727 research outputs found

    Mobile graphics: SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 course

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    Parallel Rendering and Large Data Visualization

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    We are living in the big data age: An ever increasing amount of data is being produced through data acquisition and computer simulations. While large scale analysis and simulations have received significant attention for cloud and high-performance computing, software to efficiently visualise large data sets is struggling to keep up. Visualization has proven to be an efficient tool for understanding data, in particular visual analysis is a powerful tool to gain intuitive insight into the spatial structure and relations of 3D data sets. Large-scale visualization setups are becoming ever more affordable, and high-resolution tiled display walls are in reach even for small institutions. Virtual reality has arrived in the consumer space, making it accessible to a large audience. This thesis addresses these developments by advancing the field of parallel rendering. We formalise the design of system software for large data visualization through parallel rendering, provide a reference implementation of a parallel rendering framework, introduce novel algorithms to accelerate the rendering of large amounts of data, and validate this research and development with new applications for large data visualization. Applications built using our framework enable domain scientists and large data engineers to better extract meaning from their data, making it feasible to explore more data and enabling the use of high-fidelity visualization installations to see more detail of the data.Comment: PhD thesi

    An inertial motion capture framework for constructing body sensor networks

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    Motion capture is the process of measuring and subsequently reconstructing the movement of an animated object or being in virtual space. Virtual reconstructions of human motion play an important role in numerous application areas such as animation, medical science, ergonomics, etc. While optical motion capture systems are the industry standard, inertial body sensor networks are becoming viable alternatives due to portability, practicality and cost. This thesis presents an innovative inertial motion capture framework for constructing body sensor networks through software environments, smartphones and web technologies. The first component of the framework is a unique inertial motion capture software environment aimed at providing an improved experimentation environment, accompanied by programming scaffolding and a driver development kit, for users interested in studying or engineering body sensor networks. The software environment provides a bespoke 3D engine for kinematic motion visualisations and a set of tools for hardware integration. The software environment is used to develop the hardware behind a prototype motion capture suit focused on low-power consumption and hardware-centricity. Additional inertial measurement units, which are available commercially, are also integrated to demonstrate the functionality the software environment while providing the framework with additional sources for motion data. The smartphone is the most ubiquitous computing technology and its worldwide uptake has prompted many advances in wearable inertial sensing technologies. Smartphones contain gyroscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers, a combination of sensors that is commonly found in inertial measurement units. This thesis presents a mobile application that investigates whether the smartphone is capable of inertial motion capture by constructing a novel omnidirectional body sensor network. This thesis proposes a novel use for web technologies through the development of the Motion Cloud, a repository and gateway for inertial data. Web technologies have the potential to replace motion capture file formats with online repositories and to set a new standard for how motion data is stored. From a single inertial measurement unit to a more complex body sensor network, the proposed architecture is extendable and facilitates the integration of any inertial hardware configuration. The Motion Cloud’s data can be accessed through an application-programming interface or through a web portal that provides users with the functionality for visualising and exporting the motion data

