311 research outputs found

    Geodesics in Heat

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    We introduce the heat method for computing the shortest geodesic distance to a specified subset (e.g., point or curve) of a given domain. The heat method is robust, efficient, and simple to implement since it is based on solving a pair of standard linear elliptic problems. The method represents a significant breakthrough in the practical computation of distance on a wide variety of geometric domains, since the resulting linear systems can be prefactored once and subsequently solved in near-linear time. In practice, distance can be updated via the heat method an order of magnitude faster than with state-of-the-art methods while maintaining a comparable level of accuracy. We provide numerical evidence that the method converges to the exact geodesic distance in the limit of refinement; we also explore smoothed approximations of distance suitable for applications where more regularity is required

    Generation of Adaptive Streak Surfaces Using Moving Least Squares

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    We introduce a novel method for the generation of fully adaptive streak surfaces in time-varying flow fields based on particle advection and adaptive mesh refinement. Moving least squares approximation plays an important role in multiple stages of the proposed algorithm, which adaptively refines the surface based on curvature approximation and circumradius properties of the underlying Delaunay mesh. We utilize the grid-less Moving Least Squares approximation method for both curvature and surface estimation as well as vector field evaluation during particle advection. Delaunay properties of the surface triangulation are guaranteed by edge flipping operations on the progressive surface mesh. The results of this work illustrate the benefit of adaptivity techniques to streak surface generation and provide the means for a qualitative analysis of the presented approach

    Graphical Computing Solution for Industrial Plant Engineering

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    When preparing an engineering operation on an industrial plant, reliable and updated models of the plant must be available for correct decisions and planning. However, especially in the case of offshore oil and gas installations, it can hazardous and expensive to send an engineering party to assess and update the model of the plant. To reduce the cost and risk of modelling the plant, there are methods for quickly generating a 3D representation, such as LiDAR and stereoscopic reconstruction. However, these methods generate large files with no inherit cohesion. To address this, we propose to find a solution to efficiently transform point clouds from stereoscopic reconstruction into small mesh files that can be streamed or shared across teams. With that in mind, different techniques for treating point clouds and generating meshes were tested independently to measure their performance and effectiveness on an artifact-rich data set, such as the ones this work is aimed for. Afterwards, the techniques were combined into pipelines and compared with each other in terms of efficiency, file size output, and quality. With all results in place, the best solution from the ones tested was identified and validated with large real-world data sets.Master's Thesis in InformaticsINF39

    Meshless Mechanics and Point-Based Visualization Methods for Surgical Simulations

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    Computer-based modeling and simulation practices have become an integral part of the medical education field. For surgical simulation applications, realistic constitutive modeling of soft tissue is considered to be one of the most challenging aspects of the problem, because biomechanical soft-tissue models need to reflect the correct elastic response, have to be efficient in order to run at interactive simulation rates, and be able to support operations such as cuts and sutures. Mesh-based solutions, where the connections between the individual degrees of freedom (DoF) are defined explicitly, have been the traditional choice to approach these problems. However, when the problem under investigation contains a discontinuity that disrupts the connectivity between the DoFs, the underlying mesh structure has to be reconfigured in order to handle the newly introduced discontinuity correctly. This reconfiguration for mesh-based techniques is typically called dynamic remeshing, and most of the time it causes the performance bottleneck in the simulation. In this dissertation, the efficiency of point-based meshless methods is investigated for both constitutive modeling of elastic soft tissues and visualization of simulation objects, where arbitrary discontinuities/cuts are applied to the objects in the context of surgical simulation. The point-based deformable object modeling problem is examined in three functional aspects: modeling continuous elastic deformations with, handling discontinuities in, and visualizing a point-based object. Algorithmic and implementation details of the presented techniques are discussed in the dissertation. The presented point-based techniques are implemented as separate components and integrated into the open-source software framework SOFA. The presented meshless continuum mechanics model of elastic tissue were verified by comparing it to the Hertzian non-adhesive frictionless contact theory. Virtual experiments were setup with a point-based deformable block and a rigid indenter, and force-displacement curves obtained from the virtual experiments were compared to the theoretical solutions. The meshless mechanics model of soft tissue and the integrated novel discontinuity treatment technique discussed in this dissertation allows handling cuts of arbitrary shape. The implemented enrichment technique not only modifies the internal mechanics of the soft tissue model, but also updates the point-based visual representation in an efficient way preventing the use of costly dynamic remeshing operations

