586,305 research outputs found

    Efficient dam management using SQL and GIS

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    This paper discusses use of SQL and GIS tools in nowadays dam management. Dam management requires the use of a highly-sophisticated measuring, monitoring and general management tools, since it is not only economical aspect of importance of these projects, but also about the security risks that require the highest possible caution and a precisely-developed control systems. Therefore, SQL and GIS are tools to be considered and implemented. GIS is widely used in spatial planning and connected management processes - because it allows easy way of storage, processing, analysis, modelling and display of spatial data. It has a wide range of features and is used in many areas. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language for databases, written to be easy to understand and to use. SQL provides integration and presentation of data, optimization, easy reporting and analysis. In hand of trained professional analysts, SQL can make database search efficient and flexible, which is the key feature in demanding management processes as dam management

    Specification of Energy Assessment Methodologies to Satisfy ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard

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    Energy management has become more crucial for industrial sector as a way to lower their cost of production and in reducing their carbon footprint. Environmental regulations also force the industrial sector to increase the efficiency of their energy usage. Hence industrial sector started relying on energy management consultancies for improvements in energy efficiency. With the development of ISO 50001 standard, the entire energy management took a new dimension involving top level management and getting their commitment on energy efficiency. One of the key requirements of ISO 50001 is to demonstrate continual improvement in their (industry) energy efficiency. The major aim of this work is to develop an energy assessment methodology and reporting format to tailor the needs of ISO 50001. The developed methodology integrates the energy reduction aspect of an energy assessment with the requirements of sections 4.4.3 (Energy Review) to 4.4.6 (Objectives, Targets and Action Plans) in ISO 50001 and thus helping the facilities in easy implementation of ISO 50001

    Automated Online Questionnaire Development

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    Online questionnaire is an integrated survey management system that includes a range of technology to meet your survey and research needs. From target list integration to real-time feedback for respondents and automated analysis and reporting, Survey Suite provides a comprehensive solution to most survey requirements. This system developed the traditional questionnaire for researchers to increase the benefits of the system. Nunamaker method 1991 will be taken as the development procedure of this system. Rely on evaluation process the researcher found that, the researchers who using online questionnaire system were pleased and satisfied; the effectiveness of using online questionnaire system is so useful. The researcher considers that, the online questionnaire system as one of the education processes is important to help researchers to get easy way to the evaluation

    Learning Management Systems: Getting library stuff in

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    Part 1: In Search Of An LMS, We Created A Hub http://courses.middlebury.edu/ For Faculty, the Course Hub is a quick way to link your disparate course materials (blogs, electronic reserves, articles, wikis, and sites) in one location so that they are easily found by your class. Spend a few minutes adding Resources for your online course materials and these will be available to your students throughout the semester. At the very least add your syllabus and make any course site a Resource. For Students, the Semester Dashboard shows you the latest updates from all of your courses -- at a glance you can see if there have been new updates on the course blog, electronic reserves, or any other connected resources. Clicking through to the Course Hub site for any class allows you to browse through all updates as well as find links to all of the course resources. Part 2: More than a Search Box: Deep Embedding of Library Materials in Learning Management Systems Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Blackboard, Canvas, Sakai, and Moodle have become central to the teaching and learning experience for both instructors and student. Libraries have attempted to be a part of this space, which has led to many interesting projects: search boxes in the LMS, links to library resources enabled by default for all courses, embedded librarians in online courses, etc. In this session, we will cover a new type of library integration: the EBSCO Curriculum Builder. This tool makes it easy for faculty to make use of library materials in their courses. With one click, faculty members can search the library’s collections and add items to a reading list, all from within the LMS. This eliminates the need for faculty members to understand and use permalinks for licensed library resources - a key step many instructors miss when adding content to their courses. It also encourages proper linking to library materials, a step many instructors bypass when they download a PDF copy of an article and upload it into their LMS. As a result, the library collects better usage statistics (each student use of a library resource is recorded in EBSCO’s reporting features) and faculty avoid inadvertently violating copyright. The tool is able to accomplish this deep integration thanks to the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) protocol, which will be discussed in this session. LTI tools are very easy for LMS administrators to configure and clearly add value and functionality to the online classroom environment. As a result, implementation of this tool is simple and easy, requiring as little as 5 minutes to get up and running. This session will show how this tool works from start-to-finish in Moodle and Canvas, including what steps the library and LMS administrator would need to take to get it up and running

    Challenges In The Global Project Management Organization : Developing Contemporary Solutions

