329 research outputs found


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    As the device dimensions have reduced from micrometer to nanometer range, new bulk silicon devices are now facing many undesirable effects of scaling leading device engineers to look for new process technologies. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) has emerged as a very promising candidate for resolving the major problems plaguing the bulk silicon technology. G4FET [G4FET] is a SOI transistor with four independent gates. Although G4FET has already shown great potential in different applications, the widespread adoption of a technology in circuit design is heavily dependent upon good SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) models. CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools are now ubiquitous in circuit design and a fast, robust and accurate SPICE model is absolutely necessary to transform G4FET into a mainstream technology. The research goal is to develop suitable SPICE models for G4FET to aid circuit designers in designing innovative analog and digital circuits using this new transistor. The first phase of this work is numerical modeling of the G4FET where four different numerical techniques are implemented, each with its merits and demerits. The first two methods are based on multivariate Lagrange interpolation and multidimensional Bernstein polynomial. The third numerical technique is based on multivariate regression polynomial to aid modeling with dense gridded data. Another suitable alternative namely multidimensional linear and cubic spline interpolation is explored as the fourth numerical modeling approach to solve some of the problems resulting from single polynomial approximation. The next phase of modeling involves developing a macromodel combining already existing SPICE models of MOSFET (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor) and JFET (junction-gate field-effect transistor). This model is easy to implement in circuit simulators and provides good results compared to already demonstrated experimental works with innovative G4FET circuits. The final phase of this work involves the development of a physics-based compact model of G4FET with some empirical fitting parameters. A model for depletion-all-around operation is implemented in circuit simulator based on previous work. Another simplified model, combining MOS and JFET action, is implemented in circuit simulator to model the accumulation mode operation of G4FET

    Analysis, design and "in silico" evaluation of e-selectin antagonists

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    E-selectin, is member of a family of cell-adhesion proteins, which plays a crucial role in many physiological processes and diseases [1], and in particular, in the early phases of the inflammatory response. Its role is to promote the tethering and the rolling of leukocytes along the endothelial surface [2]. These steps are then followed by integrin-mediated firm adhesion and final transendothelial migration. Therefore, control of the leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion process may be useful in cases, where excessive recruitment of leukocytes can contribute to acute or chronic diseases such as stroke, reperfusion injury, psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis [3]. In this work, efforts to develop in silico-based protocols to study the interaction between E-selectin and its ligands, are presented. Hence, different protocols had to be developed and validated. In particular, a new procedure for the analysis of the conformational preferences of E-selectin antagonists was established and the results compared to those obtained with the MC(JBW)/SD approach, which had already demonstrated its validity in the past [161,168]. Thus, the comparison between the two protocols permitted to recognize a different conformational preference of the two methods for the orientation of the sialic acid moiety of sLex (3) (torsions Ί3 and Κ3, Figure A), which reflects the contrasting opinions existing for the conformation adopted by sLex (3) in solution [150–168]. A more detailed analysis revealed that probably both approaches deliver only a partially correct view and that in reality, in solution, sLex (3) exists as a mixture of low energy conformers and not as supposed to date [150–154,161–163] as a population of a single conformer. In addition, a docking routine was established and the impact of different partialcharge methods and of explicit solvation on the binding mode studied. MD simulations enabled to gain an insight into the dynamical character of the protein-ligand interactions. In particular, the observations done in an atomic-force microscopy study [350], describing the interactions between the carboxylic group of sLex and Arg97, and between the 3– and 4–hydroxyls of fucose and the calcium ion, as the two main energy barriers for the dissociation process of the protein-ligand complex, found confirmation in our MD-investigations. Thus, these two contacts always lasted longer than any other in the MD simulation. QSAR-models with Quasar [270–272,351] and Raptor [315,316,335] were successfully derived and will permit a semi-quantitative in silico estimation of the binding affinity for the ligands that will be designed in the future. Finally, the developed protocols and models were applied for the development of new E-selectin antagonists. Unfortunately, to date, only few biological data is available to evaluate our design strategies. However, the impact of the ligand’s pre-organization on the binding affinity could be established at least for the Lexcore of sLex (3). Hence, the importance of the exo-anomeric effect, of the steric compression, and of the hydrophobic interaction between the methyl group of fucose and the ÎČ-face of galactose was clearly demonstrated