    Optimization of Display-Wall Aware Applications on Cluster Based Systems

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    Actualment, els sistemes d'informació i comunicació que treballen amb grans volums de dades requereixen l'ús de plataformes que permetin una representació entenible des del punt de vista de l'usuari. En aquesta tesi s'analitzen les plataformes Cluster Display Wall, usades per a la visualització de dades massives, i es treballa concretament amb la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, desenvolupada per Google. Mitjançant la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, es realitza un estudi de rendiment d'aplicacions de visualització representatives, identificant els aspectes de rendiment més rellevants i els possibles colls d'ampolla. De forma específica, s'estudia amb major profunditat un cas representatiu d'aplicació de visualització, el Google Earth. El comportament del sistema executant Google Earth s'analitza mitjançant diferents tipus de test amb usuaris reals. Per a aquest fi, es defineix una nova mètrica de rendiment, basada en la ratio de visualització, i es valora la usabilitat del sistema mitjançant els atributs tradicionals d'efectivitat, eficiència i satisfacció. Adicionalment, el rendiment del sistema es modela analíticament i es prova la precisió del model comparant-ho amb resultats reals.Nowadays, information and communication systems that work with a high volume of data require infrastructures that allow an understandable representation of it from the user's point of view. This thesis analyzes the Cluster Display Wall platforms, used to visualized massive amounts of data, and specifically studies the Liquid Galaxy platform, developed by Google. Using the Liquid Galaxy platform, a performance study of representative visualization applications was performed, identifying the most relevant aspects of performance and possible bottlenecks. Specifically, we study in greater depth a representative case of visualization application, Google Earth. The system behavior while running Google Earth was analyzed through different kinds of tests with real users. For this, a new performance metric was defined, based on the visualization ratio, and the usability of the system was assessed through the traditional attributes of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Additionally, the system performance was analytically modeled and the accuracy of the model was tested by comparing it with actual results.Actualmente, los sistemas de información y comunicación que trabajan con grandes volúmenes de datos requieren el uso de plataformas que permitan una representación entendible desde el punto de vista del usuario. En esta tesis se analizan las plataformas Cluster Display Wall, usadas para la visualización de datos masivos, y se trabaja en concreto con la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, desarrollada por Google. Mediante la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, se realiza un estudio de rendimiento de aplicaciones de visualización representativas, identificando los aspectos de rendimiento más relevantes y los posibles cuellos de botella. De forma específica, se estudia en mayor profundidad un caso representativo de aplicación de visualización, el Google Earth. El comportamiento del sistema ejecutando Google Earth se analiza mediante diferentes tipos de test con usuarios reales. Para ello se define una nueva métrica de rendimiento, basada en el ratio de visualización, y se valora la usabilidad del sistema mediante los atributos tradicionales de efectividad, eficiencia y satisfacción. Adicionalmente, el rendimiento del sistema se modela analíticamente y se prueba la precisión del modelo comparándolo con resultados reales

