169 research outputs found

    Compressed Sensing Based Multi-User Millimeter Wave Systems: How Many Measurements Are Needed?

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) systems will likely employ directional beamforming with large antenna arrays at both the transmitters and receivers. Acquiring channel knowledge to design these beamformers, however, is challenging due to the large antenna arrays and small signal-to-noise ratio before beamforming. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a downlink system operation for multi-user mmWave systems based on compressed sensing channel estimation and conjugate analog beamforming. Adopting the achievable sum-rate as a performance metric, we show how many compressed sensing measurements are needed to approach the perfect channel knowledge performance. The results illustrate that the proposed algorithm requires an order of magnitude less training overhead compared with traditional lower-frequency solutions, while employing mmWave-suitable hardware. They also show that the number of measurements need to be optimized to handle the trade-off between the channel estimate quality and the training overhead.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 201

    Pilot Beam Sequence Design for Channel Estimation in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems: A POMDP Framework

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    In this paper, adaptive pilot beam sequence design for channel estimation in large millimeter-wave (mmWave) MIMO systems is considered. By exploiting the sparsity of mmWave MIMO channels with the virtual channel representation and imposing a Markovian random walk assumption on the physical movement of the line-of-sight (LOS) and reflection clusters, it is shown that the sparse channel estimation problem in large mmWave MIMO systems reduces to a sequential detection problem that finds the locations and values of the non-zero-valued bins in a two-dimensional rectangular grid, and the optimal adaptive pilot design problem can be cast into the framework of a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). Under the POMDP framework, an optimal adaptive pilot beam sequence design method is obtained to maximize the accumulated transmission data rate for a given period of time. Numerical results are provided to validate our pilot signal design method and they show that the proposed method yields good performance.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to IEEE ICC 201

    Robust Location-Aided Beam Alignment in Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO

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    Location-aided beam alignment has been proposed recently as a potential approach for fast link establishment in millimeter wave (mmWave) massive MIMO (mMIMO) communications. However, due to mobility and other imperfections in the estimation process, the spatial information obtained at the base station (BS) and the user (UE) is likely to be noisy, degrading beam alignment performance. In this paper, we introduce a robust beam alignment framework in order to exhibit resilience with respect to this problem. We first recast beam alignment as a decentralized coordination problem where BS and UE seek coordination on the basis of correlated yet individual position information. We formulate the optimum beam alignment solution as the solution of a Bayesian team decision problem. We then propose a suite of algorithms to approach optimality with reduced complexity. The effectiveness of the robust beam alignment procedure, compared with classical designs, is then verified on simulation settings with varying location information accuracies.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. The short version of this paper has been accepted to IEEE Globecom 201

    Massive MIMO Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Systems via Matrix Completion

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    Millimeter Wave (mmWave) massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems realizing directive beamforming require reliable estimation of the wireless propagation channel. However, mmWave channels are characterized by high variability that severely challenges their recovery over short training periods. Current channel estimation techniques exploit either the channel sparsity in the beamspace domain or its low rank property in the antenna domain, nevertheless, they still require large numbers of training symbols for satisfactory performance. In this paper, we present a novel channel estimation algorithm that jointly exploits the latter two properties of mmWave channels to provide more accurate recovery, especially for shorter training intervals. The proposed iterative algorithm is based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) and provides the global optimum solution to the considered convex mmWave channel estimation problem with fast convergence properties.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted to IEEE SP

    Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques and Realistic Propagation Modeling for Multiantenna Vital Sign Estimation

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    Tämän työn keskeisimpänä tavoitteena on ihmisen elintoimintojen tarkkailu ja estimointi käyttäen radiotaajuisia mittauksia ja adaptiivisia signaalinkäsittelymenetelmiä monen vastaanottimen kantoaaltotutkalla. Työssä esitellään erilaisia adaptiivisia menetelmiä, joiden avulla hengityksen ja sydämen värähtelyn aiheuttamaa micro-Doppler vaihemodulaatiota sisältävät eri vastaanottimien signaalit voidaan yhdistää. Työssä johdetaan lisäksi realistinen malli radiosignaalien etenemiselle ja heijastushäviöille, jota käytettiin moniantennitutkan simuloinnissa esiteltyjen menetelmien vertailemiseksi. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan osoittaa, että adaptiiviset menetelmät parantavat langattoman elintoimintojen estimoinnin luotettavuutta, ja mahdollistavat monitoroinnin myös pienillä signaali-kohinasuhteen arvoilla.This thesis addresses the problem of vital sign estimation through the use of adaptive signal enhancement techniques with multiantenna continuous wave radar. The use of different adaptive processing techniques is proposed in a novel approach to combine signals from multiple receivers carrying the information of the cardiopulmonary micro-Doppler effect caused by breathing and heartbeat. The results are based on extensive simulations using a realistic signal propagation model derived in the thesis. It is shown that these techniques provide a significant increase in vital sign rate estimation accuracy, and enable monitoring at lower SNR conditions