    Analysis, design and "in silico" evaluation of e-selectin antagonists

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    E-selectin, is member of a family of cell-adhesion proteins, which plays a crucial role in many physiological processes and diseases [1], and in particular, in the early phases of the inflammatory response. Its role is to promote the tethering and the rolling of leukocytes along the endothelial surface [2]. These steps are then followed by integrin-mediated firm adhesion and final transendothelial migration. Therefore, control of the leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion process may be useful in cases, where excessive recruitment of leukocytes can contribute to acute or chronic diseases such as stroke, reperfusion injury, psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis [3]. In this work, efforts to develop in silico-based protocols to study the interaction between E-selectin and its ligands, are presented. Hence, different protocols had to be developed and validated. In particular, a new procedure for the analysis of the conformational preferences of E-selectin antagonists was established and the results compared to those obtained with the MC(JBW)/SD approach, which had already demonstrated its validity in the past [161,168]. Thus, the comparison between the two protocols permitted to recognize a different conformational preference of the two methods for the orientation of the sialic acid moiety of sLex (3) (torsions Ί3 and Κ3, Figure A), which reflects the contrasting opinions existing for the conformation adopted by sLex (3) in solution [150–168]. A more detailed analysis revealed that probably both approaches deliver only a partially correct view and that in reality, in solution, sLex (3) exists as a mixture of low energy conformers and not as supposed to date [150–154,161–163] as a population of a single conformer. In addition, a docking routine was established and the impact of different partialcharge methods and of explicit solvation on the binding mode studied. MD simulations enabled to gain an insight into the dynamical character of the protein-ligand interactions. In particular, the observations done in an atomic-force microscopy study [350], describing the interactions between the carboxylic group of sLex and Arg97, and between the 3– and 4–hydroxyls of fucose and the calcium ion, as the two main energy barriers for the dissociation process of the protein-ligand complex, found confirmation in our MD-investigations. Thus, these two contacts always lasted longer than any other in the MD simulation. QSAR-models with Quasar [270–272,351] and Raptor [315,316,335] were successfully derived and will permit a semi-quantitative in silico estimation of the binding affinity for the ligands that will be designed in the future. Finally, the developed protocols and models were applied for the development of new E-selectin antagonists. Unfortunately, to date, only few biological data is available to evaluate our design strategies. However, the impact of the ligand’s pre-organization on the binding affinity could be established at least for the Lexcore of sLex (3). Hence, the importance of the exo-anomeric effect, of the steric compression, and of the hydrophobic interaction between the methyl group of fucose and the ÎČ-face of galactose was clearly demonstrated

    Modeling Emerging Semiconductor Devices for Circuit Simulation

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    Circuit simulation is an indispensable part of modern IC design. The significant cost of fabrication has driven researchers to verify the chip functionality through simulation before submitting the design for final fabrication. With the impending end of Moore’s Law, researchers all over the world are looking for new devices with enhanced functionality. A plethora of promising emerging devices has been proposed in recent years. In order to leverage the full potential of such devices, circuit designers need fast, reliable models for SPICE simulation to explore different applications. Most of these new devices have complex underlying physical mechanism rendering the model development an extremely challenging task. For the models to be of practical use, they have to enable fast and accurate simulation that rules out the possibility of numerically solving a system of partial differential equations to arrive at a solution. In this chapter, we show how different modeling approaches can be used to simulate three emerging semiconductor devices namely, silicon- on- insulator four gate transistor(G4FET), perimeter gated single photon avalanche diode (PG-SPAD) and insulator-metal transistor (IMT) device with volatile memristance. All the models have been verified against experimental /TCAD data and implemented in commercial circuit simulator

