10 research outputs found

    Construcción eficiente y sostenible de la carrera: El portafolio profesional como recurso de orientación universitaria

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    Esta investigación introduce un proceso de orientación profesional en los primeros cursos del Grado de Magisterio mediante el recurso del portafolio electrónico. Se diseña un formato de portafolio específico para maestros en formación inicial, desde los referentes de la orientación para el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida y del paradigma del cambio. El propósito es describir e interpretar, mediante un estudio de caso evaluativo, cómo los estudiantes construyen sus proyectos vitales y qué dinámicas de acompañamiento emergen durante el trabajo de campo. Para ello, se elabora una guía y se desarrolla durante dos cursos académicos un proceso formativo y tutorial que facilite a los estudiantes la construcción de sus portafolios profesionales. El análisis cualitativo de los datos, desde categorías predeterminadas y emergentes, permite descubrir y comprender las narrativas de los estudiantes en torno a su conocimiento personal y profesional. También, qué significados construyen a partir de su cultura, sus expectativas y el sentido con el que se encaminan en el proceso de autodeterminación. La relación comunicativa entre los estudiantes y la profesora-orientadora es determinante, concluyéndose que las funciones y organización del acompañamiento son los fundamentos de todo proceso emergente. Durante la construcción del portafolio, los estudiantes asumen un rol de profesionales en formación, aumentan su autoestima y perciben mayor control sobre sus carreras. This research introduces a process of vocational guidance in the first years of the Degree of Education through the use of electronic portfolio. It has been designed a specific portfolio for teachers in initial training, from the referents of guidance for long life learning and the paradigm shift. The purpose is to describe and construe, through an evaluative case study, how students design their life projects and the way that accompanying dynamics emerge during the fieldwork. To this end, a guide is made and a training and tutorial process is developed over two academic years, what enables students to develop their professional portfolios. The qualitative analysis of data, by default and emerging categories, lets us discover and understand the narratives of students about their personal and professional knowledge. Also, what are the meanings they construct from their culture, expectations and the sense in which they are heading in the process of self-determination. The rapport between students and the teacher-counselor is decisive, concluding that the functions and organization of support are the basis of all emergent process. Along portfolio development, students take on the role of professionals in training, increase their self-esteem and perceive control over their careers


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    The Malaysian Skills Training Programme (MSTP) is a sub-division of Malaysian Vocational and Training Education (VET) under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Human Resource, Malaysia. The programme was developed to prepare skilled workers for employment in the ‘blue collar’ sector. The Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education and the UNESCO-UNEVOC believe that the VET should be upgraded to offer a more professional service in which ICT (Information and Communication Technology) applications such as electronic learning need to be explored and harnessed (Kafka & Dale, 2013). This thesis investigates the implementation of an electronic portfolio (E-portfolio) in one accredited Skills Training Institution in Malaysia. The research aim was to deploy an E-portfolio which was developed using MAHARA software with several skills training courses in one training semester. The idea of a ‘threshold concept’ was adopted to provide guidelines to direct the E-portfolio development and implementation. Kolb’s Experiential Learning (KEL) and Competency Based Training (CBT) were the main reference theories informing the design of the E-portfolio process of use. Based on quasi-experimental design, the system’s implementation included groups of students in 2013 and 2014 cohorts. Upon completion, the use of the E-portfolio was evaluated to determine the system’s impact and its effectiveness in the teaching and learning process. A mixed methods research approach was used, consisting of assessment rubrics, survey questionnaires, e-mail interviews, online communication and document reviews. A respondent’s validation based approach called a ‘report-and-respond enquiry’ was executed at the end of data analysis to validate the findings. Qualitative and quantitative data showed that the E-portfolio could contribute to the improvement of several aspects of teaching and training such as communication, reflection on practical work, motivation of learning, progress based learning, and the construction of new knowledge. In addition, senior staff believed that the use of an E-portfolio would benefit the institution by saving printing costs and enhancing the institution’s image to the public and to the awarding body. The findings suggested that, when blended with the current traditional training pedagogy, the E-portfolio system has the potential to be implemented as a showcase E-portfolio, used for online assessment or can be used as a teaching approach. The email interviews and Facebook communication revealed that user attitudes and the support required for the use of the E-portfolio are the biggest challenges. Based on these findings, a scaffolded approach to the implementation of E-portfolios in MSTP is recommended. The key outcomes of this research are the E-portfolio scaffolding strategies in the MSTP that could be deployed at other Skills Training institutions or organizations which intend to explore the use of E-portfolios in the future

