16 research outputs found

    Validating Diffusion Spectrum Imaging-Based Fiber Tractography for Cognitive Neuroscience Research

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    White matter fiber tractography based on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging is a promising method for non-invasive investigation of anatomical connectivity in the human brain. Knowledge of the white matter connections linking functional brain areas can inform interpretation of functional imaging results and allow the construction of biologically informed computational and statistical models. However, relatively little attention has been paid to the reproducibility and external validity of tractography results, even as the user base of this technology continues to grow, and as tractography research is applied to cognitive neuroscience research in novel ways. In this investigation, we addressed the reliability and validity of deterministic tractography results based on diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI). Reliability was evaluated both in terms of the presence/absence of fiber connections across sessions and the correlation of fiber density values. Validity was assessed by comparing tractography results to findings from invasive studies of the macaque monkey: we focused on the cortical and subcortical connections of the frontal eye fields (FEF). Results indicated significant variability in tractography: on average, intercortical connections present in one session had only a 75% likelihood of being detected in a second session from the same individual. However, the fiber density of repeatedly-detected connections was highly reliable, with an average between-session correlation coefficient of 0.94. Next, we investigated how global vs. targeted tractography approaches affected reliability and detection power. We found that a targeted approach, involving the use of region-of interest (ROI) constraints, yielded a large advantage in detection power and modest improvements in reliability. Finally, fiber connections of the human FEF were broadly consistent with hypotheses derived from a meta-analysis of macaque findings: we found reliable projections to the supplementary eye fields (SEF), striatum, thalamus, and parietal cortex. In contrast, we found lesser connectivity to a set of foil regions. The combined results of this study validate the use of DSI-based fiber tractography to address hypotheses relating to human brain connectivity. However, widespread noise in tractography results highlights the need for conservative approaches to fiber tracking research. We especially emphasize the benefits of collecting multiple data samples per participant and of addressing targeted hypotheses

    The topology of structural brain connectivity in diseases and spatio-temporal connectomics

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    The brain is a complex system, composed of multiple neural units interconnected at different spatial and temporal scales. Diffusion MRI allows probing in vivo the anatomical connectivity between different cortical areas through white matter tracts. In parallel, functional MRI records neural-related signals of brain activity. Particularly, during rest (in absence of specific external task) reproducible dynamical patterns of functional synchronization have been shown across different brain areas. This rich information can be conveniently represented in the form of a graph, a mathematical object where nodes correspond to cortical regions and are connected by edges representing anatomical connections. On the top of this structural network, or brain connectome, individual nodes are associated to functional signals representing neural activity over observation periods. Network science has fundamentally contributed to the characterization of the human connectome. The brain is a small-world network, able to combine segregation and integration aspects. These properties allow functional specialization on the one side, and efficient communication between distant brain areas on the other side, supporting complex cognitive and executive functions. Graph theoretical methods quantify brain topological properties, and allow their comparison between different populations and conditions. In fact, brain connectivity patterns and interdependences between anatomical substrate and functional synchronization have been proved to be impaired in a variety of brain disorders, and to change across human development and aging. Despite these important advancements in the understanding of the brain structure and functioning, many questions are currently unanswered. It is not clear for instance how structural connectivity features are related to individual cognitive capabilities and deficits, and if they have the concrete potential to distinguish pathological subgroups for early diagnosis of brain diseases. Most importantly, it is not yet understood how the connectome topology relates to specific brain functions, and how the transmission of information happens on the top of the structural connectivity infrastructure in order to generate observed functional dynamics. This thesis was motivated by these interdisciplinary inputs, and is the result of a strong interaction between biological and clinical questions on the one hand, and methodological development needs on the other hand. First, we have contributed to the characterization of the human connectome in health and pathologies by adapting and developing network measures for the description of the brain architecture at different scales. Particularly, we have focused on the topological characterization of subnetworks role within the overall brain network. Importantly, we have shown that the topological alteration of distinct brain subsystems may be a biomarker for different brain disorders. Second, we have proposed an original network model for the joint representation of brain structural and functional connectivity properties. This flexible spatio-temporal framework allows the investigation of functional dynamics at multiple temporal scales. Importantly, the investigation of spatio-temporal graphs in healthy subjects have allowed to disclose temporal relationships between local brain activations in resting state recordings, and has highlighted functional communication principles across the brain structural network

