34 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a 10 Gigabit Ethernet XAUI test systems

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    10 Gigabit Ethernet has been standardized (IEEE 802.3ae), and products based on this standard are being deployed to interconnect MANs, WANs, Storage Area Networks, and very high speed LANs. The XAUI portion of the standard is primarily concerned with short range (up to 50 cm) chip-to-chip communication across printed circuit board traces. The UNH-IOL 10 Gigabit Ethernet Consortium, an industry-supported organization, performs PHY layer testing on products using a test system that has been partially implemented on a Xilinx ML321 evaluation board using the Virtex II-Pro FPGA. A new implementation of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet XAUI test system on the existing ML321 evaluation board is presented in this thesis. The new design removes a number of limitations present in the original Xilinx test system, and it adds new features to the existing transmit and receive sub-systems that enable test engineers to expand the range of test cases and analyze them while simultaneously increasing the speed of testing. The new test system also eliminates the need for expensive test instruments

    Highly Efficient Multi-Gigabit Commandstatus Packet Tunneling Technique In Inter-Fpga Packet Streaming Architecture

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    High speed serial protocols build upon multi-gigabit transceivers in the FPGA are the backbone of data communication industries. These protocols are now a fundamental requirement for today’s applications as well as addressing the needs of next generation systems. However, transferring command and status packets explicitly in inter-FPGA control links efficiently via multi-gigabit transceivers without wasting data bandwidth become a challenge when architecting a modern design. Though time-division-multiplexing techniques could be deployed to address this issue, dedicated but unused time-slots for control link packets adversely affect the bandwidth efficiency and thus the system performance. Another common solution focuses on transferring the command and status packets in a separate control link; typically implemented in low to medium bandwidth serial protocols such as I2C and SPI. Though this solution is simple to implement in hardware with readily available device drivers, an unnecessary high latency overhead is introduced such as when transferring a 512-byte filter data coefficients to configure a 128-tap FIR filter. In this dissertation, a highly efficient, low latency command-status packet tunneling architecture built on top of the 25 Gbps Interlaken serial protocol for multi-gigabit inter-FPGA data streaming is proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed architecture works successfully with a high efficiency, utilizes only 13.21% and 10.34% of the clock cycles required in the conventional SPI and I2C implementations respectively. The proposed architecture also maintains a backward compatibility with control links implemented separately using SPI or I2C serial protocols to simplify the overall system design, reduce product development risks and system costs

    Intrusion Detection and Prevention in High Speed Network

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    Architecture and algorithm for reliable 5G network design

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    This Ph.D. thesis investigates the resilient and cost-efficient design of both C-RAN and Xhaul architectures. Minimization of network resources as well as reuse of already deployed infrastructure, either based on fiber, wavelength, bandwidth or Processing Units (PU), is investigated and shown to be effective to reduce the overall cost. Moreover, the design of a survivable network against a single node (Baseband Unit hotel (BBU), Centralized/Distributed Unit (CU/DU) or link failure proposed. The novel function location algorithm, which adopts dynamic function chaining in relation to the evolution of the traffic estimation also proposed and showed remarkable improvement in terms of bandwidth saving and multiplexing gain with respect to conventional C-RAN. Finally, the adoption of Ethernet-based fronthaul and the introduction of hybrid switches is pursued to further decrease network cost by increasing optical resource usage

