15 research outputs found

    Incorporation Of Broadband Access Technology In A Telecommunications Engineering Technology Program

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    The so-called “last mile” of the telecommunications network, which links residences and business locations to the network, has traditionally been the last bastion of old technology. Residential voice service is still mostly provided via an analog signal over a pair of copper wires that connects the telephone to a switching system in a central office. The high-speed digital technology employed by modern switching systems and inter-office transmission systems does not extend to most residences. The local access network is a landscape of copper wires bound into large cables, splices, cross-boxes and other equipment that has provided voice-grade service over the years. However, the landscape is changing dramatically as both residential and business customers demand more and more bandwidth for a growing number of services including high-speed Internet access and video as well as voice. Telcos such as AT&T and Verizon as well as Multi-Service Operators (MSOs) are both vying to provide the “triple play” (voice, data and video) to these customers. In order to provide the triple play, service providers are introducing digital transmission and optical fiber, which have revolutionized long-haul communication, to the local access network. The Telecommunication Engineering Technology program at RIT is responding to this trend by providing courses and laboratory facilities to introduce students to the associated technology. Our Telecommunication Systems Laboratory now features both passive optical network (PON) and hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) technology. These are two leading approaches to provide broadband access to support the triple play. In addition, we are developing new courses to cover topics such as video transmission and broadband network engineering. This paper presents the current status of our laboratory and course development along with our plans for future enhancements

    Architecture of Broadband Access Networks

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    Cilj ovoga rada je pružiti pregled različitih vrsti širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža i podržanih suvremenih usluga, uključujući IP TV i Over the Top Content usluge. Uvođenjem širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža, postižu se veći propusni kapaciteti odnosno brzine prijenosa podataka što operatorima omogućuje pružanje kvalitetnije usluge korisnicima. Na početcima ovog tipa pristupnih mreža koristili su se isključivo žičani mediji ali unaprjeđivanjem tehnologije dolazi do bežičnih oblika pristupne mreže u cilju zadovoljavanja potrebe tržišta. Trenutno stanje na tržištu ide u korist žičanih mreža ali zbog ubrzanog razvoja bežičnih tehnologija dolazi do izjednačavanja prijenosnih karakteristika ova dva oblika pristupnih mreža. Budući da je operatorima bežični oblik komunikacije puno povoljniji po pitanju same infrastrukture, za očekivati je njihovu dominaciju u budućnosti.The aim of present paper is to provide an overview of different types of broadband access networks and supported modern services, including IP TV and Over the Top Content. During initial stage of broadband access networks, it was possible to achieve significantly higher throughput. As a result data transfer speed were higher, thus enabling higher service quality to users. Additionally, only wired medium was used. However, with the continuous advancement of technology, wireless access networks were introduced gradually. Consequently, prevailing types of access networks on the market nowadays are both wired-based and wireless-based. It can be expected that wireless communication will further dominate the market in the future, primarily because of its cost-effectiveness for operators in certain aspects, such as infrastructure

    Architecture of Broadband Access Networks

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    Cilj ovoga rada je pružiti pregled različitih vrsti širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža i podržanih suvremenih usluga, uključujući IP TV i Over the Top Content usluge. Uvođenjem širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža, postižu se veći propusni kapaciteti odnosno brzine prijenosa podataka što operatorima omogućuje pružanje kvalitetnije usluge korisnicima. Na početcima ovog tipa pristupnih mreža koristili su se isključivo žičani mediji ali unaprjeđivanjem tehnologije dolazi do bežičnih oblika pristupne mreže u cilju zadovoljavanja potrebe tržišta. Trenutno stanje na tržištu ide u korist žičanih mreža ali zbog ubrzanog razvoja bežičnih tehnologija dolazi do izjednačavanja prijenosnih karakteristika ova dva oblika pristupnih mreža. Budući da je operatorima bežični oblik komunikacije puno povoljniji po pitanju same infrastrukture, za očekivati je njihovu dominaciju u budućnosti.The aim of present paper is to provide an overview of different types of broadband access networks and supported modern services, including IP TV and Over the Top Content. During initial stage of broadband access networks, it was possible to achieve significantly higher throughput. As a result data transfer speed were higher, thus enabling higher service quality to users. Additionally, only wired medium was used. However, with the continuous advancement of technology, wireless access networks were introduced gradually. Consequently, prevailing types of access networks on the market nowadays are both wired-based and wireless-based. It can be expected that wireless communication will further dominate the market in the future, primarily because of its cost-effectiveness for operators in certain aspects, such as infrastructure