    MOSEP – More Self-Esteem With My E-Portfolio Development of a Train-the-Trainer Course for E-Portfolio Tutors

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    E-portfolios are known as a technology- supported learning method for the documentation of competency development. In this article the didactic approach, the course design and the results of the Leonardo da Vinci project MOSEP (More self-esteem with my e-portfolio) are described. The main objective of the project was to develop, test and evaluate a new e-portfolio training concept for teachers and tutors in order to support learners during their competence development phase

    The application of eportfolio in higher education: implications on students' learning

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    Aquesta tesis estudia la relació entre els conceptes i teories sobre educació aplicats amb eportafolis, tant com les aplicacions pràctiques d'aquests a l'àmbit de l'educació superior. Els eportafolis representen la unió d'un concepte pedagògic a l'ensenyament amb les eines digitals que influeixen els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge, adaptables a forma presencia i en línia. Es planteja una revisió a fons sobre els conceptes que influeixen l'avaluació i els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge amb eportafolis; aquests estan basats en diversos factors estudiats sobre les preferències d'avaluació, els enfocaments d'aprenentatge, i l'aprenentatge auto-regulat. Els resultats experimentals confirmen els beneficis percebuts pels estudiants analitzats des de les característiques dels estudiants y les característiques de l'ambient d'aprenentatge mitjançant el suport de les tecnologies educatives. En el primer estudi s'evidencia l'aplicació de la reflexió i la projecció cap a la pràctica docent, En el segon estudi, no hi ha un canvi en els enfocaments d'aprenentatge en profunditat, però hi han diferencies en l'ús del eportafoli en les dos disciplines aplicades. En el tercer estudi, hi ha un canvi en l'estudi en profunditat dels alumnes, i l'aplicació d'habilitats d'autoregulació i projecció de la pràctica docent. Tenint com a premissa l'exposició dels estudiants a ambients d'aprenentatge que han sigut sistemàticament dissenyats amb la finalitat de ser integrats amb els eportafolis i d'aquesta manera avaluar els canvis en l'aprenentatge que poden ser manifestats pels estudiants. També es plantegen estudis que analitzen aquests processos des de diversos enfocaments pedagògics, i amb eines digitals orientades a la Web i els ambients personals d'aprenentatge.Aquesta tesis estudia la relació entre els conceptes i teories sobre educació aplicats amb eportafolis, tant com les aplicacions pràctiques d'aquests a l'àmbit de l'educació superior. Els eportafolis representen la unió d'un concepte pedagògic a l'ensenyament amb les eines digitals que influeixen els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge, adaptables a forma presencia i en línia. Es planteja una revisió a fons sobre els conceptes que influeixen l'avaluació i els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge amb eportafolis; aquests estan basats en diversos factors estudiats sobre les preferències d'avaluació, els enfocaments d'aprenentatge, i l'aprenentatge auto-regulat. Els resultats experimentals confirmen els efectes percebuts pels estudiants analitzats des de les característiques dels estudiants y les característiques de l'ambient d'aprenentatge mitjançant el suport de les tecnologies educatives. En el primer estudi s'evidencia l'aplicació de la reflexió i la projecció cap a la pràctica docent, En el segon estudi, no hi ha un canvi en els enfocaments d'aprenentatge en profunditat, però hi han diferencies en l'ús del eportafoli en les dos disciplines. En el tercer estudi, hi ha un canvi en l'estudi en profunditat dels alumnes, i l'aplicació d'habilitats d'autoregulació i reflexiò sobre la pràctica docent. Tenint com a premissa l'exposició dels estudiants a ambients d'aprenentatge que han sigut sistemàticament dissenyats amb la finalitat de ser integrats amb els eportafolis i d'aquesta manera avaluar els canvis en l'aprenentatge que poden ser manifestats pels estudiants. També es revisen estudis que analitzen aquests processos des de diversos enfocaments pedagògics, i amb eines digitals orientades a la Web i els ambients personals d'aprenentatge.This thesis examines the relationship between concepts and theories applied to education with the use of eportfolios, as well as practical applications thereof in the field of higher education. Eportfolios represent the union of a pedagogical concept in teaching with digital tools to influence the teaching-learning processes, adaptable to in presence and online. A thorough review of the concepts that influence the assessment and the teaching and learning with eportfolios have arised; these various factors have been studied based on feedback, students’ learning approaches, and self-regulated learning. The experimental results confirm the benefits perceived by students analyzed from the characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the learning environment supported by educational technologies. In the first study the application of reflection and projection into the teaching practice was evidenced in the eportfolios. In the second study, there was no change in students’ deep learning approach, but there were differences in the use of eportfolio applied in both disciplines. In the third study, there was a change in the students’ deep study approach and, the application self-regulated skills and reflection in their teaching practice. Taking as a premise the student exposure to learning environments that have been systematically designed to be integrated with eportfolios, then analyzed the changes in learning documented by the students. Also, there is a revision of the studies that take different pedagogical approaches and use different Web based digital tools and personal learning environments