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    The main goal of project management is to ensure successful project delivery fulfilling the time, quality, monetary and functionality requirements. The project management methodology is considered to consist of ten knowledge areas that are together forming the theory of project management. When developing the project management, it is important to remember the differences of each project when using theory as a foundation for development. This research targets company’s project management processes, tools and reporting possibilities towards the customer in the global environment. The aims of this thesis is to determine the challenges that globalization generates in project management. The research question is set to determine the current maturity level of project management and identify possibilities to increase the maturity by developing tools and processes. The biggest challenge for the study is the global aspect of the target company’s project management, where project team members are located all over the World. Naturally, this aspect generates challenges in communication and finding in an aligned way of working. The research is heavily based on the project management methodology and qualitative interviews. The literature helped build a theoretical framework and data collected from interviews, helped in identifying challenges and problems especially when comparing data against the theory. The interviewees were from six different countries around the world and based on the interviews and theory, biggest challenges were lack of a common way of working principles between product lines, differences between project management departments within the target company, the usage of highly customized, standalone software and lack of integration towards ERP system. In conclusion, the main solution for these challenges is a common project management tool, connected to the ERP system. Thereby the way of working would automatically align within one tool and all project-related data would be stored in one place. These changes would solve most communicational problems and decrease the time spent on communication. Gained benefits could be taken into use in terms of unifying and automating internal and external reporting. When the information is up to date and stored in a commonplace, sharing the data is easy and safe. This thesis includes also suggestions for customer reporting and an example of a Power Bi report template for a customer. The goal is to create an automated report where a customer would always have access. Consequently, the workload generated by reporting can be decreased and increase customer satisfaction.Projektihallinnan tavoite on varmistaa projektien toimitus sovitusti ja sujuvasti, täyttäen aikataululliset, laadulliset, rahalliset ja toiminnalliset vaatimukset. Projektinhallinta katsotaan koostuvan kymmenestä eri osa-alueesta, mitkä muodostavat projektinhallinnan teorian. Projektihallintaa kehittäessä, onkin tärkeää muistaa projektien ainutlaatuisuus, kun teoriaa käytetään pohjana kehityksessä. Tämä tutkimus tutkii kohdeyrityksen projektinhallinta prosesseja, työkaluja ja raportointimahdollisuuksia asiakkaalle globaalissa ympäristössä. Diplomityön tavoitteena on määritellä globalisaatiosta johtuvat projektihallinnan haasteet. Työn tutkimuskysymyksenä on määritellä nykyinen projektihallinnan kypsyys ja tunnistaa mahdollisuuksia parantaa kypsyyttä kehittämällä prosesseja ja työkaluja. Työn Suurimpana haasteena on kohdeyrityksen projektihallinnan globaali ominaisuus, minkä takia projektitiimin jäsenet tulevat ympäri maailmaa. Tämä luonnollisesti luo haasteitta kommunikoinnissa ja yhteisten työskentelytapojen saavuttamisessa. Tutkimus perustuu vahvasti projektihallinnan teoriaan sekä laadullisiin haastatteluihin. Teoriaa apuna käyttäen, teoreettinen viitekehys saatiin luotua ja haastatteluista saadut tulokset hyödynnettiin ongelmien tunnistamisessa. Haastateltavia oli kuudesta eri valtiosta ympäri maailmaa. Haastatteluiden sekä teorian perusteella, suurimpia tunnistettuja kehityskohteita olivat yhteisien työskentelytapojen puuttuminen tuotelinjojen välillä, useiden rinnakkaisten sekä sisäkkäisten projektihallintaorganisaatioiden eriävät toimintatavat sekä toimintamallit ja itsenäisien organisaatioiden omien työkalujen puutteellinen integroiminen yrityksen ERP systeemiin. Loppujen lopuksi, keskeiseksi ratkaisuksi tunnistettiin yksi, yhteinen projektihallintatyökalu, kytkettynä yrityksen ERP systeemiin. Tällöin työskentelytapojen olisi pakko muuttua samankaltaisiksi, milloin myös kaikki projektikohtainen tieto olisi yhdessä paikassa, Tällöin kommunikaatioon liittyvät kuormittavat tekijät saataisiin myös osittain eliminoitua. Saatuja hyötyjä voidaan myös hyödyntää sekä sisäisen että ulkoisen raportoinnin yhtenäistyksessä ja automatisoinnissa, kun tieto on ajan tasalla sekä varastoituna paikkaan, mistä sen jakaminen eri alustojen kautta on helppoa ja turvallista. Diplomityö sisältää myös ehdotuksia asiakasraportointiin ja esimerkin mahdollisesta raportointipohjasta hyödyntäen Power bi raportointiohjelmistoa. Tavoitteena on luoda automaattisesti päivittyvä ajan tasalla oleva raportti mihin asiakkaalla olisi aina pääsy. Näin raportoinnista syntyvää kuormitusta voidaan tehokkaasti vähentää, parantaa asiakastyytyväisyyttä ja lähentää yhteistyötä

