36 research outputs found

    Prostate segmentation by sparse representation based classification: Prostate segmentation by SRC

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    Purpose: The segmentation of prostate in CT images is of essential importance to external beam radiotherapy, which is one of the major treatments for prostate cancer nowadays. During the radiotherapy, the prostate is radiated by high-energy x rays from different directions. In order to maximize the dose to the cancer and minimize the dose to the surrounding healthy tissues (e.g., bladder and rectum), the prostate in the new treatment image needs to be accurately localized. Therefore, the effectiveness and efficiency of external beam radiotherapy highly depend on the accurate localization of the prostate. However, due to the low contrast of the prostate with its surrounding tissues (e.g., bladder), the unpredicted prostate motion, and the large appearance variations across different treatment days, it is challenging to segment the prostate in CT images. In this paper, the authors present a novel classification based segmentation method to address these problems

    Multi-contrast brain magnetic resonance image super-resolution using the local weight similarity

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    Abstract Background Low-resolution images may be acquired in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to limited data acquisition time or other physical constraints, and their resolutions can be improved with super-resolution methods. Since MRI can offer images of an object with different contrasts, e.g., T1-weighted or T2-weighted, the shared information between inter-contrast images can be used to benefit super-resolution. Methods In this study, an MRI image super-resolution approach to enhance in-plane resolution is proposed by exploring the statistical information estimated from another contrast MRI image that shares similar anatomical structures. We assume some edge structures are shown both in T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI brain images acquired of the same subject, and the proposed approach aims to recover such kind of structures to generate a high-resolution image from its low-resolution counterpart. Results The statistical information produces a local weight of image that are found to be nearly invariant to the image contrast and thus this weight can be used to transfer the shared information from one contrast to another. We analyze this property with comprehensive mathematics as well as numerical experiments. Conclusion Experimental results demonstrate that the image quality of low-resolution images can be remarkably improved with the proposed method if this weight is borrowed from a high resolution image with another contrast. Graphical Abstract Multi-contrast MRI Image Super-resolution with Contrast-invariant Regression Weight

    Apprentissage de dictionnaires pour la reconnaissance de motifs en imagerie médicale

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    Most natural signals can be approximated by a linear combination of a few atoms in a dictionary. Such sparse representations of signals and dictionary learning (DL) methods have received a special attention over the past few years. While standard DL approaches are effective in applications such as image denoising or compression, several discriminative DL methods have been proposed to achieve better image classification. In this thesis, we have shown that the dictionary size for each class is an important factor in the pattern recognition applications where there exist variability difference between classes, in the case of both the standard and discriminative DL methods. We validated the proposition of using different dictionary size based on complexity of the class data in a computer vision application such as lips detection in face images, followed by more complex medical imaging application such as classification of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions using MR images. The class specific dictionaries are learned for the lesions and individual healthy brain tissues, and the size of the dictionary for each class is adapted according to the complexity of the underlying data. The algorithm is validated using 52 multi-sequence MR images acquired from 13 MS patients.La plupart des signaux naturels peuvent être représentés par une combinaison linéaire de quelques atomes dans un dictionnaire. Ces représentations parcimonieuses et les méthodes d'apprentissage de dictionnaires (AD) ont suscité un vif intérêt au cours des dernières années. Bien que les méthodes d'AD classiques soient efficaces dans des applications telles que le débruitage d'images, plusieurs méthodes d'AD discriminatifs ont été proposées pour obtenir des dictionnaires mieux adaptés à la classification. Dans ce travail, nous démontrons que la taille des dictionnaires de chaque classe est un facteur crucial dans les applications de reconnaissance des formes lorsqu'il existe des différences de variabilité entre les classes, à la fois dans le cas des dictionnaires classiques et des dictionnaires discriminatifs. Nous avons validé la proposition d'utiliser différentes tailles de dictionnaires, dans une application de vision par ordinateur, la détection des lèvres dans des images de visages, ainsi que par une application médicale plus complexe, la classification des lésions de scléroses en plaques (SEP) dans des images IRM multimodales. Les dictionnaires spécifiques à chaque classe sont appris pour les lésions et les tissus cérébraux sains. La taille du dictionnaire pour chaque classe est adaptée en fonction de la complexité des données. L'algorithme est validé à l'aide de 52 séquences IRM multimodales de 13 patients atteints de SEP

