21,460 research outputs found

    Climate change and radical energy innovation: the policy issues

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    Although the impacts of greenhouse gas build-up remain uncertain, they have the potential to be very serious and possibly catastrophic. If the outcomes are serious then neither improving energy efficiency nor adaptation policies will cope with the problems of warming. Reducing climate impacts without impeding economic development will require new low or zero emissions energy carriers and associated technologies. This paper argues that current innovation policy initiatives aim at only limited dimensions of energy technology: they either promote incremental change in existing technologies, or improving performance in existing renewable alternatives. They will neither induce fundamental innovation in carrier technologies, nor change the basic technological regime of hydrocarbon production, distribution and use. For this, more radical „mission-oriented? programmes are necessary. In turn, these will require new policy instruments and methods, new roles for government, and new dimensions of international collaboration and global governance of innovation strategies.

    Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands; New economy: new entrepreneurs!

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    Dit onderzoek beschrijft de belangrijkheid van bestaande en startende bedrijven voor de Nederlandse economie. In drie bijdragen wordt uit verschillende invalshoeken ingegaan op de relatie tussen ondernemerschap en de nieuwe economie. De effecten van ICT op het economische proces worden behandeld. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op de vraag of de 21ste eeuw een nieuwe gouden eeuw zal zijn voor ondernemerschap. Tot slot komt de rol van kennisgerichte bedrijven in de nieuwe economie uit macro-economisch oogpunt aan de orde.

    Fostering Academic Entrepreneurship: New Insights into Incubation from an Evolutionary Perspective

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    This paper explores obstacles in the growth of academic start-ups and potential policies to overcome these obstacles. To this purpose the focus is on start-ups from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands as an example. First, by adopting an evolutionary perspective, including notions from resource based theory, obstacles to growth are identified and explored. Second, an explanatory framework of growth is developed and tested using multivariate analysis. The main explanatory variables are lack of marketing knowledge, dealing with uncertainty, use of supporting measures and size of the starting team. Third, these results and structural changes in knowledge production and use serve as an input for the design of a number of policy options from the perspective of co-evolution.

    Managing application integration capabilities

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    Majority of application integration projects fail to accomplish their goal. One of the main reasons for these failures is the lack of management and governance within the organization implementing the application integrations. Strategic and effective utilization of application integrations provides organizations with operational benefits by adding flexibility and reducing complexity of the information system landscape. Such advantages can be critical in current rapidly changing business environment. This thesis studies existing literature and research on application integration implementation and management and compares them with current practice of application integration work. Prior application integration research presents Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) as a prominent solution for organizations application integration problems. EAI is a mere technical solution but rather an organizational integration scenario or a connecting layer between business and technical layers. Few methodologies and frameworks for application integration implementation exist. Articles presenting these approaches have practical implications and recommendations for implementing and managing application integrations within an organization. They include lots of organizational and managerial aspects and observations. Specific frameworks or methodologies for application integration management on the organizational level were not found. An empirical study was carried out as a qualitative study by interviewing nine application integration professionals from five different software providers. Interviews considered three main themes: integration challenges, organizational integration capabilities and integration management. Respondents were asked to reflect their work experience and customer knowledge especially within application integration implementation projects. Most of the challenges and observations from the previous research were present in the results of this study. Management issues were seen having an impact for application integrations from the design phase until the maintenance phase. Five categories of general application integration management categories were presented to help outlining the complex and wide nature of application integration capability management.Suurin osa ohjelmistojen integrointihankkeista ei saavuta tavoitteitaan. Yksi tärkeimmistä syistä näihin epäonnistumisiin on puutteellinen integraatiotyön johtaminen ja hallinta integraatiota toteuttavassa organisaatiossa. Ohjelmistointegraatioiden strateginen ja tehokas hyödyntäminen mahdollistaa organisaatioille toiminnallisia etuja lisäämällä joustavuutta ja vähentämällä tietojärjestelmien monimutkaisuutta. Tällaiset edut voivat olla kriittisiä nykyisessä nopeasti muuttuvassa liiketoimintaympäristössä. Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta ja tutkimusta ohjelmistointegraatioiden toteuttamisesta ja hallinnasta sekä vertaa niitä tämänhetkisiin sovellusten integrointityökäytäntöihin. Aiemmat ohjelmistointegraatiotutkimukset erilaisia integraatioratkaisuja vastauksena organisaatioiden sovellusten integrointiongelmiin. Enterprise Application Integration eli EAI ei ole pelkkä tekninen ratkaisu, vaan pikemminkin integraatioskenaario tai yhdistävä kerros liiketoiminnan ja teknisten kerrosten välillä. Ohjelmistointegraatioiden toteuttamiseen on muutamia menetelmiä ja viitekehyksiä. Näitä lähestymistapoja kuvaavissa artikkeleissa on käytännön esimerkkejä ja suosituksia ohjelmistointegraatioiden toteuttamiseen ja hallintaan organisaatiossa. Ne sisältävät erityisesti organisaatioon ja johtamiseen keskittyviä näkökulmia ja havaintoja. Varsinaisia viitekehyksiä tai menetelmiä ohjelmistointegraatioiden johtamiseen organisaatiotasolla ei löytynyt. Empiirinen tutkimus tehtiin laadullisena tutkimuksena haastattelemalla yhdeksää ohjelmistointegraatiotyön ammattilaista viidestä eri ohjelmistotoimittajayrityksestä. Haastatteluissa käsiteltiin kolmea pääteemaa: integraatiohaasteet, organisaation integraatiokyvykkyyttä ja integraatioiden johtamista. Vastaajia pyydettiin pohtimaan työ- ja asiakaskokemuksiaan erityisesti ohjelmistointegraatioiden käyttöönottoprojekteissa. Suurin osa aiemman tutkimuksen haasteista ja havainnoista kävi ilmi myös tämän tutkimuksen tuloksista. Johtamiseen liittyvien ongelmien havaittiin vaikuttavan ohjelmistointegraatioiden käyttöönoton kaikissa vaiheissa, suunnitteluvaiheesta ylläpitovaiheeseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetään viisi yleistettävää ohjelmistointegraatioiden johtamisen kategoriaa, joiden tarkoituksena oli auttaa hahmottamaan ohjelmistointegraatiokyvykkyyden johtamisen monimutkaista ja organisaation laajuista luonnetta