    Architecture of Broadband Access Networks

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    Cilj ovoga rada je pružiti pregled različitih vrsti širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža i podržanih suvremenih usluga, uključujući IP TV i Over the Top Content usluge. Uvođenjem širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža, postižu se veći propusni kapaciteti odnosno brzine prijenosa podataka što operatorima omogućuje pružanje kvalitetnije usluge korisnicima. Na početcima ovog tipa pristupnih mreža koristili su se isključivo žičani mediji ali unaprjeđivanjem tehnologije dolazi do bežičnih oblika pristupne mreže u cilju zadovoljavanja potrebe tržišta. Trenutno stanje na tržištu ide u korist žičanih mreža ali zbog ubrzanog razvoja bežičnih tehnologija dolazi do izjednačavanja prijenosnih karakteristika ova dva oblika pristupnih mreža. Budući da je operatorima bežični oblik komunikacije puno povoljniji po pitanju same infrastrukture, za očekivati je njihovu dominaciju u budućnosti.The aim of present paper is to provide an overview of different types of broadband access networks and supported modern services, including IP TV and Over the Top Content. During initial stage of broadband access networks, it was possible to achieve significantly higher throughput. As a result data transfer speed were higher, thus enabling higher service quality to users. Additionally, only wired medium was used. However, with the continuous advancement of technology, wireless access networks were introduced gradually. Consequently, prevailing types of access networks on the market nowadays are both wired-based and wireless-based. It can be expected that wireless communication will further dominate the market in the future, primarily because of its cost-effectiveness for operators in certain aspects, such as infrastructure

    Smart PIN: performance and cost-oriented context-aware personal information network

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    The next generation of networks will involve interconnection of heterogeneous individual networks such as WPAN, WLAN, WMAN and Cellular network, adopting the IP as common infrastructural protocol and providing virtually always-connected network. Furthermore, there are many devices which enable easy acquisition and storage of information as pictures, movies, emails, etc. Therefore, the information overload and divergent content’s characteristics make it difficult for users to handle their data in manual way. Consequently, there is a need for personalised automatic services which would enable data exchange across heterogeneous network and devices. To support these personalised services, user centric approaches for data delivery across the heterogeneous network are also required. In this context, this thesis proposes Smart PIN - a novel performance and cost-oriented context-aware Personal Information Network. Smart PIN's architecture is detailed including its network, service and management components. Within the service component, two novel schemes for efficient delivery of context and content data are proposed: Multimedia Data Replication Scheme (MDRS) and Quality-oriented Algorithm for Multiple-source Multimedia Delivery (QAMMD). MDRS supports efficient data accessibility among distributed devices using data replication which is based on a utility function and a minimum data set. QAMMD employs a buffer underflow avoidance scheme for streaming, which achieves high multimedia quality without content adaptation to network conditions. Simulation models for MDRS and QAMMD were built which are based on various heterogeneous network scenarios. Additionally a multiple-source streaming based on QAMMS was implemented as a prototype and tested in an emulated network environment. Comparative tests show that MDRS and QAMMD perform significantly better than other approaches

