292 research outputs found

    The IoT Tree of Life

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has come to mean all things to all people. Combined with the huge amount of interest and investment into this emerging opportunity, there is a real possibility that the arising confusion will hamper adoption by the mass market. The SILC team have used their extensive Sensor Systems market and technical knowledge in an attempt to clarify the situation for individuals interested in understanding IoT, and the underpinning role of Sensor Systems. This paper proposes a phased model of the IoT ecosystem, starting with infrastructure establishment, and culminating in exploitation through the creation of new companies and business models. It does not attempt to quantify the emerging opportunities, relying instead on the many publications dedicated to detailed market analysis. The focus is to place the opportunities in context, demonstrate the importance of sensor system technology underpinning the emerging IoT revolution, and suggests areas where the UK could establish leadership positions. Throughout the paper, examples of the likely protagonists have been used by way of illustration

    Towards In-Transit Analytics for Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0, or Digital Manufacturing, is a vision of inter-connected services to facilitate innovation in the manufacturing sector. A fundamental requirement of innovation is the ability to be able to visualise manufacturing data, in order to discover new insight for increased competitive advantage. This article describes the enabling technologies that facilitate In-Transit Analytics, which is a necessary precursor for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) visualisation.Comment: 8 pages, 10th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2017), Exeter, UK, 201

    Investigating IoT Middleware Platforms for Smart Application Development

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    With the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the data generated through these devices is also increasing. By 2030, it is been predicted that the number of IoT devices will exceed the number of human beings on earth. This gives rise to the requirement of middleware platform that can manage IoT devices, intelligently store and process gigantic data generated for building smart applications such as Smart Cities, Smart Healthcare, Smart Industry, and others. At present, market is overwhelming with the number of IoT middleware platforms with specific features. This raises one of the most serious and least discussed challenge for application developer to choose suitable platform for their application development. Across the literature, very little attempt is done in classifying or comparing IoT middleware platforms for the applications. This paper categorizes IoT platforms into four categories namely-publicly traded, open source, developer friendly and end-to-end connectivity. Some of the popular middleware platforms in each category are investigated based on general IoT architecture. Comparison of IoT middleware platforms in each category, based on basic, sensing, communication and application development features is presented. This study can be useful for IoT application developers to select the most appropriate platform according to their application requirement

    The role of telecommunication companies in Internet of things

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementInternet of Things is pervading the enterprise and consumer worlds. This technological concept is leading towards pervasive connectivity and encompasses everything connected to the Internet, being used for defining objects that ‘talk’ with one another. As stated by many reports, it is expected to generate a huge amount of added value through applications and the resulting services. Telecommunication companies with their central role, and their well established ability to connect millions of devices, are in a distinctive situation brought by the opportunity of new revenue streams and new challenges resulting from this revolution of connectivity. Their share of the added value market that is generated by the IoT is going to be dependent on the role they are going to play in the value chain. The purpose of this work is to investigate the impact Internet of Things will have on the telecommunications industry and to identify and analyse the possible directions for telecommunication companies as they take their role in IoT. In addition the IoT value chain is examined, possible business models for telecommunication companies in IoT are identified, and technology and business related challanges are elaborated. Furthermore in this work, a case study on Makedonski Telekom AD is presented. Telecommunication companies, being in the process of planning and/or implementing IoT have several business models to consider. The ones that will position themselves highly on the value chain, will have to play smart in order not to focus too heavily on industry specific solutions and balance in adding highly differentiated vertical offers where feasible on one hand, and facilitate third‐party vertical solutions where differentiation is more difficult and the investment is too great on the other, so they do not underplay their hand in the connectivity and life cycle management layer

    VIoT : Voice over Internet of Things

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    These days, the Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere with a significantly increased number of devices connected to the Internet. Besides, we have also witnessed the broad adoption of the Internet telephony technologies in the last decade. In this regard, this paper investigates the integration of these two domains in order to enable voice and telephony services in IoT, resulting in a new paradigm that we named Voice over IoT (VIoT). To do so, a novel, efficient and low-cost integration architecture is introduced in order to connect IoT devices with voice capabilities to the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) ecosystem and to enable people to interact with them. Also, a validation and evaluation study is presented in order to show the applicability of the proposed system for VIoT applications in industrial and consumer domains

    Teollisen Internetin käyttöönotto automaatiolaitteissa

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    Industrial Internet is a term that is used to describe digitalization of industry. It is a research direction in Finland, where there are already various groups studying it. Despite this, the term Industrial Internet is still relatively vague and there is a lack of concreteness around the topic. The objective of this thesis is to explore the current status of Industrial Internet and study the capabilities of automation devices from an Industrial Internet point of view. I explore Industrial Internet through a literary review where I study various use cases. The use cases of Industrial Internet are divided into two main types: platform centric and machine to machine (M2M) communication centric. The use cases provide a list of characteristics and requirements for Industrial Internet from these two perspectives. General requirements are, for example scalability and flexibility, which are achieved through various IT technologies, such as Service-Oriented-Architecture. This thesis also consists of a practical part where I configured the control logic and data collection for a test bed that simulates drop tests of active magnetic bearings. The control logic consists of a programmable logic controller and corresponding software. The data collection consists of software for collecting and analyzing measurement data and the measuring equipment. After the literary review and practical part, I propose the creation of a cloud based Industrial Internet platform around the active magnetic test bed. The purpose of the platform is to provide a direction for further research. The creation of the platform consists of two phases: first phase includes the creation of the platform so that the test bed achieves current functionality but cloud based. The second phase consists of changing the platform to meet the requirements of the literature review. The end results will be an application independent system solution for Industrial Internet.Teollinen Internet on termi, jolla kuvataan teollisuuden digitalisaatiota. Aihe on kasvavan kiinnostuksen kohde ja esim. Suomessa on useita tahoja, jotka panostavat aiheen tutkimukseen. Siltikin Teollinen Internet on käsitteenä epäselvä ja sitä vaivaa konkretian puute. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutustua Teollisen Internetin nykytilaan ja automaatiolaitteiden ominaisuuksiin Teollisen Internetin näkökulmasta. Teollisen Internetin esimerkit jakautuvat pääasiassa kahteen luokkaan: alustalähtöisiin ja koneiden väliseen kommunikaatioon (M2M-kommunikaatio). Esimerkit tarjoavat listan ominaisuuksia ja vaatimuksia Teolliselle Internetille kummastakin näkökulmasta. Yleisiä ominaisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi skaalattavuus ja joustavuus, jotka saavutetaan erilaisilla tietoteknisillä vaatimuksilla, esim. palvelukeskeisellä arkkitehtuurilla. Lisäksi työhön kuuluu käytännön osuus, jossa kirjoitin ohjainlogiikan ja datankeräyksen testilaitteeseen, joka simuloi aktiivimagneettilaakerien pudotuskokeita. Ohjainlogiikka koostui PLC-laitteesta ja siihen liittyvistä ohjelmistoista. Datan keräys koostui mittausdatan keräykseen ja purkamiseen vaadittavista ohjelmistoista sekä laitteistosta. Kirjallisuudesta kerättyjen vaatimusten ja käytännön kokemuksien perusteella esitän pilvipohjaisen, Teolliseen Internetiin suunnatun ohjelmistoalustan kehittämistä testilaitteen ympärille. Ohjelmistoalusta voi toimia yliopistollisen jatkotutkimuksen pohjana. Ohjelmistoalustan toteuttaminen tapahtuu kahdessa vaiheessa: ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kehitetään pilvipohjainen alusta, joka saavuttaa testilaitteiston nykyisen toiminnallisuuden. Toisessa vaiheessa ohjelmistoalusta muutetaan vastaamaan Teollisen Internetin vaatimuksia, jolla saavutetaan sovellusriippumaton järjestelmäratkaisu