    Interactive web-based visualization

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    The visualization of large amounts of data, which cannot be easily copied for processing on a user’s local machine, is not yet a fully solved problem. Remote visualization represents one possible solution approach to the problem, and has long been an important research topic. Depending on the device used, modern hardware, such as high-performance GPUs, is sometimes not available. This is another reason for the use of remote visualization. Additionally, due to the growing global networking and collaboration among research groups, collaborative remote visualization solutions are becoming more important. The additional use of collaborative visualization solutions is eventually due to the growing global networking and collaboration among research groups. The attractiveness of web-based remote visualization is greatly increased by the wide availability of web browsers on almost all devices; these are available today on all systems - from desktop computers to smartphones. In order to ensure interactivity, network bandwidth and latency are the biggest challenges that web-based visualization algorithms have to solve. Despite the steady improvements in available bandwidth, these improvements are still significantly slower than, for example, processor performance, resulting in increasing the impact of this bottleneck. For example, visualization of large dynamic data in low-bandwidth environments can be challenging because it requires continuous data transfer. However, bandwidth improvement alone cannot improve the latency because it is also affected by factors such as the distance between server and client and network utilization. To overcome these challenges, a combination of techniques is needed to customize the individual processing steps of the visualization pipeline, from efficient data representation to hardware-accelerated rendering on the client side. This thesis first deals with related work in the field of remote visualization with a particular focus on interactive web-based visualization and then presents techniques for interactive visualization in the browser using modern web standards such as WebGL and HTML5. These techniques enable the visualization of dynamic molecular data sets with more than one million atoms at interactive frame rates using GPU-based ray casting. Due to the limitations which exist in a browser-based environment, the concrete implementation of the GPU-based ray casting had to be customized. Evaluation of the resulting performance shows that GPU-based techniques enable the interactive rendering of large data sets and achieve higher image quality compared to polygon-based techniques. In order to reduce data transfer times and network latency, and improve rendering speed, efficient approaches for data representation and transmission are used. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a GPU-based volume-ray marching technique based on WebGL 2.0, which uses progressive brick-wise data transfer, as well as multiple levels of detail in order to achieve interactive volume rendering of datasets stored on a server. The concepts and results presented in this thesis contribute to the further spread of interactive web-based visualization. The algorithmic and technological advances that have been achieved form a basis for further development of interactive browser-based visualization applications. At the same time, this approach has the potential for enabling future collaborative visualization in the cloud.Die Visualisierung großer Datenmengen, welche nicht ohne Weiteres zur Verarbeitung auf den lokalen Rechner des Anwenders kopiert werden können, ist ein bisher nicht zufriedenstellend gelöstes Problem. Remote-Visualisierung stellt einen möglichen Lösungsansatz dar und ist deshalb seit langem ein relevantes Forschungsthema. Abhängig vom verwendeten Endgerät ist moderne Hardware, wie etwa performante GPUs, teilweise nicht verfügbar. Dies ist ein weiterer Grund für den Einsatz von Remote-Visualisierung. Durch die zunehmende globale Vernetzung und Kollaboration von Forschungsgruppen gewinnt kollaborative Remote-Visualisierung zusätzlich an Bedeutung. Die Attraktivität web-basierter Remote-Visualisierung wird durch die weitreichende Verfügbarkeit von Web-Browsern auf nahezu allen Endgeräten enorm gesteigert; diese sind heutzutage auf allen Systemen - vom Desktop-Computer bis zum Smartphone - vorhanden. Bei der Gewährleistung der Interaktivität sind Bandbreite und Latenz der Netzwerkverbindung die größten Herausforderungen, welche von web-basierten Visualisierungs-Algorithmen gelöst werden müssen. Trotz der stetigen Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der verfügbaren Bandbreite steigt diese signifikant langsamer als beispielsweise die Prozessorleistung, wodurch sich die Auswirkung dieses Flaschenhalses immer weiter verstärkt. So kann beispielsweise die Visualisierung großer dynamischer Daten in Umgebungen mit geringer Bandbreite eine Herausforderung darstellen, da kontinuierlicher Datentransfer benötigt wird. Dennoch kann die alleinige Verbesserung der Bandbreite keine entsprechende Verbesserung der Latenz bewirken, da diese zudem von Faktoren wie der Distanz zwischen Server und Client sowie der Netzwerkauslastung beeinflusst wird. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, wird eine Kombination verschiedener Techniken für die Anpassung der einzelnen Verarbeitungsschritte der Visualisierungspipeline benötigt, angefangen bei effizienter Datenrepräsentation bis hin zu hardware-beschleunigtem Rendering auf der Client-Seite. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich zunächst mit verwandten Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Remote-Visualisierung mit besonderem Fokus auf interaktiver web-basierter Visualisierung und präsentiert danach Techniken für die interaktive Visualisierung im Browser mit Hilfe moderner Web-Standards wie WebGL und HTML5. Diese Techniken ermöglichen die Visualisierung dynamischer molekularer Datensätze mit mehr als einer Million Atomen bei interaktiven Frameraten durch die Verwendung GPU-basierten Raycastings. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen, welche in einer Browser-basierten Umgebung vorliegen, musste die konkrete Implementierung des GPU-basierten Raycastings angepasst werden. Die Evaluation der daraus resultierenden Performanz zeigt, dass GPU-basierte Techniken das interaktive Rendering von großen Datensätzen ermöglichen und eine im Vergleich zu Polygon-basierten Techniken höhere Bildqualität erreichen. Zur Verringerung der Übertragungszeiten, Reduktion der Latenz und Verbesserung der Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit werden effiziente Ansätze zur Datenrepräsentation und übertragung verwendet. Des Weiteren wird in dieser Doktorarbeit eine GPU-basierte Volumen-Ray-Marching-Technik auf Basis von WebGL 2.0 eingeführt, welche progressive blockweise Datenübertragung verwendet, sowie verschiedene Detailgrade, um ein interaktives Volumenrendering von auf dem Server gespeicherten Datensätzen zu erreichen. Die in dieser Doktorarbeit präsentierten Konzepte und Resultate tragen zur weiteren Verbreitung von interaktiver web-basierter Visualisierung bei. Die erzielten algorithmischen und technologischen Fortschritte bilden eine Grundlage für weiterführende Entwicklungen von interaktiven Visualisierungsanwendungen auf Browser-Basis. Gleichzeitig hat dieser Ansatz das Potential, zukünftig kollaborative Visualisierung in der Cloud zu ermöglichen