    The Performance Testing of EPON Optical Network

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práca sa zaoberá problematikou pasívnych optických prístupových sietí, konkrétne výkonnostným testovaním štandardu EPON. V prvom rade sú rozobrané optické prístupové siete, ich rozdelenie, technológie a popis jednotlivých súčastí. Ďalšia časť popisuje služby Triple Play a spôsoby, ktorými sú tieto služby hodnotené, teda objektívne a subjektívne hodnotiace metódy. Práca pokračuje praktickou časťou, ktorá je tvorená súborom meraní na zostavenej topológií. Overuje sa integrita siete a nasadenie Triple Play služieb na základe štandardov RFC 2544 a ITU Y.1564 EtherSAM. Súčasťou praktickej časti je tiež reálne nasadenie Triple Play služieb a ich objektívne hodnotenie prostredníctvom dostupných prístrojov a príslušného softvéru (MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool, IxChariot, BWMeter, EXFO AXS-200-625). Namerané výsledky sú následne uvedené do tabuliek a zobrazené v grafoch.This diploma thesis addresses the issue of passive optical access networks, especially performance testing of EPON standard. In the first case are discussed optical access networks, their division, technologies and description of corresponding components. Next part describes Triple Play services and ways, which this services are rated with. That means objective and subjective valuation methods. Thesis continues with practical part, which contains of measurements provided on compiled topology. Integrity of the network and deployment of the Triple Play services are verified by RFC 2544 and ITU Y.1564 EtherSAM testing standards. The component of practical part is also real application of Triple Play services and their objective evaluation by available devices and facility software (MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool, IxChariot, BWMeter, EXFO AXS-200/650). The measured results are subsequently stated to charts and reflected in diagrams.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Gestão de recursos em redes com suporte de qualidade de serviço

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaEsta Tese aborda a problemática da gestão de recursos em redes ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) e IP (Internet Protocol) com suporte de QdS (Qualidade de Serviço). As tecnologias ATM e IP permitem, hoje em dia, integrar diferentes tipos de serviços numa mesma infra -estrutura de rede. No entanto, a diversidade dos serviços a suportar e dos seus requisitos, coloca grandes desafios ao nível da gestão de recursos, a qual se pretende o mais eficiente possível. A Tese está dividida em duas partes. A primeira parte da Tese foca a gestão de recursos em redes de acesso ATM e IP com suporte de QdS. É dada inicialmente uma perspectiva histórica da evolução das redes de acesso. No que diz respeito às redes de acesso ATM, são propostas estratégias de gestão de recursos com base em VPs (Virtual Paths) e são definidas metodologias de dimensionamento que têm em conta requisitos de QdS tanto ao nível da chamada como da célula. As estratégias de gestão de recursos consideradas permitem estabelecer compromissos entre a utilização de recursos e a carga de sinalização. No que diz respeito às redes de acesso IP, é proposta uma nova arquitectura de rede, que constitui uma evolução face às redes de acesso tradicionais ao permitir uma maior partilha de recursos. Esta arquitectura permite diferenciação de QdS e suporte de aplicações multimédia. Em particular é proposta uma solução que inclui o suporte integrado de tecnologias recentemente introduzidas para iniciar e configurar sessões multimédia, gerir as políticas de QdS incluindo as funcionalidades de AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting), e reservar recursos. Na segunda parte da Tese é feita uma abordagem de dois mecanismos para controle de admissão de fluxos escaláveis: mecanismos de probing e mecanismos baseados em agregação de reservas individuais. Ambos os mecanismos permitem que a gestão de recursos seja feita sem necessidade de manutenção do estado dos fluxos activos em cada elemento de rede. O mecanismo de probing estima o nível de QdS da rede, através da inserção de fluxos de teste, por forma a decidir se um novo fluxo pode ou não ser aceite. É proposto um novo mecanismo de probing, denominado de ?-probing, que permite minimizar o problema do roubo de recursos que afecta o probing simples quando este é utilizado em sistemas com múltiplas classes de serviço. São desenvolvidos modelos analíticos e são efectuados estudos de simulação para analisar o problema do roubo de recursos e os factores que influenciam a estimativa do rácio de perdas efectuada pelos fluxos de probing e de ?-probing. Verificou-se que o mecanismo de ?-probing permite obter simultaneamente uma utilização elevada dos recursos e a diferenciação dos serviços sem roubo de recursos. Os resultados obtidos com este mecanismo foram também validados através do desenvolvimento de um protótipo laboratorial. No mecanismo baseado em agregação de reservas individuais, os elementos do núcleo da rede mantêm apenas o estado de agregados de fluxos (e não de fluxos individuais), sendo a largura de banda dos agregados ajustada de forma dinâmica. São desenvolvidos modelos analíticos e são efectuados estudos de simulação para analisar o compromisso entre a carga de sinalização e a utilização de recursos. Estes estudos mostram que a hierarquização da rede, ou seja, a sua divisão em áreas mais pequenas, e a configuração de agregados entre os routers fronteira das áreas, por oposição a agregados extremo-a-extremo entre os routers fronteira do domínio, permitem atingir uma utilização de recursos próxima da utilização com sinalização fluxo -a-fluxo, mas com uma carga de sinalização significativamente inferior.This Thesis addresses the problem of resource management in ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and IP (Internet Protocol) networks with QoS (Quality of Service) support. ATM and IP technologies allow, nowadays, the integration of different types of services in the same network infrastructure. However, the variety of services and their requirements, involve big challenges at the resource management level, which needs to be as efficient as possible. This Thesis is divided in two parts. The first part of the Thesis addresses the resource management of ATM and IP access networks with QoS support. It is presented an historical perspective of the access networks evolution. In terms of ATM access networks, resource management strategies based on VPs (Virtual Paths) are proposed, and dimensioning methodologies are defined, which take into account the QoS requirements at the call and cell level. The considered resource management strategies allow the establishment of trade-offs between the resource utilization and the signaling load. In terms of IP access networks, it is proposed a new network architecture that represents an evolution of the legacy access networks, allowing a larger resource sharing. This architecture allows QoS differentiation and support for multimedia applications. More specifically, it is proposed a solution that includes the integrated support of recently introduced technologies to establish and configure multimedia sessions, manage the QoS policies including AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) functions, and reserve network resources. In the second part of the Thesis, two scalable call admission control mechanisms are addressed: probing mechanisms and mechanisms based on the aggregation of individual reservations. Both mechanisms allow resource management without the maintenance of the per-flow state in each network element. The probing mechanism estimates the network QoS level, through the insertion of probe flows, to decide if a new flow can be accepted or not. A new probing mechanism is proposed, denoted by ?-probing, which minimizes the resource stealing problem that exists in the simple probing mechanism when it is applied to a system with multiple service classes. Analytical models are developed and simulation studies are performed to analyze the resource stealing problem and to determine the influencing factors on the estimation of the loss ratio performed by the probing and ?-probing flows. The ?-probing mechanism obtains, simultaneously, a high resource utilization and service differentiation without resource stealing. The results obtained with this mechanism were also validated through the development of a probing test-bed. In the mechanism based on the aggregation of individual reservations, the core network elements only need to maintain the state of the flows’ aggregate (instead of individual flows), and the aggregates’ bandwidth is dynamically adjusted. Analytical models are defined and simulation studies are performed to analyze the trade -off between signaling load and resource utilization. These studies show that the hierarquization of the network, that is, its partition in smaller areas, and the configuration of aggregates between area border routers, as opposed to end-to - end aggregates between domain border routers, reaches an utilization close to the one of per-flow signaling with a signaling load significantly smaller