    Techniques for Realtime Viewing and Manipulation of Volumetric Data

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    Visualizing and manipulating volumetric data is a major component in many areas including anatomical registration in biomedical fields, seismic data analysis in the oil industry, machine part design in computer-aided geometric design, character animation in the movie industry, and fluid simulation. These industries have to meet the demands of the times and be able to make meaningful assertions about the data they generate. The shear size of this data presents many challenges to facilitating realtime interaction. In the recent decade, graphics hardware has become increasingly powerful and more sophisticated which has introduced a new realm of possibilities for processing volumetric data. This thesis focuses on a suite of techniques for viewing and editing volumetric data that efficiently use the processing power of central processing units (CPUs) as well as the large processing power of the graphics hardware (GPUs). This work begins with an algorithm to improve the efficiency of a texture-based volume rendering. We continue with a framework for performing realtime constructive solid geometry (CSG) with complex shapes and smoothing operations on watertight meshes based on a variation of Depth Peeling. We then move to an intuitive technique for deforming volumetric data using a collection of control points. Finally, we apply this technique to image registration of 3-dimensional computed tomography (CT) images used for lung cancel treatment, planning

    Robust interactive simulation of deformable solids with detailed geometry using corotational FEM

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    This thesis focuses on the interactive simulation of highly detailed deformable solids modelled with the Corotational Finite Element Method. Starting from continuum mechanics we derive the discrete equations of motion and present a simulation scheme with support for user-in-the-loop interaction, geometric constraints and contact treatment. The interplay between accuracy and computational cost is discussed in depth, and practical approximations are analyzed with an emphasis on robustness and efficiency, as required by interactive simulation. The first part of the thesis focuses on deformable material discretization using the Finite Element Method with simplex elements and a corotational linear constitutive model, and presents our contributions to the solution of widely reported robustness problems in case of large stretch deformations and finite element degeneration. First,we introduce a stress differential approximation for quasi-implicit corotational linear FEM that improves its results for large deformations and closely matches the fullyimplicit solution with minor computational overhead. Next, we address the problem ofrobustness and realism in simulations involving element degeneration, and show that existing methods have previously unreported flaws that seriously threaten robustness and physical plausibility in interactive applications. We propose a new continuous-time approach, degeneration-aware polar decomposition, that avoids such flaws and yields robust degeneration recovery. In the second part we focus on geometry representation and contact determination for deformable solids with highly detailed surfaces. Given a high resolution closed surface mesh we automatically build a coarse embedding tetrahedralization and a partitioned representation of the collision geometry in a preprocess. During simulation, our proposed contact determination algorithm finds all intersecting pairs of deformed triangles using a memory-efficient barycentric bounding volume hierarchy, connects them into potentially disjoint intersection curves and performs a topological flood process on the exact intersection surfaces to discover a minimal set of contact points. A novel contact normal definition is used to find contact point correspondences suitable for contact treatment.Aquesta tesi tracta sobre la simulació interactiva de sòlids deformables amb superfícies detallades, modelats amb el Mètode dels Elements Finits (FEM) Corotacionals. A partir de la mecànica del continuu derivem les equacions del moviment discretes i presentem un esquema de simulació amb suport per a interacció d'usuari, restriccions geomètriques i tractament de contactes. Aprofundim en la interrelació entre precisió i cost de computació, i analitzem aproximacions pràctiques fent èmfasi en la robustesa i l'eficiència necessàries per a la simulació interactiva. La primera part de la tesi es centra en la discretització del material deformable mitjançant el Mètode dels Elements Finits amb elements de tipus s'implex i un model constituent basat en elasticitat linial corotacional, i presenta les nostres contribucions a la solució de problemes de robustesa àmpliament coneguts que apareixen en cas de sobreelongament i degeneració dels elements finits. Primer introduïm una aproximació dels diferencials d'estress per a FEM linial corotacional amb integració quasi-implícita que en millora els resultats per a deformacions grans i s'apropa a la solució implícita amb un baix cost computacional. A continuació tractem el problema de la robustesa i el realisme en simulacions que inclouen degeneració d'elements finits, i mostrem que els mètodes existents presenten inconvenients que posen en perill la robustesa plausibilitat de la simulació en aplicacions interactives. Proposem un enfocament nou basat en temps continuu, la descomposició polar amb coneixement de degeneració, que evita els inconvenients esmentats i permet corregir la degeneració de forma robusta. A la segona part de la tesi ens centrem en la representació de geometria i la determinació de contactes per a sòlids deformables amb superfícies detallades. A partir d'una malla de superfície tancada construím una tetraedralització englobant de forma automàtica en un preprocés, i particionem la geometria de colisió. Proposem un algorisme de detecció de contactes que troba tots els parells de triangles deformats que intersecten mitjançant una jerarquia de volums englobants en coordenades baricèntriques, els connecta en corbes d'intersecció potencialment disjuntes i realitza un procés d'inundació topològica sobre les superfícies d'intersecció exactes per tal de descobrir un conjunt mínim de punts de contacte. Usem una definició nova de la normal de contacte per tal de calcular correspondències entre punts de contacte útils per al seu tractament.Postprint (published version