    Circuit models of shielded single and multiconductor cables for EMC analyses

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    In dieser Arbeit werden neuartige Schaltungsmodelle fĂŒr Koaxialkabel mit Geflechtschirm ĂŒber einer Masseebene vorgestellt. Die Modelle sind aus der Leitungstheorie abgeleitet und eignen sich zur Integration in SPICE-Simulationsprogramme. Es werden zwei Arten von Modellen vorgestellt. Zuerst wird ein konzentriertes Schaltungsmodell (lumpedcircuit model) erklĂ€rt, bei dem das Kabel in kleine Abschnitte unterteilt ist, wobei jeder Abschnitt durch ein Ersatzschaltbild ersetzt wird. Dann wird aus den analytischen Lösungen der Leitungstheorie ein Makromodell entwickelt, welches das gesamte Kabel ohne Diskretisierung darstellt. Diese Arbeit demonstriert die Effizienz des Makromodells in Bezug auf Rechenzeit und Genauigkeit im Vergleich zum konzentrierten Schaltungsmodell. Die entwickelten Schaltungsmodelle können die eingekoppelte Spannung an den AbschlĂŒssen des Kabels berechnen, wenn eine einfallende ebene Welle in das Kabel eingekoppelt wird. Diese Modelle können auch die Kopplungen aufgrund von Störungen durch konzentrierte Quellen berechnen. Die entwickelten Modelle eignen sich daher fĂŒr die Schaltungs-EMVAnalyse von Systemen, die geschirmte Kabel enthalten und anfĂ€llig fĂŒr Feldeinkopplungen oder Störungen mit anderen Systemen sind. Die bidirektionale Kopplung zwischen der Innen- und Außenseite des Kabelschirms wird berĂŒcksichtigt, was die Analyse der Störfestigkeit und der Emission ermöglicht. Die mathematischen Funktionen zur Berechnung der Kopplung zwischen dem inneren und dem Ă€ußeren System des Kabels werden in Ersatzschaltungen umgewandelt, die den Einsatz der Modelle im Frequenzbereich oder zusammen mit nichtlinearen Elementen im Zeitbereich ermöglichen. Die entwickelten Modelle fĂŒr ein einadriges geschirmtes Kabel werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit fĂŒr geschirmte mehradrige Kabel erweitert. Die Schaltungsmodelle werden durch Messungen und Feldsimulationen validiert, wobei die Ergebnisse eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung zeigen.In this thesis, novel circuit models for coaxial cables with braided shields placed above a ground plane are presented. The models are derived from the transmission line theory and are suitable for integration into SPICE simulation programs. Two types of models are presented. First, a lumped-circuit model is developed in which the cable is divided into small sections, with each section replaced with an equivalent circuit and connected to represent the entire cable. In the second type, a macromodel is developed from the analytical solutions of the transmission line theory to represent the entire cable without discretizing it. This work demonstrates the efficiency of the macromodel in terms of computing time and accuracy compared to the lumped-circuit model. The designed models can be used to calculate the induced voltage at the termination loads of the cable when an incident uniform plane wave is coupled in. These models can also calculate the coupling results due to interference from lumped sources. The developed models are therefore suitable for the circuit EMC analysis of systems that contain shielded cables and are susceptible to field coupling or interference with other systems. The bidirectional coupling between the inside and outside of the cable shield is taken into account, which enables the analysis of interference immunity and emissions. The mathematical functions for calculating the coupling between the inner and outer systems of the cable are transformed into equivalent circuit diagrams that allow the models to be used in the frequency domain or together with nonlinear elements in the time domain. The developed models for a single conductor shielded cable are expanded for shielded multiconductor cables within the scope of this work. The circuit models are validated by measurements and field simulations, and the results show excellent agreement

    Time- and frequency-domain modeling of passive interconnection structures in field and circuit analysis

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den theoretischen Grundlagen und numerischen Verfahren zur Analyse passiver Verbindungsstrukturen auf der Basis der elektromagnetischen Feld- und Netzwerktheorie. Die Simulation elektromagnetischer PhĂ€nomene gewinnt eine immer stĂ€rkere Bedeutung sowohl im Entwicklungsprozess elektronischer Komponenten und Systeme als auch bei der EMV-Analyse. StĂ€ndig steigende Operationsfrequenzen erfordern die Einbeziehung der passiven Verbindungsstrukturen in die Analyse sowohl im Frequenz- als auch im Zeitbereich. Dabei wĂ€chst insbesondere die Bedeutung von Zeitbereichsmethoden bei der Behandlung elektrodynamischer Probleme infolge zunehmender Schaltfrequenzen und immer steilerer AnstiegsïŹ‚anken. Frequenzbereichsmethoden in Kombination mit der FourierrĂŒcktransformation erfordern bei extrem breiten Frequenzspektren einen hohen Rechenaufwand, um Zeitbereichslösungen mit hinreichender Genauigkeit zu erhalten. Im Falle von NichtlinearitĂ€ten sind Zeitbereichsmethoden sogar die einzige Möglichkeit. Aus diesem Grunde wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf die Zeitbereichsmodellierung der Verbindungsstrukturen einschließlich der Schaltungsumgebung sowie die Behandlung mittels Netzwerksimulatoren gelegt.  Throughout the ïŹrst period of electrical-engineering history, passive interconnections, i.e., conductors serving as the connection of electronic devices or system components, were typically not considered in the system modeling, except for some special cases and "electrically long" structures, which were successfully described via the transmission-line theory. This changed dramatically after the wide-spread introduction of digital, radio-frequency, and microwave technologies, which required transmission via the passive interconnection structures of high-frequency (HF) signals. The parasitic eïŹ€ects introduced by passive interconnections at high frequencies have motivated modern digital-system designers to consider such interconnections more precisely. &nbsp