    A smartphone-based health care chatbot to promote self-management of chronic pain (SELMA) : pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Ongoing pain is one of the most common diseases and has major physical, psychological, social, and economic impacts. A mobile health intervention utilizing a fully automated text-based health care chatbot (TBHC) may offer an innovative way not only to deliver coping strategies and psychoeducation for pain management but also to build a working alliance between a participant and the TBHC. Objective: The objectives of this study are twofold: (1) to describe the design and implementation to promote the chatbot painSELfMAnagement (SELMA), a 2-month smartphone-based cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) TBHC intervention for pain self-management in patients with ongoing or cyclic pain, and (2) to present findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial, in which effectiveness, influence of intention to change behavior, pain duration, working alliance, acceptance, and adherence were evaluated. Methods: Participants were recruited online and in collaboration with pain experts, and were randomized to interact with SELMA for 8 weeks either every day or every other day concerning CBT-based pain management (n=59), or weekly concerning content not related to pain management (n=43). Pain-related impairment (primary outcome), general well-being, pain intensity, and the bond scale of working alliance were measured at baseline and postintervention. Intention to change behavior and pain duration were measured at baseline only, and acceptance postintervention was assessed via self-reporting instruments. Adherence was assessed via usage data. Results: From May 2018 to August 2018, 311 adults downloaded the SELMA app, 102 of whom consented to participate and met the inclusion criteria. The average age of the women (88/102, 86.4%) and men (14/102, 13.6%) participating was 43.7 (SD 12.7) years. Baseline group comparison did not differ with respect to any demographic or clinical variable. The intervention group reported no significant change in pain-related impairment (P=.68) compared to the control group postintervention. The intention to change behavior was positively related to pain-related impairment (P=.01) and pain intensity (P=.01). Working alliance with the TBHC SELMA was comparable to that obtained in guided internet therapies with human coaches. Participants enjoyed using the app, perceiving it as useful and easy to use. Participants of the intervention group replied with an average answer ratio of 0.71 (SD 0.20) to 200 (SD 58.45) conversations initiated by SELMA. Participants’ comments revealed an appreciation of the empathic and responsible interaction with the TBHC SELMA. A main criticism was that there was no option to enter free text for the patients’ own comments. Conclusions: SELMA is feasible, as revealed mainly by positive feedback and valuable suggestions for future revisions. For example, the participants’ intention to change behavior or a more homogenous sample (eg, with a specific type of chronic pain) should be considered in further tailoring of SELMA

    CNV-WebStore: Online CNV Analysis, Storage and Interpretation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray technology allows the analysis of genomic aberrations at an ever increasing resolution, making functional interpretation of these vast amounts of data the main bottleneck in routine implementation of high resolution array platforms, and emphasising the need for a centralised and easy to use CNV data management and interpretation system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present CNV-WebStore, an online platform to streamline the processing and downstream interpretation of microarray data in a clinical context, tailored towards but not limited to the Illumina BeadArray platform. Provided analysis tools include CNV analsyis, parent of origin and uniparental disomy detection. Interpretation tools include data visualisation, gene prioritisation, automated PubMed searching, linking data to several genome browsers and annotation of CNVs based on several public databases. Finally a module is provided for uniform reporting of results.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CNV-WebStore is able to present copy number data in an intuitive way to both lab technicians and clinicians, making it a useful tool in daily clinical practice.</p

    Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Lead Management System Using Oracle and Coldfusion Technologies

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    In business a key to being successful is being able to identify who your customers are and evaluating their needs. Most businesses are not only comprised of a single customer; therefore, there is a need to retain customer information and to track the customer from initial contact to the point of sale. While there are numerous off the shelf products that can store customer data, often times they do not easily allow for modifications and many of these products would require some sort of wide area network (WAN), which could incur extensive costs, in order for highly distributed sales people to access the application. As of this writing, Affordable Residential Communities (ARC) is currently the largest owner and operator of manufactured home communities in the United States, managing over 57,600 home sites in more than 278 properties across 24 states. Prior to the implementation of this application, ARC used Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to track customer inquiries and possible sales leads. However, using this method did not provide an easy way for ARC to assign leads to the sales staff nor did it provide a way for the sales staff to track and monitor the lead until the point of sale. The Excel spreadsheets were also used as traffic logs for ARC\u27s communities which were sent to district level and regional level personnel for evaluation. ARC needed an efficient system in place which would eliminate the need for the Excel based system and one which would facilitate in the assigning, tracking and reporting on possible leads who want to move into one of their communities or who want to take part in one of the housing options ARC offers. The Excel spreadsheets were the only tool upper-level personnel had to report how much traffic was moving through a community and it was only by combining and manipulating these spreadsheets that they were able to see the traffic at a district or regional level. Currently, ARC uses Oracle Report Server to generate reports based on data stored in Oracle databases which the company relies on for its day to day operations, its financial reporting, and its property management data; it is in the reporting system that the lead management reports were to be integrated. Throughout this paper this author will touch on the lead tracking and assignment problems encountered by ARC and document the design, development and implementation of a customer relationship management (CRM) tool that can be used by numerous sales people via an Internet connection and a Web browser