    CarRing IV- Real-time Computer Network

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    Ob in der Automobil-, Avionik- oder Automatisierungstechnik, die Fortschritte in der Echtzeitkommunikation richten sich auf weitere Verbesserungen bereits existierender Lösungen. Im Kfz-Bereich führen die steigenden Zahlen computerbasierter Systeme, Anwendungen und Anschlüsse sowie die Verwendung mehrerer proprietärer Kommunikationsstandards zu einem immer komplexeren Kabelbaum. Ursächlich hierfür sind inkompatible Standards, wodurch nicht nur die Kosten, sondern auch das Gewicht und damit der Kraftstoffverbrauch negativ beeinflusst werden. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation wird das Echtzeitprotokoll von CarRing IV (CRIV) vorgestellt. Es bietet isochrone und harte Echtzeitgarantien, ohne dass eine netzwerkweite Synchronisation erforderlich ist. Mit bis zu 16 Knoten pro Ring kann ein CR-IV-Netz aus bis zu 256 Ringen bestehen, die durch Router miteinander verbunden sind. CR-IV verwendet ein reduziertes OSI-Modell (Schichten 1-3, 7), das für seine Anwendungsbereiche sowohl typisch als auch vorteilhaft ist. Außerdem unterstützt es sowohl ereignis- als auch zeitgesteuerte Kommunikationsparadigmen. Der Transparent-Modus ermöglicht es CR-IV, als Backbone für bestehende Netze zu verwenden, wodurch Inkompatibilitätsprobleme beseitigt werden und der Wechsel zu einer einheitlicheren Netzlösung erleichtert wird. Mit dieser Funktionalität können Nutzergeräte über ein CR-IV-Netz miteinander verbunden werden, ohne dass der Nutzer eingreifen oder etwas ändern muss. Durch Multicast unterstützt CRIV auch die Emulation von Feldbussen. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation stellt den anderen wichtigen Aspekt von CR-IV vor. Alle Schichten des OSI-Modells sind in einem FPGA mit Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) ohne Hard- oder Softprozessoren implementiert. Das Register-Transfer-Level (RTL)-Hardwaredesign von CR-IV wird mit einem neuen Ansatz erstellt, der am besten als tokenbasierter Datenfluss beschrieben werden kann. Der Ansatz ist sowohl vertikal als auch horizontal skalierbar. Er verwendet lose gekoppelte Processing Elements (PEs), die stateless arbeiten, sowie Arbiter/Speicherzuordnungspaare. Durch die granulare Kontrolle und die Aufteilung aller Aspekte einer Lösung eignet sich der Ansatz für die Implementierung anderer Software-Level-Lösungen in Hardware. Viele Testszenarios werden durchgeführt, um die in CR-IV erzielten Ergebnisse zu verdeutlichen und zu überprüfen. Diese Szenarien reichen von direkten Leistungsmessungen bis hin zu verhaltensspezifischen Tests. Zusätzlich wird eine Labor-Demo erstellt, die grundsätzlich auf ein Proof of Concept zielt. Die Demo stellt einen praktischen Test anstelle szenariospezifischer Tests dar. Alle Testszenarien und die Labor-Demo werden mit den Prototyp-Boards des Projekts durchgef¨uhrt, d.h. es sind keine Simulationstests. Die Ergebnisse stellen die realistischen Leistungen von CR-IV mit bis zu 13,61 Gbit/s dar.Whether be it automotive, avionics or automation, advances in their respective real-time communication technology focus on further improving preexisting solutions. For in-vehicle communication, the ever-increasing number of computer-based systems, applications and connections as well as the use of multiple proprietary communication standards results in an increasingly complex wiring harness. This is in-part due to those standards being incompatible with one another. In addition to cost, this also impacts weight, which in turn affects fuel consumption. The work presented in this thesis is in-part theoretical and in-part applied. The former is represented by a new protocol, while the latter corresponds to the protocol’s hardware implementation. In the first part of the thesis, the real-time communication protocol of CarRing IV (CR-IV) is presented. It provides isochronous and hard real-time guarantees without requiring network-wide clock synchronization. With up to 16 nodes per ring, a CR-IV network can consist of as many as 256 rings interconnected by routers. CR-IV uses a reduced OSI model (layers 1-3, 7), which is both typical of and preferable for its application areas. Moreover, it supports both event- and time-triggered communication paradigms. The transparent mode feature allows CR-IV to act as a backbone for existing networks, thereby addressing incompatibility concerns and easing the transition into a more unified network solution. Using this feature, user devices can communicate with one another via a CR-IV network without requiring user interference, or any user device or application changes. Combined with the protocol’s reliable multicast, the feature extends CR-IV’s capabilities to include field bus emulation. The second part of the thesis presents the other important aspect of CR-IV. All of its OSI model layers are implemented in a FPGA using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) without relying-on or including any hard or soft processors. CR-IV’s Register-Transfer Level (RTL) hardware design is created using a new approach that can best be described as token-based data-flow. The approach is both vertically and horizontally scalable. It uses stateless and loosely coupled Processing Elements (PEs) as well as arbiter/memory allocation pairs. By having granular control and compartmentalizing every aspect of a solution, the approach lends itself to being used for implementing other software-level solutions in hardware. Many test scenarios are conducted to both highlight and examine the results achieved in CR-IV. Those scenarios range from direct performance measurements to behavior-specific tests. Moreover, a lab-demo is created that essentially amounts to a proof of concept. The demo represents a practical test as opposed to a scenariospecific one. Whether be it test scenarios or the lab-demo, all are carried-out using the project’s prototype boards, i.e. no simulation tests. The results obtained represent CR-IV’s real-world realistic outcomes with up to 13.61 Gbps

    Implementation of Ultra-Low Latency and High-Speed Communication Channels for an FPGA-Based HPC Cluster

