1,251 research outputs found

    Event Extraction: A Survey

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    Extracting the reported events from text is one of the key research themes in natural language processing. This process includes several tasks such as event detection, argument extraction, role labeling. As one of the most important topics in natural language processing and natural language understanding, the applications of event extraction spans across a wide range of domains such as newswire, biomedical domain, history and humanity, and cyber security. This report presents a comprehensive survey for event detection from textual documents. In this report, we provide the task definition, the evaluation method, as well as the benchmark datasets and a taxonomy of methodologies for event extraction. We also present our vision of future research direction in event detection.Comment: 20 page

    Cold-start universal information extraction

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    Who? What? When? Where? Why? are fundamental questions asked when gathering knowledge about and understanding a concept, topic, or event. The answers to these questions underpin the key information conveyed in the overwhelming majority, if not all, of language-based communication. At the core of my research in Information Extraction (IE) is the desire to endow machines with the ability to automatically extract, assess, and understand text in order to answer these fundamental questions. IE has been serving as one of the most important components for many downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as knowledge base completion, machine reading comprehension, machine translation and so on. The proliferation of the Web also intensifies the need of dealing with enormous amount of unstructured data from various sources, such as languages, genres and domains. When building an IE system, the conventional pipeline is to (1) ask expert linguists to rigorously define a target set of knowledge types we wish to extract by examining a large data set, (2) collect resources and human annotations for each type, and (3) design features and train machine learning models to extract knowledge elements. In practice, this process is very expensive as each step involves extensive human effort which is not always available, for example, to specify the knowledge types for a particular scenario, both consumers and expert linguists need to examine a lot of data from that domain and write detailed annotation guidelines for each type. Hand-crafted schemas, which define the types and complex templates of the expected knowledge elements, often provide low coverage and fail to generalize to new domains. For example, none of the traditional event extraction programs, such as ACE (Automatic Content Extraction) and TAC-KBP, include "donation'' and "evacuation'' in their schemas in spite of their potential relevance to natural disaster management users. Additionally, these approaches are highly dependent on linguistic resources and human labeled data tuned to pre-defined types, so they suffer from poor scalability and portability when moving to a new language, domain, or genre. The focus of this thesis is to develop effective theories and algorithms for IE which not only yield satisfactory quality by incorporating prior linguistic and semantic knowledge, but also greater portability and scalability by moving away from the high cost and narrow focus of large-scale manual annotation. This thesis opens up a new research direction called Cold-Start Universal Information Extraction, where the full extraction and analysis starts from scratch and requires little or no prior manual annotation or pre-defined type schema. In addition to this new research paradigm, we also contribute effective algorithms and models towards resolving the following three challenges: How can machines extract knowledge without any pre-defined types or any human annotated data? We develop an effective bottom-up and unsupervised Liberal Information Extraction framework based on the hypothesis that the meaning and underlying knowledge conveyed by linguistic expressions is usually embodied by their usages in language, which makes it possible to automatically induces a type schema based on rich contextual representations of all knowledge elements by combining their symbolic and distributional semantics using unsupervised hierarchical clustering. How can machines benefit from available resources, e.g., large-scale ontologies or existing human annotations? My research has shown that pre-defined types can also be encoded by rich contextual or structured representations, through which knowledge elements can be mapped to their appropriate types. Therefore, we design a weakly supervised Zero-shot Learning and a Semi-Supervised Vector Quantized Variational Auto-Encoder approach that frames IE as a grounding problem instead of classification, where knowledge elements are grounded into any types from an extensible and large-scale target ontology or induced from the corpora, with available annotations for a few types. How can IE approaches be extent to low-resource languages without any extra human effort? There are more than 6000 living languages in the real world while public gold-standard annotations are only available for a few dominant languages. To facilitate the adaptation of these IE frameworks to other languages, especially low resource languages, a Multilingual Common Semantic Space is further proposed to serve as a bridge for transferring existing resources and annotated data from dominant languages to more than 300 low resource languages. Moreover, a Multi-Level Adversarial Transfer framework is also designed to learn language-agnostic features across various languages