    Massive MIMO transmission techniques

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    Next generation of mobile communication systems must support astounding data traffic increases, higher data rates and lower latency, among other requirements. These requirements should be met while assuring energy efficiency for mobile devices and base stations. Several technologies are being proposed for 5G, but a consensus begins to emerge. Most likely, the future core 5G technologies will include massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and beamforming schemes operating in the millimeter wave spectrum. As soon as the millimeter wave propagation difficulties are overcome, the full potential of massive MIMO structures can be tapped. The present work proposes a new transmission system with bi-dimensional antenna arrays working at millimeter wave frequencies, where the multiple antenna configurations can be used to obtain very high gain and directive transmission in point to point communications. A combination of beamforming with a constellation shaping scheme is proposed, that enables good user isolation and protection against eavesdropping, while simultaneously assuring power efficient amplification of multi-level constellations

    Lens antenna arrays: an efficient framework for sparse-aware large-MIMO communications

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    The recent increase in the demand for higher data transmission rates in wireless communications has entailed many implementation issues that can only be resolved by going through a full paradigm shift. Making use of the millimetric spectrum bands is a very attractive solution to the shortage of radio resources but, to garner all their potential, new techniques must be developed. Most of them are contained in the Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (M-MIMO) framework: the idea of using very large antenna arrays for cellular communications. In this thesis, we propose the usage of Lens Antenna Arrays (LAA) to avoid the unbearable power and infrastructure costs posed by traditional M-MIMO architectures. This novel communication system exploits the angular-dependent power focusing capabilities of an electromagnetic lens to discern between waves with different angles of arrival and departure, without explicit signal processing. The work presented in this document motivates the use of LAAs in mmWave communications, studies some of their mathematical properties and proposes their application in noncoherent schemes. Numerical results validate the performance of this novel kind of systems and confirm their strengths in both multi-user and block fading settings. LAAs that use noncoherent methods appear to be very suitable for vehicular communications and densely populated cellular networks.En los últimos tiempos, el incremento en la demanda de mayor velocidad de transmisión de datos en redes de comunicación inalámbricas ha conllevado varios problemas de implementación que solo se podrán resolver a través de un cambio total de paradigma. Utilizar bandas milimétricas del espectro es una solución muy atractiva a la escasez de recursos de radio pero, para poder extraer todo su potencial, es necesario desarrollar nuevas técnicas. La mayor parte de éstas pasa por la infraestructura Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (M-MIMO): la idea de usar matrices de antenas muy grandes para comunicaciones celulares. En esta tesis, proponemos el uso de matrices de antenas con lente, o Lens Antenna Arrays (LAA), para evitar los inasumibles costes energéticos y de instalación propios de las arquitecturas M-MIMO tradicionales. Este novedoso sistema de comunicaciones explota las capacidades de concentración de energía con dependencia angular de las lentes electromagnéticas para distinguir entre ondas con distintas direcciones de llegada y de salida, sin procesado de la señal explícito. El trabajo presentado en este documento motiva el uso de los LAAs en comunicaciones en bandas milimétricas (mmWave), estudia varias propiedades matemáticas y propone su aplicación en esquemas no coherentes. Resultados numéricos validan su ejecución y confirman sus fortalezas en entornos multiusuario y con desvanecimiento en bloque. Los LAAs que utilizan métodos no coherentes parecen ser idóneos para comunicaciones vehiculares y para redes celulares altamente pobladas.En els darrers temps, l'increment en la demanda de major velocitat de transmissió de dades en xarxes de comunicació inalàmbriques ha comportat diversos problemes d'implementació que tan sols es podran resoldre a través d'un canvi total de paradigma. Utilitzar les bandes mil·limètriques de l'espectre és una solució molt atractiva a l'escassetat de recursos de ràdio però, per tal d'extreure'n tot el seu potencial, és necessari desenvolupar noves tècniques. La majoria d'aquestes passa per la infraestructura Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (M-MIMO): la idea d'utilitzar matrius d'antenes molt grans per a comunicacions cel·lulars. En aquesta tesi, proposem l'ús de matrius d'antenes amb lent, o Lens Antenna Arrays (LAA), per tal d'evitar els inassumibles costos energètics i d'instal·lació propis d'arquitectures M-MIMO tradicionals. Aquest innovador sistema de comunicacions explota les capacitats de concentració d'energia amb dependència angular de les lents electromagnètiques per tal de distingir entre ones amb diferents direccions d'arribada i de sortida, sense processament de senyal explícit. El treball presentat en aquest document motiva l'ús dels LAAs per comunicacions en bandes mil·limètriques (mmWave), n'estudia diverses propietats matemàtiques i proposa la seva aplicació en esquemes no coherents. Resultats numèrics en validen l'execució i confirmen les seves fortaleses en entorns multi-usuari i amb esvaïment en bloc. Els LAAs que utilitzen mètodes no coherents semblen ser idonis per a comunicacions vehiculars i per a xarxes cel·lulars altament poblades