    Estudo e implementação de soluções de comunicação IP/GPON

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    Este trabalho visa abordar as temáticas essenciais ao projeto e implementação de redes de acesso Gigabit Passive Optical Networks (GPON), assim como os “tradicionais” serviços disponibilizados por este tipo de solução de comunicação, em aldeamentos turísticos e instalações empresariais. Os serviços que podem funcionar sobre uma rede GPON são variados, sendo que, qualquer tecnologia Internet Protocol (IP), pode ser colocada a funcionar sobre esta solução. De entre os vários serviços, o sistema de Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) é o que apresenta maiores desafios de implementação em redes GPON. O IPTV consiste na transmissão de sinais de televisão sobre o IP. Utiliza o conceito de IP Multicast para enviar os pacotes de informação dos canais de televisão pela rede, até as Set Up Boxes (STB), que são responsáveis pela receção do sinal e transmissão dos canais para as televisões. O facto de requerer uma largura de banda mínima, torna o IPTV suscetível a degradação, quando há alterações significativas nos débitos de transmissão da rede. Garantir a largura de banda mínima, adequada ao funcionamento do sistema, requer a utilização de técnicas de Quality of Service (QoS). No trabalho será abordado o estudo de dois projetos GPON distintos, cuja realização resultou da aplicação dos conhecimentos técnicos adquiridos, durante o estágio