    Global brain connectivity analysis by diffusion MR tractography:algorithms, validation and applications

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    The human cerebral cortex consists of approximately 1010 neurons that are organized into a complex network of local circuits and long-range connections. During the past years there has been an increasing interest from the neuro-scientific community towards the study of this network, referred to as the human connectome. Due to its ability to probe the tissue microstructure in vivo and non invasively, diffusion MRI has revealed to be a helpful tool for the analysis of brain axonal pathways at the millimeter scale. Whereas the neuronal level remains unreachable, diffusion MRI enables the mapping of a low-resolution estimate of the human connectome, which should give a new breath to the study of normal or pathologic neuroanatomy. After a short introduction on diffusion MRI and tractography, the process by which fiber tracts are reconstructed from the diffusion images, we present a methodology allowing the creation of normalized whole-brain structural connection matrices derived from tractography and representing the human connectome. Based on the developed framework we then investigate the potential of front propagation algorithms in tractography. We compare their performance with classical tractography approaches on several well-known associative fiber pathways, and we discuss their advantages and limitations. Several solutions are proposed in order to evaluate and validate the connectome-related methodology. We develop a method to estimate the respective contributions of diffusion contrast versus other effects to a tractography result. Using this methodology, we show that whereas we can have a strong confidence in mid- and long-range connections, short-range connectivity has to be interpreted with care. Next, we demonstrate the strong relationship between the structural connectivity obtained from diffusion MR tractography and the functional connectivity measured with functional MRI. Then, we compare the performance of several diffusion MRI techniques through connectome-based measurements. We find that diffusion spectrum imaging is more sensitive and therefore enhances the results of tractography. Finally, we present two network-oriented applications. We use the human connectome to reveal the small-world architecture of the brain, a very efficient network topology in terms of wiring and power supply. We identify the cortical areas that belong to the core of structural connectivity. We show that these regions also belong to the default mode network, a set of dynamically coupled brain regions that are found to be more highly activated at rest. As a conclusion, we emphasize the potential of human connectome mapping for clinical applications and pathological studies

    Data-Based And Theory-Based Network Models Of Perturbations To Neural Dynamics

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    Much of neuroscience is centered on uncovering simple principles that constrain the behavior of the brain. When considering the formation of neural architectures, similar structures can be recreated following the principles of minimizing wiring and maximizing topological complexity. However, a similar understanding of neural dynamics on top of these structural connections has not yet been achieved. One promising strategy for identifying underlying principles of neural dynamics is quantifying and modeling the response of neural systems to perturbation. Here, we use a spectrum of data- and theory-based network models to characterize the response of neural systems to different types of perturbations. We report how functional networks change in the context of pathological epileptic activity and brain-computer interface control. We also specifically test one possible principle: that activity is constrained to spread along connections in both the context of brain-computer interfaces and direct electrical stimulation. In the first study, we demonstrate across a wide variety of functional connectivity metrics and frequency bands that epileptic activity increases amplitude-based functional interactions, an observation that can now be incorporated into future theory-based models. In a second study, we determine that modeling activity that is constrained to spread along connections suggests why certain connections are important for brain-computer interface learning; specifically, these connections support sustained activity in attention regions. In our third study, we demonstrate that modeling activity changes from direct electrical stimulation using white matter connectivity explains more variance than models with rewired connections. This model generates testable predictions about which individuals, regions, and time points would lead to successful applications of direct electrical stimulation. Overall, this work demonstrates the potential uses of a range of data- and theory-based models for uncovering simple guiding principles that determine the behavior of a system. It also uses one specific principle - that activity is constrained to spread along connections - to understand the role of specific connections that may support learning, and provide a method to optimize individually tailored stimulation therapies for a specific outcome