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    RÉSUMÉ Les clusters basés sur les FPGA bénéficient de leur flexibilité et de leurs performances en termes de puissance de calcul et de faible consommation. Et puisque la consommation de puissance devient un élément de plus en plus importants sur le marché des superordinateurs, le domaine d’exploration multi-FPGA devient chaque année plus populaire. Les performances des ordinateurs n’ont jamais cessé d’augmenter mais la latence des réseaux d’interconnexion n’a pas suivi leur taux d’amélioration. Dans le but d’augmenter le niveau d’abstraction et les fonctionnalités des interconnexions, la complexité des piles de communication atteinte à nos jours engendre des coûts et affecte la latence des communications, ce qui rend ces piles de communication très souvent inefficaces, voire inutiles. Les protocoles de communication commerciaux existants et les contrôleurs d’interfaces réseau FPGA-FPGA n’ont la performance pour supporter ni les applications à temps critique ni un partitionnement étroitement couplé des systèmes sur puce. Au lieu de cela, les approches de communication personnalisées sont souvent préférées. Dans ce travail, nous proposons une implémentation de canaux de communication à haut débit et à faible latence pour une grappe de FPGA. Le système est constitué de deux BEE3, chacun contenant 4 FPGA de la famille Virtex-5 interconnectés par une topologie en anneau. Notre approche exploite la technologie à transducteur à plusieurs gigabits par seconde pour l’obtention d’une bande passante fiable de 8Gbps. Le module de propriété intellectuelle (IP) de communication proposé permet le transfert de données entre des milliers de coprocesseurs sur le réseau, grâce à l’implémentation d’un réseau direct avec capacité de routage de paquets. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré une latence de seulement 34 cycles d’horloge entre deux noeuds voisins, ce qui est un des plus bas parmi ceux rapportés dans la littérature. En outre, nous proposons une architecture adaptée au calcul à haute performance qui comporte un traitement extensible, parallèle et distribué. Pour une plateforme à 8 FPGA, l’architecture fournit 35.6Go/s de bande passante effective pour la mémoire externe, une bande passante globale de réseau de 128Gbps et une puissance de calcul de 8.9GFLOPS. Un solveur matrice-vecteur de grande taille est partitionné et mis en oeuvre à travers le cluster. Nous avons obtenu une performance et une efficacité de calcul concurrentielles grâce à la faible empreinte du protocole de communication entre les éléments de traitement distribués. Ce travail contribue à soutenir de nouvelles recherches dans le domaine du calcul parallèle intensif et permet le partitionnement de système sur puce à grande taille sur des clusters à base de FPGA.----------ABSTRACT An FPGA-based cluster profits from the flexibility and the performance potential FPGA technology provides. Since price and power consumption are becoming increasingly important elements in the High-Performance Computing market, the multi-FPGA exploration field is getting more popular each year. Network latency has failed to keep up with other improvements in computer performance. Complex communication stacks have sacrificed latency and increased overhead to achieve other goals, being in most of the time inefficient and unnecessary. The existing commercial offthe- shelf communication protocols and Network Interfaces Controllers for FPGA-to-FPGA interconnection lack of performance to support time-critical applications and tightly coupled System-on-Chip partitioning. Instead, custom communication approaches are preferred. In this work, ultra-low latency and high-speed communication channels for an FPGA-based cluster are presented. Two BEE3s grouping 8 FPGAs Virtex-5 interconnected in a ring topology, compose the targeting platform. Our approach exploits Multi-Gigabit Transceiver technology to achieve reliable 8Gbps channel bandwidth. The proposed communication IP supports data transfer from coprocessors over the network, by means of a direct network implementation with hop-by-hop packet routing capability. Experimental results showed a latency of only 34 clock cycles between two neighboring nodes, being one of the lowest in the literature. In addition, it is proposed an architecture suitable for High-Performance Computing which includes performing scalable, parallel, and distributed processing. For an 8 FPGAs platform, the architecture provides 35.6GB/s off-chip memory throughput, 128Gbps network aggregate bandwidth, and 8.9GFLOPS computing power. A large and dense matrix-vector solver is partitioned and implemented across the cluster. We achieved competitive performance and computational efficiency as a result of the low communication overhead among the distributed processing elements. This work contributes to support new researches on the intense parallel computing fields, and enables large System-on-Chip partitioning and scaling on FPGA-based clusters

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Literature Reported Mac and Phy Enhancements of Zigbee and its Alliances

