22 research outputs found

    Método para la evaluación de usabilidad de sitios web transaccionales basado en el proceso de inspección heurística

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    La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes en el desarrollo de productos de software. Este atributo de calidad está referido al grado en que, usuarios específicos de un determinado aplicativo, pueden fácilmente hacer uso del software para lograr su propósito. Dada la importancia de este aspecto en el éxito de las aplicaciones informáticas, múltiples métodos de evaluación han surgido como instrumentos de medición que permiten determinar si la propuesta de diseño de la interfaz de un sistema de software es entendible, fácil de usar, atractiva y agradable al usuario. El método de evaluación heurística es uno de los métodos más utilizados en el área de Interacción Humano-Computador (HCI) para este propósito debido al bajo costo de su ejecución en comparación otras técnicas existentes. Sin embargo, a pesar de su amplio uso extensivo durante los últimos años, no existe un procedimiento formal para llevar a cabo este proceso de evaluación. Jakob Nielsen, el autor de esta técnica de inspección, ofrece únicamente lineamientos generales que, según la investigación realizada, tienden a ser interpretados de diferentes maneras por los especialistas. Por tal motivo, se ha desarrollado el presente proyecto de investigación que tiene como objetivo establecer un proceso sistemático, estructurado, organizado y formal para llevar a cabo evaluaciones heurísticas a productos de software. En base a un análisis exhaustivo realizado a aquellos estudios que reportan en la literatura el uso del método de evaluación heurística como parte del proceso de desarrollo de software, se ha formulado un nuevo método de evaluación basado en cinco fases: (1) planificación, (2) entrenamiento, (3) evaluación, (4) discusión y (5) reporte. Cada una de las fases propuestas que componen el protocolo de inspección contiene un conjunto de actividades bien definidas a ser realizadas por el equipo de evaluación como parte del proceso de inspección. Asimismo, se han establecido ciertos roles que deberán desempeñar los integrantes del equipo de inspectores para asegurar la calidad de los resultados y un apropiado desarrollo de la evaluación heurística. La nueva propuesta ha sido validada en dos escenarios académicos distintos (en Colombia, en una universidad pública, y en Perú, en dos universidades tanto en una pública como en una privada) demostrando en todos casos que es posible identificar más problemas de usabilidad altamente severos y críticos cuando un proceso estructurado de inspección es adoptado por los evaluadores. Otro aspecto favorable que muestran los resultados es que los evaluadores tienden a cometer menos errores de asociación (entre heurística que es incumplida y problemas de usabilidad identificados) y que la propuesta es percibida como fácil de usar y útil. Al validarse la nueva propuesta desarrollada por el autor de este estudio se consolida un nuevo conocimiento que aporta al bagaje cultural de la ciencia.Tesi

    EDMON - Electronic Disease Surveillance and Monitoring Network: A Personalized Health Model-based Digital Infectious Disease Detection Mechanism using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Through time, we as a society have been tested with infectious disease outbreaks of different magnitude, which often pose major public health challenges. To mitigate the challenges, research endeavors have been focused on early detection mechanisms through identifying potential data sources, mode of data collection and transmission, case and outbreak detection methods. Driven by the ubiquitous nature of smartphones and wearables, the current endeavor is targeted towards individualizing the surveillance effort through a personalized health model, where the case detection is realized by exploiting self-collected physiological data from wearables and smartphones. This dissertation aims to demonstrate the concept of a personalized health model as a case detector for outbreak detection by utilizing self-recorded data from people with type 1 diabetes. The results have shown that infection onset triggers substantial deviations, i.e. prolonged hyperglycemia regardless of higher insulin injections and fewer carbohydrate consumptions. Per the findings, key parameters such as blood glucose level, insulin, carbohydrate, and insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio are found to carry high discriminative power. A personalized health model devised based on a one-class classifier and unsupervised method using selected parameters achieved promising detection performance. Experimental results show the superior performance of the one-class classifier and, models such as one-class support vector machine, k-nearest neighbor and, k-means achieved better performance. Further, the result also revealed the effect of input parameters, data granularity, and sample sizes on model performances. The presented results have practical significance for understanding the effect of infection episodes amongst people with type 1 diabetes, and the potential of a personalized health model in outbreak detection settings. The added benefit of the personalized health model concept introduced in this dissertation lies in its usefulness beyond the surveillance purpose, i.e. to devise decision support tools and learning platforms for the patient to manage infection-induced crises

    An informatics based approach to respiratory healthcare.

