectiveof partitioning the data into automatically determined channel source categories,avoiding the need of source-labeled training data, which is not always available.The JFA approach results in up to 72% relative cost reduction, compared to the overall resultsGMM-UBM baseline system. Using source specific systems followed by a scoreselector, we achieve 81% relative improvement.AVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Seamless Multimodal Biometrics for Continuous Personalised Wellbeing Monitoring

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    Artificially intelligent perception is increasingly present in the lives of every one of us. Vehicles are no exception, (...) In the near future, pattern recognition will have an even stronger role in vehicles, as self-driving cars will require automated ways to understand what is happening around (and within) them and act accordingly. (...) This doctoral work focused on advancing in-vehicle sensing through the research of novel computer vision and pattern recognition methodologies for both biometrics and wellbeing monitoring. The main focus has been on electrocardiogram (ECG) biometrics, a trait well-known for its potential for seamless driver monitoring. Major efforts were devoted to achieving improved performance in identification and identity verification in off-the-person scenarios, well-known for increased noise and variability. Here, end-to-end deep learning ECG biometric solutions were proposed and important topics were addressed such as cross-database and long-term performance, waveform relevance through explainability, and interlead conversion. Face biometrics, a natural complement to the ECG in seamless unconstrained scenarios, was also studied in this work. The open challenges of masked face recognition and interpretability in biometrics were tackled in an effort to evolve towards algorithms that are more transparent, trustworthy, and robust to significant occlusions. Within the topic of wellbeing monitoring, improved solutions to multimodal emotion recognition in groups of people and activity/violence recognition in in-vehicle scenarios were proposed. At last, we also proposed a novel way to learn template security within end-to-end models, dismissing additional separate encryption processes, and a self-supervised learning approach tailored to sequential data, in order to ensure data security and optimal performance. (...)Comment: Doctoral thesis presented and approved on the 21st of December 2022 to the University of Port