    Studying brain connectivity: a new multimodal approach for structure and function integration \u200b

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    Il cervello \ue8 un sistema che integra organizzazioni anatomiche e funzionali. Negli ultimi dieci anni, la comunit\ue0 neuroscientifica si \ue8 posta la domanda sulla relazione struttura-funzione. Essa pu\uf2 essere esplorata attraverso lo studio della connettivit\ue0. Nello specifico, la connettivit\ue0 strutturale pu\uf2 essere definita dal segnale di risonanza magnetica pesato in diffusione seguito dalla computazione della trattografia; mentre la correlazione funzionale del cervello pu\uf2 essere calcolata a partire da diversi segnali, come la risonanza magnetica funzionale o l\u2019elettro-/magneto-encefalografia, che consente la cattura del segnale di attivazione cerebrale a una risoluzione temporale pi\uf9 elevata. Recentemente, la relazione struttura-funzione \ue8 stata esplorata utilizzando strumenti di elaborazione del segnale sui grafi, che estendono e generalizzano le operazioni di elaborazione del segnale ai grafi. In specifico, alcuni studi utilizzano la trasformata di Fourier applicata alla connettivit\ue0 strutturale per misurare la decomposizione del segnale funzionale in porzioni che si allineano (\u201caligned\u201d) e non si allineano (\u201cliberal\u201d) con la sottostante rete di materia bianca. Il relativo allineamento funzionale con l\u2019anatomia \ue8 stato associato alla flessibilit\ue0 cognitiva, sottolineando forti allineamenti di attivit\ue0 corticali, e suggerendo che i sistemi sottocorticali contengono pi\uf9 segnali liberi rispetto alla corteccia. Queste relazioni multimodali non sono, per\uf2, ancora chiare per segnali con elevata risoluzione temporale, oltre ad essere ristretti a specifiche zone cerebrali. Oltretutto, al giorno d'oggi la ricostruzione della trattografia \ue8 ancora un argomento impegnativo, soprattutto se utilizzata per l'estrazione della connettivit\ue0 strutturale. Nel corso dell'ultimo decennio si \ue8 vista una proliferazione di nuovi modelli per ricostruire la trattografia, ma il loro conseguente effetto sullo strumento di connettivit\ue0 non \ue8 ancora chiaro. In questa tesi, ho districato i dubbi sulla variabilit\ue0 dei trattogrammi derivati da diversi metodi di trattografia, confrontandoli con un paradigma di test-retest, che consente di definire la specificit\ue0 e la sensibilit\ue0 di ciascun modello. Ho cercato di trovare un compromesso tra queste, per definire un miglior metodo trattografico. Inoltre, ho affrontato il problema dei grafi pesati confrontando alcune possibili stime, evidenziando la sufficienza della connettivit\ue0 binaria e la potenza delle propriet\ue0 microstrutturali di nuova generazione nelle applicazioni cliniche. Qui, ho sviluppato un modello di proiezione che consente l'uso dei filtri aligned e liberal per i segnali di encefalografia. Il modello estende i vincoli strutturali per considerare le connessioni indirette, che recentemente si sono dimostrate utili nella relazione struttura-funzione. I risultati preliminari del nuovo modello indicano un\u2019implicazione dinamica di momenti pi\uf9 aligned e momenti pi\uf9 liberal, evidenziando le fluttuazioni presenti nello stato di riposo. Inoltre, viene presentata una relazione specifica di periodi pi\uf9 allineati e liberali per il paradigma motorio. Questo modello apre la prospettiva alla definizione di nuovi biomarcatori. Considerando che l\u2019encefalografia \ue8 spesso usata nelle applicazioni cliniche, questa integrazione multimodale applicata su dati di Parkinson o di ictus potrebbe combinare le informazioni dei cambiamenti strutturali e funzionali nelle connessioni cerebrali, che al momento sono state dimostrate individualmente.The brain is a complex system of which anatomical and functional organization is both segregated and integrated. A longstanding question for the neuroscience community has been to elucidate the mutual influences between structure and function. To that aim, first, structural and functional connectivity need to be explored individually. Structural connectivity can be measured by the Diffusion Magnetic Resonance signal followed by successive computational steps up to virtual tractography. Functional connectivity can be established by correlation between the brain activity time courses measured by different modalities, such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging or Electro/Magneto Encephalography. Recently, the Graph Signal Processing (GSP) framework has provided a new way to jointly analyse structure and function. In particular, this framework extends and generalizes many classical signal-processing operations to graphs (e.g., spectral analysis, filtering, and so on). The graph here is built by the structural connectome; i.e., the anatomical backbone of the brain where nodes represent brain regions and edge weights strength of structural connectivity. The functional signals are considered as time-dependent graph signals; i.e., measures associated to the nodes of the graph. The concept of the Graph Fourier Transform then allows decomposing regional functional signals into, on one side, a portion that strongly aligned with the underlying structural network (\u201caligned"), and, on the other side, a portion that is not well aligned with structure (\u201cliberal"). The proportion of aligned-vs-liberal energy in functional signals has been associated with cognitive flexibility. However, the interpretation of these multimodal relationships is still limited and unexplored for higher temporal resolution functional signals such as M/EEG. Moreover, the construction of the structural connectome itself using tractography is still a challenging topic, for which, in the last decade, many new advanced models were proposed, but their impact on the connectome remains unclear. In the first part of this thesis, I disentangled the variability of tractograms derived from different tractography methods, comparing them with a test-retest paradigm, which allows to define specificity and sensitivity of each model. I want to find the best trade-off between specificity and sensitivity to define the best model that can be deployed for analysis of functional signals. Moreover, I addressed the issue of weighing the graph comparing few estimates, highlighting the sufficiency of binary connectivity, and the power of the latest-generation microstructural properties in clinical applications. In the second part, I developed a GSP method that allows applying the aligned and liberal filters to M/EEG signals. The model extends the structural constraints to consider indirect connections, which recently demonstrated to be powerful in the structure/function link. I then show that it is possible to identify dynamic changes in aligned-vs-liberal energy, highlighting fluctuations present motor task and resting state. This model opens the perspective of novel biomarkers. Indeed, M/EEG are often used in clinical applications; e.g., multimodal integration in data from Parkinson\u2019s disease or stroke could combine changes of both structural and functional connectivity

    The sensitivity of diffusion MRI to microstructural properties and experimental factors

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    Diffusion MRI is a non-invasive technique to study brain microstructure. Differences in the microstructural properties of tissue, including size and anisotropy, can be represented in the signal if the appropriate method of acquisition is used. However, to depict the underlying properties, special care must be taken when designing the acquisition protocol as any changes in the procedure might impact on quantitative measurements. This work reviews state-of-the-art methods for studying brain microstructure using diffusion MRI and their sensitivity to microstructural differences and various experimental factors. Microstructural properties of the tissue at a micrometer scale can be linked to the diffusion signal at a millimeter-scale using modeling. In this paper, we first give an introduction to diffusion MRI and different encoding schemes. Then, signal representation-based methods and multi-compartment models are explained briefly. The sensitivity of the diffusion MRI signal to the microstructural components and the effects of curvedness of axonal trajectories on the diffusion signal are reviewed. Factors that impact on the quality (accuracy and precision) of derived metrics are then reviewed, including the impact of random noise, and variations in the acquisition parameters (i.e., number of sampled signals, b-value and number of acquisition shells). Finally, yet importantly, typical approaches to deal with experimental factors are depicted, including unbiased measures and harmonization. We conclude the review with some future directions and recommendations on this topic