    Creative management: theoretical foundations

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    У сучасному динамічному житті нові непередбачувані події, що відбуваються все більше і більше, повалюють, або приносять успіх і процвітання, або порушують життєвий шлях та діяльність багатьох людей, організацій, країн, регіонів. Наша неспроможність сприймати випадкові непрограмовані події обумовлена ​​тим, що результатом традиційної освіти є вміння логічно відображати та аналізувати інформацію. Для успішної роботи в умовах збільшення непередбачуваності та розбіжностей соціально-економічного розвитку необхідно, крім інфологічної парадигми сприйняття навколишнього світу, оволодіти парадигмою осягнення та творчої роботи. У цьому креативному менеджменті є способи та методи переключення тренінгів менеджерів, інженерів, підприємців на рівень конструктивного креативного мислення та активності шляхом поєднання логіки та евристичності. Монографія призначена для студентів та аспірантів, докторантів, керівників інструкторів та практиків менеджменту в економічній сфері, інженерних кадрів, усіх, хто хоче активно та цілеспрямовано працювати для процвітання своєї організації та творчого розвитку особистості. Це оригінальний ключ до розуміння сучасності та бачення майбутнього сучасної організації та соціально-економічного розвитку в цілому шляхом активізації гуманної творчої діяльності людини.В современной динамичной жизни происходят новые непредсказуемые события, все более свершающие, либо приносящие успех и процветание, либо нарушающие жизненный путь и деятельность многих людей, организаций, стран, регионов. Наша неготовность воспринимать случайные непрограммируемые события обусловлена ​​тем, что результатом традиционного образования является способность логически отражать и анализировать информацию. Для того, чтобы успешно работать в условиях повышения непредсказуемости и несоответствия социально-экономического развития, помимо парадигмы восприятия окружающего мира необходимо освоить парадигму понимания и творчества. В этом креативном менеджменте есть способы и способы переключения обучения менеджеров, инженеров, предпринимателей на уровень конструктивного творческого мышления и деятельности посредством сочетания логики и эвристики. Монография, предназначенная для студентов и аспирантов, докторантов, управленческих инструкторов и практиков менеджмента в экономической сфере, инженерных кадров, всех, кто хочет активно и целенаправленно работать ради процветания своей организации и творческого развития личности. Это оригинальный ключ к пониманию настоящего и видению будущего современной организации и социально-экономического развития в целом за счет активизации гуманной творческой деятельности человека.In a modern dynamic life new unpredictable events occurring more and more, overthrowing, either bringing success and prosperity or breaking a course of life and activity of many people, organizations, countries, regions. Our unreadiness to perceive random nonprogrammable events is caused by that the result of traditional education is ability to logically reflect and analyze the information. In order to work successfully under the conditions of increase of unpredictability and discrepancy of social and economic development, it is necessary besides infological paradigm of perception of the world around to master the paradigm of comprehension and creative work. In this creative management there are ways and methods of switching over of training of managers, engineers, entrepreneurs to level of constructive creative thinking and activity by way of combination of logic and heuristicity. The monograph meant for under- and postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, management instructors and practitioners of management in the economic sphere, engineering personnel, everybody who wants to work actively and purposefully for prosperity of one’s organization and personality creative development. This is an original key to understanding of the present and vision of the future of a modern organization and socioeconomic development on the whole through activation of humane creative activity of the person