    Convolution filtering of continuous signed distance fields for polygonal meshes

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    Signed distance fields obtained from polygonal meshes are commonly used in various applications. However, they can have C1 discontinuities causing creases to appear when applying operations such as blending or metamorphosis. The focus of this work is to efficiently evaluate the signed distance function and to apply a smoothing filter to it while preserving the shape of the initial mesh. The resulting function is smooth almost everywhere, while preserving the exact shape of the polygonal mesh. Due to its low complexity, the proposed filtering technique remains fast compared to its main alternatives providing C1-continuous distance field approximation. Several applications are presented such as blending, metamorphosis and heterogeneous modelling with polygonal meshes

    TVL<sub>1</sub> Planarity Regularization for 3D Shape Approximation

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    The modern emergence of automation in many industries has given impetus to extensive research into mobile robotics. Novel perception technologies now enable cars to drive autonomously, tractors to till a field automatically and underwater robots to construct pipelines. An essential requirement to facilitate both perception and autonomous navigation is the analysis of the 3D environment using sensors like laser scanners or stereo cameras. 3D sensors generate a very large number of 3D data points when sampling object shapes within an environment, but crucially do not provide any intrinsic information about the environment which the robots operate within. This work focuses on the fundamental task of 3D shape reconstruction and modelling from 3D point clouds. The novelty lies in the representation of surfaces by algebraic functions having limited support, which enables the extraction of smooth consistent implicit shapes from noisy samples with a heterogeneous density. The minimization of total variation of second differential degree makes it possible to enforce planar surfaces which often occur in man-made environments. Applying the new technique means that less accurate, low-cost 3D sensors can be employed without sacrificing the 3D shape reconstruction accuracy

    Feature preserving smoothing of 3D surface scans

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-70).With the increasing use of geometry scanners to create 3D models, there is a rising need for effective denoising of data captured with these devices. This thesis presents new methods for smoothing scanned data, based on extensions of the bilateral filter to 3D. The bilateral filter is a non-linear, edge-preserving image filter; its extension to 3D leads to an efficient, feature preserving filter for a wide class of surface representations, including points and "polygon soups."by Thouis Raymond Jones.S.M