    Intelligent Biosignal Processing in Wearable and Implantable Sensors

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    This reprint provides a collection of papers illustrating the state-of-the-art of smart processing of data coming from wearable, implantable or portable sensors. Each paper presents the design, databases used, methodological background, obtained results, and their interpretation for biomedical applications. Revealing examples are brain–machine interfaces for medical rehabilitation, the evaluation of sympathetic nerve activity, a novel automated diagnostic tool based on ECG data to diagnose COVID-19, machine learning-based hypertension risk assessment by means of photoplethysmography and electrocardiography signals, Parkinsonian gait assessment using machine learning tools, thorough analysis of compressive sensing of ECG signals, development of a nanotechnology application for decoding vagus-nerve activity, detection of liver dysfunction using a wearable electronic nose system, prosthetic hand control using surface electromyography, epileptic seizure detection using a CNN, and premature ventricular contraction detection using deep metric learning. Thus, this reprint presents significant clinical applications as well as valuable new research issues, providing current illustrations of this new field of research by addressing the promises, challenges, and hurdles associated with the synergy of biosignal processing and AI through 16 different pertinent studies. Covering a wide range of research and application areas, this book is an excellent resource for researchers, physicians, academics, and PhD or master students working on (bio)signal and image processing, AI, biomaterials, biomechanics, and biotechnology with applications in medicine

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis

    Caracterización de Patrones Anormales en Mamografías

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    Abstract. Computer-guided image interpretation is an extensive research area whose main purpose is to provide tools to support decision-making, for which a large number of automatic techniques have been proposed, such as, feature extraction, pattern recognition, image processing, machine learning, among others. In breast cancer, the results obtained at this area, they have led to the development of diagnostic support systems, which have even been approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration). However, the use of those systems is not widely extended in clinic scenarios, mainly because their performance is unstable and poorly reproducible. This is due to the high variability of the abnormal patterns associated with this neoplasia. This thesis addresses the main problem associated with the characterization and interpretation of breast masses and architectural distortion, mammographic findings directly related to the presence of breast cancer with higher variability in their form, size and location. This document introduces the design, implementation and evaluation of strategies to characterize abnormal patterns and to improve the mammographic interpretation during the diagnosis process. The herein proposed strategies allow to characterize visual patterns of these lesions and the relationship between them to infer their clinical significance according to BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System), a radiologic tool used for mammographic evaluation and reporting. The obtained results outperform some obtained by methods reported in the literature both tasks classification and interpretation of masses and architectural distortion, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed strategies.Resumen. La interpretación de imágenes guiada por computador es una área extensa de investigación cuyo objetivo principal es proporcionar herramientas para el soporte a la toma de decisiones, para lo cual se han usado un gran número de técnicas de extracción de características, reconocimiento de patrones, procesamiento de imágenes, aprendizaje de máquina, entre otras. En el cáncer de mama, los resultados obtenidos en esta área han dado lugar al desarrollo de sistemas de apoyo al diagnóstico que han sido incluso aprobados por la FDA (Federal Drug Administration). Sin embargo, el uso de estos sistemas no es ampliamente extendido, debido principalmente, a que su desempeño resulta inestable y poco reproducible frente a la alta variabilidad de los patrones anormales asociados a esta neoplasia. Esta tesis trata el principal problema asociado a la caracterización y análisis de masas y distorsión de la arquitectura debido a que son hallazgos directamente relacionados con la presencia de cáncer y que usualmente presentan mayor variabilidad en su forma, tamaño y localización, lo que altera los resultados diagnósticos. Este documento introduce el diseño, implementación y evaluación de un conjunto de estrategias para caracterizar patrones anormales relacionados con este tipo de hallazgos para mejorar la interpretación y soportar el diagnóstico mediante la imagen mamaria. Los modelos aquí propuestos permiten caracterizar patrones visuales y la relación entre estos para inferir su significado clínico según el estándar BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) usado para la evaluación y reporte mamográfico. Los resultados obtenidos han demostrado mejorar a los resultados obtenidos por los métodos reportados en la literatura en tareas como clasificación e interpretación de masas y distorsión arquitectural, demostrando la efectividad y versatilidad de las estrategia propuestas.Doctorad

    Review : Deep learning in electron microscopy

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    Deep learning is transforming most areas of science and technology, including electron microscopy. This review paper offers a practical perspective aimed at developers with limited familiarity. For context, we review popular applications of deep learning in electron microscopy. Following, we discuss hardware and software needed to get started with deep learning and interface with electron microscopes. We then review neural network components, popular architectures, and their optimization. Finally, we discuss future directions of deep learning in electron microscopy