    WCET Optimizations and Architectural Support for Hard Real-Time Systems

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    As time predictability is critical to hard real-time systems, it is not only necessary to accurately estimate the worst-case execution time (WCET) of the real-time tasks but also desirable to improve either the WCET of the tasks or time predictability of the system, because the real-time tasks with lower WCETs are easy to schedule and more likely to meat their deadlines. As a real-time system is an integration of software and hardware, the optimization can be achieved through two ways: software optimization and time-predictable architectural support. In terms of software optimization, we fi rst propose a loop-based instruction prefetching approach to further improve the WCET comparing with simple prefetching techniques such as Next-N-Line prefetching which can enhance both the average-case performance and the worst-case performance. Our prefetching approach can exploit the program controlow information to intelligently prefetch instructions that are most likely needed. Second, as inter-thread interferences in shared caches can signi cantly a ect the WCET of real-time tasks running on multicore processors, we study three multicore-aware code positioning methods to reduce the inter-core L2 cache interferences between co-running real-time threads. One strategy focuses on decreasing the longest WCET among the co-running threads, and two other methods aim at achieving fairness in terms of the amount or percentage of WCET reduction among co-running threads. In the aspect of time-predictable architectural support, we introduce the concept of architectural time predictability (ATP) to separate timing uncertainty concerns caused by hardware from software, which greatly facilitates the advancement of time-predictable processor design. We also propose a metric called Architectural Time-predictability Factor (ATF) to measure architectural time predictability quantitatively. Furthermore, while cache memories can generally improve average-case performance, they are harmful to time predictability and thus are not desirable for hard real-time and safety-critical systems. In contrast, Scratch-Pad Memories (SPMs) are time predictable, but they may lead to inferior performance. Guided by ATF, we propose and evaluate a variety of hybrid on-chip memory architectures to combine both caches and SPMs intelligently to achieve good time predictability and high performance. Detailed implementation and experimental results discussion are presented in this dissertation

    Streaming and 3D mapping of agri-data on mobile devices

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    Farm monitoring and operations generate heterogeneous AGRI-data from a variety of different sources that have the potential to be delivered to users ‘on the go’ and in the field to inform farm decision making. A software framework capable of interfacing with existing web mapping services to deliver in-field farm data on commodity mobile hardware was developed and tested. This raised key research challenges related to: robustness of data steaming methods under typical farm connectivity scenarios, and mapping and 3D rendering of AGRI-data in an engaging and intuitive way. The presentation of AGRI-data in a 3D and interactive context was explored using different visualisation techniques; currently the 2D presentation of AGRI- data is the dominant practice, despite the fact that mobile devices can now support sophisticated 3D graphics via programmable pipelines. The testing found that WebSockets were the most reliable streaming method for high resolution image/texture data. From our focus groups there was no single visualisation technique that was preferred demonstrating that a range of methods is a good way to satisfy a large user base. Improved 3D experience on mobile phones is set to revolutionize the multimedia market and a key challenge is identifying useful 3D visualisation methods and navigation tools that support the exploration of data driven 3D interactive visualisation frameworks for AGRI-data

    Scheduling and Tuning Kernels for High-performance on Heterogeneous Processor Systems

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    Accelerated parallel computing techniques using devices such as GPUs and Xeon Phis (along with CPUs) have proposed promising solutions of extending the cutting edge of high-performance computer systems. A significant performance improvement can be achieved when suitable workloads are handled by the accelerator. Traditional CPUs can handle those workloads not well suited for accelerators. Combination of multiple types of processors in a single computer system is referred to as a heterogeneous system. This dissertation addresses tuning and scheduling issues in heterogeneous systems. The first section presents work on tuning scientific workloads on three different types of processors: multi-core CPU, Xeon Phi massively parallel processor, and NVIDIA GPU; common tuning methods and platform-specific tuning techniques are presented. Then, analysis is done to demonstrate the performance characteristics of the heterogeneous system on different input data. This section of the dissertation is part of the GeauxDock project, which prototyped a few state-of-art bioinformatics algorithms, and delivered a fast molecular docking program. The second section of this work studies the performance model of the GeauxDock computing kernel. Specifically, the work presents an extraction of features from the input data set and the target systems, and then uses various regression models to calculate the perspective computation time. This helps understand why a certain processor is faster for certain sets of tasks. It also provides the essential information for scheduling on heterogeneous systems. In addition, this dissertation investigates a high-level task scheduling framework for heterogeneous processor systems in which, the pros and cons of using different heterogeneous processors can complement each other. Thus a higher performance can be achieve on heterogeneous computing systems. A new scheduling algorithm with four innovations is presented: Ranked Opportunistic Balancing (ROB), Multi-subject Ranking (MR), Multi-subject Relative Ranking (MRR), and Automatic Small Tasks Rearranging (ASTR). The new algorithm consistently outperforms previously proposed algorithms with better scheduling results, lower computational complexity, and more consistent results over a range of performance prediction errors. Finally, this work extends the heterogeneous task scheduling algorithm to handle power capping feature. It demonstrates that a power-aware scheduler significantly improves the power efficiencies and saves the energy consumption. This suggests that, in addition to performance benefits, heterogeneous systems may have certain advantages on overall power efficiency