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    By 2005 one person in every five UK households suffered with asthma. Research has shown that episodes of poor air quality can have a negative effect on respiratory health and is a growing concern for the asthmatic. To better inform clinical staff and patients to the contribution of poor air quality on patient health, this thesis defines an IT architecture that can be used by systems to identify environmental predictors leading to a decline in respiratory health of an individual patient. Personal environmental predictors of asthma exacerbation are identified by validating the delay between environmental predictors and decline in respiratory health. The concept is demonstrated using prototype software, and indicates that the analytical methods provide a mechanism to produce an early warning of impending asthma exacerbation due to poor air quality. The author has introduced the term enviromedics to describe this new field of research. Pattern recognition techniques are used to analyse patient-specific environments, and extract meaningful health predictors from the large quantities of data involved (often in the region of '/o million data points). This research proposes a suitable architecture that defines processes and techniques that enable the validation of patient-specific environmental predictors of respiratory decline. The design of the architecture was validated by implementing prototype applications that demonstrate, through hospital admissions data and personal lung function monitoring, that air quality can be used as a predictor of patient-specific health. The refined techniques developed during the research (such as Feature Detection Analysis) were also validated by the application prototypes. This thesis makes several contributions to knowledge, including: the process architecture; Feature Detection Analysis (FDA) that automates the detection of trend reversals within time series data; validation of the delay characteristic using a Self-organising Map (SOM) that is used as an unsupervised method of pattern recognition; Frequency, Boundary and Cluster Analysis (FBCA), an additional technique developed by this research to refine the SOM

    Creating archetypes for patient assessment with nurses to facilitate shared patient centred care in the older person

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    The process of what information is captured in documenting patient care assessment and how it is summarised, communicated and interpreted by nurses across different healthcare services is the main focus of this thesis. Currently in Ireland, systems within the domain of healthcare are undergoing transformation. Existing practices where health information is collected at one local health organisation level and often duplicated across differing services will not support the strategic goals of the newly established clinical directorates. The political vision is simple: Ireland must move towards a nationally integrated electronic record to support patient centred care. Whilst the political vision may be simple, the process of implementation is not and forms the main topic of this thesis. Strategic goals to move nationally towards integrated electronic records are motivated by the global concerns of an ageing population associated with an increase in the prevalence of chronic illness and co-morbidity. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of a pilot study which identified the semantic and syntactic clinical requirements for the testing and implementation of a shared discharge/transfer summary assessment record for persons over the age of 65. This summary record was designed in accordance with ISO 13606, the International standard for Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) communication and is underpinned by ISO 18104, the international standard for Categorial Structures for Representation of Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Actions in Terminological Systems. A participatory action research approach was adopted, using an exploratory mixed methods research study design. This translational study was completed in two local health organisation areas in Dublin with six service providers across the primary, acute and continuing care services over a two year period. The qualitative element of the study involved 17 interviews, 7 focus group sessions with participants including policy makers and nurses from each of the participating services. Quantitative data included questionnaires from nurses (n = 14) and patients (n=5) evaluating the effectiveness of the summary record. The quantitative data also analysed information from a set of cumulative assessment records (n = 16) which were interpreted in tandem with the qualitative data and then analysed statistically. The shared discharge/transfer summary care record was piloted on 16 patients over an extended timeframe. The quantitative data showed a statistical significance commensurate with the qualitative data collected on patient participants. An evaluation of the pilot study produced qualitative data which was used to gain insight into the differing contexts that healthcare professionals practice within. This data was illustrated in graphical configurations to make evident to policy makers the various roles that nurses engage with in the course of their care delivery. Data collected from both the qualitative and quantitative analysis suggest that the test implementation of the record template was fit for purpose. Identification of the clinical requirements and testing of the summary record over a two year period was a labour intensive process which was logistically difficult to implement. One consequence of this study was the education of the nursing participants on gaining a common understanding of what needs to be measured in patient assessment to inform future theory testing for outcome based research. A second consequence was the empowerment of the nursing participants to develop archetypes for inclusion in future electronic healthcare records in Ireland. The prototype archetypes designed for assessment of the older person in this study are at present informing a number of practical applications within the nursing community in Ireland. Over the course of the study the participatory action research design altered in its focus and emerged as a dominant qualitative mixed methods study


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