530 research outputs found

    Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world : proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 2010

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    Proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 201

    Campus Communications Systems: Converging Technologies

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    This book is a rewrite of Campus Telecommunications Systems: Managing Change, a book that was written by ACUTA in 1995. In the past decade, our industry has experienced a thousand-fold increase in data rates as we migrated from 10 megabit links (10 million bits per second) to 10 gigabit links (10 billion bits per second), we have seen the National Telecommunications Policy completely revamped; we have seen the combination of voice, data, and video onto one network; and we have seen many of our service providers merge into larger corporations able to offer more diverse services. When this book was last written, A CUT A meant telecommunications, convergence was a mathematical term, triple play was a baseball term, and terms such as iPod, DoS, and QoS did not exist. This book is designed to be a communications primer to be used by new entrants into the field of communications in higher education and by veteran communications professionals who want additional information in areas other than their field of expertise. There are reference books and text books available on every topic discussed in this book if a more in-depth explanation is desired. Individual chapters were authored by communications professionals from various member campuses. This allowed the authors to share their years of experience (more years than many of us would care to admit to) with the community at large. Foreword Walt Magnussen, Ph.D. Preface Ron Kovac, Ph.D. 1 The Technology Landscape: Historical Overview . Walt Magnussen, Ph.D. 2 Emerging Trends and Technologies . Joanne Kossuth 3 Network Security . Beth Chancellor 4 Security and Disaster Planning and Management Marjorie Windelberg, Ph.D. 5 Student Services in a University Setting . Walt Magnussen, Ph.D. 6 Administrative Services David E. O\u27Neill 7 The Business Side of Information Technology George Denbow 8 The Role of Consultants . David C. Metz Glossary Michelle Narcavag

    Local matters: Regulating economic development in two Indiana cities

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    Since the 1970s, local governments have utilized similar redevelopment tools to counteract economic dislocations but cities often experience divergent development pathways. This project explores why these divergences occur through a comparative case study of a college town and factory town in Indiana. Qualitatively, I compile data from interviews with city officials, local government documents, and related research to address the towns’ divergent development paths. Two findings are noteworthy. First, a locality’s extant resources act as path-dependent liabilities for local growth. Second, state and federal aid greatly assists local development. Yet the defunding of these revenue streams, and a city’s reliance on specific types of funding, positions each city in a more or less advantageous position for future prosperity. These results suggest that local development is best understood as the interplay between local infrastructures, various intergovernmental incentives, and the needs of capital

    Information Services Annual Plan, 2006-2007

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    Urban Ecosystem Services II: Toward a Sustainable Future

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    The school of thought surrounding the urban ecosystem has increasingly become in vogue among researchers worldwide. Since half of the world’s population lives in cities, urban ecosystem services have become essential to human health and wellbeing. Rapid urban growth has forced sustainable urban developers to rethink important steps by updating and, to some degree, recreating the human–ecosystem service linkage.Assessing as well as estimating the losses of ecosystem services can denote the essential effects of urbanization and increasingly indicate where cities fall short. This second book on urban ecosystem services contains 11 thoroughly refereed contributions published within the Special Issue “Urban Ecosystem Services II: Toward a Sustainable Future”. The book addresses topics such as cultural ecosystem services, green infrastructure, urban trees, urban green spaces, and more. The contributions highlight current knowledge, gaps, and future research with the focus on building a sustainable future

    Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain

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    Unmanned Aircraft Systems are an integral part of the US national critical infrastructure. The authors have endeavored to bring a breadth and quality of information to the reader that is unparalleled in the unclassified sphere. This textbook will fully immerse and engage the reader / student in the cyber-security considerations of this rapidly emerging technology that we know as unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The first edition topics covered National Airspace (NAS) policy issues, information security (INFOSEC), UAS vulnerabilities in key systems (Sense and Avoid / SCADA), navigation and collision avoidance systems, stealth design, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms; weapons systems security; electronic warfare considerations; data-links, jamming, operational vulnerabilities and still-emerging political scenarios that affect US military / commercial decisions. This second edition discusses state-of-the-art technology issues facing US UAS designers. It focuses on counter unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS) – especially research designed to mitigate and terminate threats by SWARMS. Topics include high-altitude platforms (HAPS) for wireless communications; C-UAS and large scale threats; acoustic countermeasures against SWARMS and building an Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) acoustic library; updates to the legal / regulatory landscape; UAS proliferation along the Chinese New Silk Road Sea / Land routes; and ethics in this new age of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence (AI).https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1027/thumbnail.jp

    How to accelerate your internet : a practical guide to bandwidth management and optimisation using open source software

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    xiii, 298 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Libro ElectrónicoAccess to sufficient Internet bandwidth enables worldwide electronic collaboration, access to informational resources, rapid and effective communication, and grants membership to a global community. Therefore, bandwidth is probably the single most critical resource at the disposal of a modern organisation. The goal of this book is to provide practical information on how to gain the largest possible benefit from your connection to the Internet. By applying the monitoring and optimisation techniques discussed here, the effectiveness of your network can be significantly improved