    Raising engagement and motivation through gamified e-portfolio: A student perspective

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    Is it possible to make people use the e-portfolio just for fun? This was the question post by the researcher which include an e-portfolio system with the functions of giving a point to any task or activity done, giving a point and a badge to a series of tasks done and the accumulated points will contribute to their position in the leaderboard in the e-portfolio system. This is what we call ‘Gamification’, which is the concept of applying game elements in a non-game context to inspire positive change in others. In education, the gamification of e-learning to make it fun and engaging by using game mechanics to encourage learners to explore and learn as they move toward the goal has been trending. This is to overcome the key issue in e-learning in generating enough motivation so that students will want to invest the time and effort required to learn but not enough empirical research has been done on the gamification of the e-portfolio, an electronic collection of evidence that shows learner’s learning journey over time. This thesis investigates the gamification approach to the e-portfolio system at Kolej Profesional MARA (KPM) in Malaysia. An initial study revealed that no visible constraints for the students regarding their institution’s infrastructure to implement an e-portfolio system, the students’ Internet and computer skills were in an acceptable level, the students have appropriate devices to access the Internet, and their current Internet services were also in an acceptable condition. For e-portfolio content preferences, the profile page is the most preferred content while other items have the same level of importance to students. The preferred game-like features by the students to be included in the e-portfolios are points followed by feedback, status, and levels. This research then presents the theoretical underpinnings of the research and discusses related theories and models relevant to the research in developing the proposed theoretical framework for the gamified e-portfolios that include these four dimensions: e-portfolio dimension, gamification dimension, engagement dimension, and motivation dimension. From the gamified e-portfolio framework, the design, development and implementation activities of the gamified e-portfolios have been done followed by the evaluation of the gamified e-portfolio system. The major technological delivery suggested by this thesis was the prototype, implemented as a web application of the gamified e-portfolio system. The major research achievement was evaluating participants’ perception of the gamified e-portfolio system. The evaluation of the gamified e-portfolio shows a positive indication of the gamification approach. The chosen game elements were indeed considered to make activities in the e-portfolio more engaging and fun. The results presented in this thesis are based on the students’ perceptions of the MARA ePortfolio (MeP) system (the gamified e-portfolio system)

    El portafolio como herramienta de orientación universitaria: una aproximación cualitativa