    Adapting Automatic Summarization to New Sources of Information

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    English-language news articles are no longer necessarily the best source of information. The Web allows information to spread more quickly and travel farther: first-person accounts of breaking news events pop up on social media, and foreign-language news articles are accessible to, if not immediately understandable by, English-speaking users. This thesis focuses on developing automatic summarization techniques for these new sources of information. We focus on summarizing two specific new sources of information: personal narratives, first-person accounts of exciting or unusual events that are readily found in blog entries and other social media posts, and non-English documents, which must first be translated into English, often introducing translation errors that complicate the summarization process. Personal narratives are a very new area of interest in natural language processing research, and they present two key challenges for summarization. First, unlike many news articles, whose lead sentences serve as summaries of the most important ideas in the articles, personal narratives provide no such shortcuts for determining where important information occurs in within them; second, personal narratives are written informally and colloquially, and unlike news articles, they are rarely edited, so they require heavier editing and rewriting during the summarization process. Non-English documents, whether news or narrative, present yet another source of difficulty on top of any challenges inherent to their genre: they must be translated into English, potentially introducing translation errors and disfluencies that must be identified and corrected during summarization. The bulk of this thesis is dedicated to addressing the challenges of summarizing personal narratives found on the Web. We develop a two-stage summarization system for personal narrative that first extracts sentences containing important content and then rewrites those sentences into summary-appropriate forms. Our content extraction system is inspired by contextualist narrative theory, using changes in writing style throughout a narrative to detect sentences containing important information; it outperforms both graph-based and neural network approaches to sentence extraction for this genre. Our paraphrasing system rewrites the extracted sentences into shorter, standalone summary sentences, learning to mimic the paraphrasing choices of human summarizers more closely than can traditional lexicon- or translation-based paraphrasing approaches. We conclude with a chapter dedicated to summarizing non-English documents written in low-resource languages – documents that would otherwise be unreadable for English-speaking users. We develop a cross-lingual summarization system that performs even heavier editing and rewriting than does our personal narrative paraphrasing system; we create and train on large amounts of synthetic errorful translations of foreign-language documents. Our approach produces fluent English summaries from disdisfluent translations of non-English documents, and it generalizes across languages

