4 research outputs found

    Hardware Accelerators for Animated Ray Tracing

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    Future graphics processors are likely to incorporate hardware accelerators for real-time ray tracing, in order to render increasingly complex lighting effects in interactive applications. However, ray tracing poses difficulties when drawing scenes with dynamic content, such as animated characters and objects. In dynamic scenes, the spatial datastructures used to accelerate ray tracing are invalidated on each animation frame, and need to be rapidly updated. Tree update is a complex subtask in its own right, and becomes highly expensive in complex scenes. Both ray tracing and tree update are highly memory-intensive tasks, and rendering systems are increasingly bandwidth-limited, so research on accelerator hardware has focused on architectural techniques to optimize away off-chip memory traffic. Dynamic scene support is further complicated by the recent introduction of compressed trees, which use low-precision numbers for storage and computation. Such compression reduces both the arithmetic and memory bandwidth cost of ray tracing, but adds to the complexity of tree update.This thesis proposes methods to cope with dynamic scenes in hardware-accelerated ray tracing, with focus on reducing traffic to external memory. Firstly, a hardware architecture is designed for linear bounding volume hierarchy construction, an algorithm which is a basic building block in most state-of-the-art software tree builders. The algorithm is rearranged into a streaming form which reduces traffic to one-third of software implementations of the same algorithm. Secondly, an algorithm is proposed for compressing bounding volume hierarchies in a streaming manner as they are output from a hardware builder, instead of performing compression as a postprocessing pass. As a result, with the proposed method, compression reduces the overall cost of tree update rather than increasing it. The last main contribution of this thesis is an evaluation of shallow bounding volume hierarchies, common in software ray tracing, for use in hardware pipelines. These are found to be more energy-efficient than binary hierarchies. The results in this thesis both confirm that dynamic scene support may become a bottleneck in real time ray tracing, and add to the state of the art on tree update in terms of energy-efficiency, as well as the complexity of scenes that can be handled in real time on resource-constrained platforms

    Higher Performance Traversal and Construction of Tree-Based Raytracing Acceleration Structures

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    Ray tracing is an important computational primitive used in different algorithms including collision detection, line-of-sight computations, ray tracing-based sound propagation, and most prominently light transport algorithms. It computes the closest intersections for a given set of rays and geometry. The geometry is usually modeled with a set of geometric primitives such as triangles or quadrangles which define a scene. An efficient ray tracing implementation needs to rely on an acceleration structure to decouple ray tracing complexity from scene complexity as far as possible. The most common ray tracing acceleration structures are kd-trees and bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) which have an O(log n) ray tracing complexity in the number of scene primitives. Both structures offer similar ray tracing performance in practice. This thesis presents theoretical insights and practical approaches for higher quality, improved graphics processing unit (GPU) ray tracing performance, and faster construction of BVHs and kd-trees, where the focus is on BVHs. The chosen construction strategy for BVHs and kd-trees has a significant impact on final ray tracing performance. The most common measure for the quality of BVHs and kd-trees is the surface area metric (SAM). Using assumptions on the distribution of ray origins and directions the SAM gives an approximation for the cost of traversing an acceleration structure without having to trace a single ray. High quality construction algorithms aim at reducing the SAM cost. The most widespread high quality greedy plane-sweep algorithm applies the surface area heuristic (SAH) which is a simplification of the SAM. Advances in research on quality metrics for BVHs have shown that greedy SAH-based plane-sweep builders often construct BVHs with superior traversal performance despite the fact that the resulting SAM costs are higher than those created by more sophisticated builders. Motivated by this observation we examine different construction algorithms that use the SAM cost of temporarily constructed SAH-built BVHs to guide the construction to higher quality BVHs. An extensive evaluation reveals that the resulting BVHs indeed achieve significantly higher trace performance for primary and secondary diffuse rays compared to BVHs constructed with standard plane-sweeping. Compared to the Spatial-BVH, a kd-tree/BVH hybrid, we still achieve an acceptable increase in performance. We show that the proposed algorithm has subquadratic computational complexity in the number of primitives, which renders it usable in practical applications. An alternative construction algorithm to the plane-sweep BVH builder is agglomerative clustering, which constructs BVHs in a bottom-up fashion. It clusters primitives with a SAM-inspired heuristic and gives mixed quality BVHs compared to standard plane-sweeping construction. While related work only focused on the construction speed of this algorithm we examine clustering heuristics, which aim at higher hierarchy quality. We propose a fully SAM-based clustering heuristic which on average produces better performing BVHs compared to original agglomerative clustering. The definitions of SAM and SAH are based on assumptions on the distribution of ray origins and directions to define a conditional geometric probability for intersecting nodes in kd-trees and BVHs. We analyze the probability function definition and show that the assumptions allow for an alternative probability definition. Unlike the conventional probability, our definition accounts for directional variation in the likelihood of intersecting objects from different directions. While the new probability does not result in improved practical tracing performance, we are able to provide an interesting insight on the conventional probability. We show that the conventional probability function is directly linked to our examined probability function and can be interpreted as covertly accounting for directional variation. The path tracing light transport algorithm can require tracing of billions of rays. Thus, it can pay off to construct high quality acceleration structures to reduce the ray tracing cost of each ray. At the same time, the arising number of trace operations offers a tremendous amount of data parallelism. With CPUs moving towards many-core architectures and GPUs becoming more general purpose architectures, path tracing can now be well parallelized on commodity hardware. While parallelization is trivial in theory, properties of real hardware make efficient parallelization difficult, especially when tracing so called incoherent rays. These rays cause execution flow divergence, which reduces efficiency of SIMD-based parallelism and memory read efficiency due to incoherent memory access. We investigate how different BVH and node memory layouts as well as storing the BVH in different memory areas impacts the ray tracing performance of a GPU path tracer. We also optimize the BVH layout using information gathered in a pre-processing pass by applying a number of different BVH reordering techniques. This results in increased ray tracing performance. Our final contribution is in the field of fast high quality BVH and kd-tree construction. Increased quality usually comes at the cost of higher construction time. To reduce construction time several algorithms have been proposed to construct acceleration structures in parallel on GPUs. These are able to perform full rebuilds in realtime for moderate scene sizes if all data completely fits into GPU memory. The sheer amount of data arising from geometric detail used in production rendering makes construction on GPUs, however, infeasible due to GPU memory limitations. Existing out-of-core GPU approaches perform hybrid bottom-up top-down construction which suffers from reduced acceleration structure quality in the critical upper levels of the tree. We present an out-of-core multi-GPU approach for full top-down SAH-based BVH and kd-tree construction, which is designed to work on larger scenes than conventional approaches and yields high quality trees. The algorithm is evaluated for scenes consisting of up to 1 billion triangles and performance scales with an increasing number of GPUs

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm