22 research outputs found

    Recent Application in Biometrics

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    In the recent years, a number of recognition and authentication systems based on biometric measurements have been proposed. Algorithms and sensors have been developed to acquire and process many different biometric traits. Moreover, the biometric technology is being used in novel ways, with potential commercial and practical implications to our daily activities. The key objective of the book is to provide a collection of comprehensive references on some recent theoretical development as well as novel applications in biometrics. The topics covered in this book reflect well both aspects of development. They include biometric sample quality, privacy preserving and cancellable biometrics, contactless biometrics, novel and unconventional biometrics, and the technical challenges in implementing the technology in portable devices. The book consists of 15 chapters. It is divided into four sections, namely, biometric applications on mobile platforms, cancelable biometrics, biometric encryption, and other applications. The book was reviewed by editors Dr. Jucheng Yang and Dr. Norman Poh. We deeply appreciate the efforts of our guest editors: Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park and Dr. Sook Yoon, as well as a number of anonymous reviewers

    On the Application of PSpice for Localised Cloud Security

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    The work reported in this thesis commenced with a review of methods for creating random binary sequences for encoding data locally by the client before storing in the Cloud. The first method reviewed investigated evolutionary computing software which generated noise-producing functions from natural noise, a highly-speculative novel idea since noise is stochastic. Nevertheless, a function was created which generated noise to seed chaos oscillators which produced random binary sequences and this research led to a circuit-based one-time pad key chaos encoder for encrypting data. Circuit-based delay chaos oscillators, initialised with sampled electronic noise, were simulated in a linear circuit simulator called PSpice. Many simulation problems were encountered because of the nonlinear nature of chaos but were solved by creating new simulation parts, tools and simulation paradigms. Simulation data from a range of chaos sources was exported and analysed using Lyapunov analysis and identified two sources which produced one-time pad sequences with maximum entropy. This led to an encoding system which generated unlimited, infinitely-long period, unique random one-time pad encryption keys for plaintext data length matching. The keys were studied for maximum entropy and passed a suite of stringent internationally-accepted statistical tests for randomness. A prototype containing two delay chaos sources initialised by electronic noise was produced on a double-sided printed circuit board and produced more than 200 Mbits of OTPs. According to Vladimir Kotelnikov in 1941 and Claude Shannon in 1945, one-time pad sequences are theoretically-perfect and unbreakable, provided specific rules are adhered to. Two other techniques for generating random binary sequences were researched; a new circuit element, memristance was incorporated in a Chua chaos oscillator, and a fractional-order Lorenz chaos system with order less than three. Quantum computing will present many problems to cryptographic system security when existing systems are upgraded in the near future. The only existing encoding system that will resist cryptanalysis by this system is the unconditionally-secure one-time pad encryption

    Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets

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    This book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. All this is happening in a global context, building towards intelligent, interconnected decision making as an essential driver for new growth and co-competition across a wider set of markets. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in future years. The concept of IoT could disrupt consumer and industrial product markets generating new revenues and serving as a growth driver for semiconductor, networking equipment, and service provider end-markets globally. This will create new application and product end-markets, change the value chain of companies that creates the IoT technology and deploy it in various end sectors, while impacting the business models of semiconductor, software, device, communication and service provider stakeholders. The proliferation of intelligent devices at the edge of the network with the introduction of embedded software and app-driven hardware into manufactured devices, and the ability, through embedded software/hardware developments, to monetize those device functions and features by offering novel solutions, could generate completely new types of revenue streams. Intelligent and IoT devices leverage software, software licensing, entitlement management, and Internet connectivity in ways that address many of the societal challenges that we will face in the next decade

    Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets

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    This book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. All this is happening in a global context, building towards intelligent, interconnected decision making as an essential driver for new growth and co-competition across a wider set of markets. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in future years. The concept of IoT could disrupt consumer and industrial product markets generating new revenues and serving as a growth driver for semiconductor, networking equipment, and service provider end-markets globally. This will create new application and product end-markets, change the value chain of companies that creates the IoT technology and deploy it in various end sectors, while impacting the business models of semiconductor, software, device, communication and service provider stakeholders. The proliferation of intelligent devices at the edge of the network with the introduction of embedded software and app-driven hardware into manufactured devices, and the ability, through embedded software/hardware developments, to monetize those device functions and features by offering novel solutions, could generate completely new types of revenue streams. Intelligent and IoT devices leverage software, software licensing, entitlement management, and Internet connectivity in ways that address many of the societal challenges that we will face in the next decade

    Garbling Schemes and Applications

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    The topic of this thesis is garbling schemes and their applications. A garbling scheme is a set of algorithms for realizing secure two-party computation. A party called a client possesses a private algorithm as well as a private input and would like to compute the algorithm with this input. However, the client might not have enough computational resources to evaluate the function with the input on his own. The client outsources the computation to another party, called an evaluator. Since the client wants to protect the algorithm and the input, he cannot just send the algorithm and the input to the evaluator. With a garbling scheme, the client can protect the privacy of the algorithm, the input and possibly also the privacy of the output. The increase in network-based applications has arisen concerns about the privacy of user data. Therefore, privacy-preserving or privacy-enhancing techniques have gained interest in recent research. Garbling schemes seem to be an ideal solution for privacy-preserving applications. First of all, secure garbling schemes hide the algorithm and its input. Secondly, garbling schemes are known to have efficient implementations. In this thesis, we propose two applications utilizing garbling schemes. The first application provides privacy-preserving electronic surveillance. The second application extends electronic surveillance to more versatile monitoring, including also health telemetry. This kind of application would be ideal for assisted living services. In this work, we also present theoretical results related to garbling schemes. We present several new security definitions for garbling schemes which are of practical use. Traditionally, the same garbled algorithm can be evaluated once with garbled input. In applications, the same function is often evaluated several times with different inputs. Recently, a solution based on fully homomorphic encryption provides arbitrarily reusable garbling schemes. The disadvantage in this approach is that the arbitrary reuse cannot be efficiently implemented due to the inefficiency of fully homomorphic encryption. We propose an alternative approach. Instead of arbitrary reusability, the same garbled algorithm could be used a limited number of times. This gives us a set of new security classes for garbling schemes. We prove several relations between new and established security definitions. As a result, we obtain a complex hierarchy which can be represented as a product of three directed graphs. The three graphs in turn represent the different flavors of security: the security notion, the security model and the level of reusability. In addition to defining new security classes, we improve the definition of side-information function, which has a central role in defining the security of a garbling scheme. The information allowed to be leaked by the garbled algorithm and the garbled input depend on the representation of the algorithm. The established definition of side-information models the side-information of circuits perfectly but does not model side-information of Turing machines as well. The established model requires that the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function can be efficiently computable from the side-information function. Moreover, the side-information depends only on the function. In other words, the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function should only depend on the function. For circuits this is a natural requirement since the number of input wires tells the size of the argument, the number of output wires tells the size of the final result and the number of gates and wires tell the size of the function. On the other hand, the description of a Turing machine does not set any limitation to the size of the argument. Therefore, side-information that depends only on the function cannot provide information about the length of the argument. To tackle this problem, we extend the model of side-information so that side-information depends on both the function and the argument. The new model of side information allows us to define new security classes. We show that the old security classes are compatible with the new model of side-information. We also prove relations between the new security classes.Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee garblausskeemoja ja niiden sovelluksia. Garblausskeema on työkalu, jota käytetään turvallisen kahden osapuolen laskennan toteuttamiseen. Asiakas pitää hallussaan yksityistä algoritmia ja sen yksityistä syötettä, joilla hän haluaisi suorittaa tietyn laskennan. Asiakkaalla ei välttämättä ole riittävästi laskentatehoa, minkä vuoksi hän ei pysty suorittamaan laskentaa itse, vaan joutuu ulkoistamaan laskennan toiselle osapuolelle, palvelimelle. Koska asiakas tahtoo suojella algoritmiaan ja syötettään, hän ei voi vain lähettää niitä palvelimen laskettavaksi. Asiakas pystyy suojelemaan syötteensä ja algoritminsa yksityisyyttä käyttämällä garblausskeemaa. Verkkopohjaisten sovellusten kasvu on herättänyt huolta käyttäjien datan yksityisyyden turvasta. Siksi yksityisyyden säilyttävien tai yksityisyyden suojaa lisäävien tekniikoiden tutkimus on saanut huomiota. Garblaustekniikan avulla voidaan suojata sekä syöte että algoritmi. Lisäksi garblaukselle tiedetään olevan useita tehokkaita toteutuksia. Näiden syiden vuoksi garblausskeemat ovat houkutteleva tekniikka käytettäväksi yksityisyyden säilyttävien sovellusten toteutuksessa. Tässä työssä esittelemme kaksi sovellusta, jotka hyödyntävät garblaustekniikkaa. Näistä ensimmäinen on yksityisyyden säilyttävä sähköinen seuranta. Toinen sovellus laajentaa seurantaa monipuolisempaan monitorointiin, kuten terveyden kaukoseurantaan. Tästä voi olla hyötyä etenkin kotihoidon palveluille. Tässä työssä esitämme myös teoreettisia tuloksia garblausskeemoihin liittyen. Esitämme garblausskeemoille uusia turvallisuusmääritelmiä, joiden tarve kumpuaa käytännön sovelluksista. Perinteisen määritelmän mukaan samaa garblattua algoritmia voi käyttää vain yhdellä garblatulla syötteellä laskemiseen. Käytännössä kuitenkin samaa algoritmia käytetään usean eri syötteen evaluoimiseen. Hiljattain on esitetty tähän ongelmaan ratkaisu, joka perustuu täysin homomorfiseen salaukseen. Tämän ratkaisun ansiosta samaa garblattua algoritmia voi turvallisesti käyttää mielivaltaisen monta kertaa. Ratkaisun haittapuoli kuitenkin on, ettei sille ole tiedossa tehokasta toteutusta, sillä täysin homomorfiseen salaukseen ei ole vielä onnistuttu löytämään sellaista. Esitämme vaihtoehtoisen näkökulman: sen sijaan, että samaa garblattua algoritmia voisi käyttää mielivaltaisen monta kertaa, sitä voikin käyttää vain tietyn, ennalta rajatun määrän kertoja. Tämä näkökulman avulla voidaan määritellä lukuisia uusia turvallisuusluokkia. Todistamme useita relaatioita uusien ja vanhojen turvallisuusmääritelmien välillä. Relaatioiden avulla garblausskeemojen turvallisuusluokille saadaan muodostettua hierarkia, joka koostuu kolmesta komponentista. Tieto, joka paljastuu garblatusta algoritmista tai garblatusta syötteestä riippuu siitä, millaisessa muodossa algoritmi on esitetty, kutsutaan sivutiedoksi. Vakiintunut määritelmä mallintaa loogisen piiriin liittyvää sivutietoa täydellisesti, mutta ei yhtä hyvin Turingin koneeseen liittyvää sivutietoa. Tämä johtuu siitä, että jokainen yksittäinen looginen piiri asettaa syötteensä pituudelle rajan, mutta yksittäisellä Turingin koneella vastaavanlaista rajoitusta ei ole. Parannamme sivutiedon määritelmää, jolloin tämä ongelma poistuu. Uudenlaisen sivutiedon avulla voidaan määritellä uusia turvallisuusluokkia. Osoitamme, että vanhat turvallisuusluokat voidaan esittää uudenkin sivutiedon avulla. Todistamme myös relaatioita uusien luokkien välillä.Siirretty Doriast

    Symmetry in Chaotic Systems and Circuits

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    Symmetry can play an important role in the field of nonlinear systems and especially in the design of nonlinear circuits that produce chaos. Therefore, this Special Issue, titled “Symmetry in Chaotic Systems and Circuits”, presents the latest scientific advances in nonlinear chaotic systems and circuits that introduce various kinds of symmetries. Applications of chaotic systems and circuits with symmetries, or with a deliberate lack of symmetry, are also presented in this Special Issue. The volume contains 14 published papers from authors around the world. This reflects the high impact of this Special Issue

    Global and local feature-based transformations for fingerprint data protection

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    Due to its non-shareable characteristic, biometrics has been widely implemented for authenticating users. This characteristic asserts that biometrics meets the non-repudiation requirement which is one of the key factors in the authentication system. Among biometric modalities, fingerprints have the best capability for satisfying both technical and social aspects of an authentication system. Nevertheless, similar to other modalities, once the stored fingerprint template has been compromised, the effect will be forever since the fingerprint pattern is permanent. So, a mechanism which can protect this fingerprint pattern is desired. Common cryptographic approaches, however, do not work due to uncertainty in the captured fingerprint image caused by disturbing factors either in the scanner or in the finger itself. While authenticating fingerprints in a plain format is not secure, in a cipher format it is impractical because slightly different inputs result in completely different outputs. Therefore, a specific transformation mechanism is needed: one which is able to accept similar fingerprints and reject dissimilar fingerprints, while at the same time generating a relatively non-invertible fingerprint template. Most of the existing protection approaches, however, have high error rates which make them inappropriate to implement. The approaches proposed in this thesis are for addressing this problem, in particular. The proposed approaches comprise three modules: feature transformation, feature representation and feature comparison. The evaluation is to measure the accuracy, the capability for revoking the template and generating another template, and the capability for scrambling the fingerprint pattern. The first approach, which is a global feature-based transformation, is developed by exploring both the fingerprint singular point and minutiae points. The experimental results show that this approach is able to improve the existing performance, despite possible limitations (e.g., relying on the core point). In order to eliminate possible drawbacks of that global feature-based transformation, a local-based transformation is implemented by extracting only minutiae points. This has been able to eliminate the core-point dependency and at the same time produce only a slightly higher error rate than the previous proposed approach. To make further improvements, the third approach is designed in both Cartesian and polar coordinate spaces. This approach has been able to take advantages of being core point independent and at the same time generates higher performance than most of the existing approaches

    Applying Secure Multi-party Computation in Practice

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    In this work, we present solutions for technical difficulties in deploying secure multi-party computation in real-world applications. We will first give a brief overview of the current state of the art, bring out several shortcomings and address them. The main contribution of this work is an end-to-end process description of deploying secure multi-party computation for the first large-scale registry-based statistical study on linked databases. Involving large stakeholders like government institutions introduces also some non-technical requirements like signing contracts and negotiating with the Data Protection Agency

    Secure covert communications over streaming media using dynamic steganography

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    Streaming technologies such as VoIP are widely embedded into commercial and industrial applications, so it is imperative to address data security issues before the problems get really serious. This thesis describes a theoretical and experimental investigation of secure covert communications over streaming media using dynamic steganography. A covert VoIP communications system was developed in C++ to enable the implementation of the work being carried out. A new information theoretical model of secure covert communications over streaming media was constructed to depict the security scenarios in streaming media-based steganographic systems with passive attacks. The model involves a stochastic process that models an information source for covert VoIP communications and the theory of hypothesis testing that analyses the adversary‘s detection performance. The potential of hardware-based true random key generation and chaotic interval selection for innovative applications in covert VoIP communications was explored. Using the read time stamp counter of CPU as an entropy source was designed to generate true random numbers as secret keys for streaming media steganography. A novel interval selection algorithm was devised to choose randomly data embedding locations in VoIP streams using random sequences generated from achaotic process. A dynamic key updating and transmission based steganographic algorithm that includes a one-way cryptographical accumulator integrated into dynamic key exchange for covert VoIP communications, was devised to provide secure key exchange for covert communications over streaming media. The discrete logarithm problem in mathematics and steganalysis using t-test revealed the algorithm has the advantage of being the most solid method of key distribution over a public channel. The effectiveness of the new steganographic algorithm for covert communications over streaming media was examined by means of security analysis, steganalysis using non parameter Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon statistical testing, and performance and robustness measurements. The algorithm achieved the average data embedding rate of 800 bps, comparable to other related algorithms. The results indicated that the algorithm has no or little impact on real-time VoIP communications in terms of speech quality (< 5% change in PESQ with hidden data), signal distortion (6% change in SNR after steganography) and imperceptibility, and it is more secure and effective in addressing the security problems than other related algorithms