    Data-efficient methods for information extraction

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    Strukturierte Wissensrepräsentationssysteme wie Wissensdatenbanken oder Wissensgraphen bieten Einblicke in Entitäten und Beziehungen zwischen diesen Entitäten in der realen Welt. Solche Wissensrepräsentationssysteme können in verschiedenen Anwendungen der natürlichen Sprachverarbeitung eingesetzt werden, z. B. bei der semantischen Suche, der Beantwortung von Fragen und der Textzusammenfassung. Es ist nicht praktikabel und ineffizient, diese Wissensrepräsentationssysteme manuell zu befüllen. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir Methoden, um automatisch benannte Entitäten und Beziehungen zwischen den Entitäten aus Klartext zu extrahieren. Unsere Methoden können daher verwendet werden, um entweder die bestehenden unvollständigen Wissensrepräsentationssysteme zu vervollständigen oder ein neues strukturiertes Wissensrepräsentationssystem von Grund auf zu erstellen. Im Gegensatz zu den gängigen überwachten Methoden zur Informationsextraktion konzentrieren sich unsere Methoden auf das Szenario mit wenigen Daten und erfordern keine große Menge an kommentierten Daten. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit haben wir uns auf das Problem der Erkennung von benannten Entitäten konzentriert. Wir haben an der gemeinsamen Aufgabe von Bacteria Biotope 2019 teilgenommen. Die gemeinsame Aufgabe besteht darin, biomedizinische Entitätserwähnungen zu erkennen und zu normalisieren. Unser linguistically informed Named-Entity-Recognition-System besteht aus einem Deep-Learning-basierten Modell, das sowohl verschachtelte als auch flache Entitäten extrahieren kann; unser Modell verwendet mehrere linguistische Merkmale und zusätzliche Trainingsziele, um effizientes Lernen in datenarmen Szenarien zu ermöglichen. Unser System zur Entitätsnormalisierung verwendet String-Match, Fuzzy-Suche und semantische Suche, um die extrahierten benannten Entitäten mit den biomedizinischen Datenbanken zu verknüpfen. Unser System zur Erkennung von benannten Entitäten und zur Entitätsnormalisierung erreichte die niedrigste Slot-Fehlerrate von 0,715 und belegte den ersten Platz in der gemeinsamen Aufgabe. Wir haben auch an zwei gemeinsamen Aufgaben teilgenommen: Adverse Drug Effect Span Detection (Englisch) und Profession Span Detection (Spanisch); beide Aufgaben sammeln Daten von der Social Media Plattform Twitter. Wir haben ein Named-Entity-Recognition-Modell entwickelt, das die Eingabedarstellung des Modells durch das Stapeln heterogener Einbettungen aus verschiedenen Domänen verbessern kann; unsere empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen komplementäres Lernen aus diesen heterogenen Einbettungen. Unser Beitrag belegte den 3. Platz in den beiden gemeinsamen Aufgaben. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit untersuchten wir Strategien zur Erweiterung synthetischer Daten, um ressourcenarme Informationsextraktion in spezialisierten Domänen zu ermöglichen. Insbesondere haben wir backtranslation an die Aufgabe der Erkennung von benannten Entitäten auf Token-Ebene und der Extraktion von Beziehungen auf Satzebene angepasst. Wir zeigen, dass die Rückübersetzung sprachlich vielfältige und grammatikalisch kohärente synthetische Sätze erzeugen kann und als wettbewerbsfähige Erweiterungsstrategie für die Aufgaben der Erkennung von benannten Entitäten und der Extraktion von Beziehungen dient. Bei den meisten realen Aufgaben zur Extraktion von Beziehungen stehen keine kommentierten Daten zur Verfügung, jedoch ist häufig ein großer unkommentierter Textkorpus vorhanden. Bootstrapping-Methoden zur Beziehungsextraktion können mit diesem großen Korpus arbeiten, da sie nur eine Handvoll Startinstanzen benötigen. Bootstrapping-Methoden neigen jedoch dazu, im Laufe der Zeit Rauschen zu akkumulieren (bekannt als semantische Drift), und dieses Phänomen hat einen drastischen negativen Einfluss auf die endgültige Genauigkeit der Extraktionen. Wir entwickeln zwei Methoden zur Einschränkung des Bootstrapping-Prozesses, um die semantische Drift bei der Extraktion von Beziehungen zu minimieren. Unsere Methoden nutzen die Graphentheorie und vortrainierte Sprachmodelle, um verrauschte Extraktionsmuster explizit zu identifizieren und zu entfernen. Wir berichten über die experimentellen Ergebnisse auf dem TACRED-Datensatz für vier Relationen. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit demonstrieren wir die Anwendung der Domänenanpassung auf die anspruchsvolle Aufgabe der mehrsprachigen Akronymextraktion. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass die Domänenanpassung die Akronymextraktion in wissenschaftlichen und juristischen Bereichen in sechs Sprachen verbessern kann, darunter auch Sprachen mit geringen Ressourcen wie Persisch und Vietnamesisch.The structured knowledge representation systems such as knowledge base or knowledge graph can provide insights regarding entities and relationship(s) among these entities in the real-world, such knowledge representation systems can be employed in various natural language processing applications such as semantic search, question answering and text summarization. It is infeasible and inefficient to manually populate these knowledge representation systems. In this work, we develop methods to automatically extract named entities and relationships among the entities from plain text and hence our methods can be used to either complete the existing incomplete knowledge representation systems to create a new structured knowledge representation system from scratch. Unlike mainstream supervised methods for information extraction, our methods focus on the low-data scenario and do not require a large amount of annotated data. In the first part of the thesis, we focused on the problem of named entity recognition. We participated in the shared task of Bacteria Biotope 2019, the shared task consists of recognizing and normalizing the biomedical entity mentions. Our linguistically informed named entity recognition system consists of a deep learning based model which can extract both nested and flat entities; our model employed several linguistic features and auxiliary training objectives to enable efficient learning in data-scarce scenarios. Our entity normalization system employed string match, fuzzy search and semantic search to link the extracted named entities to the biomedical databases. Our named entity recognition and entity normalization system achieved the lowest slot error rate of 0.715 and ranked first in the shared task. We also participated in two shared tasks of Adverse Drug Effect Span detection (English) and Profession Span Detection (Spanish); both of these tasks collect data from the social media platform Twitter. We developed a named entity recognition model which can improve the input representation of the model by stacking heterogeneous embeddings from a diverse domain(s); our empirical results demonstrate complementary learning from these heterogeneous embeddings. Our submission ranked 3rd in both of the shared tasks. In the second part of the thesis, we explored synthetic data augmentation strategies to address low-resource information extraction in specialized domains. Specifically, we adapted backtranslation to the token-level task of named entity recognition and sentence-level task of relation extraction. We demonstrate that backtranslation can generate linguistically diverse and grammatically coherent synthetic sentences and serve as a competitive augmentation strategy for the task of named entity recognition and relation extraction. In most of the real-world relation extraction tasks, the annotated data is not available, however, quite often a large unannotated text corpus is available. Bootstrapping methods for relation extraction can operate on this large corpus as they only require a handful of seed instances. However, bootstrapping methods tend to accumulate noise over time (known as semantic drift) and this phenomenon has a drastic negative impact on the final precision of the extractions. We develop two methods to constrain the bootstrapping process to minimise semantic drift for relation extraction; our methods leverage graph theory and pre-trained language models to explicitly identify and remove noisy extraction patterns. We report the experimental results on the TACRED dataset for four relations. In the last part of the thesis, we demonstrate the application of domain adaptation to the challenging task of multi-lingual acronym extraction. Our experiments demonstrate that domain adaptation can improve acronym extraction within scientific and legal domains in 6 languages including low-resource languages such as Persian and Vietnamese