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    El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es conocer el potencial del Portafolio de Orientación Profesional Digital como recurso orientador en el ámbito universitario, concretamente en la formación inicial de los maestros; describiendo e interpretando cómo los alumnos realizan de manera autónoma su balance de competencias, aprenden a tomar decisiones durante su formación académica y planifican su carrera mediante la elaboración de su proyecto profesional en el portafolio digital. Así mismo, nuestro objetivo es la indagación en las posibilidades del acompañamiento para dinamizar acciones de orientación universitaria mediadas por el portafolio. Se comienza observando desde la literatura las necesidades actuales en la formación del profesorado y las posibilidades de la acción orientadora como facilitadora de procesos de aprendizaje autónomo, liderazgo, identidad y sentido profesional. El segundo capítulo comienza con una revisión del concepto de calidad; desde la perspectiva de la escuela y del rol del profesor eficiente. A partir de ahí, se desarrollan las nociones de competencia y cualificación profesional desde el punto de vista del desempeño docente. Se exponen dos tipos de análisis del mapa competencial demandado a los docentes en el actual modelo económico y social. En el tercer capítulo, desde una perspectiva eminentemente teórica, se define qué es la orientación profesional y qué modelos se utilizan para su práctica en las universidades. La descripción del portafolio como instrumento pedagógico se aborda en el cuarto capítulo. Se realiza una exposición conceptual de la herramienta según sus diferentes sentidos y una exploración de buenas prácticas. El principal propósito de este capítulo es definir y acotar cuál es el tipo de portafolio que se diseña para esta investigación, partiendo de la inmensa variedad de recursos a los que se llama "portafolio" en nuestros días. El quinto capítulo contiene el análisis de diversos formatos y usos del portafolio en el ámbito de la Educación Universitaria. Partiendo de que se considera el formato como un concepto complejo compuesto por tres componentes -contenidos, soporte y acompañamiento- que moldean su sentido, se presentan en este capítulo varios tipos de portafolios de orientación para analizar sus posibilidades de integración durante la formación inicial universitaria de los maestros. En el sexto capítulo se expone la caracterización del estudio empírico realizado, concretamente, los referentes epistemológicos y metodológicos, los aspectos éticos de la investigación y el diseño del estudio de caso. El sentido investigador empieza siendo y es eminentemente aplicado. Cumpliendo con los rasgos definitorios del muestreo teórico en el aprovechamiento de la emergencia del trabajo de campo, tanto los objetivos como los núcleos de interés van evolucionando paralelamente al discurrir del estudio, adaptándose a la información que se recoge y analiza. El capítulo séptimo desarrolla el trabajo de campo llevado a cabo durante los dos primeros cursos académicos. A lo largo de esta primera fase del estudio empírico, se describe el formato del recurso, la caracterización del acompañamiento, las principales actuaciones del trabajo de campo, los participantes, las estrategias de recogida de información utilizadas y el análisis de datos, con la exposición de resultados por categorías predeterminadas y emergentes. Con sentido de evaluación y mejora, se concluye argumentando líneas de reflexión y propuestas de cambio orientadas a la segunda entrada al campo. La descripción de la segunda fase del estudio empírico con los reajustes en el formato y en el proceso de acompañamiento, así como con nuevos participantes, se expone en el octavo capítulo. Se trata de una vuelta al campo desde un enfoque muy distinto del anterior. Se introducen bastantes cambios en el proceso orientador y se aprovecha la experiencia con el sentido de explorar sus posibilidades de futuro. Por otro lado, con el propósito de triangular resultados sobre la construcción de la identidad profesional, se incluye la participación de estudiantes ajenos al proceso de orientación durante esta segunda fase. Se reserva para un noveno y último capítulo la discusión final respecto a los principales resultados de la investigación. También se realiza una evaluación y discusión metodológica, en la que se aclaran su potencial y los límites detectados. Se enfoca este ejercicio de análisis-síntesis hacia la práctica futura, definiendo nuevos retos y propuestas de institucionalización del proceso orientador con portafolio profesional en el contexto universitario. La última sección del capítulo expone la relación de objetivos y sus respectivas conclusiones

    Estudo dos fluxos comunicacionais num sistema colaborativo de objetos de aprendizagem