    Strategic campus development of Aalto University - internal and international benchmarking of space resources

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    The nature of university campuses is changing because of a change in spatial demand. Therefore, spatial solutions and needs of university facilities have to be rethought. As Aalto University was established in 2010 by uniting three traditional Finnish Universities from the fields of art, economics and technology, Aalto’s facilities were unorganized, scattered around and difficult to manage. This study aims to define how Aalto University campuses and benchmarking practices could be developed in order to support the implementation of Aalto’s campus vision. It investigates spatial demands of universities now and in the future and how future demand could be satisfied with strategic learning landscape planning. The emphasis is inside the walls, and therefore urban planning and outside connections are outside the scope of this thesis.The structure of the thesis is based on three main research questions: (1) How do existing benchmarking practices support future development of campuses worldwide in general?; (2) How do existing facilities of Aalto University support the requirements of university education and related actions in practice?; and (3) How could the facilities be modified and developed in order to better and more concretely support the university’s core business in the future? The methods used are a literature overview, based on which is created a benchmarking framework and an empirical analysis. In general, thanks to the development of technology, global mobility and increasing cross-disciplinary thinking, working methods and learning patterns in university education vary a lot more than in the past according to individual teaching and learning styles and they are undependent on place. The research in this study is conducted based on development trends of space planning and the existing benchmarking framework applied accordingly. In practice, Aalto University’s spaces are used inefficiently and they do not fully meet the requirements of the modern learning landscape, nor do they match Aalto’s campus vision. The existing space resources inside the walls are benchmarked from physical and virtual, functional, financial and strategic aspects and compared with cutting edge international benchmarks and campus planning trends in order to define the quality of the facilities today.A future scenario is recommended based on the study conducted. Strategic elements include rethinking funding, the service landscape and re-designing existing unutilized spaces into multiuse platforms.Yliopistokampusten luonne on murroksessa tilatarpeiden muutoksen takia. Siksi yliopistojen tilaratkaisuja ja tilahallintaa tulee kehittää. Kun Aalto-yliopisto vuonna 2010 perustettiin yhdistämällä kolme perinteistä suomalaista yliopistoa taiteen, tekniikan ja kauppatieteiden aloilta, tilat olivat eri tavoin organisoituja, hajallaan sekä vaikeita hallita ja johtaa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on määrittää, miten Aalto-Yliopiston kampusta ja sen arviointikäytäntöjä voitaisiin kehittää kampusvision toteutumisen tueksi. Se tutkii yliopistotilojen kysyntää nyt ja tulevaisuudessa, ja miten oppimisympäristön strategi-sella suunnittelulla voidaan vastata näihin tilatarpeisiin. Painotus on rakennusten sisätiloissa, minkä takia kaupunkisuunnittelu ja yhteydet on rajattu tutkimuksen ulko-puolelle. Työn rakenne perustuu kolmeen pääkysymykseen: (1) Miten olemassa olevat benchmark-käytännöt tukevat tulevaisuuden kampuskehitystä yleisellä tasolla?; (2) Miten Aalto-yliopiston tilakanta ja hallintatapa vastaavat yliopistokoulutuksen tarpeisiin käytännössä?; ja (3) Miten tiloja voitaisiin kehittää ja muokata yliopiston ydinliiketoimintaa tukevaksi tulevaisuudessa? Käytetyt metodit ovat kirjallisuuskatsaus ja sen pohjalta luotu benchmark-viitekehys sekä sekundääriaineistoon perustuva tilastollinen analyysi tilakannasta. Yleisellä tasolla työtavat ja oppimismallit ovat paikasta riippumattomia ja ne vaihtelevat yksilöstä riippuen enemmän kuin aikaisemmin teknologian kehittymisen, maailmanlaajuisen liikkuvuuden ja alati laajenevan monitieteisen ajattelun ansiosta. Tämä tutkimus on toteutettu oppimistilojen kehitystrendien ja olemassa olevien benchmark-käytäntöjen pohjalta, jotka on muokattu kehitystrendejä tukeviksi. Käytännössä Aalto-yliopiston tilankäyttö on tehotonta, eivätkä tilat täysin vastaa modernin oppimisympäristön tarpeita tai Aallon kampusvisiota. Aallon olemassa olevat tilat tutkitaan fyysisestä ja virtuaalisesta, funktionaalisesta, rahoituksellisesta sekä strategisesta näkökulmasta, ja niitä verrataan kansainvälisiin esimerkkeihin sekä kampuskehitystrendeihin tavoitteena määrittää Aallon tilojen laatu nykypäivänä. Tulevaisuutta ajatellen strategista skenaariota suositellaan tutkimukseen perustuen. Strategiset elementit pitävät sisällään esimerkiksi rahoituksen uudelleenjärjestelyn sekä olemassa olevien, käyttämättömien tilojen hyödyntämisen hub-tyyppisten monikäyttötilojen tarpeisiin

    Information Services Annual Plan, 2007-2008

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