    Exploiting Cross-Lingual Representations For Natural Language Processing

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    Traditional approaches to supervised learning require a generous amount of labeled data for good generalization. While such annotation-heavy approaches have proven useful for some Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks in high-resource languages (like English), they are unlikely to scale to languages where collecting labeled data is di cult and time-consuming. Translating supervision available in English is also not a viable solution, because developing a good machine translation system requires expensive to annotate resources which are not available for most languages. In this thesis, I argue that cross-lingual representations are an effective means of extending NLP tools to languages beyond English without resorting to generous amounts of annotated data or expensive machine translation. These representations can be learned in an inexpensive manner, often from signals completely unrelated to the task of interest. I begin with a review of different ways of inducing such representations using a variety of cross-lingual signals and study algorithmic approaches of using them in a diverse set of downstream tasks. Examples of such tasks covered in this thesis include learning representations to transfer a trained model across languages for document classification, assist in monolingual lexical semantics like word sense induction, identify asymmetric lexical relationships like hypernymy between words in different languages, or combining supervision across languages through a shared feature space for cross-lingual entity linking. In all these applications, the representations make information expressed in other languages available in English, while requiring minimal additional supervision in the language of interest

    Improving Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for Event Detection

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    The widespread adoption of applications powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) backbones has unquestionably changed the way we interact with the world around us. Applications such as automated personal assistants, automatic question answering, and machine-based translation systems have become mainstays of modern culture thanks to the recent considerable advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. Nonetheless, with over 7000 spoken languages in the world, there still remain a considerable number of marginalized communities that are unable to benefit from these technological advancements largely due to the language they speak. Cross-Lingual Learning (CLL) looks to address this issue by transferring the knowledge acquired from a popular, high-resource source language (e.g., English, Chinese, or Spanish) to a less favored, lower-resourced target language (e.g., Urdu or Swahili). This dissertation leverages the Event Detection (ED) sub-task of Information Extraction (IE) as a testbed and presents three novel approaches that improve cross-lingual transfer learning from distinct perspectives: (1) direct knowledge transfer, (2) hybrid knowledge transfer, and (3) few-shot learning

