34,121 research outputs found

    Auditing IT Governance

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    Effective IT governance helps ensure that IT supports business goals, optimizes business investment in IT, and appropriately manages IT-related risks and opportunities. Organizations that realize the IT is no longer a support process and embeds value and risks need a structured approach for better managing Information Technology, enable its capability to deliver added value enterprise wide and for setting up a risk management program to address new risks arising for usage of IT in business processes. In order to assess if IT Governance is in line with industry practices, IT Auditors need a good understanding of processes and applicable standards, particular audit work programs and experience in assessing potential problem indicators.IT Governance, Audit, ISACA, CGEIT, Val IT, Value Governance, Portfolio Management, Investment Management

    The propagation of technology management taxonomies for evaluating investments in information systems

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    To provide managers with a critical insight into the management of new technology, this paper uses a case study research strategy to examine the technology management experiences of a leading UK manufacturing organization during its adoption of a vendor-supplied Manufacturing Resource Planning information system.<br /

    Adaptable Techniques for Making IT-Related Investment Decisions

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    The author investigated the main methods used for making IT-related investment decisions. In the view of these methods it can be said that no method was found that would help to make investment decisions 'routinelike'. The use of traditional financial indicators – which would be suitable for so-called regular investments - has a lot of obstructions and it would be dangerous to base decisions only on them. Return on Investment (ROI) methods are used in the case of classical investments (buildings, machineries) to analyze capital investments. Their simplest explanation is that net profit is expressed in percentage of invested capital. If it is a planned investment, a quotient is used for comparing variations. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) has gained upon from the 60’s (in case of several IT-related investments as well), as it made possible to consider certain not quantifiable factors and uncertain elements too, so it meant a great help for choosing between different alternatives. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)-model was created by GartnerGroup in the beginning of the 90’s, which is an excellent method for monitoring IT infrastructure and for analysing direct and indirect costs of possessed and used softwares and hardwares. An another method for making investment decisions, Rapid Economic Justification (REJ) is an attempt made by Microsoft and Intellectual Arbitrage to develop a better-balanced approach for examining and developing IT projects as it had been before. REJ offers the possibility of assessment balance against the cost-models dealing with only the cost side of a project

    Płaszczyzny budowania zaufania do funduszy emerytalnych działających w Polsce

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza zaufania do otwartych funduszy emerytalnych (OFE) jako podmiotów funkcjonujących w polskim systemie emerytalnym. Zadaniem OFE jest gromadzenie funduszy zaoszczędzonych przez Polaków i zarządzanie nimi w celu zabezpieczenia kapitałów po przejściu na emeryturę. Polacy często lekceważą potrzebę oszczędzania środków na starość, mimo że polski system emerytalny zakłada indywidualne przedsięwzięcia emerytalne. W artykule wskazano czynniki i płaszczyzny budowania zaufania do OFE jako instytucji funkcjonujących w II filarze systemu emerytalnego. Zaufanie do systemu emerytalnego może być budowane przez zaufanie do poszczególnych instytucji funkcjonujących w danym systemie. Wydzielenie czynników zaufania do OFE może wskazać metody budowania zaufania do całego systemu emerytalnego.The purpose of this article is to analyze the trust in Open Pension Funds (OPF) as entities operating in the Polish pension system. The task of OPFs is to collect and manage the funds accumulated by Poles in order to secure their capital after retirement. Poles often ignore the need to save money for old age, despite the fact that the Polish pension system provides for individual pension schemes. This article indicates the factors for building the trust in OPFs as institutions operating within the second pillar of the pension system. The trust in the pension system can be built through the trust in the individual institutions operating in the given system. Separating trust factors related to OPFs can indicate the methods of building the trust in the entire pension system