38,915 research outputs found

    An intelligent recommendation system framework for student relationship management

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    In order to enhance student satisfaction, many services have been provided in order to meet student needs. A recommendation system is a significant service which can be used to assist students in several ways. This paper proposes a conceptual framework of an Intelligent Recommendation System in order to support Student Relationship Management (SRM) for a Thai private university. This article proposed the system architecture of an Intelligent Recommendation System (IRS) which aims to assist students to choose an appropriate course for their studies. Moreover, this study intends to compare different data mining techniques in various recommendation systems and to determine appropriate algorithms for the proposed electronic Intelligent Recommendation System (IRS). The IRS also aims to support Student Relationship Management (SRM) in the university. The IRS has been designed using data mining and artificial intelligent techniques such as clustering, association rule and classification

    Incentives for Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of Empirical Evidence on Fertilizer Response and Profitability

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    This research addresses two questions: Why is fertilizer not yet fulfilling its potential as a major stimulus to agricultural productivity in SSA? What can be done to improve the situation? Our answers are based on an extensive review of fertilizer response, profitability, and policy literature as well as some analysis of crop budgets and aggregate national statistics on fertilizer consumption. Much of the debate about fertilizer use in SSA focuses on two issues: whether the profit incentive is adequate and, if so, whether farmers have the capacity to access and use it.food security, food policy, fertilizer use, sub-Saharan Africa, Crop Production/Industries, Downloads May 2008-July 2009: 153, Q18,

    Strategic management, competitive advantage and the balanced scorecard in the New Zealand kiwifruit industry : a co-operative group case study : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science in Agribusiness at Massey University

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    Kiwifruit is New Zealand's biggest horticultural industry. The industry, which is lead by Zespri Group Limited, the statutory monopoly for the country's kiwifruit export, is the second most important producer of kiwifruit in the world. In a relative stable world kiwifruit industry, New Zealand has enjoyed buoyant returns in the last seasons. However, it is starting to feel the pressures for consolidation and globalisation, as well as other opportunities and threats. This situation is forcing kiwifruit service providers to plan strategically for the future and change. In this context, Satara Co-operative Group Limited came to life in June 2002, as one of the biggest post harvest operators in the industry, controlling 16.5% and 10% of kiwifruit and avocado volumes, respectively. However, although the hybrid cooperative started after a merger with a new strong corporate identity, it had neither a complete strategic analysis nor a written strategic plan to follow. Separately, a strategic management implementation tool called the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has had worldwide acceptance and success in the last 10 years. In light of Satara's current strategic circumstances, the tool arises as a feasible and timely strategic solution for the organization. This research investigated whether Satara Co-op Ltd has a competitive advantage in the New Zealand kiwifruit industry through a complete strategic analysis. The research also studied whether the organization's competitive strategics could be implemented through the Balanced Scorecard framework. The research was based on the case study methodology that used extensive secondary data research, personal interviews and visits to relevant industry stakeholders, including: Zespri Group Ltd, Seeka Kiwifruit Industries, New Zealand Fruit Growers Federation, Aongatete Packhouses, Trevelyans Packhouses, and New Zealand Avocado Industry Council, amongst others, as well as in depth interviews to Satara Co-op Ltd executive and managerial positions. The case study data was analysed using pattern matching and explanation building. The results showed that it was not possible to conclude based on tangible data whether Satara Co-op Ltd had a competitive advantage. However, when available tangible data was added to intangibles and stakeholder's statements about the organization, along with the application of the SELECT framework, it was possible to determine that Satara's competitive advantage was based in its cooperative structure, scale and geographic diversity as well as its future diversification capabilities under different scenarios. The case study results also acknowledged that Satara Co-op Ltd strategies could be implemented through the Balanced Scorecard framework, as its strategies and available information allow the implementation of the framework building blocks, which are objectives, measures, targets and initiatives in four perspectives, namely financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. Satara strategies also match in various degrees the BSC extension framework, the strategy map, with its sub categories of revenue growth, productivity strategy, customer value proposition, internal businesses strategic themes and learning and growth drivers. This allowed the construction of a corporate strategy map, which was presented to the organization. Because the BSC and the organization's improvements due to the framework implementation could not be tested during the time allocated to this research, recommendations were drawn in respect to how the organization's competitive advantage and its competitive strategies will deliver to shareholders vision through the implementation of the corporate BSC presented and further score cards development at different levels in the organization. Keywords: strategic management, competitive advantage, cooperative, kiwifruit, avocado, packhouse, coolstore, Balanced Scorecard and strategy map