    PersoNER: Persian named-entity recognition

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    © 1963-2018 ACL. Named-Entity Recognition (NER) is still a challenging task for languages with low digital resources. The main difficulties arise from the scarcity of annotated corpora and the consequent problematic training of an effective NER pipeline. To abridge this gap, in this paper we target the Persian language that is spoken by a population of over a hundred million people world-wide. We first present and provide ArmanPerosNERCorpus, the first manually-annotated Persian NER corpus. Then, we introduce PersoNER, an NER pipeline for Persian that leverages a word embedding and a sequential max-margin classifier. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is capable of achieving interesting MUC7 and CoNNL scores while outperforming two alternatives based on a CRF and a recurrent neural network

    Efficient Machine Teaching Frameworks for Natural Language Processing

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    The past decade has seen tremendous growth in potential applications of language technologies in our daily lives due to increasing data, computational resources, and user interfaces. An important step to support emerging applications is the development of algorithms for processing the rich variety of human-generated text and extracting relevant information. Machine learning, especially deep learning, has seen increasing success on various text benchmarks. However, while standard benchmarks have static tasks with expensive human-labeled data, real-world applications are characterized by dynamic task specifications and limited resources for data labeling, thus making it challenging to transfer the success of supervised machine learning to the real world. To deploy language technologies at scale, it is crucial to develop alternative techniques for teaching machines beyond data labeling. In this dissertation, we address this data labeling bottleneck by studying and presenting resource-efficient frameworks for teaching machine learning models to solve language tasks across diverse domains and languages. Our goal is to (i) support emerging real-world problems without the expensive requirement of large-scale manual data labeling; and (ii) assist humans in teaching machines via more flexible types of interaction. Towards this goal, we describe our collaborations with experts across domains (including public health, earth sciences, news, and e-commerce) to integrate weakly-supervised neural networks into operational systems, and we present efficient machine teaching frameworks that leverage flexible forms of declarative knowledge as supervision: coarse labels, large hierarchical taxonomies, seed words, bilingual word translations, and general labeling rules. First, we present two neural network architectures that we designed to leverage weak supervision in the form of coarse labels and hierarchical taxonomies, respectively, and highlight their successful integration into operational systems. Our Hierarchical Sigmoid Attention Network (HSAN) learns to highlight important sentences of potentially long documents without sentence-level supervision by, instead, using coarse-grained supervision at the document level. HSAN improves over previous weakly supervised learning approaches across sentiment classification benchmarks and has been deployed to help inspections in health departments for the discovery of foodborne illness outbreaks. We also present TXtract, a neural network that extracts attributes for e-commerce products from thousands of diverse categories without using manually labeled data for each category, by instead considering category relationships in a hierarchical taxonomy. TXtract is a core component of Amazon’s AutoKnow, a system that collects knowledge facts for over 10K product categories, and serves such information to Amazon search and product detail pages. Second, we present architecture-agnostic machine teaching frameworks that we applied across domains, languages, and tasks. Our weakly-supervised co-training framework can train any type of text classifier using just a small number of class-indicative seed words and unlabeled data. In contrast to previous work that use seed words to initialize embedding layers, our iterative seed word distillation (ISWD) method leverages the predictive power of seed words as supervision signals and shows strong performance improvements for aspect detection in reviews across domains and languages. We further demonstrate the cross-lingual transfer abilities of our co-training approach via cross-lingual teacher-student (CLTS), a method for training document classifiers across diverse languages using labeled documents only in English and a limited budget for bilingual translations. Not all classification tasks, however, can be effectively addressed using human supervision in the form of seed words. To capture a broader variety of tasks, we present weakly-supervised self-training (ASTRA), a weakly-supervised learning framework for training a classifier using more general labeling rules in addition to labeled and unlabeled data. As a complete set of accurate rules may be hard to obtain all in one shot, we further present an interactive framework that assists human annotators by automatically suggesting candidate labeling rules. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates the benefits of teaching machines with different types of interaction than the standard data labeling paradigm and shows promising results for new applications across domains and languages. To facilitate future research, we publish our code implementations and design new challenging benchmarks with various types of supervision. We believe that our proposed frameworks and experimental findings will influence research and will enable new applications of language technologies without the costly requirement of large manually labeled datasets
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