    WP 29 - Overcoming marginalisation? Gender and ethnic segregation in the Dutch construction, health, IT and printing industries

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    It is common knowledge that indigenous men generally have a better position in the labour market than women and ethnic minorities. This study deals with the question why this is the case in certain sectors of the Dutch economy. The text discusses the labour market attainment for women and ethnic minorities in economic sectors where they are underrepresented. In each of the sectors construction, IT and printing we have evaluated five hypotheses regarding the opportunities of access into and promotion within labour markets for the particular occupations of carpenters, software engineers and printers. We have selected the health sector and the occupation of nurses, as a contrasting sector where women outnumber men in absolute terms. Our hypotheses deal with the following issues: education and training; wage-setting; recruitment and selection; social benefits and active labour market policies. The study arrives at a conclusion about the differences in the factors explaining gender and ethnic segregation. The study is based on a literature overview, interviews with key informants and small case studies in 48 enterprises and organisations. This report includes the national overview for The Netherlands of the research project ‘Overcoming marginalisation’ that was funded under the fifth Framework by the European Commission. The research was executed simultaneously in Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. The international comparison and our comparative working paper on good practice examples will be published separately.

    The Institutions of State-agribusiness Relations in Georgia

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    This dissertation explores the nature of the institutions of SBRs and the institutional prerequisites for the emergence of strategic SBRs in Georgia. Hence, this research contributes to the academic debates on the role of the institutions of SBRs in the process of state intervention. Furthermore, this dissertation contributes to transition studies, regional studies, institutional economics, developmental studies, and empirical studies of state-led economic activities. The dissertation analyses the nature of SBRs in Georgia through the lens of the New Institutional Economics (NIE). Consequently, the framework of the institutional characteristics of strategic SBRs is formed based on the institutionalist approach to strategic SBRs. This framework is applied to analyse SBRs in three cases of state intervention in the food and agricultural sector of Georgia: Preferential Agrocredit (PA), Plant the Future (PTF), and Co-financing Agro Processing and Storage Enterprises (CAPSE). The PA project seeks to stimulate primary production, food processing, and storage by providing cheap, long-term, preferential loans. The PTF project co-finances investment in primary agricultural production to increase production and export capacity. Finally, the CAPSE project aims to stimulate the food processing industry via provision of grants, preferential credits, and co-financing investments. The key units of study are the formal and informal rules of interaction between the state and agribusinesses and their enforcement mechanisms. The thesis employs a qualitative research strategy for the systematic collection, organisation, and interpretation of the data. Data from 39 interviews, documents on relevant regulations and laws, and the reports from the international organisations are triangulated to address the research question

    Trust, Organizational Controls, Knowledge Acquisition from the Foreign Parents, and Performance in Vietnamese International Joint Ventures

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    Successful adaptation in strategic alliances "calls for a delicate balance between the twin virtues of reliability and flexibility" [Parkhe 1998]. On one hand, the joint venture must be flexible enough to respond to the uncertainties of competitive business environments because it is not feasible to plan for every possible contingency. Yet, on the other hand, unfettered flexibility invites dysfunctional behavior, such as opportunism and complacency. This delicate balance accompanies a parallel balance between trust and control of the joint venture. The primary goal of this study is to empirically examine this relationship in the context of Vietnamese international joint ventures (IJVs) by building on the model of knowledge acquisition and performance in IJVs established by Lyles and Salk [1996]. This study makes three major contributions to the literature. First it confirms several findings of the original Lyles and Salk study [1996]. Second, we strengthen Lyles and Salk's original model by incorporating multiple measures of both interorganizational trust and control as independent variables. Finally, this study represents one of the first in-depth examinations of business in the emerging Vietnamese economy.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39713/3/wp329.pd