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    Doutoramento em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas DigitaisA convergência tecnológica e de conteúdos está a mudar a lógica de desenvolvimento das tipologias de soluções de formação e a conduzir a modelos mais flexíveis e interativos, com vista a dar resposta aos novos contextos de formação, muito baseados em modelos de negócio que privilegiam a aprendizagem ao longo da vida, numa perspetiva de partilha do saber e do conceito de inteligência coletiva orientada ao contexto de utilização. Associado a uma necessidade acelerada de disseminação e partilha do conhecimento, e num contexto de formação profissional, surge a necessidade de formação rápida também designada por formação just in time ou rapid learning. Este tipo de formação é suportado por uma metodologia de ensino a distância (e-learning) em regime de autoformação, centrado em Learning Management Systems e/ou em sistemas de objetos de aprendizagem. Destas novas necessidades emergentes do processo de aprendizagem, a dimensão transdisciplinar da comunicação tem sido um dos aspetos sublinhados em diversos estudos como determinante para repensar as interações e configurações dos espaços digitais pedagógicos. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo deste estudo é a conceção e validação de um modelo que identifique e caracterize os fluxos comunicacionais mais relevantes em sistemas de objetos de aprendizagem colaborativos. A relevância desses fluxos foi estudada com base numa proposta de um modelo que permita a identificação e caracterização dos fluxos, assim como a perceção da sua eficácia formativa manifestada por utilizadores desse tipo de sistemas. Com vista a operacionalizar o objetivo geral definido para este trabalho, foi realizada uma investigação teórica que enquadra a temática em análise, quer do ponto de vista conceptual, quer do ponto de vista mais prático. A componente empírica teve como base o desenvolvimento de um protótipo funcional de um sistema de objetos de aprendizagem (COLOR – Collaborative Learning Objects Repository), que foi testado em cenário interorganizacional com utilizadores de sistemas de gestão de aprendizagem (LMS). No que diz respeito ao desenho metodológico, a investigação decorreu em duas grandes fases: a primeira fase centrou-se na conceção e desenho de um modelo que permitiu sistematizar os fluxos mais relevantes no sistema e a segunda, de carácter mais prático, onde se fez a conceção, desenvolvimento e validação do protótipo deste sistema em contexto interorganizacional. A execução deste plano metodológico foi suportada, na primeira fase, numa estratégia do tipo investigação-ação de natureza antecipatória (Antecipatory Action Research) e, na segunda fase, numa abordagem do tipo design research. Como resultado da investigação efetuada, propõe-se que a análise das relações que se estabelecem entre os agentes em sistemas de aprendizagem baseados em objetos de aprendizagem se centre na interação, focada em diferentes dimensões do fluxo comunicacional que a suporta, nomeadamente, padrão, contexto, domínio, nível, categoria, direção e iniciativa. Esta proposta baseia-se no princípio que os novos contextos digitais de aprendizagem devem ser capazes de disponibilizar mecanismos funcionais de comunicação ajustados ao ambiente pretendido e adaptados aos agentes do processo. Toda esta dinâmica situa-se num cenário orientado à aprendizagem autorregulada, à colaboração e à pesquisa de informação, fatores que permitem o desenvolvimento de espaços que fomentam a personalização da formação em função das necessidades e perfis dos utilizadores, explorando novas dinâmicas para os canais de comunicação já conhecidos nestes contextos. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta investigação vem sublinhar a importância da comunicação e interação em cenários de mediação tecnológica de suporte à aquisição e transferência de conhecimento em contexto organizacional, e respetivo impacto para os agentes de comunicação que nele participam e que por ele são afetados.Technological and content’s convergence is altering the paradigm of learning solutions development and leading to new models, more flexible and interactive, looking to answer new training contexts, mainly based in business models that privilege lifelong learning, knowledge sharing and the concept of collective intelligence oriented to user context. Along with the need for fast dissemination and sharing of knowledge, in the context of professional training, comes the need for fast training also known as just in time training or rapid learning. This type of training is based on a remote teaching methodology (e-learning) in a self-learning regimen, focused on Learning Management Systems and/or learning objects’ systems. From all these new emerging needs in the learning process, the multidisciplinary dimension of communication has been identified in several studies as one of the most important aspects to rethink the interactions and configurations of digital learning spaces. In this context, the main objective of this study is to conceive and validate a model that can identify and characterize the most relevant communication fluxes in collaborative learning objects’ systems. Those fluxes’ relevance has been studied on the basis of a model proposal which allows identifying and characterizing fluxes, besides perceiving its training effectiveness, as manifested by the system’s users. To achieve this work’s main goal, a theoretical investigation on the theme was performed, both from the conceptual and the practical point of view. The empirical component was based on the development of a functional prototype of a learning objects’ system (COLOR – Collaborative Learning Objects Repository), which was tested in an inter-organizational scenery with real users of learning management systems (LMS). Regarding the methodological design, the investigation took place in two main phases: the first focused on the notion and design of a model which allowed systematizing the most relevant fluxes in the system; and the second, more practical, consisted on the conceptualization, development and validation of this system’s prototype, in an inter-organizational context. The execution of this methodological plan was supported, on the first stage, by an investigation-action type strategy of anticipatory nature (Anticipatory Action Research) and, on the second stage, on a design research type approach. In result of the investigation, it is proposed that the analysis of relationships established between agents in learning systems based in learning objects focuses on the interaction, namely in different dimensions of the communication flux which supports it, such as pattern, context, dominium, level, category, direction and initiative. This proposal is based on the principle under which new digital learning contexts should be able to offer functional communication mechanisms adjusted to the desired environment and adapted to the process agents. This entire dynamics is on a set oriented towards self-regulated learning, collaboration ad information research, factors that allow the development of spaces which promote learning customization according to the users’ needs and profiles, exploring new dynamics for the communication channels already known in these contexts. The work developed under this investigation stresses the importance of communication and interaction in technological mediation sceneries that support the acquisition and transfer of knowledge in organizations, as well as its impact on communication agents that participate and are affected by it