11,651 research outputs found

    Autonomous Man Overboard Rescue Equipment (AMORE)

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    This project addressed the problem of rescuing people who have fallen overboard at sea. The large amount of time it takes for a vessel to turn around puts a man overboard in great risk. To solve this problem, a robotic rescue boat was developed with support from systems for the vessel and victim that autonomously help pilot the rescue boat via GPS, a magnetic compass, and a project specific terminal location system. The same system also supports the return of the victim to the vessel

    Man overboard maneuvers

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    Valour at Sea: The Sinking of MV Devis, July 1943

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    INTISARI Adam Rizki Mubarok, 2020, NIT: 531611206162.T, “Analisa Penyebab Merosotnya Rescue Boat Crane Di Kapal MV. Pan Daisy”, skripsi Program Studi Teknika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Dwi Prasetyo, MM, M.Mar.E, Pembimbing II: Poernomo Dwiatmojo. SH. MH Rescue boat crane adalah salah satu permesinan bantu di atas kapal yang berperan sangat penting dalam proses penyelamatan apabila terjadi sebuah kecelakaan atau accident orang jatuh dari atas kapal (man overboard) adapun fungsi dari rescue boat crane adalah untuk menurunkan rescue boat dari atas kapal menuju laut dan menaikan recue boat dari laut menuju atas kapal, karena kegunaanya sangat penting maka rescue boat crane harus selalu dalam keadaan optimal dan selalu siap untuk digunakan sewaktu-waktu hal ini untuk menghindari terhambatnya proses penyelamatan pada crew kapal apabila terjadi accident man overboard sehingga proses penyelamatan tidak mengalami hambatan Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penyampaian masalah adalah dengan gabungan metode Fishbone untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang diteliti, dan metode USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) untuk menghasilkan perioritas rumusan masalah berupa faktor penyebab, dampak dan upaya merosotnya rescue boat crane. Sumber data dari penelitian ini berasal dari hasil observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka selama penulis melaksanakan praktik di kapal MV. Pan Daisy Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan penulis di kapal MV. PAN DAISY pada tanggal pada 13 Agustus 2018 sampai dengan 13 Agustus 2019 dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyebab merosotnya rescue boat crane dari hasil penelitian menunjukan beberapa faktor prioritas masalah yaitu:tidak mengikuti SOP yang sudah ditentukan, intensitas penggunaan kerja yang berat dalam waktu yang lama, timbulnya panas berlebih pada part elektrik dan terbakarnya komponen pada brake stop. Saran dari penulis, untuk pengoperasian dan perawatan rescue boat crane harus berpatokan pada manual book agar tercipta pengoprasian yang benar sehingga terhindar dari kejadian kejadian yang bisa merugikan crew, kapal, maupun perusahaan

    Marine GPS Search and Rescue System

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    When a person falls off of a large ship, it takes several minutes to assemble a rescue team, during which the person may be lost forever. To maximize the likelihood of rescue, a GPS-based rescue system was designed that could be automatically deployed. This system includes a small, battery-powered victim locating unit, designed to be installed on lifejackets; a rescue vehicle, which autonomously navigates to the victim using GPS; and a mothership host system, which provides navigation vectors to steer the rescue vehicle to the victim and back to the mothership successfully

    Turbulent Waters in the EMU: Translation from WirtschaftsWoche

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    Zentralbank; Strukturwandel; Reform; Euro; Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion; Deutschland

    Fisheries Safety Management

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    Fisheries is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. Fatal accidents and injuries in the fisheries are characterized as well as particular circumstances that may cause or aggravate the risk of accidents. Aspects of safety management of fishing vessels are covered in this paper: areas of concern when doing a risk assessment in fishing vessels, fundamental elements on a safety management system for the fisheries and the need for international and national level instruments as well as legal and compulsory measures.fisheries; working conditions; safety management

    Charles M. Breder, Jr.: Palmetto Key, 1942

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    Charles M. Breder and his wife Ethel spent part of the summer of 1942 at the Palmetto Key field station, known today as Cabbage Key, on the west coast of Florida south of Charlotte Harbor. The Palmetto Key field station began in 1938 and ended in 1942 because of World War II. His Palmetto Key diary ran for 95 pages of notes, tables, diagrams, drawings, lists, and business records and this report presents a variety of fascinating entries. Diaries from other years all bear Breder's style of discipline, curiosity, humor, and speculations on nature. The diary was transcribed as part of the Coastal Estuarine Data/Document Rescue and Archeology effort for South Florida. (PDF contaons 24 pages
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