5,297 research outputs found

    Light Activated Blinds Group K

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    The purpose of this project is to develop an attachable device to a pair of rolling blinds that will automatically open them when sunlight is detected and close them when the sun goes down. This device will promote energy efficiency during warmer and colder months. And be a commodity for those who tend to forget to open close blinds

    Wireless Window Blinds

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    The Internet of Things asserts that there exists a global need for all objects to connect easily and accessibly. Today, smartphones, tablets, laptops and smart watches makeup just a few of the interconnected devices by the greater population. As a result a growing need for wireless connection between personal devices like phones, and computers to everyday appliances exists. This idea extends directly to households, businesses and buildings, where a growing need for smart home or smart-business appliances has taken root. Many companies like Nest, ADT and Apple make products for automated home security and in home media control. The Wireless Window Blinds project aims to provide smart home technology to window blinds. The Wireless Window Blinds gives users wireless control over pre-existing wireless blinds. Users, through a mobile device app, have direct control over basic window blind functionality: opening, closing, raising and lowering window blinds. Additionally, users have flexible control over any number of blinds across any number of rooms. The app allows users to easily open and close all their connected blinds remotely. This project strives to create a self-contained system that gives users wireless, automated control of a network of window blinds

    Voice-Activated Smart Home Controller Using Machine Learning

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    UIDB/00066/2020The emergence of the Internet of Things concept has provided a great vision for the technological future, intending to enable the extraction and comprehension of information from the environment around us, making use of the interaction and cooperation between several technological devices. The example of Smart Homes, in particular, aims to integrate these devices into households, enabling the automation of tasks previously performed by humans, to simplify their daily lives and create a more comfortable environment. However, many of these devices fail to keep their promise, since they were not developed taking into account the frequent change of habits and tastes of the user, being necessary reprogramming of the device to follow the new behaviors. Taking this problem into account, this article presents the design and end-to-end implementation of a voice-activated smart home controller for intelligent devices, deployed in a real environment and validated in an experimental setup of motorized blinds. The architecture of the proposed solution integrates evolvable intelligence with the use of an Online Learning framework, enabling it to automatically adapt to the user's habits and behavioral patterns. The results obtained from the various evaluation tests provide a validation of the operation and usefulness of the developed system. The main contributions of this work are: I) design of a smart home controller's architecture; II) end-to-end implementation of a smart home controller and respective guidelines; III) open-source dataset of user behavior from the smart blinds scenario; IV) comparison between Online and Offline Learning approaches.publishersversionpublishe

    For a learnable mathematics in the digital cultures

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    I begin with some general remarks concerning the co-evolution of representational forms and mathematical meanings. I then discuss the changed roles of mathematics and novel representations that emerge from the ubiquity of computational models, and briefly consider the implications for learning mathematics. I contend that a central component of knowledge required in modern societies involves the development of a meta-epistemological stance – i.e. developing a sense of mechanism for the models that underpin social and professional discourses. I illustrate this point in relation to recent research in which I am investigating the mathematical epistemology of engineering practice. Finally, I map out one implication for the design of future mathematical learning environments with reference to some data from the "Playground Project"

    HOME SWEET HOME: a home automation app with machine learning

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    El món digital cada vegada té més presencia en les nostres vides. Vivim uns temps que podríem considerar de transició entre el món analògic i el digital. Cada vegada més sectors pateixen aquesta transformació i la nostra llar no n’és una excepció. Amb el present treball es pretén elaborar un sistema senzill i a l’abast de qualsevol enginyer per automatitzar la nostra llar, és a dir, per ser capaços de poder controlar els llums, les persianes i la climatització de casa, tan sols, utilitzant el telèfon mòbil. Amb aquest objectiu doncs, es dissenya una aplicació mòbil per Android i el pertinent servidor per tal de mantenir la comunicació amb el microcontrolador, que serà l’encarregat de transmetre les ordres als elements físics de la llar. A més a més, amb la finalitat de fer-nos la vida més fàcil, es busca que l’aplicació sigui capaç d’aprendre per ella mateixa dels gustos de l’usuari i de gestionar la llar sense que el propietari se n’hagi d’ocupar. Durant les següents pàgines, veurem que, el què podria semblar un luxe, com és poder controlar la nostra llar amb un telèfon mòbil o fins i tot, no haver de preoucupar-nos de controlar-la, ja que es regula tota sola, és possible, no tan car i eficient energèticament

    RDF Recipes For Context-aware Interoperability In Pervasive Systems

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