494 research outputs found

    Propagating Piecewise-Linear Weights in Temporal Networks

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    This paper presents a novel technique using piecewise-linear functions (PLFs) as weights on edges in the graphs of two kinds of temporal networks to solve several previously open problems. Generalizing constraint-propagation rules to accom- modate PLF weights requires implementing a small handful of functions. Most problems are solved by inserting one or more edges with an initial weight of \u3b4 (a variable), then using the modified rules to propagate the PLF weights. For one kind of network, a new set of propagation rules is introduced to avoid a non-termination issue that arises when propagating PLF weights. The paper also presents two new results for determining the tightest horizon that can be imposed while preserving a network\u2019s dynamic consistency/controllability

    A note on speeding up DC-checking for STNUs

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    A Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty (STNU) includes real-valued variables, called time-points; binary difference constraints on those time-points; and contingent links that represent actions with uncertain durations. The most important property of an STNU is called dynamic controllability (DC); and algorithms for checking this property are called DC-checking algorithms. The DC-checking algorithm for STNUs with the best worst-case time-complexity is the RUL^- algorithm due to Cairo, Hunsberger and Rizzi. Its complexity is O(mn+k2n+knlogn)O(mn + k^2n + knlog n), where nn is the number of time-points, mm is the number of constraints (equivalently, the number of edges in the STNU graph), and kk is the number of contingent links. It is expected that this worst-case complexity cannot be improved upon. However, this paper provides a new implementation of the algorithm that improves its performance in practice by an order of magnitude, as demonstrated by a thorough empirical evaluation

    Dynamic Controllability and Dispatchability Relationships

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    An important issue for temporal planners is the ability to handle temporal uncertainty. Recent papers have addressed the question of how to tell whether a temporal network is Dynamically Controllable, i.e., whether the temporal requirements are feasible in the light of uncertain durations of some processes. We present a fast algorithm for Dynamic Controllability. We also note a correspondence between the reduction steps in the algorithm and the operations involved in converting the projections to dispatchable form. This has implications for the complexity for sparse networks

    Solving Disjunctive Temporal Networks with Uncertainty under Restricted Time-Based Controllability using Tree Search and Graph Neural Networks

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    Planning under uncertainty is an area of interest in artificial intelligence. We present a novel approach based on tree search and graph machine learning for the scheduling problem known as Disjunctive Temporal Networks with Uncertainty (DTNU). Dynamic Controllability (DC) of DTNUs seeks a reactive scheduling strategy to satisfy temporal constraints in response to uncontrollable action durations. We introduce new semantics for reactive scheduling: Time-based Dynamic Controllability (TDC) and a restricted subset of TDC, R-TDC. We design a tree search algorithm to determine whether or not a DTNU is R-TDC. Moreover, we leverage a graph neural network as a heuristic for tree search guidance. Finally, we conduct experiments on a known benchmark on which we show R-TDC to retain significant completeness with regard to DC, while being faster to prove. This results in the tree search processing fifty percent more DTNU problems in R-TDC than the state-of-the-art DC solver does in DC with the same time budget. We also observe that graph neural network search guidance leads to substantial performance gains on benchmarks of more complex DTNUs, with up to eleven times more problems solved than the baseline tree search.Comment: Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. This version includes the technical appendix. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2108.0106

    Dynamic Controllability of Controllable Conditional Temporal Problems with Uncertainty

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    Dynamic Controllability (DC) of a Simple Temporal Problem with Uncertainty (STPU) uses a dynamic decision strategy, rather than a fixed schedule, to tackle temporal uncertainty. We extend this concept to the Controllable Conditional Temporal Problem with Uncertainty (CCTPU), which extends the STPU by conditioning temporal constraints on the assignment of controllable discrete variables. We define dynamic controllability of a CCTPU as the existence of a strategy that decides on both the values of discrete choice variables and the scheduling of controllable time points dynamically. This contrasts with previous work, which made a static assignment of choice variables and dynamic decisions over time points only. We propose an algorithm to find such a fully dynamic strategy. The algorithm computes the “envelope” of outcomes of temporal uncertainty in which a particular assignment of discrete variables is feasible, and aggregates these over all choices. When an aggregated envelope covers all uncertain situations of the CCTPU, the problem is dynamically controllable. However, the algorithm is not complete. Experiments on an existing set of CCTPU benchmarks show that there are cases in which making both discrete and temporal decisions dynamically it is feasible to satisfy the problem constraints, while assigning the discrete variables statically it is not