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    Wireless communication is one of the most required technologies by the common man. The strength of this technology is rigorously progressing towards several novel directions in establishing personal wireless networks mounted over on low power consuming systems. The cutting-edge communication technologies like bluetooth, WIFI and ZigBee significantly play a prime role to cater the basic needs of any individual. ZigBee is one such evolutionary technology steadily getting its popularity in establishing personal wireless networks which is built on small and low-power digital radios. Zigbee defines the physical and MAC layers built on IEEE standard. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of literature reported MAC and PHY enhancements of ZigBee and its contemporary technologies with respect to performance, power consumption, scheduling, resource management and timing and address binding. The work also discusses on the areas of ZigBee MAC and PHY towards their design for specific applications

    Medium Access Control Layer Implementation on Field Programmable Gate Array Board for Wireless Networks

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    Triple play services are playing an important role in modern telecommunications systems. Nowadays, more researchers are engaged in investigating the most efficient approaches to integrate these services at a reduced level of operation costs. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) boards have been found as the most suitable platform to test new protocols as they offer high levels of flexibility and customization. This thesis focuses on implementing a framework for the Triple Play Time Division Multiple Access (TP-TDMA) protocol using the Xilinx FPGA Virtex-5 board. This flexible framework design offers network systems engineers a reconfigiirable platform for triple-play systems development. In this work, MicorBlaze is used to perform memory and connectivity tests aiming to ensure the establishment of the connectivity as well as board’s processor stability. Two different approaches are followed to achieve TP-TDMA implementa­tion: systematic and conceptual. In the systematic approach, a bottom-to-top design is chosen where four subsystems are built with various components. Each component is then tested individually to investigate its response. On the other hand, the concep­tual approach is designed with only two components, in which one of them is created with the help of Xilinx Integrated Software Environment (ISE) Core Generator. The system is integrated and then tested to check its overall response. In summary, the work of this thesis is divided into three sections. The first section presents a testing method for Virtex-5 board using MicroBlaze soft processor. The following two sections concentrate on implementing the TP-TDMA protocol on the board by using two design approaches: one based on designing each component from scratch, while the other one focuses more on the system’s broader picture

    Acceleration Techniques for Sparse Recovery Based Plane-wave Decomposition of a Sound Field

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    Plane-wave decomposition by sparse recovery is a reliable and accurate technique for plane-wave decomposition which can be used for source localization, beamforming, etc. In this work, we introduce techniques to accelerate the plane-wave decomposition by sparse recovery. The method consists of two main algorithms which are spherical Fourier transformation (SFT) and sparse recovery. Comparing the two algorithms, the sparse recovery is the most computationally intensive. We implement the SFT on an FPGA and the sparse recovery on a multithreaded computing platform. Then the multithreaded computing platform could be fully utilized for the sparse recovery. On the other hand, implementing the SFT on an FPGA helps to flexibly integrate the microphones and improve the portability of the microphone array. For implementing the SFT on an FPGA, we develop a scalable FPGA design model that enables the quick design of the SFT architecture on FPGAs. The model considers the number of microphones, the number of SFT channels and the cost of the FPGA and provides the design of a resource optimized and cost-effective FPGA architecture as the output. Then we investigate the performance of the sparse recovery algorithm executed on various multithreaded computing platforms (i.e., chip-multiprocessor, multiprocessor, GPU, manycore). Finally, we investigate the influence of modifying the dictionary size on the computational performance and the accuracy of the sparse recovery algorithms. We introduce novel sparse-recovery techniques which use non-uniform dictionaries to improve the performance of the sparse recovery on a parallel architecture

    Remote control of FPGA-based embedded system

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    Projekt se zabývá vývojem části konfigurace vložného zařízení Digitizéru. Návrh je zaměřen na využití procesoru přímo v FPGA pro možnosti vzdálené správy a dosažení dostatečného datového toku vysílaných dat do ethernetové sítě. Práce shrnuje používaná řešení a hodnotí jejich použitelnost v navrhovaném systému. Jsou navrženy vyhovující koncepty jednotlivých problémů, zpravidla kompromisně spojující pozitivní vlastnosti používaných řešení. Systém s MicroBlaze procesorem a vybranými moduly byl implementován do cílového zařízení, na kterém bylo ověřeno splnění vytyčených cílůThe bachelor’s project looks into the development of a part of Digitizer embedded system. The design is focused on the usage of FPGA-based processor managing the remote control operations and on the achievement of the sufficient bitrate for transmitting data to the ethernet network. The project summarizes used solutions and evaluates their applicability in the developed system. Matching concepts of solved problems are designed properly; in most cases they associate positive properties of used solutions. The implementations of MicroBlaze processor system and chosen modules were performed into the target device and the desired characteristics were measured with successful outcome.