54 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for Complementation of omega-Automata Via the Full Automata Technique

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    In this paper, we first introduce a lower bound technique for the state complexity of transformations of automata. Namely we suggest first considering the class of full automata in lower bound analysis, and later reducing the size of the large alphabet via alphabet substitutions. Then we apply such technique to the complementation of nondeterministic \omega-automata, and obtain several lower bound results. Particularly, we prove an \omega((0.76n)^n) lower bound for B\"uchi complementation, which also holds for almost every complementation or determinization transformation of nondeterministic omega-automata, and prove an optimal (\omega(nk))^n lower bound for the complementation of generalized B\"uchi automata, which holds for Streett automata as well

    Rabin vs. Streett Automata

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    The Rabin and Streett acceptance conditions are dual. Accordingly, deterministic Rabin and Streett automata are dual. Yet, when adding nondeterminsim, the picture changes dramatically. In fact, the state blowup involved in translations between Rabin and Streett automata is a longstanding open problem, having an exponential gap between the known lower and upper bounds. We resolve the problem, showing that the translation of Streett to Rabin automata involves a state blowup in Theta(n2)Theta(n^2), whereas in the other direction, the translations of both deterministic and nondeterministic Rabin automata to nondeterministic Streett automata involve a state blowup in 2Theta(n)2^{Theta(n)}. Analyzing this substantial difference between the two directions, we get to the conclusion that when studying translations between automata, one should not only consider the state blowup, but also the emph{size} blowup, where the latter takes into account all of the automaton elements. More precisely, the size of an automaton is defined to be the maximum of the alphabet length, the number of states, the number of transitions, and the acceptance condition length (index). Indeed, size-wise, the results are opposite. That is, the translation of Rabin to Streett involves a size blowup in Theta(n2)Theta(n^2) and of Streett to Rabin in 2Theta(n)2^{Theta(n)}. The core difference between state blowup and size blowup stems from the tradeoff between the index and the number of states. (Recall that the index of Rabin and Streett automata might be exponential in the number of states.) We continue with resolving the open problem of translating deterministic Rabin and Streett automata to the weaker types of deterministic co-B"uchi and B"uchi automata, respectively. We show that the state blowup involved in these translations, when possible, is in 2Theta(n)2^{Theta(n)}, whereas the size blowup is in Theta(n2)Theta(n^2)

    On the (In)Succinctness of Muller Automata

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    There are several types of finite automata on infinite words, differing in their acceptance conditions. As each type has its own advantages, there is an extensive research on the size blowup involved in translating one automaton type to another. Of special interest is the Muller type, providing the most detailed acceptance condition. It turns out that there is inconsistency and incompleteness in the literature results regarding the translations to and from Muller automata. Considering the automaton size, some results take into account, in addition to the number of states, the alphabet length and the number of transitions while ignoring the length of the acceptance condition, whereas other results consider the length of the acceptance condition while ignoring the two other parameters. We establish a full picture of the translations to and from Muller automata, enhancing known results and adding new ones. Overall, Muller automata can be considered less succinct than parity, Rabin, and Streett automata: translating nondeterministic Muller automata to the other nondeterministic types involves a polynomial size blowup, while the other way round is exponential; translating between the deterministic versions is exponential in both directions; and translating nondeterministic automata of all types to deterministic Muller automata is doubly exponential, as opposed to a single exponent in the translations to the other deterministic types

    Determinising Parity Automata

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    Parity word automata and their determinisation play an important role in automata and game theory. We discuss a determinisation procedure for nondeterministic parity automata through deterministic Rabin to deterministic parity automata. We prove that the intermediate determinisation to Rabin automata is optimal. We show that the resulting determinisation to parity automata is optimal up to a small constant. Moreover, the lower bound refers to the more liberal Streett acceptance. We thus show that determinisation to Streett would not lead to better bounds than determinisation to parity. As a side-result, this optimality extends to the determinisation of B\"uchi automata

    Alternative Automata-based Approaches to Probabilistic Model Checking

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    In this thesis we focus on new methods for probabilistic model checking (PMC) with linear temporal logic (LTL). The standard approach translates an LTL formula into a deterministic ω-automaton with a double-exponential blow up. There are approaches for Markov chain analysis against LTL with exponential runtime, which motivates the search for non-deterministic automata with restricted forms of non-determinism that make them suitable for PMC. For MDPs, the approach via deterministic automata matches the double-exponential lower bound, but a practical application might benefit from approaches via non-deterministic automata. We first investigate good-for-games (GFG) automata. In GFG automata one can resolve the non-determinism for a finite prefix without knowing the infinite suffix and still obtain an accepting run for an accepted word. We explain that GFG automata are well-suited for MDP analysis on a theoretic level, but our experiments show that GFG automata cannot compete with deterministic automata. We have also researched another form of pseudo-determinism, namely unambiguity, where for every accepted word there is exactly one accepting run. We present a polynomial-time approach for PMC of Markov chains against specifications given by an unambiguous Büchi automaton (UBA). Its two key elements are the identification whether the induced probability is positive, and if so, the identification of a state set inducing probability 1. Additionally, we examine the new symbolic Muller acceptance described in the Hanoi Omega Automata Format, which we call Emerson-Lei acceptance. It is a positive Boolean formula over unconditional fairness constraints. We present a construction of small deterministic automata using Emerson-Lei acceptance. Deciding, whether an MDP has a positive maximal probability to satisfy an Emerson-Lei acceptance, is NP-complete. This fact has triggered a DPLL-based algorithm for deciding positiveness

    Optimal transformations of Muller conditions

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    In this paper, we are interested in automata over infinite words and infinite duration games, that we view as general transition systems. We study transformations of systems using a Muller condition into ones using a parity condition, extending Zielonka's construction. We introduce the alternating cycle decomposition transformation, and we prove a strong optimality result: for any given deterministic Muller automaton, the obtained parity automaton is minimal both in size and number of priorities among those automata admitting a morphism into the original Muller automaton. We give two applications. The first is an improvement in the process of determinisation of B\"uchi automata into parity automata by Piterman and Schewe. The second is to present characterisations on the possibility of relabelling automata with different acceptance conditions

    Simple and tight complexity lower bounds for solving Rabin games

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    We give a simple proof that assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH), determining the winner of a Rabin game cannot be done in time 2o(klogk)nO(1)2^{o(k \log k)} \cdot n^{O(1)}, where kk is the number of pairs of vertex subsets involved in the winning condition and nn is the vertex count of the game graph. While this result follows from the lower bounds provided by Calude et al [SIAM J. Comp. 2022], our reduction is simpler and arguably provides more insight into the complexity of the problem. In fact, the analogous lower bounds discussed by Calude et al, for solving Muller games and multidimensional parity games, follow as simple corollaries of our approach. Our reduction also highlights the usefulness of a certain pivot problem -- Permutation SAT -- which may be of independent interest.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. To appear in SOSA 202