    Is there excess capacity in rural banking markets: Some empirical insights for India

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    According to economic theory, there are at least three indicators of excess capacity in banking: (a) low loan-to-asset ratio, (b) low profitability and (c) high per unit operating expense. If excess capacity exists, it will be easiest to identify, through these indicators, at regional rural banks. Using bank level data on regional rural banks in India for the period 1991 to 2001, the paper uncovers little evidence of excess capacity using simultaneous equation techniques; univariate analysis reinforces the findings

    Rettung durch Regulierung? Eckpunkte des Liikanen-Berichts

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    This paper summarizes the key proposals of the report by the Liikanen Commission. It starts with an explanation of a crisis narrative underlying the Report and its proposals. The proposals aim for a revitalization of market discipline in financial markets. The two main structural proposals of the Liikanen Report are: first, for large banks, the separation of the trading business from other parts of the banking business (the "Separation Proposal"), and the mandatory issuing of subordinated bank debt thought to be liable (the strict "Bail-in Proposal"). The credibility of this commitment to private liability is achieved by strict holding restrictions. The anticipated consequences of the introduction of these structural regulations for the financial industry and markets are addressed in a concluding part.Ausgehend von einer ErlĂ€uterung der Kriseninterpretation (crisis narrative), wie sie in dem Bericht der Liikanen-Kommission zugrunde liegt, werden die nach Ansicht des Verfassers zentralen VorschlĂ€ge des Kommissionsberichts ausgewĂ€hlt, vorgestellt und in den grĂ¶ĂŸeren Rahmen einer erneuerten Ordnungspolitik fĂŒr die FinanzmĂ€rkte Europas eingeordnet. Die mit den VorschlĂ€gen eng zusammenhĂ€ngenden Reformelemente der Bankenunion werden in diesem Text bewusst ausgeklammert. Die beiden zentralen StrukturvorschlĂ€ge des Liikanen-Berichts betreffen die Abspaltung der HandelsgeschĂ€fte von dem UniversalbankengeschĂ€ft fĂŒr große, internationale Banken (der Trennbankenvorschlag), sowie die verpflichtende Emission nachrangigen, glaubwĂŒrdig haftenden Fremdkapitals (der strenge Bail-in Vorschlag). GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit der Haftungszusage wird durch strenge Halterestriktionen erreicht. Vorhersehbare Folgerungen einer EinfĂŒhrung dieser Strukturregeln fĂŒr die Finanzindustrie und -mĂ€rkte werden in einem abschließenden Teil angesprochen

    Upland crop technologies in Cambodia: economic evaluations and some adoption issues

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    Agricultural research and development (R&D) has being conducted in the upland districts of Cambodia to develop new farming systems and crop management technologies. Levels of farm income in these areas are relatively low due to small farm sizes and low crop productivity. Work is also planned to encourage the process of adoption of these technologies, and here we investigate how this process can be facilitated. A literature review identifies two important technology characteristics, ‘relative advantage’ and ‘trialability’, for successful adoption. Minimum or target rates of return on investment in new technologies are discussed as a means of investigating how much improvement in relative advantage might be enough to encourage successful adoption of the technology. A number of economic assessments of new crop methodologies in Cambodian upland districts and farming systems are presented. Some technologies show an encouraging return on investment from the viewpoint of the Cambodian farmer – rhizobium inoculation of soybean seed had an indicated return of up to 600% on the investment depending on the cost to the grower. Other issues are also likely to be important in discussing change to farming systems, for instance social issues in the village/community context. We present a proposal for a participatory learning process in which economic and social issues are highlighted, to encourage adoption of new crop technologies in local Cambodian contexts.New technology, adoption, upland crops, Cambodia, economic assessment, social, Crop Production/Industries, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    What Makes Agricultural Intensification Profitable for Mozambican Smallholders? An Appraisal of the Inputs Subsector and the 1996/97 DNER/SG2000 Program, Volume II: Main Report

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    Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Directorate of Economics, Republic of Mozambiquefood security, food policy, Mozambique, agriculture, Farm Management, Q18,
