244 research outputs found

    Virtual Meeting Rooms: From Observation to Simulation

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    Virtual meeting rooms are used for simulation of real meeting behavior and can show how people behave, how they gesture, move their heads, bodies, their gaze behavior during conversations. They are used for visualising models of meeting behavior, and they can be used for the evaluation of these models. They are also used to show the effects of controlling certain parameters on the behavior and in experiments to see what the effect is on communication when various channels of information - speech, gaze, gesture, posture - are switched off or manipulated in other ways. The paper presents the various stages in the development of a virtual meeting room as well and illustrates its uses by presenting some results of experiments to see whether human judges can induce conversational roles in a virtual meeting situation when they only see the head movements of participants in the meeting

    Context-based multimodal interpretation : an integrated approach to multimodal fusion and discourse processing

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    This thesis is concerned with the context-based interpretation of verbal and nonverbal contributions to interactions in multimodal multiparty dialogue systems. On the basis of a detailed analysis of context-dependent multimodal discourse phenomena, a comprehensive context model is developed. This context model supports the resolution of a variety of referring and elliptical expressions as well as the processing and reactive generation of turn-taking signals and the identification of the intended addressee(s) of a contribution. A major goal of this thesis is the development of a generic component for multimodal fusion and discourse processing. Based on the integration of this component into three distinct multimodal dialogue systems, the generic applicability of the approach is shown.Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der kontextbasierten Interpretation von verbalen und nonverbalen Gesprächsbeiträgen im Rahmen von multimodalen Dialogsystemen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird, basierend auf einer detaillierten Analyse multimodaler Diskursphänomene, ein umfassendes Modell des Gesprächskontextes erarbeitet. Dieses Modell soll sowohl die Verarbeitung einer Vielzahl von referentiellen und elliptischen Ausdrücken, als auch die Erzeugung reaktiver Aktionen wie sie für den Sprecherwechsel benötigt werden unterstützen. Ein zentrales Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer generischen Komponente zur multimodalen Fusion und Diskursverarbeitung. Anhand der Integration dieser Komponente in drei unterschiedliche Dialogsysteme soll der generische Charakter dieser Komponente gezeigt werden

    Socially aware conversational agents

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    Elckerlyc goes mobile - Enabling natural interaction in mobile user interfaces

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    The fast growth of computational resources and speech technology available on mobile devices makes it possible to entertain users of these devices in having a natural dialogue with service systems. These systems are sometimes perceived as social agents and this can be supported by presenting them on the interface by means of an animated embodied conversational agent. To take the full advantage of the power of embodied conversational agents in service systems it is important to support real-time, online and responsive interaction with the system through the embodied conversational agent. The design of responsive animated conversational agents is a daunting task. Elckerlyc is a model-based platform for the speci﬿cation and animation of synchronised multi-modal responsive animated agents. This paper presents a new light-weight PictureEngine that allows to run this platform in mobile applications. We describe the integration of the PictureEngine in the user interface of two different coaching applications and discuss the ﬿ndings from user evaluations. We also conducted a study to evaluate an editing tool for the speci﬿cation of the agent’s communicative behaviour. Twenty one participants had to specify the behaviour of an embodied conversational agent using the PictureEngine. We may conclude that this new lightweight back-end engine for the Elckerlyc platform makes it easier to build embodied conversational interfaces for mobile devices