    Optimising Flexibility of Temporal Problems with Uncertainty

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    Temporal networks have been applied in many autonomous systems. In real situations, we cannot ignore the uncertain factors when using those autonomous systems. Achieving robust schedules and temporal plans by optimising flexibility to tackle the uncertainty is the motivation of the thesis. This thesis focuses on the optimisation problems of temporal networks with uncertainty and controllable options in the field of Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling. The goal of this thesis is to construct flexibility and robustness metrics for temporal networks under the constraints of different levels of controllability. Furthermore, optimising flexibility for temporal plans and schedules to achieve robust solutions with flexible executions. When solving temporal problems with uncertainty, postponing decisions according to the observations of uncertain events enables flexible strategies as the solutions instead of fixed schedules or plans. Among the three levels of controllability of the Simple Temporal Problem with Uncertainty (STPU), a problem is dynamically controllable if there is a successful dynamic strategy such that every decision in it is made according to the observations of past events. In the thesis, we make the following contributions. (1) We introduce an optimisation model for STPU based on the existing dynamic controllability checking algorithms. Some flexibility and robustness measures are introduced based on the model. (2) We extend the definition and verification algorithm of dynamic controllability to temporal problems with controllable discrete variables and uncertainty, which is called Controllable Conditional Temporal Problems with Uncertainty (CCTPU). An entirely dynamically controllable strategy of CCTPU consists of both temporal scheduling and variable assignments being dynamically decided, which maximize the flexibility of the execution. (3) We introduce optimisation models of CCTPU under fully dynamic controllability. The optimisation models aim to answer the questions how flexible, robust or controllable a schedule or temporal plan is. The experiments show that making decisions dynamically can achieve better objective values than doing statically. The thesis also contributes to the field of AI planning and scheduling by introducing robustness metrics of temporal networks, proposing an envelope-based algorithm that can check dynamic controllability of temporal networks with uncertainty and controllable discrete decisions, evaluating improvements from making decisions strongly controllable to temporally dynamically controllable and fully dynamically controllable and comparing the runtime of different implementations to present the scalability of dynamically controllable strategies

    Collaborative Diagnosis of Over-Subscribed Temporal Plans

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    PhD thesisOver-subscription, that is, being assigned too many tasks or requirements that are too demanding, is commonly encountered in temporal planning problems. As human beings, we often want to do more than we can, ask for things that may not be available, while underestimating how long it takes to perform each task. It is often difficult for us to detect the causes of failure in such situations and then find resolutions that are effective. We can greatly benefit from tools that assist us by looking out for these plan failures, by identifying their root causes, and by proposing preferred resolutions to these failures that lead to feasible plans. In recent literature, several approaches have been developed to resolve such over-subscribed problems, which are often framed as over-constrained scheduling, configuration design or optimal planning problems. Most of them take an all-or-nothing approach, in which over-subscription is resolved through suspending constraints or dropping goals. While helpful, in real-world scenarios, we often want to preserve our plan goals as much possible. As human beings, we know that slightly weakening the requirements of a travel plan, or replacing one of its destinations with an alternative one is often sufficient to resolve an over-subscription problem, no matter if the requirement being weakened is the duration of a deep-sea survey being planned for, or the restaurant cuisine for a dinner date. The goal of this thesis is to develop domain independent relaxation algorithms that perform this type of slight weakening of constraints, which we will formalize as continuous relaxation, and to embody them in a computational aid, Uhura, that performs tasks akin to an experienced travel agent or ocean scientists. In over-subscribed situations, Uhura helps us diagnose the causes of failure, suggests alternative plans, and collaborates with us in order to resolve conflicting requirements in the most preferred way. Most importantly, the algorithms underlying Uhura supports the weakening, instead of suspending, of constraints and variable domains in a temporally flexible plan. The contribution of this thesis is two-fold. First, we developed an algorithmic framework, called Best-first Conflict-Directed Relaxation (BCDR), for performing plan relaxation. Second, we use the BCDR framework to perform relaxation for several different families of plan representations involving different types of constraints. These include temporal constraints, chance constraints and variable domain constraints, and we incorporate several specialized conflict detection and resolution algorithms in support of the continuous weakening of them. The key idea behind BCDR's approach to continuous relaxation is to generalize the concepts of discrete conflicts and relaxations, first introduced by the model-based diagnosis community, to hybrid conflicts and relaxations, which denote minimal inconsistencies and minimal relaxations to both discrete and continuous relaxable constraints

    Network resilience

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    Many systems on our planet are known to shift abruptly and irreversibly from one state to another when they are forced across a "tipping point," such as mass extinctions in ecological networks, cascading failures in infrastructure systems, and social convention changes in human and animal networks. Such a regime shift demonstrates a system's resilience that characterizes the ability of a system to adjust its activity to retain its basic functionality in the face of internal disturbances or external environmental changes. In the past 50 years, attention was almost exclusively given to low dimensional systems and calibration of their resilience functions and indicators of early warning signals without considerations for the interactions between the components. Only in recent years, taking advantages of the network theory and lavish real data sets, network scientists have directed their interest to the real-world complex networked multidimensional systems and their resilience function and early warning indicators. This report is devoted to a comprehensive review of resilience function and regime shift of complex systems in different domains, such as ecology, biology, social systems and infrastructure. We cover the related research about empirical observations, experimental studies, mathematical modeling, and theoretical analysis. We also discuss some ambiguous definitions, such as robustness, resilience, and stability.Comment: Review chapter

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM